Him and their stars

Chapter 1394 Playing

Giaphiel was not too angry. Although her good intentions of humanitarianism and chivalry were ruthlessly rejected again, she was really not angry at all.

She had actually guessed the other party's intentions, and was even less likely to be swayed by the other party's passionate words filled with the will to die.

To put it bluntly, General James Pickard’s remarks are not a new outrage. For more than ten centuries, the imperial social system composed of the dragon kings of the Galactic Empire, the martial nobles and alien nobles of the Tirero people, as well as citizens, citizens and slaves, has long been stripped away by republican sociopolitical scholars in the other half of the universe. Got clean.

But so what?

Since ancient times, Buddhist scriptures have been used to distinguish the dead.

Giaphiel stared at the stumbling dreadnought on the light screen. Even though she was riddled with holes and covered in fire, she still roared desperately with her last main gun.

On the bridge, the officers looked closely at the Countess.

She seemed to feel everyone's gaze and raised her face to look at the screen. Two seconds later, Lieutenant General Giaphire Lamut nodded slightly, and for the first time, her eyes shot a sharp gaze, pointing directly at the Blue Star Community's last dreadnought in the New World.

A bright light group bloomed in the center of the screen, and more than a hundred beams of light were concentrated on the broken but majestic hull of the Liberty Flag. As a result, the second commander of the Blue Star Community's New World Expedition Fleet and more than 1 soldiers of the Tenth Fleet disappeared along with his flagship.

"What a brave but stubborn delusional person! But what do you understand?" The female knight murmured to herself as the dazzling light illuminated her sculpture-like heroic features.

She was expressing basic respect for the other person's courage and belief, but she scoffed at the other person's last words.

To put it bluntly, when the dragon kings of the Dawn led the Tirero people on the beginning of their long journey to conquer the universe, what they pursued were not servants and slaves. What the Dragon Kings want most is not only the universe, but also comrades who can share the same dream with the ambitious them and move forward together. However, when the grand journey gradually comes to an end, when the focus of the Tirero people changes from expansion to dominance, the most important thing is order.

Nobles, citizens, and countrymen all sit in their respective positions and do their best. However, the wise and decisive Dragon Kings can always use whips to whip all classes in the empire to move towards a goal, and can ensure that even slaves have a path to ascend to become princes.

Such a country is naturally proactive. So, apart from metaphysical concepts, what meaning does the so-called "master" or "servant" have?
There is a saying that the average life span of the workers of the alliance and the community is not as good as that of the slaves of the empire. How can we feel superior by insisting on this kind of papered-out republic?
But, again, Giafel had no intention of interpreting scripture at all. In comparison, the other party's real strategic goals are more worthy of attention.

She didn't wait long either. At 23:50 today, when the Imperial Fleet was still dealing with post-war finishing work, the flagship Barbarossa received a new battle report.

"DL50 New Seaview Galaxy was attacked? Is it Yang Fleet?"

Nelhana also had an expression of disbelief on her face, but she still said: "Moreover, what is certain is that the size of Yang's fleet is larger than what was reported in the intelligence. It has an extra battlecruiser in hand and an increase in sailings." Three ships arrived.”

"They have already reunited with the destroyer detachment, right?" Olivia calculated: "The captain leading the team seems to be named Horatio Wayne or something. Yes, I remember he was Yu Lian's classmate. My graduation grade from the Central National Defense University was one grade higher."

"It can no longer be regarded as a destroyer detachment. When we ambush us before, there was still an aircraft carrier. That Captain Wien can use the destroyer detachment to gather the battleships. Although he is young, he is indeed a character." Wovna commented in an old-fashioned way, He seemed completely unaware that he was actually the same age as the person he was commenting on.

At this time, he saw her asking again: "But how did they get through? There are a large number of defense systems around the New Seaview Galaxy. How could they be broken through so easily?"

The New Seawatch Galaxy, also known as the original DL50 galaxy, was the first colonial stronghold in the Dawn Star Territory that the Empire spent great efforts to operate.

This is a prosperous galaxy with stable young stars as its core. Three of the eight planets are naturally habitable planets, with indigenous carbon-based organisms, rich products, an atmosphere full of negative oxygen ions, and a warm and vast world. seawater.

In addition, there is a dense asteroid belt with a wheel density twenty times that of the asteroid belt in the solar system, and preliminary mineral reserves that are fifty times that of the latter. Two lava planets with huge open-pit precious metal mines and natural high phlogiston wells. A desert Earth-like planet that can undergo environmental modification. The surface is densely covered with rocks with extremely high metal content and a strong magnetic field. It is also a treasure land for energy production and high-energy physics research.

There is even a zero-element ore in one of the four satellites of the gas giant planet in the outermost part of the galaxy.

If placed on the mainland of the Milky Way, this would definitely be called the chosen land, the foundation of the emperor. Even the Tirero people's home planet, the sky, is not so fertile.

