Him and their stars

Chapter 1263 Continue to observe, adapt to the situation

Chapter 1263 Continue to observe, adapt to the situation

On June 833, 6 in the common calendar, a great event happened on the side of the Milky Way.The head of state of the Free Galaxy Alliance, Grand Commander Tyros Tatos, who had been out of contact for more than 25 hours, finally returned safely to his loyal Azure Palace.

Despite the persuasion of the guards and doctors, this dedicated Grand Commander showed his face in front of public opinion.Then, what was displayed in front of everyone was a tired, weak, and thin general who seemed to be dehydrated, which made people feel sad.But even so, when facing the reporters, his eyes were still radiant, and his words and thoughts were still clear.

In the face of reporters' questions, he answered in this way.

"It was indeed a very difficult time. Thinking about it now, I still feel very terrified. However, with the help of the loyal guards, all of us returned safely. Now everyone should understand that you The only thing that needs to be feared is fear itself. I believe that the difficulties we will face will always be temporary.”

At this time, the Grand Commander's lost contact journey is no longer a state secret.Then, how did he disappear from the well-equipped refuge, where did he go when he lost his way, and what kind of adventures he experienced, naturally attracts the most attention.

However, the reporters present may have been greeted before, or they may be decent and upright gentlemen who are not easy to poke people's scars, but no one directly asked such a question.

"Yes, yes, everyone has seen my current state. It may take a long time to recuperate, and I may no longer be competent to serve you. I have formally submitted my resignation to Congress." The commander-in-chief said.

"However, according to the latest information received by the congressional press conference, the congress has rejected your resignation." The reporter of "Nefe Times" said.

Yes.The Congress has indeed made it very clear that Congress has already decided that the Grand Commander Tatos must still be the head of state.He just experienced a sudden loss of contact recently and became mentally ill. It doesn't mean that he has become a vegetable.

Of course, the real reason is that Commander Tatos has a good public image, and he is also an old friend who has been with the Bei family since the university days.If he really resigned, it stands to reason that a vice president should succeed him.

...However, as we all know, Vice President Ecoko was born in the military, tough and dignified, and has a good relationship with the military and military-industrial complex chaebols, but he lacks flexibility in doing things, and his public image is really not satisfactory.

He still prefers to be called "Marshal" rather than "Sir", which is evident.

When it comes to the election in the next year, is it possible that such a stubborn and rigid granite head will compete with the young, handsome, personable and eloquent hopeful star of the opposition party?
The young member of the opposition party has been in the limelight recently, and may even call for an early general election.

The Xinghai United Party, commonly known as the "Blue Party", although it is a well-established and deeply rooted coalition ruling party, has been in the coalition's political arena for more than [-]% of the time.However, they are more like a suture monster jointly governed by major forces. If there is no leader recognized by all factions, it is really possible to be overthrown by a dark horse killed by the opposition party.

In short, even if Grand Commander Tatos only has the function of a mascot, he cannot leave.

Of course, all of the above are just the analysis of well-informed key politicians.How much of it is true depends on what you believe.

As for the Grand Commander himself, this is how he expressed his position to the reporters.

"I will take a long vacation from today to recuperate. The powers of the head of state will be performed by my colleagues in accordance with the sacred Union Constitution. Please forgive an old man for his illness. I hope that I can return to work as soon as possible, and I hope everyone can Trust Marshal Ecoko as you trust me."

Of course, the reporters also interviewed the subordinates who had lost contact with the Grand Commander, including Director Faberle of the Internal Security Bureau and the Grand Commander's security chief, Captain Sekretti.Of course, they also tacitly did not inquire about the specific situation in detail, and even conducted very clever public opinion guidance on their own media platforms.

As a result, most of the Union citizens knew that the Grand Commander was involved in the riots in Ice Valley City.Most people just thought that after breaking through the mob's attack, the commander and his loyal subordinates entered the untouched frozen wasteland and had a wilderness escape that could be called a movie. This was finally a success. out of danger.

As for why the dignified head of the alliance lost contact inexplicably, and why he himself is in this state, these are not too important.No matter how unreasonable it is, as long as the heat of discussion is suppressed below a certain level, it will never become a topic.

In addition, the famous actor Mr. Aisham, who stood out with the commander in chief, has never shown up. However, several charitable and civil rights organizations in which he worked were sealed up and began to enjoy the same treatment as the Northern Continent Workers' Association.Of course, this matter is even less important.

