Chapter 1265

Yang Mingzhao didn't see the other party's expression at that time, and decided to continue to be a secretary and think tank with no emotion: "The shipping treasury of the Bakwe people declared bankruptcy. The domestic situation of the Kaitai people became more severe after the Battle of Gibraltar. They want to The practice of relying on foreign wars to divert conflicts is a dangerous speculation. Once it is protracted and we cannot take advantage of it, we will blow ourselves up without waiting for us to fight back."

Yang Mingzhao paused for a moment: "I agree with Chairman Maxell's opinion. If only the Bakwe and Kaitai are off, even if the expedition fleet and the four main god-class ships cannot come back, we will still occupy all the initiative. As long as everyone plays their part, victory will never change hands."

Of course, the premise is that only these two countries end up, and "everyone fulfills their duties."But generally speaking, the latter is even more male than the former.

Mr. President didn't seem to understand the subtext: "Ming Zhao, I originally thought that when we had achieved so many victories in the New World, the military achievements needed by this government would be enough. But I was wrong. I The new government I lead is multi-party coalition, and if I want to do something, I need higher prestige. Don’t you think so?”

He seemed to be talking to himself, and there was a hint of fanaticism in his expression.

Yang Mingzhao didn't answer, but just waited silently, preparing to be the most qualified listener.

"However, when I was the chairman of the National Defense Committee, I was strengthening national defense. I originally hoped to use the Kaitai people, the most restless neighbors, to restore the glory of the earth people. Those hungry big cats are crazy, Before long, the iron chains of the Dragon Kings will no longer be able to hold them. At that time, even if we deal with the Kaitai people, the empire will not be able to say anything."

It is not the first time that Yang Mingzhao has heard the Chairman tell his blueprint.He also admitted that if everything went according to his plan, Keith Nishta might really become the greatest leader of the Community since the War of Independence.

"I really didn't expect that there would be a great expedition in the Dawn Star Field of the New World... But with the blessing of the spirit of the universe, it is just returning to the original point. Hehe, maybe it would be better, with the peace treaty, with so many things we signed with the empire Even if the cooperation plan really burns the flames of war to the territory of the cat people and the bird people, the dragon kings must hold their noses and recognize it, right?"

"Darling." Mrs. Melalie called out in a low voice, as if she was simply calling her husband, or perhaps reminding him.

"Ahaha, don't mind, ma'am. We are all our own people here. Besides, is there anything a man can't show to others?" Mr. President waved his hands boldly.

"Ming Zhao, please help me draw up a speech. The content is about the Kaitai and Bakwe people who have launched aggression against us. We need to fight back brazenly to protect the glory of mankind...the sooner the better."

"Give me eight hours. In this way, when you go to work tomorrow, you still have time to review and revise." Yang Mingzhao said.

The commander smiled with satisfaction: "Ming Zhao, what should I do if I lose you?"

Mrs. Melalie couldn't help being amused: "I shouldn't be by the side, I should be under the treadmill."

"Look at what you said, without you, I wouldn't know what happiness is, or even how to live."

As a result, the "loving couple" who are over 90 years old together, like a young couple in love, gave a long kiss like no one else.Looking at the sticky state, if there is no one else present, these two might really come to the gym to play.

We shouldn't be here.No, we shouldn't even be human.The group of guards in the gym did their best to disguise themselves as a set of furniture, all staring intently.

Yang Mingzhao strode away in such a pink atmosphere.As for Mr. President, under the encouraging eyes of his wife, he lifted the 200-jin barbell and prepared to do another set.He is 45 years old, and he still needs to work hard to ensure the masculine buttocks that are popular with aunt voters.

However, just as he completed two sets of heavy deadlifts in sweat, and was about to put on some weight for squats, the door of the gym was pushed open, and a sweaty brigadier entered. officer.

"President, Mr. President, something is wrong!" he shouted loudly.

President Nishita was terrified, staggered, almost slipped, and was about to be paralyzed by a 240-jin barbell.Fortunately, Mrs. Melalie at the side reached out and took the barbell with one hand before the guards could react.

Mr. President stared at the other party with lingering fear, wishing he could pick up the barbell plate and hit the other party's head.If he didn't know that this guy didn't have the guts, he would have suspected that the other party wanted to take the opportunity to kill him so that the vice president could take over.