Of course, if placed in the transformed Dawn Star Territory, it would seem a little ordinary. Compared to Yaochi, compared to Onomia or New Eden, and the Ring of Miracles hidden in the core of the star field, it is really ordinary.

There are five or six wealthy galaxies of the same size in the entire Dawn Star Territory.

But even so, this is the first colonial stronghold that the empire has invested heavily in the construction of the Dawn Star Territory, probably because the mineral resources here are indeed developed and the transportation is very convenient. Once a large-scale factory can be built, it will be able to radiate throughout the Dawn Star Territory, and even directly support the Circle of Miracles and the Fortress of Unity.

The most important thing is that this galaxy was conquered by the empire itself, and there is no need to share sovereignty and development rights with the people on earth.

Therefore, even before the main force of the Marauders was completely eliminated and the sovereignty of the Dawn Star Territory was still unclear, the empire had already begun to develop it. Before the war began, there were already more than 50 residents on the three habitable planets of DL30, more than half of whom were criminals and slaves sent from the Helot Sector and the Departure Sector.

Then, this galaxy has the name "Xinhaiwang", which roughly means "standing on the other side of the sea of ​​stars and looking up at the hometown of the sky." The reason why there is a "new" one is because the Galaxy mainland already has a "Seawatch". It is a border galaxy that the Galactic Empire conquered more than 2000 years ago, but now it is in the empire itself.

...In short, although the empire is a country of masters and servants, it is indeed quite efficient when it comes to doing big things.

Of course, as the old saying goes, if you want to deceive your enemies, you must first deceive your own people. Regardless of whether the empire has this intention subjectively, investing huge sums of money and manpower and material resources in the development of the New Seaview System is indeed an important part of misleading the community's strategy.

After the war began, orbital mining plants and metallurgical plants had been built in this galaxy, and they were quickly converted to military use. Arsenal and military canning factories were also built on the planet.

Up to now, this New Seaview Galaxy has been regarded as one of the empire's most important strongholds in the New World.

Such a galaxy is naturally heavily defended. In addition to the fortresses, sentry towers, sensors, and array turrets arranged within the galaxy, nearby galaxies are also patrolled by fleets.

However, according to the battle reports sent from the local area, Xinwanghai's defense line was easily disintegrated by Yang's fleet, which happened to happen in the two days when Giafel mobilized the army to encircle and suppress the Freedom Flag.

However, Giafel and her best friends found it difficult to understand that New Seawatch's defenders would never be able to defeat Yang Fleet's force.

"Is it similar to the Battle of Blood Gate? Was it attacked by a lightning strike ship?" "That is unrealistic. Currently, the Yang Fleet has less than twenty lightning strike ships. In addition, there are currently two types of thunder strike ships used by the community. One is the A-type used in the Battle of the High Seas and the Bloodgate Raid. It is carried by an aircraft carrier or a dreadnought. It seems to have a certain jump ability, but it is not long-lasting. It also has stealth cruising capabilities. The other one is capable of normal fleet cruising. The B-type is very fast, but its mass projection is no smaller than that of an assault ship. The ones in the Yang Fleet are all the latter, and it is not easy to rely on these to sneak attacks on galaxy strongholds."

Since the battle report sent from New Seaview was not very detailed, everyone could only speculate while hurriedly arranging follow-up work.

It's nothing more than cleaning up the battlefield and then erecting a monument to the remains of the Freedom Flag. This is what the Tirero people have always done. They are happy to show off the heroic deeds of their enemies. On the one hand, this is indeed a race that respects warriors, and on the other hand, they can also show off their own martial ethics.

Breaking the coward is not a skill, breaking the brave is the hero among heroes. The Tirero people understand this dialectical relationship very well.

In addition, the remaining Earth soldiers must be properly accommodated.

After the destruction of the Liberty Flag dreadnought, Imperial stormtroopers began to land on the remaining unpowered Earth battleships and effortlessly broke down the meager resistance of the remaining soldiers. In the end, there were nearly 2 survivors captured by the empire.

However, when the battle reaches this point, they will not be regarded as surrendered soldiers, but as warriors who were defeated and were reluctantly captured. And they do command the respect of the Imperial Army.

"You have proven your loyalty to your country and nation, and your military exploits will surely go down in history. If you continue to fight, it will be a pointless bloodshed. Please put down your weapons. Moreover, the blue where you are The Tenth Fleet of the Star Community is a military force built by Marshal Li himself, and some seeds should be left for it. I believe that even though Marshal Li and Admiral Picard are here, they hope that you can look forward to the future."

With Baron Nelhana Mera on hand to persuade them personally, these last warriors of the Tenth Fleet finally put down their weapons, howled in the direction where the Freedom Flag sank, and began to accept the empire's rescue.

