Him and their stars

Chapter 1390 Double Happiness

Before the arrival of September, Giaphire Lamut knew that he had been appointed as the flag bearer by the Knights Headquarters. This is a semi-honorary position, as is the case with most of the Order's titles. However, this also means that she is only one step away from becoming a knight captain.

In addition, his territory also received tax reductions and policy support from the Prime Minister's Office. For a hereditary noble like her, this is the most affordable support.

However, just like all his colleagues, everyone's happiness really only lasted less than three days.

Then came the news of the destruction of the Unity Fortress, the sinking of the Mountain God Gundaran, and the death of King Thorane in battle. These series of bad news are enough to offset the glorious victory of the Miracle Circle.

"Moreover, Grand Captain Sadulan and the others must be in danger, right? Otherwise, with the ability of demigods, how could they sit back and watch this happen?"

After receiving the detailed battle report, Giafel directly came to such a conclusion. It's just that it's hard to talk about this kind of thing in too much detail with your subordinates.

Then, the question arises. If Duke Sadolan and Duke Macedo both fall, the Astral Knights will be equivalent to losing their chief and deputy captain at the same time. Even the Third Galactic War, which caused bloodshed all over the galaxy, was far from such heavy losses. In this tragic situation, what is the future of the Knights?

Of course, this was not something she, an ordinary knight, could say. It was even said that not even the Privy Council and the Prime Minister's Office had a say in this matter. The Astral Knights are the emperor's personal soldiers, and the selection of the captain and deputy leader can only represent the emperor's will.

Now, she could only put all these bad things behind her and concentrate on doing the things in front of her.

After the Battle of the Ring of Miracles, our side has achieved a comprehensive strategic advantage, but it does not mean that the resistance of the earth people has completely collapsed. Admiral Farrell's job is to besiege and force the surrender of the [-] Earth elite marines who are still trapped in the Miracle Ring, and his job is to capture the enemy's escaping warships, the most important of which is of course the Freedom Flag Dreadnought. Ship.

This is not a very difficult job. After all, it was a massive dreadnought. Artificial artifacts of this scale and mass will leave a large amount of gravitational fluctuations, whether they are cruising at sub-light speed or entering and exiting the gravity well channel, and will always leave traces.

Therefore, Giaphiel also made a precise assessment of the opponent's possible course of action based on the current reconnaissance information, and delineated a rough range, which included an area of ​​45 star systems. In the Milky Way itself, there are many small countries that can occupy a seat in the civilized parliament, but I am afraid that they do not have such a land.

But in the war zone of the Dawn Star Territory, this was already the result of elimination.

Then, as the second-in-command of the Suliuka royal family faction, she began to mobilize troops in an orderly manner, meticulously, and even overly cautiously.

There was no way, Giafer had always been King Sulyuka's deputy general, and in addition to the position of first vanguard officer, even when he started to command a fleet in the Circle of Miracles, he perfectly executed the division and encirclement of the enemy. job, but still felt that he was just serving the master.

Now, this is the first time he has taken on a role. She didn't know that in another time, she was a military and political general who could successively take charge of the Astral Knights, the Grand Marshal's Palace and the Prime Minister's Palace for Queen Brunhilt.

She always felt that how could she, an ordinary warrior, become the commander-in-chief?
However, a strong-willed heroine like her can't give in even if she has no confidence in her heart. She will only do her best to do her best.
She even called together Olivia Rowentour, Wolfna Maimidal, and Nelhana Meira, all the gold medal fighters of the best friend group who have proven themselves on the battlefield. The main focus is a steady Add troops to mobilize the masses.

If it weren't for the new "wise general" in King Su's shogunate, Major General Yeager Soback, known as the "Wolf of Dawn", who was serving as backup for Yaochi, he might have been called.

Soon, in this not-so-wide starry sky, a dreadnought ship Barbarossa, five battlecruisers, three aircraft carriers, and nearly a hundred warships of various sizes gathered, divided into four parts , put on a pattern of advancing hand in hand, joining forces to attack.

...Okay, whether it's Da Meng or Kai Shen Gong, this flag tree can be hung with a bed sheet. However, we must also know that if your combat strength in each lane is higher than the enemy's total strength, the so-called individual defeat will no longer exist.

According to intelligence analysis, in addition to the Freedom Flag dreadnought, there should be a number of battleships that were driven into this star field by our own side, but they were all seriously injured. Even if they were reluctantly gathered together, they would not be able to match Olivia and the others. If he could overturn under such circumstances, he would just kill himself to thank the world.

