Him and their stars

Chapter 1264 All of this is in Earth's plan

Chapter 1264 All of this is in Earth's plan

Lieutenant General Sylvester and the officers and men of the Far Coast Military District felt that this so-called "adaptive response" did not sound like a serious order that a serious person could figure out.

They originally thought that the lords of the earth were not good at being human, but they never expected that they could always refresh the lower limit of their cognition.

Lieutenant General Sylvester looked at the face of the young secretary behind the holographic projection. Although he knew that this kind of clerk should not be in charge, he wanted to punch the secretary twice in the nose.

Yang Mingzhao probably guessed it too, so he could only say very sincerely:
"I'm sorry, Commander, the president and the cabinet are holding an emergency meeting. There has been no similar example since the founding of the Commonwealth. It is indeed necessary to conduct a comprehensive assessment and calculation. Even the decision makers of the central government will naturally behave Show some hesitation and caution. Please understand."

Having said that, the other party clasped his hands together, and an appropriate apology suddenly appeared on his amiable face.

Seeing that the other party's attitude was so upright and his words sounded good, Lieutenant General Sylvester suddenly felt that he couldn't get angry, and just muttered: "But, there have been pilots and warships who defected before... Ah no, An example of defection to freedom?"

"That was during the War of Independence. And the most famous one was just a whole destroyer, and most of the crew on it were born on Earth or related to Earth. However, a high-ranking official like Mr. Hector Rivers But this is the first time. We have already checked his resume. Although he is young, he has also served as the mayor of a space city with 30 people in the imperial capital. Before joining the Grand Marshal’s Mansion, he also served as the second-class government secretary of the Prime Minister’s Mansion .Well, it’s probably at my level. He’s such a good-natured talent!”

Lieutenant General Sylvester felt that this guy was vaguely flaunting himself, but he really couldn't produce any evidence for a while.However, he did realize that such a person defected... Ah no, going to the free world is indeed different from the one or two ships that ran over in the past.

"Especially, he is the elder brother of Peleliu Hewen. You also know that under the pressure of the empire, the community has also listed the Flanmore Freedom Army as an illegal violent organization." Yang Mingzhao showed a compassionate expression .

Of course, whether the community has ever supported these imperial rebel organizations, Yang Mingzhao thinks that there should be no, at least the earth government must not.On the one hand, it lacks strength, on the other hand, it lacks channels, and it lacks courage.

As for whether there are any organizations in the community other than the earth government that have done something that is not humane to outsiders... Yang Mingzhao thinks that the emotional stability should not be a big problem.

"Of course, for senior officials of this level, the empire and the alliance often communicate with each other." Yang Mingzhao couldn't help but added.

The word "exchanging needs" was used very well. Everyone in the headquarters of the Ninth Fleet burst into laughter, and the scene was filled with joy.The previous unhappiness was temporarily relieved a lot.

At this time, the cruiser SAINT ANGELO, which was still waiting for the result on the cordon, sent a new message.

Compared to the last communication, the former senior civil servant of the empire, Hector He Wen, was a little more anxious than before, but at least he still maintained the most basic demeanor and decency.On behalf of the entire crew, he said: This defection... Ah no, the ultimate destination of defecting to freedom is actually not a community, but an alliance.In fact, they don't want to cause trouble for the community, they just hope to get the temporary shelter of the earth people, and just borrow a way by the way.

Oh, so you want to defect to the Alliance?That's perfectly reasonable.

Both the generals and Yang Mingzhao breathed a sigh of relief, but somehow felt that an arrow had been shot in their knees.They always feel that the other party is secretly satirizing the community's lack of responsibility, so do they dare to call themselves the third largest military power in the galaxy?

Afterwards, Mr. Hector Hewen said very solemnly: "Of course, in return, we are willing to share the intelligence we are going to provide to the alliance with the community."

As soon as he finished speaking, the Kaitai general named fur beard sent over an electronic document in good faith, but it was the detailed plan of the Kaitai Kingdom's staff department.

In this plan, these two little brothers who were heavily armed by the Galactic Empire because of their "loyalty" have already mobilized 90.00% of the fleet including all seven dreadnoughts, and are ready to launch a full-scale war everything is ready.

Their coalition forces have assembled into two clusters, preparing to simultaneously launch a sudden attack on the Community from the Far Shore Nebula and the Gibraltar Galaxy.