Again, the public image of Grand Commander Tatos who was born in an ordinary family is very good.Something happened to him, and in the eyes of most Union citizens, it was as if the amiable sorceress next door had been murdered, empathy was a lever.

Under the guidance of public opinion, the image of the workers in Ice Valley City is infinitely approaching that of cruel, violent and incommunicable terrorists.

Therefore, after Grand Commander Tatos began to take a long vacation to recuperate his body, Vice President Marshal Ekoko officially started his career as acting head of state, and asked Congress to immediately prepare for the implementation of the emergency bill.Looking at the bloody looks of the Blue Party members one by one, it is estimated that it is only a matter of time before it is passed.

"Have we entered a state of war?" The star of hope of the opposition coalition, the young congressman named Sander Orlando, expressed his opposition in Congress.

"Shouldn't the first thing we have to do is conduct a comprehensive and legal investigation of the Ice Valley City incident? A strike in Ice Valley City will allow you to pass the emergency bill. Then, if there are several parades in the capital of the sea, all Are armed heraldic machines about to roll into the Jewel Coast and the Capitol?"

One thing to say, what he said is still very pertinent.But at this time, the pertinent words are not always correct.

In short, the riot in Ice Valley City turned from news to history.

As for the fact that the Grand Commander Tatos has returned, but not completely, it may be considered a major event for the alliance's political arena, but due to his serious illness, he cannot fully perform his duties as the head of state, so it is just an after-dinner talk for the entire alliance. up.

And for the Blue Star Community separated by a cantilever, it is even less of a big deal.

At least, that's what everyone thinks now.

For the Lords of Earth, their attention has inevitably been drawn to what is happening in the Far Shore Nebula.

It was also on June 6th that a cruiser belonging to the Bakve Republic entered the border of the community along the jump channel of Earl I star gorge.

She didn't particularly hide her whereabouts, and she looked miserable with scars and bumps as if she had been beaten out of a concussion, and she was quickly discovered by the off-shore defense fleet organized as the "Ninth Fleet".

Of course, the tired cruiser did not make any heroic moves to charge towards the fortress and the large fleet, but stopped far outside the cordon and sent out a friendly white light signal.

A few minutes later, he followed up with an urgent call.

The soldiers of the Ninth Fleet thought it might be a trap at first.

Ever since the discovery of the Ring of Miracles, the Kaitai cat people and the Bakwe bird people behind the Far Shore Nebula have been dishonest.The hardcore allies (cannons) and friends (grays) of these two empires conducted six joint fleet exercises across the Star Gorge in just half a year, and one of them even involved the participation of the Imperial Fleet in person.

Although the imperial fleet was only a vassal fleet jointly formed by King Bedor and Duke Alona, ​​not an imperial guard fleet, this signal is really imaginative.

Anyway, all the soldiers of the Far Shore Fleet are ready to face the battle.

Aren't they the Kaitai cat people and the Bakwi bird people?It's not that I haven't been beaten!As long as the empire does not end in person, the officers and soldiers of the Ninth Fleet will all have the determination to rely on the fortress group of Xingxia to defend against the enemy outside the country.

If it weren't for the fact that their strength is a disadvantage after all, they would even dare to turn the flames of war to the opposite side.

However, although the soldiers are full of fighting spirit and vigilance, facing an "enemy ship" whose hull is full of scars and seems to be torn into garbage by cosmic radiation at any time, they really can't think of what the other party can do. What.

Out of humanitarianism, they still connected to the communication.

"I am the Republic of Bakvey, Lieutenant Colonel Luo Ning, the captain of the cruiser SAINT ANGELO." The Bakvey officer in black feathers squeezed out a pitiful expression, and said with pleading emptiness: "Our whole ship Everyone is a warrior looking forward to embracing freedom, and now he has finally escaped the persecution and pursuit of the empire. I hope your army can provide shelter."

He then introduced a big cat next to him wearing the uniform of a major general of the Kaitai Kingdom: "This is Major General Lil Beard, the deputy director of the equipment department of the Kaitai Kingdom's Royal Guard Fleet."

... The catman ran to the birdman's boat, and if he was hungry at night, would he eat up the crew?The frontline officers and soldiers of the Ninth Fleet thought maliciously.

Then, Lieutenant Colonel Luo Ning avoided another position, revealing a Flemish man with smooth and moist skin and no hair on his body.

