Him and their stars

Chapter 1396 Let’s go make a big splash

However, we all know that things in the world are always extremely difficult, and we often encounter bigger problems after solving big problems. Of course this is true in life, but even more so in war.

Just when everyone spent three or four hours to complete the formation and move towards the remote channel, the new Yang Fleet flagship Hyperion received a new clear communication battle report, but it was the last one from Admiral James Picard. Message from the First World War. In this way, all the Independence-class dreadnoughts sent by the Blue Star Community to the New World were reduced to dust and smoke in the flames of war.

The joyful atmosphere in the fleet suddenly dissipated, and everyone couldn't help but fall into an abyss of silence.

Although Yang Xiyi had already had a premonition and was mentally prepared earlier, he still felt heartbroken.

Admiral James Picard is certainly not a famous general with both wisdom and bravery, and he is not even honest and honest, but overall he is straightforward and generous, very loyal, and very kind to "his own people."

Although Yang Xiyi had only served as a staff officer in General Picard's headquarters for a year, he was already regarded as one of his own. He personally did not agree with the general's smuggling operation with the Tenth Fleet, but he himself was not the type who hated evil and could not tolerate sand in his eyes. The two of them actually got along very happily, and they could be regarded as friends forever.

And now, Admiral James Picard has proven that he, an imperfect and impure man, is a patriot full of courage.

Now, after all, it is not the time to allow myself and everyone to remain silent in the spiral of pain.

After Yang Xiyi was silent for three minutes to commemorate the spirit of his old comrade in heaven, he said to Da Da: "Admiral Picard deliberately showed up to attract the attention of the empire in order to create an opportunity for us to reunite and attack New Seaview. This is He is a veteran who has experienced hundreds of battles and has a tacit understanding with us young people. After his death, I will take over the post of Commander-in-Chief of the New World in accordance with the Blue Star Community battlefield military regulations. However, starting from today, this Dawn Star Territory In a war zone, we no longer have seniors to protect us from the wind and rain, so we have to rely on ourselves."

"So, what are our next steps and long-term strategic goals?" Major General Orwell asked.

"There is no long-term strategic goal. Our current strength in the New World is not as good as one percent of the empire. Any goals would be too pretentious."

Under everyone's astonished gaze, Yang Xiyi adjusted his military cap and put it on straightly: "Before Admiral Picard died in battle, he also sent the battle report to the entire universe in clear code. He has formed a monument of resistance to the tyranny of the empire. This point , it’s the same for us. As long as we are still in the New World and the Dawn Star Territory, this monument will shine brightly and eventually turn into a star. If there is any goal, this is it.”

Everyone fell into silence and did not answer immediately. The silence at this time may represent silent opposition, or it may represent acquiescence.

Yang Xiyi decided to interpret it as the latter: "Then, the entire fleet, head towards Yaochi, come with me to cause earth-shaking!"

After another few seconds of silence, young people like Eleanor and Wayne, as well as old people like Markloff and Orwell, stood up and saluted: "Understood!"

At this moment, all of them were full of youth and enthusiasm, as if they had returned to their youthful and fearless days.

This kind of aura, of course, also infected the psykers in the special ward of the hospital ship Mercy.

When Natalia Elenko opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was the snow-white ceiling and the warm light.

"Well, this is indeed an unknown ceiling." She murmured to herself, without deliberately controlling the volume, and then spread out in a more lazy posture, as if she wanted to let her body sink completely into the soft bed. Pad in.

For this psychic master who has fought his way out of the battlefield of life and death and is approaching the realm of demigods, it is very clear when to be alert and when to relax.

"Indeed, you are such an overly energetic guy. You are the type who can't even catch a cold. You were insulated from the hospital before." A familiar voice sounded in the psyker's ears, but it was his own. Fellow senior brother Kalai King.

"How does it feel now? How does it feel to lie comfortably in the hospital and be cared for?"

"Of course it's very pleasant. It's been many years since I slept so well. Haha, one against three in the Unity Fortress, it only cost me a few injuries and half a month's sleep. It's so worth it. ."

Natalya Elenko, who was known as the second generation chief of the Red Shura Spiritual Research Association, the Double Flower Red Stick, stretched greatly and slowly straightened up. She felt her body, feeling the endless power and spiritual energy flowing through her muscles, bones and even cells, and her mood suddenly became full of vitality as the power became abundant.

"So, how long have I been sleeping?" Natalia turned her head, and the first thing that caught her eye was Kale Jin's dark and thick bald head, and another senior brother, Sonny Grant's big head hanging down to his chest. neat beard.

