Him and their stars

Chapter 1400 The deliberate fox

Chapter 1400 The deliberate fox

Miss Bei originally had three parts disdain, three parts coolness, three parts indifference and three parts uninhibitedness on her face, but after hearing these words, she immediately became interested.

The graceful eyebrows straightened out immediately and turned into a cheerful smile: "What have you decided to do? Feifei, you finally understand the limitations of your childhood sweetheart, so you decided to obey the overall situation of fate and prepare to give up your position to me. Are you ready? Don’t worry, I will at least leave a place for you... Oops!"

The shallow sea behind Yani was suddenly exploded by an invisible shock wave. The rising seawater was heated into boiling water in an instant. Along with the steaming water vapor, it pressed towards her behind.

We all know that both 100-degree boiling water and 100-degree steam are enough to cause severe burns to a person. Of course, this is for ordinary people.

But now, the boiling water and steam only impacted those precious milky white beaches, but Yamida herself had disappeared from where she was.

Then, just a few seconds later, she grew out of the shallows more than ten meters away like a mushroom.

Feifei, who was standing there, showed an approving look: "Yes, a mere 'wisdom' who only knows how to talk has actually mastered elemental cells and spiritual body displacement. At least his survivability has really grown a lot. As a good friend, I I'm really happy for you... Woo hoo hoo, I'm almost moved to tears. However, this doesn't seem to be in line with the basic rules of psychic energy."

"Of course it is through simulation. Innate skills and talents come from the awakening of the power of the star ring. According to some agnostic magic sticks, they are gifts from the spirit of the universe. But acquired skills must first be solved It is composed of psychic formulas. The advantage is that as long as you have enough knowledge reserves, any effect can be simulated." Yani nodded her forehead proudly.

"What's the downside?"

"Through simulation, it is necessary to construct the spirit model in advance. It is impossible to change things as freely as innate. However, after all, I can now look forward ten thousand years and five hundred years behind. There are no taboos in everything." Yani put her hands on her hips quite proudly. After waiting for half a minute, he realized something seemed wrong, and said angrily: "So, I've said it many times, can't you be more mature?"

"Who is immature first? Who is the most eager to provoke me?" Feifei said loudly.

But no matter what, after all, it is impossible to make such a big noise on the sea without disturbing people. Soon, a submarine nearly a hundred meters long suddenly floated on the sea more than ten kilometers away from the beach. While the armor was draining water, it deployed three dense layers of sentry guns.

Security drones poured out from the gap between the submarine warship's deployed turret and deck, like a swarm of bees that had been kicked out of a hornet's nest.

In an instant, the sun, the beach, the azure sea, and the sweet paintings of coconut trees and cacti suddenly became immersive.

Immediately afterwards, Yani took her watch to the terminal and issued an urgent call: "Miss, miss, we are monitoring psychic reactions near you, and the self-discipline defense system has been activated. We will be there soon."

"Tsk, I thought you were really ready to put your love in the mountains and seas. Is this your seclusion?" Feifei sneered: "Besides, this system is not easy to use! It was more than a beat slow. I really have malicious intentions. I have already Enough to cut your brain stem twenty times."

Yani probably still felt a little embarrassed, so she coughed and said in a voice as gentle as water accompanied by the sweet breeze on the sea: "Get out."

"Yes, I'm sorry." The other party answered decisively.

As a result, the drones pouring in from everywhere are leaving as fast as they came just now. After putting away the drone, the more than 100-meter-long submarine quickly closed the deck, stuck out its tail, made a precise roll like a turtle, and then sank into the seabed, disappearing in an instant. figure.

So the sun, the beach, the coconut trees and the cacti came back again.

Feifei sighed in admiration: "If you call it, it will come and go, it's really spectacular. Speaking of which, there are at least seven or eight such underwater submarines hidden near the coast with a radius of more than ten kilometers, right?"

