Him and their stars

Chapter 1391 The stage of the stick

Lieutenant General Visalia Tivington's face turned pale. A master of administrative matters and office politics like her can certainly detect the ulterior motives of her colleagues.

If it were in the past, a mere squadron chief of staff, a greasy old man who became a major general until he was about to retire, if he dared to be presumptuous in front of a "returnee elite" like himself, he would definitely let him see what it means to be a woman. The awe-inspiring and inviolable nature of a boss is indescribable to a superior person.

However, now and then, others are showing the value of united front, but I am just a groveling bitch. What a cruel fate!

However, there is a saying, there is no shame in being a dog to the empire. Half the universe is being a dog to the empire, so what does a mere woman like me mean? And ah, and ah, after all, I surrendered to protect the lives of the soldiers. Is it much more honorable than those kings of various races who bowed to the dragon kings?

In short, as a highly educated senior general with sufficient experience in office struggles, Ms. Tivington is very good at establishing a self-consistent logic for herself.

In addition, she also tried to convince herself that although she was a prisoner of war, she was still a human being. As long as she could prove her worth, she could still have a great future in the empire.

...Maybe the future is even brighter than before.

Therefore, while the rest of the surrendered soldiers of the Miracle Ring were being taken to the mainland of the empire as prisoners of war, Lieutenant General Tivington had already started working quickly. Not to mention anything else, with this self-psychological construction ability and dazzling combat effectiveness, he can at least become a gold medal sales manager in the league.

The former chief of staff of the expeditionary fleet thought of how when he went to the Ring of Miracles to persuade him to surrender, he was almost shot dead on the order of the ill-tempered Marine Corps Director Lieutenant General Sayo. If Major General Mallowan hadn't said some fair words, His head might now be thrown into the soil of those ancient man-made continents and composted.

What a vulgar man! Marine gorillas like this who have never read a book are indeed unreasonable primitive people.

...However, it can be seen that the troops in the Ring of Miracles have really begun to farm and explore in the occupied areas, and it seems that they are really preparing to stick to the floating continent of the Ring of Miracles for a long time.

Although Ms. Tivington failed to persuade her former colleagues to surrender, she was still praised by the Imperial Admiral Farrell for bringing the news.

Isn’t verbal praise a compliment? Admiral Farrell said that he was going through the formalities for himself. When the approval from the Tianyu Grand Marshal's Mansion is passed, he will be a legitimate brigadier general of the empire. Of course, it is completely acceptable to be demoted two levels lower. Then, you can become Admiral Farrell's staff.

Rounding it off like this, wouldn’t it be considered a member of His Royal Highness King Sulyuka’s shogunate?

Because of this, when General Maytig asked to accompany him, even though she had some ominous premonitions, she did not refuse.

Speaking of which, that guy Saiyo is a vulgar savage, an unreasonable Marine gorilla, and that's why he spoke vulgar words to me. But if it’s Lieutenant General Picard, everyone is in the navy, and they are all highly educated professional officers, so they should still be reasonable, right?
What's more, during the process of serving in the expedition fleet, everyone actually got along well.

Yes, Lieutenant General Picard is indeed at odds with Commander Conneris, who has gone to heaven, but isn't it a natural political law since ancient times for the chief officer and his deputy to be at odds? What does it have to do with me, the harmless chief of staff?

If you give it a try, my aunt will still be an outstanding independent woman with a prosperous career!
Thinking of this, Lieutenant General Tivington also showed a tempered business smile: "It's me, yes, it's me! Jim, and Lao Shao, it's really me, don't shoot."

Even though she said that, she still huddled behind the Empire's Brigadier General Maytig, only exposing half of her body.

Jim? Brigadier General Maytig smiled half-heartedly, and naturally moved half a step to the side, as if he was very polite and would give up the C position to the rightful owner.

Jim? Lieutenant General James Picard suddenly got goosebumps all over his body, and waved to the other party: "Since we are old friends, what are you hiding from? Come over and speak more clearly."

Ms. Tivington hesitated for a moment, but perhaps it was because Lieutenant General Picard's smile was very warm. Paired with his big shiny bald head, it didn't look scary, but it seemed somewhat kind.

"His Majesty the Earl asked me to bring you a message, Jim, we have fought hard."

"I understand what you mean..." Lieutenant General Picard smiled and waved again. When the other party took a few steps closer, he suddenly pulled out his pistol: "So, it was you bitch who lured the Japs. Came here!”