"It hasn't been that long. I've been sleeping since the battle at Unity Fortress." Sonny Grant said, "It's only been more than half a month."

"A lot of things happened." Erinko said.

"Yes, it's quite exciting." Jin said.

Immediately afterwards, in the next few minutes, the three saints who belonged to the spiritual seminar quickly exchanged what happened during this period.

"So, how is the old man doing now?"

"Teacher has won a complete victory. There is no doubt that he will reach the side of truth soon. He is currently in meditation, so we can't disturb him. This is a blessing for the teacher, the country, and the common people!" mentioned Lan Jiufeng's great achievements. Victory, even a calm psychic master like Kale Jin could not help but show excitement.

Erinko was naturally overjoyed: "From now on, we can be regarded as the true descendants of the true god, right?"

"What about you? When we saw that when you were sleeping, your spiritual power was naturally swimming and your wounds were healing on their own, we knew that you had also gained enlightenment. How do you feel now?"

"Me?" Erinko shrugged: "If I surrender to the empire now, they must at least take the position of chief knight commander or even deputy captain, otherwise the whole universe will definitely regard it as a negative example of disrespecting talents."

This actually means that Erinko, who has entered the seventh ring less than three years ago, has already reached the so-called "Great Perfection" alert and is moving towards the realm of demigods.

"It's so gratifying! Now think about it, our spiritual seminars have been so smooth in the past few years. Are we under the protection of the spirit of the universe or the protection of our junior brothers?" Sonny Grant looked proud and beaming. look like.

"However, the teacher also said that if the sect is lucky but the family and the country are unlucky, it will actually be a shame for the sect." Kale Jin said.

Natalia nodded: "This is indeed what the old man would say. People in the Taoist sect can have a flexible moral bottom line, but in the prosperous times they can go back to the mountains to draw talismans and make elixirs, but in troubled times we have to go to the national disaster together. You just said, you guys help Fleet Yang captured New Seaview?"

"It's not a capture, it's just that we took away all the military supplies that the empire had stationed there, and burned down the empire's arsenals, mines and farms, etc." Grant King said with a smile: "The entire battle of the Unity Fortress. You're trying to steal the show. But we're both hiding in dog holes, crawling around on subway explosions, drawing arrays, and our bones will get rusty if we don't move."

As core members of the Spiritual Research Association with flexible moral bottom lines, they did not see anything wrong with dignified saints bullying ordinary soldiers.

Of course, it's not all smooth sailing. When they led the team to capture the central star port of New Seaview, they discovered spiritual residues in the key internal mechanism rooms and central control rooms. In addition, the Starport main control terminal also showed signs of being hacked.

"A quarter of the automatic sentry cannons and robots inside the star port were down, and the other quarter responded clumsily. Then, it took us longer to invade the star port terminal than expected. Twenty minutes faster," Grant said.

"So, someone in the empire is helping us?"

"Haha, who knows? Anyway, I don't know if the Spirit Research Society has any friends within the empire." Kale Jin spread his hands with an innocent face: "The evaluation of this kind of thing has exceeded my level. It’s beyond the scope of people’s abilities.” ˆ ˆ ˆ “People outside the region are a ghost, you are a flower monk who is fully capable of all five poisons!”

Jin helplessly touched his dark and shiny scalp and said helplessly: "I am bald at a young age... Anyway, I have informed General Yang about this."

"What did he say?" Natalia Elenko became interested.

"General Yang asked me whether we would not be able to capture New Seaview without these so-called help."

Chi Shura raised his eyebrows and smiled maliciously. She probably already guessed what the other party meant.

"There will probably be more casualties and more time, but it won't change the result. I think this is more like a signal from some shady people, malicious ones." Kale King He smiled and said, "Of course, this is just my prejudice and speculation. This kind of thing should really be left to responsible and smart people like senior brother and junior brother to verify."

Of course, in addition to the good news of joining forces and capturing New Seaview, there is also bad news.

"General Picard of the Tenth Fleet also died in the battle? That uncle was a luxury person. What a pity..." After hearing the news of General Picard's death, Natalia Erinko sighed and showed a lot of emotions. Clearly sad.

She once served as an instructor in the occult countermeasures course for the Tenth Fleet for half a year, teaching ordinary soldiers how to fight against psykers with mortal weapons, formations, and mass-produced spiritual props.

After all, General Picard is a fastidious person. He is very happy when talking and laughing, and even more happy when making payments. It can be considered a pleasure to cooperate with Elinco.

"Yes, the Liberty Flag also sank. I also helped them modify the navigator observation station and shield generator. I thought it would survive for a while longer." Grant also looked regretful.