Facts have proved that this is indeed the case. During this period of various attacks, there were indeed several small-scale battles. However, these were not so much the counterattacks of the people on earth, but more suicidal behaviors in despair. Naturally, there were many people all the way. It was a near miss.

However, what surprised Count Giafel was that on September 9, the third day after she had just received the battle report of the Unity Fortress, the forward reconnaissance fleet discovered traces of the Liberty Flag. This dreadnought, which had been hiding in the imperial army's siege for a month, died near DL8. This was much earlier than I expected.

The countess has always felt that her strategy of attacking in separate routes is sound but very time-consuming. It should take at least October to complete the strangulation of the remaining fleet of the community.

She soon learned the reason from the reconnaissance fleet's returns. Not only one dreadnought appeared, but also more than twenty remaining battleships of the Community. All the Earth battleships that he had driven into this star field actually appeared and were gathering together, like a group of sheep trapped in a trap.

The remaining warships gathered together, which may have a little effect of holding together to keep warm, but the goal will only be bigger. In the current war situation, isn't it a proper act of suicide?
"So, Nelhana, what do you think?" Giafel asked Nelhana Mera, who was acting with her.

"It must be very strange. If they want to resist, they might as well continue to fight as a single ship. Gathering together will not increase their survivability, but will attract our encirclement and suppression. This is more like a A decisive act of suicide."

Nelhana thought about it: "Of course, it is also possible that they gathered together and surrendered. To be honest, they have persisted for so long, and they can be considered warriors. According to the unification law, it is well worth fighting for."

The so-called unification law, the full name is "Galactic National Unification and Integration Law", is specifically used by the Galactic Empire to unite humanity. To put it bluntly, the Imperial Army and the major organizations of the Empire have the obligation to rescue mankind everywhere in the universe, and they also have the obligation to bring mankind under the glory of the Imperial Emperor.

All in all, these community battleships that were forced into a desperate situation have actually demonstrated their united front value in a series of operations after the Ring of Miracles.

Giafel felt it made sense.

The next 24 hours later, all the fleets arrived at the scene and forced the Liberty Flag and the rest of its fleet into the DL90 system, completing a comprehensive encirclement. Only then did everyone feel relieved.

Then, the Countess began to discuss with everyone the matter of persuading them to surrender.

"At this time, we can actually gather the defeated troops. General Picard is not a famous general with both strategy and bravery, but it seems that he still has a high prestige among our own soldiers. He is a man." Olivia Rowen Tour said.

"Indeed. If such a person surrenders, the attitude of the two Earth generals Saiyo and Mallowan of the Miracle Circle may also loosen." Wovna Maimidal said.

"Indeed, it is worth more than the one who surrendered before." Olivia agreed.

When it comes to the [-] Earth Marines on the Ring of Miracles who are as troublesome as copper peas, everyone is naturally not sleepy anymore. If possible, they really don't want to attack the Ring of Miracles. It's not that they can't attack it, but they are afraid of bumping into the ring.

"Then, let me persuade you to surrender." The person who spoke was Brigadier General Yanette Metig. He is 32 years old this year and is the youngest son of Count Metig. He has a medium build, handsome appearance, elegant manners and elegant demeanor. He looks very much like an artist or liberal arts scholar born into a noble family.

In fact, this person is indeed considered an excellent artist. He can paint, play the piano and compose music. He has even held small art exhibitions and private concerts in the Imperial Capital. Even if you put aside the power of Count Metig's family, you can still rely on your artistic attainments to support yourself in the imperial capital where every inch of land is precious.

But similarly, compared with his military exploits, his artistic achievements seemed like a part-time job.

More importantly, Brigadier General Maytig is indeed a gentle and modest gentleman who is good at getting along with others. In previous battles against the Predators, Brigadier General Maytig and Lieutenant General James Pickard of the opposite Liberty Banner fought side by side several times, and they got along quite well. Even if they were not life and death friends, they could at least be considered old friends. .

Brigadier General Maytig added: "In addition, the person who surrendered before also asked to accompany us. He probably wanted to show his worth."

The female generals of the empire looked at each other. After a long time, it was Olivia who blinked her Persian cat-like eyes with different colors and said with a smile: "Oh, double happiness!"