The kind smile on his face turned into ferocious malice, and he directly pulled the trigger.

Brigadier General Maytig was actually standing behind the lady and saw Picard's movements clearly at the first moment. However, perhaps because he was not a warrior-type general known for his strength, no matter how fast his hands moved, he could not move as fast as his eyes. He still had no time to make any moves, so he could only sit back and watch as the lady's knee was shattered by a shot.

Lieutenant General Picard's weapon is a retro gunpowder pistol decorated with glittering gold. He ordered it from an antique shop with his own money. It is very similar to the "Tiger Talisman".

It can be seen that Lieutenant General Picard's resentment for not getting the Tiger Talisman when he was a student has lasted his whole life.

However, this is not the point. The key point is that the bullets of this retro pistol will create a pervasive smell of gunpowder smoke, spin and penetrate into the target's body at close range, causing fragments of flesh, blood and bones to fly around. Compared to the ray gun and electromagnetic gun that cut off the leg cleanly, it represents a different type of impact.

Ms. Tivington only felt a hot burning sensation on her knees, and soon she could no longer feel her calves. As soon as her body and mind softened, she fell forward directly, and her face, which could still be considered beautiful for the time being, hit the ground.

She then felt excruciating pain. But I don't know why, the pain on my face is more painful than on my legs.

The imperial missionary group looked at each other in confusion. None of these well-trained imperial officers and soldiers reacted too violently until Ms. Tivington let out a heart-rending scream, like a sow being pinned to the slaughtering table by a butcher. Only then did they realize that this woman seemed to be on their side and should go to rescue their comrades.

However, it seems that none of our weapons have been brought in, and now we are being pointed at guns by hundreds of Earthlings wearing power armor, so we can't do anything, right?

"It really doesn't have to be like this." Yanette Maytig said in a pitiful tone.

This was the only response from the imperial mission. When the woman heard Brigadier General Maytig's voice, she felt even more sad and angry for a moment. I understand, you pretty boy are jealous of my talent and must want to harm me! As soon as this thought flashed through her mind, she heard the sound of military boots hitting the floor again. For some reason, Tivington was certain that these must be the footsteps of Lieutenant General James Picard.

She endured the severe pain and raised her head: "Wait, wait... I treated you to dinner. And, regarding the trading company, didn't you also agree to become a shareholder? We are obviously partners and friends. of."

"Trading company?" Chief of Staff Shao asked curiously as he watched the show next to him.

"This woman has something to do with the Alliance's Galaxy Fruits and the Silver Gallon Company. She is trying to bridge the gap between the two companies to set up a new company to specialize in the agricultural specialties of the Holy Land Planet of Yaochi Planet. She said she can give me a copy. Dry stocks.”

"I just heard about this."

"Haha, as I said, after the war, Conneris will be promoted to Minister of Military Command and take over the position of Marshal Paris. And I will be the military and political commander stationed in the New World. Reward for merit, this has been the rule for many years Oh! Besides, after all, Lao Yang and I have been friends for ten years, and we can also talk to brother Yu Lian. How can I do it without taking care of it?" Lieutenant General Picard said proudly, with a look of pride. Not ashamed but proud.

"Of course, this was all before the war." Lieutenant General Picard sighed again and glanced at Brigadier General Maytig over there: "Hey, old friend, you really ruined me. A great way to make money!"

Brigadier General Yanette Metig was slightly startled, obviously not expecting that the other party would be so direct. He then smiled bitterly and said: "Actually, if you are asking for money, the Heraldry Academy has a special investment forum. You can go there at any time as long as you open the entrance."

Lieutenant General Picard understood what the other party meant. This was the Empire making an offer. If you surrender, you will be guaranteed a title, even if it is just a lifetime title, you will also be eligible to participate in the investment meeting organized by the Heraldry Institute. This is a benefit provided by the empire to the nobles, for fear that they will starve to death.

There is a saying that at this moment, he was really moved, but it only lasted for two seconds, and then he patted his bald head hard and sighed: "Brother Yanet, I have to make it clear, I Ah... But I never dare to say that I am a good and honest person! After all, I am a common person, and I have to accept what is due, otherwise people will not trust you. I have neither the courage nor the ability to be the enemy of the entire world. However, there are some things that you don’t dare to sell casually. If you sell them, you will look cheap."