"She did survive to the end, you can be proud of it." Jin comforted her. Unfortunately, Grant himself did not feel comforted.

"So, does this mean that Lao Yang's fleet is our only remaining army in the Dawn Star Territory?"

"It's the only fleet." Grant said, "Junior brother's 38th Division is still holding on in Yaochi."

"Lieutenant General Saiyo's Marine Corps is also in the Miracle Circle, and Xiao Longyuan is also in the army."

Is there any fucking difference? Natalia Elenko rolled her eyes, thinking that although I don't understand the art of war, I also know that an army with a fleet is an army, and an army without a fleet is just a target.

"What's the next step for Fleet Yang?"

Jin smiled and said: "You should be preparing to make a big mess, right? You should be able to feel that the emotions of the soldiers are quite exciting now, which means that the military morale is available. However, it is difficult for me to ask. At our level Psykers, if you don't want to interfere with the commander's normal thoughts, it's best to keep silent."

"Indeed, we are just warriors who know some extraordinary skills. If we really think that we know everything and meddle in the professional stage, we will be very close to harming others and ourselves, and dying without a burial." Natalie Of course Ya Elinko agrees, this is actually what Lan Jiufeng has always taught.

She pondered for a moment, and a trace of reluctance flashed across her face: "Then it's time to say goodbye to Fleet Yang."

Kalai Jin said: "I got the teacher's last message before entering meditation, and I have to send this to my junior brother."

Seeing his two classmates looking at him, he opened his palms, and a ball no more than the size of a table tennis ball popped out from between the lines of his palms. It is round and flawless, but there seems to be infinite mist hidden in it.

"It's for understanding the shape. Only by knowing its meaning can you transform its shape. This is the last treasure phantom forged by the teacher." Kale Jin looked at this strange treasure phantom longingly: "Of course, considering his old man's Words never count, and if you enter the Ninth Ring, you will have at least two to three hundred years of good life, so I still have reservations about this."

However, Elinko shrugged her nose and snorted: "I always feel that the old man is a bit biased! The fluorescent needles I use now were all forged by him when he was fifty years old."

Kalai Jin sneered: "Why, aren't you convinced?"


"Don't put on such a dangerous expression! I'm just simulating the possible reaction of master or junior brother."

Erinko glared at the other party fiercely, then decided not to continue the topic, and said: "As I said, I will go to Feimo as originally planned. Daigoro and the juniors should wait in a hurry. After the meeting , we can start our sword master training!"

"Same as Master back then?"

"Perhaps it will be even more fun than the old man did back then." Ireneko said proudly with his head held high: "I have killed an elected emperor, a knight commander and a star officer. I have to do something during this training. It would be better if bigger news comes out!”

"...Strictly speaking, they actually died from the self-destruction of the Unity Fortress. Also, what news is bigger than the election of an emperor?"

"Hehehe, don't argue, Monk Hua, you've excited me so much, I might actually go back and do it."

Sonny Grant stroked his neat beard and thought: "Then, you are all leaving. I am the only one left in the New World, and of course I have to stay. I am an alchemist, Fleet Yang. Fighting guerrillas in the Dawn Star Territory, it is conceivable that it is difficult to get the opportunity to systematically repair and maintain warships. If I are here, I can also use some surreal methods to help them renew, and maybe I can bring a few more A disciple comes out. Haha, this is also my practice."

"Then, let's say goodbye." Erinko stood up and prepared to say goodbye to the two senior brothers.

Kalai King Kong waved his hand and then thought of something: "Speaking of which, if you go to the empire, it is equivalent to the senior brother staying on earth alone. Is this really okay?"

"There are also children from the third generation who are helping. Don't worry, don't worry, the children have become great. Moreover, if we calculate the time, that boy Jingyang should be back on earth soon." Natalia Irene Ke is still a little confused: "I still don't understand! Does the earth side need so much power to stay?"

Kalai Jin still feels that things are not that optimistic: "Be prepared for any disaster. My senior brother and I both agree that the earth is the most vulnerable to trouble. Ha~~~ After all, the empire has ruled the earth for nearly 800 years. , how is it possible that nothing can be left behind?”

Erinko shrugged noncommittally: "Speaking of which, I haven't contacted Xiao Han for a while. Where did that girl go?"

"Of course I am still following the old lady, running between the Abyss Nebula and the Void Realm, but I don't know what I have raised." Grant said.

"Oh my, as outsiders, we are really busy!" Jin sighed, his face full of exhaustion.

"A mere flower monk who possesses all the five poisons! He's just an outsider." Irene gave the other party a sideways look.

"I've said it many times, I'm really bald at a young age!" Jin helplessly touched his shiny forehead.

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