Vice Admiral James Picard is 55 years old. His official position is the Admiral of the Tenth Fleet of the Blue Star Community and the Commander of the New World Expeditionary Fleet.

Legally speaking, when Admiral Connery committed suicide and the USS Independence surrendered, he automatically became the commander-in-chief of the expeditionary fleet.

However, it was already three weeks after the end of the Miracle Ring battle that the official appointment from Earth was received. Of course, he also received his official promotion order to become an admiral of the community.

"Haha, receiving the order to be promoted at this time, is this the earth's appeasement for us?"

"Probably, I hope that I can justifiably award you with the Marshal's Scepter?" Rear Admiral Shao Ying, Chief of Staff of the Tenth Fleet said.

It took Admiral Picard a few more seconds to understand the other party's hell joke, but instead of being angry, he burst into a hearty and loud laugh like a hero: "Hahahaha, you guy, you guy, finally You've exposed your true nature! If I hadn't received Lao Yang's battle report first, I would have punched you hard in the nose."

"If it weren't for this, I wouldn't dare to make such a joke. It's already here. If you don't let yourself go, it will be too late." The chief of staff shrugged.

"Hahahaha! You are right."

He laughed while stroking his shiny bald head. His eyes were always fixed on the document in front of him. He read several times more at the last paragraph where he was promoted to general and awarded the Blue Star Medal of Freedom, First Class. all over.

After a while, he suddenly let out a long breath: "What the hell, after all, I was promoted to general, and I was awarded the Blue Star Medal of Freedom. In the past, the ceremony had to be held in the large exhibition hall of the National Defense Commission. There were colorful flags. Piao Piao, there were loud gongs and drums, and there were even young ladies in very polite clothes who came to lay flowers. But now, there are no two new epaulettes. If it were in the past, I would definitely give the Earth a call back and give it a middle finger. of."

"What now?" Chief of Staff Shao Ying asked.

"Hahaha, it's already that time. Don't cause trouble to Father Paris and Chairman Maxell. The old men have done their best."

"Then now, it's time for us to do our best." The chief of staff nodded.

This remnant of the Blue Star Community, with the riddled Freedom Flag dreadnought as its flagship, also includes a battle cruiser, two aircraft carriers, four heavy cruisers, as well as several light cruisers and destroyers. All the battleships had suffered varying degrees of injuries, and they had all been operating at full capacity during the previous escape, almost reaching their limit.

But even so, the crew members were still maintaining a somewhat fanatical state of excitement, working hard to make final preparations for the war. This feeling is like a scarred warrior who was forced to a dead end by the enemy, but seized the last moment to drink the last pot of water and swallow the last morsel of dry food.

However, just as everyone was busy making final preparations, they received a communication request from the opposite imperial fleet. Needless to say, he was naturally persuaded to surrender.

Admiral Picard originally wanted to refuse his colleagues who were imitating Yaochi and responded with vulgar words such as "Silly X", but he found that the other party actually wanted to send envoys on board for an interview, and one of the envoys was His acquaintance suddenly became interested.

"Want to meet?" he asked the chief of staff.

"Why not? You don't think you can win, do you?"

"Ah hahaha! You really let yourself go, you're not far away from going crazy."

"I don't think you will go crazy much later than Xiaguan."

An hour later, a small Peregrine-class fast tanker docked with the Liberty Flag dreadnought. A few minutes later, the ten-man delegation, including escorts and attachés, boarded the bridge of the flagship. Of course, before they even stepped onto the bridge, they were surrounded by a bunch of stormtroopers armed with live ammunition and wearing power armor.

The members of the mission were very calm and put down their weapons without saying a word. Brigadier General Yanette Metig of the Imperial Army who led the team even said helplessly: "We are all old friends, is this necessary? Do you still think that we will break out in the bridge?"

"Hahaha, it's just because we are old friends. That's why I know your methods very well. If it weren't you, I would have killed you all when we got off the boat."

"Isn't it for the sake of old friends and colleagues?" Brigadier General Maytig stepped aside, revealing a person standing behind him, a woman wearing the uniform of a Lieutenant General of the Community, but it was during the miracle that The person who surrendered in the ring was Lieutenant General Tivington, the former chief of staff of the expeditionary fleet.

There was a brief silence at the scene.

Then, Chief of Staff Shao Ying clapped his hands vigorously and showed a rather wicked smile: "Oh, double happiness!"

(End of this chapter)

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