Lieutenant General Picard lowered his head and looked at Tivington, who was wailing on the ground, as if he were looking at a pile of dead meat. Then, he squatted down, stretched out his hand, grabbed the other person's collar, and pulled off the general star on the collar badge.

There was something else in Tivington's scream, and one hand even subconsciously moved to cover his collar.

"It's called ghost! So I don't understand how you crazy bitches can be so ordinary and confident? The labor and management just received a notice that I am now an admiral." Picard said angrily. Then he pinned the two general stars that he had torn off to himself, and then nodded with satisfaction.

Then he slowly inserted the pistol into the other person's mouth, pulled the trigger, and then the brains and flesh of the deceased splattered on his body without dodging.

Brigadier General Yanette Metig stood there and did not stop the opponent's movements.

He looked at the corpse of Lieutenant General Tivington with only half of his head left, and sighed with a trace of compassion: "She just did what most generals would do. In the Battle of the Ring of Miracles, she did not defect. , and did not escape from the battlefield. Although he is not a qualified chief of staff, he is not treasonous and does not deserve this end."

"Yes, she was lynched by me." Admiral Picard looked at the four stars on the epaulette and was very satisfied.

Of course, Brigadier General Maytig had fully sensed the other party's consciousness, but he was still ready to make one last effort, saying: "Actually, we don't need to make things so disgraceful. Although we are indeed at war, I always thought, This is a battle of honor and orthodoxy. The winner moves forward to the future, and the loser can also enjoy the sorrow and glory. This is for the country. For individuals, there is no hatred of life and death. In Outside of the war, we are still friends."

"I understand." Admiral Picard showed a smile with a hint of whining and malice: "Your princess almost became the wife of the earth."

Medig suddenly realized that what the other party was talking about was the scandal between King Suliuka and Yu Lian, and for the first time he felt angry. He wanted to argue that these were just rumors and disrespectful from the lawless gossip media, but he also knew that if he really said that, he would definitely appear anxious.

"Okay. I already understand your understanding. If you say it next time, it will be an insult to both parties." Brigadier General Maytig waved his hand and signaled his adjutant to take out a bottle of very old Shengzun red wine. .

"I just knew you brought this wine. Is it really the tradition of the empire?"

Brigadier General Maytig smiled indifferently and poured a glass of wine for each of them: "May the spirit of the universe be with you."

"How elegant! It's enough for me to learn for a lifetime." Admiral Picard sarcastically said again, but still raised his glass and clinked it with the other party.

Then, just as Brigadier General Maytig said, there was no more entanglement from the empire, and they left on their own without even collecting the body of Lieutenant General Tivington.

As for Admiral Picard, he really can't cut off the head of the imperial envoy to sacrifice to the flag. After all, we are already in such an era of cosmic civilization with prosperous technology.

"Throw this thing into the reactor." Admiral Picard pointed his pistol at the body on the ground and said, "Okay, Chief of Staff, we have persisted for three more hours."

"Yes, if we really fight, we might not be able to last this long." Chief of Staff Shao said with a smile.

Admiral Picard wiped his pistol and said loudly: "You old guy is really crazy! However, we are generals now, and we are not as knowledgeable as the old people. So, everyone is ready, right? "

"Everyone who is willing to come here with you is ready. We are all soldiers of the community. The cowards and incompetents have all died in the Miracle Circle. Those who have persisted and have not surrendered until now are still a little angry. You can't hide like a rat in a hole forever." The chief of staff put away his narrow smile and showed a hint of solemnity for the first time.

"Hahaha, they are all just a bunch of guys with muscles in their heads." Admiral Picard cursed, but then smiled and said: "Come to think of it, that guy Yang Xiyi has been so popular, but I am. It’s not surprising, after all, that kid has this talent. I’ve known him for ten years, and when he came to work for me as a staff officer just after graduation, I was so sure! However, even the indigenous divisions in Yaochi are so good at fighting, then It cannot just be said that the enemy is too powerful, but that we are incompetent. If we are incompetent but do not work hard, how can we go to see the founding father under the Nine Springs?"

Chief of Staff Shao said solemnly: "Yes, our Tenth Fleet is an old army built by Marshal Li based on the cargo shipmen of the old Terra sector. We cannot degenerate into the street specimens of the Solar System Fleet."

"Wise generals have their fair share of opportunities, but we, the sticks, also have a stage for sticks!"

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