Him and their stars

Chapter 1389 I don’t care about anything

Chapter 1389 I don’t care about anything

So far, all the contacts between Brünnhilt and the Thunder Strike Ship have only been in the form of paper battle reports, not to mention command, and not even in physical form. However, it is still the same sentence. Others say it as a boast, but King Suliuka says it as if it is an objective fact.

"Ostana, things like arsenal ships should be eliminated. From now on, the firepower required by the battleships will be more fierce. However, if it is on the frontal fleet battle battlefield, in the crossfire between the battleships of both sides, the firepower required by the battleships will be even more fierce. The lightning strike ship can penetrate the weak point of the enemy fleet at a critical moment, and it may become the scale of a decisive battle. I am talking about a battle in which both sides invest their entire nation's troops, and can determine the fate of a country and a race."

Well, before the Common Era, at the end of the Galactic Age of Discovery, in an era of barbaric development of civilization, the intensity of war was really not comparable to what it is now.

Each side invested two to three thousand warships and tens of millions of soldiers, turning the entire galaxy into a meat grinder. This large-scale battle broke out every five years.

After the Common Era, the spheres of influence of most civilized races and political systems have stabilized, because battles of this scale have only occurred less than ten times in total.

"If I had had the lightning strike ship in advance, I wouldn't have needed to use the Titan ship and gravity bombs for a central breakthrough in the Ring of Miracles battle. To be honest, gravity bombs are really expensive, and the unlimited gang-hopping tactics are still a bit messy. Come."

"You also know that this is very messy!" Ostana showed a surprised look: "Such an introspective awareness is really not your style."

Brunhild was too lazy to be familiar with the other party, and said: "And the burden on psykers is too great. If I have a lightning strike ship, I should be able to change my style of play. It is impossible to penetrate in one hour and 22 minutes." Even though the enemy is in the enemy’s position, not even a single enemy ship from the Miracle Ring can escape.”

Ms. Ostana still feels that if it is only in the military field, she completely trusts her master's judgment. Of course, "No one can escape" should be a rhetorical figure. As an emotionally intelligent adult, there is no need to take it seriously.

"It's impossible not to escape even one ship. After all, there are nearly a thousand ships in the Miracle Ring. If the small destroyers and assault ships are scattered in all directions, they will be like scattered rats. It is impossible to sink them all." She said.

Brunhild glanced at the other party, pretending not to hear, and continued: "That guy always said that the universe is stagnant. In fact, this is true in the military field. The survivability of large capital ships is getting stronger and stronger. In war, it is becoming more and more difficult to inflict fatal blows to the enemy fleet. It is like two swordsmen dueling. The armor on their bodies is so thick that each other's swords can only scrape. In the end, they are just exhausted. The will to keep fighting.”

"Indeed, this is why gang fighting is getting more and more attention." Ostana said.

Since it was difficult for both sides to break through the armor, they had to consider working from the inside out.

"But this is an evil path." Brunhild said.

Although she used unlimited gang-hopping methods to defeat an enemy army three times her own size in the Circle of Miracles, and although she was a psyker who could defeat thousands of armies, her attitude towards gang-hopping has always been very subtle.

Ostana asked: "Is the thunder strike ship the armor-breaking cone that a genius commander like you has been looking for?"

Brynhildr nodded: "However, this does not mean that a small warship can conquer the world. War is not such a superficial thing. Also, I still say that this kind of lightning strike ship is absolutely It’s not the complete version of Yu Lian’s idea.”

Ostana was happy: "Okay, it looks like. He has to tell us a more perfect idea in person. That's what you think."

Brunhilt did not answer immediately, drank the ice honey in one gulp, and said in a deep voice: "Ostana, please record this."

Miss Chief of Staff also put down her wine glass and opened the terminal.

"First, send these battle reports to Gilly and the others. Ask each of them to give me an analysis report within a month."

"Homework?" Ostana asked helplessly. The "them" in the Lord's mouth must include himself.

"It's a group discussion. I don't think of myself as a god. I really need everyone's wisdom. We are indeed standing on the threshold of a tactical revolution, and we can't be too careful." Brynhild said.

This was only half sincere. Of course Brunhild values ​​everyone's wisdom and opinions, but in fact he also enjoys the sense of superiority that "in the end, everyone's opinions are not as good as mine, and it turns out that I am the first queen of the universe."

Of course, if you say something half sincerely, you can already be called a wise gentleman who is open-minded and sincerely accepts advice.

"Second, urge the Tianhuo Design Bureau. Don't they want to develop an upgraded version of the Zidian Dragon? To compete with the Earth's White Devil fighter jet. Tell them that the design specifications can no longer keep up."

"Some people in the staff also believe that the nemesis of the lightning strike ship should be more flexible fighters, and the status of the aircraft carrier will rapidly improve in the future."