The man's name was Holland Goldenberg, and he was already a Brigadier General when he was just over 30 years old.Compared to those monsters in the 830th class, it is naturally much worse, let alone the God's Chosen champion.However, at this age, with this military rank, he must be extremely capable (at least able to take the exam) and someone with a background.

Naturally, it is the dragon of Wolong, and the phoenix of young phoenix.

In fact, Colonel Goldenberg did too.He is a member of the Hufu Group of the 823rd class of the Central Defense University, and the elders in the family are also big bosses of the Communist Party.His grandfather even served as a high-level garrison force in the "Terra Star Area" during the empire's rule, which is also commonly known as the commander of the puppet army.

He is currently serving as the director of the attendant room of the presidential palace. To put it bluntly, he is the chief secretary of the military. He is responsible for the communication and affairs between the presidential palace, the National Defense Commission, and the military order headquarters.

Such a background and such a position are of course in line with President Nishita's multi-party coalition in power, the whole country is in harmony, and you, who are all upright and full of power, meet the requirements of your personality.

However, he was very dissatisfied with this guy.He is obviously wearing a uniform, and usually looks like a dog with an elite soldier's face, but when something really happens, he is not as calm as a civil servant-born head of state.

Thinking of this, the president was full of resentment towards the god-chosen champion who was still far away in the league.It can be said that that young man is the most suitable candidate for the head of the attendant room in his mind. He is capable of playing, talented, good-looking, and nice-sounding.Moreover, he is quite charismatic at a young age. Isn't it time to engage in some high-level integrated affairs in the central government and accumulate some human beings?

President Nishita actually didn't mind that young man's ambition at all. It's no wonder that capable people don't have ambitions.Anyway, the community is not a hereditary imperial country, and he is more than 20 years younger than himself, so it is almost impossible to prevent him from ascending to the throne.It's better to accumulate some incense in advance.

It's a pity, if it wasn't for the marauder's big incident last year, the entire galaxy would have been in chaos, and that young man would have been his secretary long ago.

President Nishita glanced at the anxious Goldenberg again, thinking that it would be fine if he didn't get a lion, at least he had to get a hound!How did I get a chihuahua as a substitute?

He glanced at the other party expressionlessly, picked up the barbell again, and said casually: "Say it? What's going on?"

"...Kaitai Kingdom's fleet has arrived at Earl I-26 galaxy and demanded that we hand over the fugitives. They will also take the lead in firing at our outpost on the border!"

President Nishita's legs went limp, and he was almost pressed against his waist by the barbell again.Fortunately, at this time, the guards next to him were ready and rushed forward.The person who lifts the iron lifts the iron, and the person who supports the person helps the person, so that Mr. President did not lose his composure on the spot.

Mrs. Melalie shook her head, pushed away a few steps, and stepped back on the treadmill with her earphones on.She doesn't seem to have the slightest interest in such a big event.

"Fight, is there a fight?" the President asked.

"It's fighting!" Brigadier General Goldenberg nodded with a sad face.

"How many people came?"

"Yeah, I don't know yet. The news ahead is not very accurate, but Lieutenant General Sylvester said that everything is under control..."

The president interrupted the other party loudly, and picked up a five-kilogram dumbbell from the side by the way: "Then go and find out for me right away!"

"Excuse me, I will go and find out right away!" Brigadier General Goldenberg trembled, and fled quickly, leaving only the president who was gasping for breath.

Mrs. Melalie acted as if she hadn't seen all of this, she was obsessed with the program on the earphones while running, and even laughed out loud.

President Nishita glanced at his wife, put down the dumbbell resentfully, and gulped down a large pot of strong tea handed over by the guards, finally calming down his emotions.

He wondered if he should call Chairman Maxell or Marshal Paris to hold an emergency meeting, but the combined age of those two old men was almost [-] years old, wouldn't it be a bit inhumane to keep them up late?More importantly, wouldn't it appear that he was in a hurry if he had called for a meeting overnight?

A great leader must not be in a hurry, what he wants must be to face the landslide of Taishan without changing his face!
So, he motioned to the guard to pour himself another cup of tea.However, before he could put the new tea in his mouth, the door of the gym opened.

"I didn't ask you... Oh, Ash, it's you? Hehehe, today is really a lively day!"

