Him and their stars

Chapter 1395 Chapter 13 White 90 Reunion and Reorganization

Chapter 1395 Chapter Reunion and Reorganization

The Yang Fleet's battle in the last two weeks of September was conducted in a double day of sorrow and joy.

The so-called good news is, of course, that the Yang fleet successfully completed its rendezvous with the Horatio Venn fleet under the noses of New Seaview, a major imperial colonial town.

The harvest from this is even greater than imagined. Everyone originally thought that the so-called "Horatio Venn Fleet" was just a few small battleships that were still intact but tired, plus three or five shocked Ring of Miracles defeated troops. But in fact, what finally appeared in front of Yang's fleet were five energetic Fletcher III-class destroyers and two County-class cruisers, which were Horatio Venn's original colleagues. There are also two Valorant-class heavy cruisers and two Orion-class cruisers, plus a Hyperion battlecruiser and a Lexington-class aircraft carrier. These are the defeated troops of the Ring of Miracles. Although the state of the ships It's not perfect, but the soldiers are still in good condition.

"After we successfully ambush the Empire's Yarlach, we turned back towards the Circle of Miracles. However, we encountered the Hyperion, and then obtained a batch of supplies from the secret warehouse of the Predator on Planet 114 of the DL3 system. ." Horatio Wayne explained to everyone.

Some expressed confusion. Yang Xiyi explained to everyone that it was actually obtained during the Great Expedition last year. When Yu Lian and Brunhild "swallowed up the galaxy like a tiger", they also discovered secret warehouses built by predators on some remote planets, and hid these warehouses before the "allies" of the opposite empire noticed.

When Yu Lian went to the alliance to report on his work, he told Yang Xiyi this information. Before the war began, Yang Xiyi told trusted comrades such as Eleanor, Horatio Wayne, and General Picard.

"Did he already guess that we would go to war with the empire at that time?" Akinayama Hachiman asked.

"This is actually not difficult to guess. The territory of the Dawn Star Territory is so fertile, but the sovereignty must be shared with us. According to the empire's consistent style, war will happen sooner or later. Of course, if it is not the Ring of Miracles, maybe it can Let’s postpone it to ten or eight years,” Yang Xiyi said.

The implication is that these warehouses will come in handy sooner or later. Maybe one day, I can save everyone's life at a critical moment.

"So, he only told you about the secret warehouse, but he didn't tell Admiral Conneris and Chief of Staff Tivington!" Michelle Kent said.

Yang Xiyi said seriously: "The main force of the expedition fleet led by Admiral Connors, after breaking through the Demon's Throat, drove all the way to the hinterland of the Dawn Star Territory. There was never a chance to report to the two officers face to face. This is not the mainland, and everyone is separated. There are millions of stars in the sea, and there is always the possibility of being monitored using gravitational waves, so there is no report for the time being."

"So, he didn't tell the Military Command Headquarters or the National Defense Committee after he returned to China?" Kent asked again.

"He reported it. I think Marshal Paris and the Chairman of the National Defense Committee should also have seen it, and even the committee members have seen it." Yang Xiyi continued to say seriously: "I and you unruly people have a back bone. The arrogant young loner is different, but he is a professional soldier of the Republic who pays great attention to procedural justice. I think that guy Yu Lian should be the same."

In fact, of course it is true. After all, after Feifei's advice, Yu Lian is of course very particular about procedural justice and rules and regulations. Therefore, when he returned to China last year to report on his work, he prepared two detailed reports on the war situation in the Dawn Star Territory. One was for Marshal Paris, the Minister of Military Command, and the other was of course for the National Defense Committee. The former contains very little nonsense, and of course it is all practical information; the latter is full of literary talent and seems more like prose, but the informative reports are buried under a lot of tedious tables and data.

Yu Lian can be sure that the congressmen who serve on the National Defense Committee must have no intention of extracting effective information from these lengthy reports. However, from a legal perspective, it does not constitute failure to report knowledge.

Of course, these were all operations used to make a living before the war, and they were considered routine survival skills learned from veteran bureaucrats. When the war broke out, it no longer mattered.

Akinayama Hachiman pushed up his glasses and exchanged a knowing look with Mihir Kent.

Both of them felt that they had learned something about life. He actually thought that when it came to being rebellious, compared with the indifferent Chief Yang Xiyi, these core members of the 830th Lion Heart Club were indeed just vulgar and arrogant young men who still had a lot to learn.