"There are also astral knights riding dragons and wearing heraldic machines, but I don't think they can do daily patrol work. In addition, Ostana, give this person a promotion." Brunhilt continued:
"Then, in the name of the Suliuka Royal Family, I will invite bids from major design bureaus. I want a new type of small warship, about the same size as a destroyer. It must have the same speed, endurance and defense as destroyers and light cruisers. There is no need to be forced to equip the main weapons against the ship, but more secondary guns for defense and interception must be ensured. In addition, the ship should be equipped with a high-power gravity source radar. If this is not possible, at least a mass-aware radar array must be ensured."

"Including Feilin Design Bureau?"

"Of course, including the Feilin Design Bureau... Bah, especially the Feilin Design Bureau! Ostana, although Brother Wilente is not a good person, he still has merit in the management and research and development of armament design. He should Thank me."

After Ostana's recording was completed, Brünnhilt said again: "Let's wait until I return to Tianyu to talk about the rest." Miss Chief of Staff was slightly startled, showing a surprised look for the first time.

"I am also the Minister of the Privy Council, and I still have a say in the empire's grand strategic planning. Moreover, if such a big thing happens in the Unity Fortress, the Senate's information will start at any time. I am the top general on the front line, so I still have the obligation to comfort you. For the elderly.”

"Indeed, I have heard that there are talks with people on Earth from the Sky Territory."

"It's so unspiritual. If it were 100 years ago, this kind of proposal would not even be a voice. Ostana, is this maturity? Or is it degeneration?"

The chief of staff said with a smile: "Your Highness, this is a philosophical question, and I know nothing about it. So, the military affairs in the New World..."

"Leave all authority to Admiral Farrell. Tell him to maintain the status quo." Brynhilt poured himself another glass of ice wine.

This is to prepare for Yang Xiyi's fleet to cease to exist, right? Although Miss Chief of Staff was confident in her master's military judgment, she was a little confused about the situation at this time.

She was about to say something when she heard the beep from the terminal, which was a communication request from the bridge.

Brünnhilt signaled the other party to connect, and then the two heard the captain's report: "Your Highness, Your Excellency the Chief of Staff, Lieutenant General Lamut sent a report that we found the enemy's freedom flag near the DL97 galaxy. ship."

Gilly? The election emperor lady immediately became interested.

Ostana quickly opened the star map and marked DL97 in red.

"...It is already very close to our new settlement, the Holy Tree Queen Galaxy."

"I wanted to say it before, why was it named like this?" Brynhilt said angrily.

The residence of the Suliuka family in the Heavenly Domain is the "Holy Tree Palace". Needless to say, the so-called Sacred Tree Queen Galaxy was named in honor of a certain invincible Dragon Queen. However, it is obvious that the person involved is not happy about this.

"This is the temporary administrative name determined by the Prime Minister's Office. If you are not satisfied, after returning to the country this time, you can directly name it the Brynhilt Galaxy through the Privy Council. This is more straightforward, right?" Ostana said.

Brunhild shuddered and showed a disgusted expression.

"Only the flag of freedom?" Miss Chief of Staff asked again.

The bridge replied: "No, I am sure that in addition to the Freedom Flag, there are thirty warships of various types. They should be the defeated troops gathered by the opponent during this period. Currently, this fleet is maneuvering towards the Holy Tree Queen System , but was intercepted by the Barbarossa near DL97. Now, in addition to Vice Admiral Lamut, the fleets of Rear Admiral Rowen Toure and Rear Admiral Maimidal are also approaching, almost enough to form an encirclement. This is Barbarossa, report 48 hours ago."

Brünnhilt pondered for a moment: "Very good, I'll leave it all to Lieutenant General Lamut."

Of course, this can only be left to the frontline commander. After all, this is the New World, and communication delays are still very worrying. The Miss Election Emperor is not named Zhao, and she cannot perform micro-management in a delayed manner from a few days to a week or two.

Maybe at this time, Giafel has already started to attack, and with luck, maybe the battle is over.

But in any case, Brunhilt was very pleased to say that after the bad news about the Unity Fortress, he finally received good news.

"I hope so." Ostana smiled reluctantly.

"I don't know, but you have turned into a pessimist. Is it because you were frightened by the widow last time? So your spirit is starting to overflow with frustration?"

Regarding such vulgar words, Miss Chief of Staff expressed her emotional stability for the time being, and simply said: "... I just feel that the appearance of the Flag of Freedom and Lieutenant General Picard at this time is a bit deliberate."

"I think so."


"So what? The strategic advantage is always in our hands. We don't even care about Yang Xiyi now, let alone Picard? Tell Gilly, I will give her half a month. Before the end of September, lead Barbaro Sha, come to Unity Fortress and meet me."

(End of this chapter)

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