"In addition to our country... and the Republic of Bakvi, the fleets of the Principality of Haiyal and the Principality of Angmans are also mobilizing, and they should serve as reserve forces." Major General Piran probably felt that his attitude was wrong, and then looked at his big furry face. Squeezed out a sad, even desolate expression.

"I am still opposed to the policies of my country. Although we are allies of the empire, we should not be the dogs of the empire! We should not be the cannon fodder of the dragon kings of Tirilo! However, I just put forward my own opinions, Charlene Crown Prince Starmane deprived me of all honors and even cut off my hand."

The Kaitai general raised his left hand tremblingly, and sure enough, he saw the metal prosthetic body.

... To be reasonable, in this era, genetic medical technology for the restoration of severed limbs is not a rare black technology.This guy either thinks the prosthetic body is very useful, or the move of "running to freedom" is temporary, and there is really no time for surgery.

"I am familiar with all of the country's proposed battle plans and their timetables of operations."

Everyone can guess that this should be the nomination certificate provided by these defectors.

However, Lieutenant General Sylvester and Yang Mingzhao generally felt that their emotions were relatively stable.

To be honest, the news, while shocking, wasn't entirely unexpected.After all, it is not a day or two for the combined fleets of the two countries to provoke on the border. If they are not going to do something substantive, do they think there is too much money and no place to spend it?
The Bakovians are fine, that is, the interstellar shipping and industrial equipment manufacturing industries that they rely on as the backbone of the national economy have been robbed of many markets in the past two years.

But in comparison, the situation of Kaitai Kingdom is not so good.Since the frontier battle of the West End Galaxy Battle in early 830, in order to restore the fleet, this group of big cats almost pawned off the panties of the concubines of the Grand Duke of the Protectorate.In the dignified interstellar era, the daily necessities and food of the big cats have begun to adopt a rationing system.

This is true even for the Kaitai, not to mention the second-class citizens of the Terabi.

The current Kaitai Kingdom is sitting on a big powder keg, either it will blow others up, or it will blow itself up.

More importantly, the two countries did not sign the "peace for a generation" treaty.

"What time?" Lieutenant General Sylvester asked in a deep voice.

"Very near, within a month." Major General Piran's answer finally contained some information.Of course, if you want more information, you probably have to open the border and let them in.

The generals of the Ninth Fleet felt calm and did not seem to be too surprised.

Yang Mingzhao still didn't fully trust the other party.Through the projections of the two light curtains, he observed the distorted face of the other party, hoping to see some clues from it.

"What about the empire?" the lieutenant general asked again.

Thanks to the restored Red Maple Factory, a large amount of Taishi alloy saved a lot of man-hours in the construction of the space fortress.In just the past two years, the Far Coast Military Region has built 6 fortresses in Earl Star Gorge and Lucknar Corridor.Relying on these fortifications, Lieutenant General Sylvester is confident that all the main fleets of the two countries will be blocked behind Nebula.

Similarly, Gibraltar is the territory of the Outer Ring Fleet.

The main fleet with the strongest combat effectiveness and the most complete combat readiness in this community did not go to the New World. It is still the most trustworthy mainstay of the community and the most important weapon of the country.

As long as the empire does not end in person, everything is under control.

Hector Hewen replied: "As far as I know, the Generalissimo's Mansion is currently mainly to quell the increasingly fierce resistance organizations in the border galaxy. The work of the Prime Minister's Mansion is focused on the development of the New World and the Dawn Star Domain, and has no cooperation with the community. , and the preparations for the alliance behind it to go to war... The empire just provided them with considerable military purchases and loans, and did not stop them from following up."

Yang Mingzhao took a deep look at the other party: "I will pass on the latest situation to President Nishita and the cabinet members as soon as possible. I believe they will make a decision quickly."

"I'm also looking forward to it from the bottom of my heart." Hector Hewen showed a sad and bleak wry smile for the first time: "I don't want to rush you, but I'm just a loser who has lost everything, desperate, sensitive, Timid. Now, apart from wanting to live, I have no other needs."

After the communication of the far shore nebula was interrupted, Yang Mingzhao turned off the terminal and rushed to the president's office quickly.

It was already late at night.In fact, the so-called emergency meeting was never held at all.As for those senior cabinet officials who dominate the community, they did not stay up all night to carry out the kind of "extensive evaluation and consultation" that Yang Mingzhao said.

In fact, they had already left the presidential palace three hours ago, and went back to their respective homes to find their respective mothers.