The subsequent situation was relatively stable, and no despicable prisoner abuse or massacre occurred.

This is naturally because the Imperial fleet at the scene is the most elite Guards fleet, and has been led by Brynhildr and Gyafel for a long time. Their commemoration, organization and sense of honor can be regarded as the highest in the Galactic Empire and even the entire universe. model of the military. If it were levies from other fleets or even princes, not to mention the "empire kinsmen" like the earthlings, but more than 15.00% of the other non-human prisoners of war would very likely be executed in batches.

The above matters only delayed the Giafel fleet for less than three hours. Afterwards, the Imperial fleet headed by the Barbarossa quickly changed its direction and headed towards the New Seaview Galaxy day and night.

Of course, they didn't want to stupidly go straight to the battle scene of Star Sea Watch, but chose the direction of the DL55 galaxy. If the Yang Fleet has completed its robbery and rushes to Yaochi or Miracle Ring for support, this is the closest route it must take, and it is also the place where our side is most likely to complete the interception.

Of course, Giafel and her friends knew that the possibility of catching Yang's fleet there was almost non-existent. But even so, they did not dare to divide their troops.

"It's unbelievable. We have two Titans, five dreadnoughts and twelve battle cruisers in the Dawn Star Territory, but when faced with ordinary remnants, we actually feel that our forces are stretched thin." Gyafel smiled bitterly at everyone. road.

"Yes, it's such a disgusting feeling." Olivia also sighed: "However, I still ask Your Highness and Admiral Farrell to apply to the Privy Council for reinforcements. I now feel that although it is unseemly to hurt someone with your own merits, But it’s better than failing, right?”

Then, on September 9, Barbarossa also received the second battle report from the New Seaview Galaxy, this time it was much more detailed.

Specifically, the Yang Fleet captured a transport ship that the Empire was preparing to head to the New Seaview System. Because it was too sudden, the transport ship surrendered before it even had time to call the police. Afterwards, the commandos lurked on the transport ship and boarded the star port center located above the orbit of the third planet.

Because there were saints in the commando team, the center of the star port was quickly controlled. In this case, the Earth Commandos may turn around the orbital gun on the star port at any time and let it attack the settlements on Planet 3.

Of course, as a civilized force, Fleet Yang would not be able to commit such evil deeds of massacre of civilians, but the defenders on the other imperial space stations would inevitably have their thoughts drawn to this, and even appeared to be at a loss for a while.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Earth Commandos began to slowly use the fortress cannon on the star port to bombard the surrounding Imperial military facilities. Floating turrets, orbital airports, radar stations, and even other fortresses are all within its bombardment range. In an instant, Xinwanghai's defense line was completely disrupted.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the main force of Yang's fleet also arrived on the battlefield, easily disintegrating the galaxy's defenses.

"In other words, the Yang fleet was actually following the captured Nobal 12 transport ship. Otherwise, the timing of entering the battlefield would never have been so clever." Nelhana said.

"...So, where is the fleet that was originally responsible for guarding the surrounding star fields? It should be Commodore Punatan and Sobetz, right? What are their fleets doing? Uh, I'm sorry." Olivia was about to curse when she suddenly realized When something happened, he quickly apologized to Giafel, who had a wry smile on his face.

After the Liberty Flag dreadnought appeared, Master Giafel ordered the surrounding fleets to gather here to block Admiral Picard's path, including the fleets of Commodores Punatan and Sobetz.

"It's such a disgusting feeling. I'm really not fit to lead an army! You think, how come I'm a mere warrior and become the commander of the fleet?" Gyafel murmured.

"I think, Gilly, it's not shameful to lose to Magician Yang for the first time in command of an army alone." Nelhana comforted: "This will become an important nutrient for your growth. In fact, we are all being played by him. Among them, I think we will all grow from this. You see, even Olivia is starting to think about asking for reinforcements. You are the best among us, so don’t lose confidence because of this."

"Thank you, Nelhana! Thank you so much!" Olivia shouted.

Giafel forced out a dry smile: "I have not lost confidence, I just want to slap myself twice."

In short, after the fall of New Seaview, Fleet Yang did not do anything to the settlement. They just dismantled all the factories and orbital equipment, and also destroyed the energy packs, ammunition and mountains of fresh water supplies in the warehouse. Bag, and then ran away.

Later, when the Barbarossa arrived at DL55 with the imperial fleet, the Yang fleet also disappeared into the vast sea of ​​​​stars again, as if it were a ghost.

So, where did he go?

Giafel and her friends fell into deep thought. But just when they were at their wits' end, they received another order from the Unity Fortress.

"Meet me at the Fortress of Unity before October. Don't delay your schedule."

"Yang Xiyi? Ignore it. I have received an order from the Privy Council. Reinforcements from the Gate of Glory will arrive soon. From now on, they will handle matters in the New World."

(End of this chapter)

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