Yang Xiyi seemed to feel the gazes of the two young men, and couldn't help but shudder, and said to Wayne: "However, you can use destroyers to gather the battleships, stabilize the morale of the army, and restore the formation. It is indeed a feat. Even during the War of Independence Heroes such as Marshal Cook and Marshal Luckner are nothing more than that."

Horatio Wayne naturally accepted the superior's compliments magnanimously and generously, and his face suddenly showed a mixture of humility and pride: "I have always aimed at the forefathers of the Revolutionary War. If future generations are still unable to do what their ancestors were able to do, they will be too hopeless.”

This guy is really understanding! Yang Xiyi couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

He paused and then added: "Of course, this is actually thanks to the captain of the Canney. Colonel Prince."

Wayne's words were very free and easy, but everyone saw that he only mentioned the name of the captain of the aircraft carrier Cannae, but did not mention the captain of the battle cruiser Hyperion, Colonel Mordinson. The specific situation may not be so harmonious. .

In fact it is.

Colonel Prince, who just turned fifty this year, is an aircraft carrier captain who was born a pilot. However, he himself has an elder brother who serves as a local councilor in New Marseille, and a son who serves in the largest Gallician Chamber of Commerce in the area.

As it happened, New Marseille and the Galonia Chamber of Commerce were both considered the territory of the Venn family.

This is probably why the aircraft carrier captain is willing to accept the deployment of an officer of the same level who is half his age and only one-tenth of his qualifications.

Of course, two people with such a relationship can meet each other in the vast universe. I can only say that the fate is really wonderful.

After they successfully ambushed an imperial fleet and perfectly sank a battle cruiser, Captain Prince was convinced of the young Wayne, and the previous little grudge no longer existed.

However, the fleet later encountered the battlecruiser Hyperion. When Wien and the others arrived, the battlecruiser had just escaped a round of pursuit, but the supplies and ammunition on board were about to run out, and the captain, Captain Mordinson, was seriously injured and fell into a coma.

The first mate thought about simply surrendering, but was opposed by the navigator and boatswain.

If Wayne had arrived half an hour late, the two groups might have had to fight inside the boat.

Wayne led his men to board the Hyperion's bridge in person, and without hesitation executed the first mate and his buddies who wanted to surrender, and then divided some of his supplies out. Only then did he finally get rid of the ship. The frightened battlecruiser was calmed down.

However, due to the addition of two battleships in succession, the entire fleet's supplies have reached their limit.

As a last resort, Horatio Wayne could only take the fleet to the secret military warehouse left by Yu Lian. He knew that these warehouses were likely to have been discovered by the Imperial Army, and he also knew that doing so might expose the target, but there was nothing he could do about it. But just when the entire fleet was marching cautiously and cautiously amid hunger, a clear battle report came from the Unity Fortress. All targets of the Imperial fleet within a radius of several hundred light years were attracted by the Yang fleet that was killing everyone, and this gave Horatio Vane's fleet an opportunity to take advantage of it.

He led everyone to find the secret warehouse, which finally alleviated the urgent need.

Of course, the warehouse in the DL124-7 galaxy is just one of the twenty-three secret warehouses that Yu Lian filled in the Dawn Star Territory. The amount of military supplies stored is actually limited, and it cannot support everyone. How long to use it.

Therefore, when Wayne was discussing returning to the division with the Yang Fleet, Captain Mordinson, who had already woken up, raised objections and felt that he should lead the fleet out of the Dawn Star Territory and divert directly to the New Jade Gate.

However, Wayne felt that the further toward the Dawn Passage, the greater the possibility of encountering the imperial fleet. With the small amount of troops everyone currently has, it is impossible to successfully break through. In comparison, after meeting with Yang Fleet, everyone can stay together and have more initiative.

However, Colonel Mordinson still insisted on his opinion, saying that since no one could convince anyone, it was better to part ways.

Then, the captain of the Hyperion never returned to his loyal battleship. Horatio Wayne then asked the navigator to act as the captain, and finally stabilized the actions of the entire fleet.

Immediately afterwards, it was the victory meeting in New Seaview.

In such a star field surrounded by powerful enemies, the successful rendezvous of two earth fleets that still have organization and combat effectiveness will inevitably give rise to a sense of security that they can unite for warmth, not to mention the boost to morale.

More importantly, New Seaview's imperial gift package is enough for all members of the Yang fleet to hold more than a dozen parties comfortably.

However, in Yang Xiyi's view, the biggest gain is actually Horatio Wayne himself.