Well, after the cat and the bird, is there a fish?The bad intentions of the soldiers of the Ninth Fleet became even more bubbling.

One thing to say, the Flemish Man was also a serious upright walking mammal.However, they do have two sets of respiratory organs, and they can also live in shallow seas and lakes, and they also have some characteristics of amphibians in appearance.

But even so, this Flemish man was very handsome and majestic, and he was a big man at first glance.

He was wearing a very decent casual casual dress, but people with a discerning eye could recognize that it was actually a custom-made formal dress with a dignified style while maintaining beauty and mobility. It was specially distributed by the empire to high-ranking civil servants.

There is one thing to say, the aesthetics of the empire is beyond doubt, and the treatment of civil servants has always been very generous.

This Flemish man introduced himself like this: "My name is Hector Hewen. I used to be a civil servant in Tianyu for a period of time, and later worked in the civilian department of the Grand Marshal's Mansion."

Although he was fleeing, he still maintained a very decent demeanor, and said in a frank tone: "I have very important information here that I can provide to you."

The soldiers did not dare to hide anything, and the situation was quickly transferred to Lieutenant General Sylvester, the admiral of the Ninth Fleet and commander of the Far Coast Military Region.

"What kind of information?" he asked.

"The other party didn't say it clearly, but only said that it is related to the national defense security of our country, and even the situation of the whole galaxy."

Lieutenant General Sylvester always felt a little cryptic.However, the chief of staff's eyes lit up: "I do know this Hector Hewen. He is a Flemish man, and his family moved to Tianyu when he was a middle school student. Their family is not human and has no citizenship. But this Hector Hewen is very powerful. After graduating from a prestigious school, he passed the Class A civil service examination. He is still somewhat famous in the political arena of the empire. It is said that if he does not make mistakes, he may become the fifth in the history of the Galactic Empire An inhuman prime minister."

"Oh, it turns out that he is a hard-core imperial... Loyal minister!"

In fact, the Earth was ruled by the Empire earlier and longer than the Flan Moors, but as the only political system and nation that succeeded in independence from the Galactic Empire, the people on Earth actually have a sense of superiority.

"So, this is very likely to be a trap?" a staff officer said.

"Yes, they said they wanted to join us, but there are Kaitai people and Bakwe people. Isn't this too matching?" another staff officer said.

Brigadier General Bazan, who had just returned from the New Shenzhou Star Region, said: "Although we have just signed a peace agreement with the Empire, this agreement does not include the Empire's allies and vassal states. The current situation in the Far Shore Nebula is not stable. If we really take the risk But taking in the defectors from the other side, wouldn't that add fuel to the fire?"

This veteran's position is not high, but his seniority and prestige are high, and he just slaughtered a Leviathan in New China.Naturally, his words cannot be ignored.

"Yes. We can't take this risk, and neither can the Ninth Fleet and the Far Coast Sector." Lieutenant General Sylvester agreed.

The chief of staff pondered for a moment, then shook his head and said, "In my personal judgment, the possibility of a trap is not high. This Hector Hewen's younger brother is called Peleliu Hewen."

"I seem to have heard that name somewhere." Lieutenant General Sylvester said with a frown.

"The 250th God of War Ceremony held by the Empire the year before last. He took the initiative to join the command of our God-Chosen Champion His Excellency Yu Lian, and he is a member of the champion team!"

General Bazin suddenly realized: "Oh, that time at the Battle of the River Valley..."

"That's right, that's right, that's the battle in the Forbidden Valley. That time, we were so shocked by Your Excellency Yu Lian's heroic demeanor that we even drank two more glasses of wine." Lieutenant General Sylvester also clapped Desk: "Hahaha, I heard that this section was cut off when the Empire put on a show, but the excerpted video has long been available all over the Internet."

The chief of staff said again: "Now, that Peleliu Hewen is already the leader of the Franmore Freedom Army, and he killed two star knights who went to suppress the rebellion at the beginning of the year."

In short, the younger brother became the leader of the rebel army.Naturally, my brother's senior civil servant would not be able to continue, and he might have been unjustly censored and persecuted, so it seemed reasonable to want to defect.

But even so, as a border military region, they really do not have the authority to take the risk of taking in defectors from the enemy, so they can only report it to the Earth side.

They originally thought that although the princes of the earth are greedy and despicable, at least they can make some decisions, but they never expected that after three hours, the far shore side only received the order of "continue to observe and adapt to the situation".

(End of this chapter)

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