After all, staying up late is the enemy of beauty and health preservation. After all, we have to consider the average age of senior cabinet officials.

It can be seen that whether it is the Grand Commander Tatos on the Alliance side finally showing up, or the defection of the Far Shore Nebula here, it is not a major event worth staying up all night.

At least that's the judgment of the cabinet members of the Earth's central government.

Thankfully, the energetic President Nishita is not resting.

When Yang Mingzhao found him, His Excellency the President and the President's wife had already changed into light sportswear and were sweating profusely in the gym.

It's not a difficult gym play, it's just a very serious and normal exercise.The former is pulling iron, while the latter is walking on the treadmill.

One thing to say, Yang Mingzhao actually admires President Nishita very much.No matter how busy you are, you have never canceled your daily exercise. This kind of self-discipline, or obsession alone, has surpassed 90.00% of nine people.

It's just that it's a bit deliberate for the president's wife to step on the treadmill over there.Obviously a psychic, can this kind of jogging at a speed of 10 kilometers per hour really have an exercise effect?

"Wahhahaha, Mingzhao, judging by your expression, Chairman Maxel must have guessed right? Right? The catman and the birdman are going to make trouble? Is that so?" With the help of the guards, the commander-in-chief While wearing the belt, he let out a hearty laugh.

Yang Mingzhao nodded slightly, "full face" sincerely admired: "You are worthy of being a veteran in the battlefield!"

"The old man is not a veteran general. He has not fought a few times in total. He is at most a politician in uniform. This kind of person is actually not uncommon." Mr. President was not polite as he signaled the guards to put the weight on the barbell. He commented on the highest military and political officer in the country.

"However, after all, Old Mike has worn a military uniform all his life. He can at least be regarded as a qualified staff officer. He should have such judgment. Of course, Ming Zhao, this is actually due to Xiao Na and you. You guys Help me sort out the internal affairs department and the intelligence department, so that we can receive the movements of the cat people and the bird people early."

Yang Mingzhao bowed his head in embarrassment to express his humility.

He felt that no matter how idiotic the personnel of the Kuomintang and the Committee were, they wouldn't be able to find out that the enemy's fleet was fully mobilized.What's more, the enemy is not prepared to hide it, and the joint training and actual combat exercises have been organized so many times.

At this time, President Nishita grasped the barbell forcefully in his hands, showing a hideous expression as if he was constipated.

However, he still lifted the barbell steadily.

"The world is in my hands!" He said in a deep voice, feeling like a majestic king.

Yang Mingzhao just looked up and admired the president after finishing a set of 240-jin deadlifts, and then said: "However, sir, unlike the forecast of the General Staff next year, their full-scale attack time is very likely. It's next month. Here's the information from the defector over there."

President Nishita was slightly taken aback, dropped the barbell, and fell into deep thought.

Yang Mingzhao keenly saw a trace of hesitation on the opponent's face.However, just a moment later, when Mrs. Melalie's half-smiling gaze moved over, President Nishita seemed to have been injected with infinite power, and his figure suddenly became vigorous and vigorous, and he appeared even taller. up.

Then, his whole spirit changed from a middle-aged man in crisis who was vacillating step by step to a great leader full of courage and fighting spirit.

"Hehehe, it's nothing more than taking advantage of the fact that our main god class has not returned to China, and our expedition fleet is still in the New World, and we just want to steal it. However, none of this exceeded our expectations."

He added another sentence: "Even if it is not expected, it must be within the range we can handle. Is that so? Ming Zhao."

Didn't you ask Chairman Maxell and Marshal Paris about this question a long time ago?Didn't they already respond positively?If you ask the same question too many times, won't it appear that you have a guilty conscience?
Although Yang Mingzhao thought so in his heart, he still said in a confident tone: "I only know that speculation is useful and effective, but it must be limited. In ancient times, there has never been one who has achieved great things through this."

The president couldn't help being startled: "Which imperial proverb is this? Or a Taoist motto?"

"No, Mr. Qi Bingwen said it."

President Nishita's face became stiff for an instant.

He didn't really want to hear the name, and he always felt as if he was being ridiculed for being uneducated.

However, Yang Mingzhao was his trusted secretary after all, it must be an illusion.So, after being so fast that it was almost unrealistically stiff, he seamlessly switched to a hearty and admiring smile again, nodded and said: "As expected of Earth's treasure of literature, every sentence is a wise saying!"

(End of this chapter)

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