The visitor is also a member of the secretarial team of the Presidential Palace, mainly responsible for diplomatic and international relations affairs.

"It's really too lively. Mr. President, the imperial embassy just sent an application to discuss some urgent issues. I hope that, this morning can take up some of your time."

"Some time?" The president subconsciously felt that something was a little bit wrong.

"It's about the situation in the far shore nebula. The empire's high seas patrol fleet found that in Earl Laisar Star Strait, on the border of our country, some conflicts broke out between the Ninth Fleet and the Kaitai Royal Fleet. The Empire believes that the two countries There should be some small misunderstandings, but this should not affect the overall situation of peace and prosperity of the entire galaxy." Secretary Ash paused for a moment, showing a wry smile: "The empire has indicated that it is willing to serve as a mediator between the two sides. Very rich experience."

What the hell, the fight just started over there, and it turned out that less than 10 minutes later, they ran to the door to mediate?Is your empire not ready to act?
The president first gritted his teeth and fell into thought.Of course, he really couldn't figure out what the purpose of the empire was, so he was destined to be unable to produce any effect from meditation.

"On the day when the Dawn Star Domain Shipping Coordinating Chamber of Commerce and the Dawn Star Domain Development Bank were established, I announced that the friendship between the Holy Galactic Empire and the Blue Star Community has entered a new chapter! I can already see that in the not-too-distant future In the future, we will continue to make new achievements and promote the process of building a community with a shared future for civilizations in the universe. May the friendship between the Emperor and the Communist Party prosper and last forever! May there be no wars in our universe, and may there be only prosperity and peace in the universe!"

The New World, the pass of the Dawn Star Territory, was once known as the "Devil's Throat", and now it has been renamed the Unity Fortress. blessed.

We have to admit that there are some people who can read this kind of dull diplomatic rhetoric contagiously.In other words, some people don't even need to speak, just standing here seems to be the only focus, her every frown and smile can affect the pulse of the world.

What's more, there is nothing new in His Highness King Suliuka's words.The Li Xingyu Shipping Coordination Department and the Li Xingyu Development Bank are the focus of the conversation.

Yes, these are two newly established international business organizations, specially established for the joint development of Dawn Star Domain.So far, the two newly established organizations have only put in place managers and determined the general framework.

Of course, since it is an international organization, the organizational structure is naturally attached to the Galactic Civilization Council, and the management personnel must of course have diverse backgrounds.Therefore, the empire accounted for [-]%, the community accounted for [-]%, the alliance accounted for [-]%, and the remaining countries shared the last [-]%.Just from this personnel component, it can be said that there is a great spirit of international sharing.

As for the specific clerks who are still being recruited, job advertisements have been posted all over the universe. It is said that talented people from all universes are welcome to gather to discuss big plans. It is said that thousands of resumes have been received, and all of them are qualified. Elites with higher education and outstanding work experience.

So, when Brunhilt raised his glass high, everyone at the scene gave out warm applause and cheers.

Only one-third of them are soldiers in uniform, and the rest are business and political elites in all kinds of formal attire. All of them are well-dressed and look like dogs, with dignified and reserved expressions, and even the rhythm of cheers And the excitement seems to have been carefully designed.

However, Brunhilt at least heard some sincere expectations from everyone's voices, and once again showed a bright smile like the sun:
"Then, as the governor of the Empire in the Dawn Star Domain, as well as one of the investors of the Development Bank and the Shipping Chamber of Commerce, I sincerely look forward to seeing a different Dawn Star Domain by this time next year! If you can't, This king will go crazy."

It was difficult for the dignitaries present at the scene to judge whether His Highness King Su was threatening or joking, and they were all at a loss until a female general in the crowd applauded first, saying that His Highness really has a great sense of humor.

As a result, the scene was once again filled with a happy atmosphere.

The new president of the Dawn Star Domain Development Bank, a famous banker whose ancestors are said to have been the treasurer of the Duke of the Empire, even patted his chest and said, please rest assured, Your Highness, if the work is not done well, please come to see Yunyun .

If it weren't for the fact that the banker had to consider a little bit of decency, everyone thought that this guy might kneel down and lick His Highness's boots.

In short, compared to the little disharmony in the mainland of the Milky Way, the Dawn Star Domain in the New World is a peaceful and prosperous scene, which is indeed gratifying!
(End of this chapter)

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