A young man in his twenties gathered so many defeated troops and allowed them to restore their organization and combat effectiveness. The decisiveness and skill he showed in this process made him another military genius entering a period of rapid growth.

This red-haired boy didn't look very smart when he was in school, but he was really born for the battlefield.

Let’s look at Eleanor Bonaparte, who is decisive in killing, Hachiman Akinayama, who is full of bad intentions, and Michiel Kent, who is impeccable in his work. Who dares to say that the community has no successors? Who dares to say that the young people of the earth will be worse than those of the opposite galactic empire?

Sure enough, war is an era when heroes emerge in large numbers!

But then again, the shogunate of King Suliuka opposite has gathered so many young talents from the empire. Whose shogunate do the geniuses on Earth here belong to?

Yang Xiyi was immediately dumbfounded by his random thoughts. He was obviously still young, so why was his thinking getting closer to some of the states of Lord Gongun?

At this time, I heard Horatio Venn say seriously: "As the commander, even if it is based on safety considerations, you should still move to the Hyperion. The ship materials we captured from New Seaview, We can make preliminary repairs to the hull, and safety can still be guaranteed. Oh, fortunately we have a nano-repair ship, and the Palladium robots are really easy to use."

Of course, if the battleships such as the Hyperion or the Cannae, which participated in the Battle of the Ring of Miracles, are to be fully restored to their combat effectiveness, more thorough repairs must be carried out in the dock. However, the closest shipyard to us is the new Lushun, which is far away.

Even if you think about it on your knees, given our current military situation, this is almost impossible to do.

"In addition, we must choose a qualified captain. Colonel Mordinson is too seriously injured and can no longer perform the duties of the captain. I have always asked the navigator, Lieutenant Colonel Farhan, to act as his deputy, but he has always said that he is not professional. , I can only take over my duties temporarily."

"Is the injury too serious?" Yang Xiyi glanced at Wayne meaningfully.

"Yes, the injury is too serious." Wayne said decisively.

Yang Xiyi smiled and glanced at Eleanor Bonaparte, who said: "Commodore Kong Qingyu, the former deputy commander of the Thirteenth Fleet, can also serve as the captain of the Hyperion. The official guide to the Devil's Throat Before, he gave the throne number to Yuli... to the commander of Yu Company, so it is natural for someone who has been the first mate."

"It's not the Throne, it's the Mars Cook Memorial Hall now." Wayne couldn't help but remind him.

"I know, I'm just used to it." Eleanor sneered: "Of course, my subordinates feel that Commander Yang is worthy of a Lord God-class ship, but in difficult times, please make do with it."

"There's no point in flattering me. You're just reluctant to give me the Ulysses as your flagship, right?"

"Well, I admit it now. I can't help it. The combat power of any warship is precious now."

"Then, let's take this opportunity to reorganize the team." Yang Xiyi agreed.

Yang Xiyi really doesn't have much demand for a flagship. It was quite pleasant to stay on the cruiser Ulysses 12 before, but now that everyone asked him to move to the Hyperion, he has accepted the request.

Taking this opportunity, he also reorganized Yang Fleet. The battlecruiser Hyperion and all 6 ranger-class cruisers and 12 assault ships were the central fleet, which he personally commanded, with Kong Qingyu as his assistant and Michiel Kent continuing to serve as adjutant. Eleanor Bonaparte used the Aurora as her flagship and unified management of all the remaining heavy cruisers and torpedoes as the First Guerrilla Fleet, which was the only trump card of the fleet; Major General Marklov directly took charge of all three ships. The main aircraft carrier and five light carriers, plus two cruisers equipped with high-power terminals, form the aircraft carrier formation.

Two work ships, two (captured) cargo ships, a hospital ship and a nano repair ship, as well as two predator carriers, are the auxiliary fleet, commanded by Rear Admiral Orwell. Of course, since Rear Admiral Orwell was born in the Marine Corps and was not professionally qualified in fleet command, he was assisted by Akinayama Hachiman.

Finally, there is Colonel Horatio Venn. He will lead four county-class cruisers and all destroyers to serve as escort and cover for the main force and aircraft carrier of the Second Guerrilla Fleet. He will also be responsible for the pursuit after the battle.

In this way, the second-placed student in the 830 class of the famous Central National Defense University became the admiral of the squadron as a school officer. However, again, it is a war period after all, everything will be considered based on the actual battle situation, and those who can best adapt to the battlefield will be able to rise to the top.

In short, after the rendezvous, robbery, reorganization, etc., the combat power and manpower of the Yang fleet have been significantly strengthened again.

(End of this chapter)

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