"This Montmarie-class drone combat ship is actually a special attack weapon against psykers. It is equipped with the latest force field shielding system, which can hide its own mass and smell in the atmosphere to the greatest extent, and lurk in the sea. When it was, it was just a reef, and even dolphins couldn't find it when they got close. In addition, because it is a drone, it will not be captured by the psyker's perception. I am quite confident in this thing, and I am planning to make a derivative land battle. Type and sky type."

"Oh, are you really going for the psyker?"

"Of course it's for the psykers. The inspiration comes from the Earth Navy Day of the Blue Star Community in 830. If we didn't have those robots, General Morey's raid wouldn't have been so smooth. I heard, that kind of robots The parent body of the robot has fallen into the hands of Blue Label. Through reverse research, the Blue Label combat robot has been developed with great success recently. Of course, the Alliance's Thor Company and Blue Label have different ideas." Yani smiled.

"...Blue Label Company leaked the data of those robots to you? If Yu'er heard about it, I'm afraid he would go crazy."

"It's really ugly to say, it's cooperation. Raytheon Company has provided the data and production authorization for half of the standard series of smart missiles. Even if Yu Lian comes, I still have something to say." Yani said: "In short, you Just tell me whether the quality is good or not.”

"The quality is indeed very good. It's a pity that I met it. If it was a fish, maybe it wouldn't have been discovered." Feifei said the most natural content in the most understated tone.

She pointed to the sky again: "There should still be patrol reconnaissance planes and attack satellites in orbit. You are planning to give your subordinates a hearty 18-forbidden sex while you and that guy are messing around on the beach. Will it be broadcast live? Then when the mood is high, will you drop a neutron bomb to add to the fun?"

"... Feifei, although I know that you have experienced hundreds of battles, have driven the car you should drive, walked the road you should walk, and of course you have a lot of knowledge that should be unlocked. However, in the future of Yunying, Can you be more restrained in front of the pure girl you are marrying? Driving carelessly will look very immature."

"Then tell me something you like to hear? Are you going to teach your subordinates about the tunnel effect, quantum superposition and collapsed state effects?"

"Hate, what are you talking about? Driving like this really surprises me." Yanni covered her little face and complained.

Feifei sneered and looked her up and down: "What a pure girl! Well, the body may be the same, but the spirit is nothing."

"This is not in line with the materialist theory of your Pioneer Party."

"We, the psychics of the Pioneer Party, firmly believe that spirit is also a kind of material!" Feifei said loudly with her hands on her hips.

Before Yani could answer, she added: "In addition to the submarine here, when I came here just now, I also discovered dozens of barracks, sentry towers, and a hidden research base under construction on the foothills opposite. If This is directed at me, I’m really flattered.”

"Don't be alarmed, of course I'm not here for you." Miss Bei waved her hand in a matter-of-fact tone: "Girl, you really are not worth that much."

Feifei seemed to have been slightly shocked and was silent for several seconds before shaking her head and saying with a smile: "It's really interesting, Yani, after you defeated the Void Fortress of the World Serpent, you seemed to be even more talkative. Also. I ran here and made a milky white beach. Waves, coconuts, cacti... It sounds very familiar."

"Not only these, there are hot springs on the mountain behind. They are open-air and purely natural." Yani turned back and pointed at the green hills behind her.

"... more and more sense of vision." "You don't have to lie to yourself, it is Yu Lian's favorite model. I still fix two villas there, his favorite Earth classical Tang Feng style, and my favorite Nanea Floating Island Breeze style.”

Feifei followed Yani's line of sight and saw two adjacent villas on the edge of the beach one kilometer away. They were elegant and exquisite in appearance.

"The internal roads are open. It is said to be two buildings, but it can actually be regarded as one." Yani said.

Feifei took a deep breath, adjusted her mentality, and was about to launch a big move to demolish the two villas, but she heard Yanni smiled and said again: "If you want, I will build one for you. You How about your favorite imitation Song Dynasty garden style?"

Feifei actually felt that she was a little angry, so she retracted her fist and sighed: "So, Yani, what happened to you during the time when you defeated the snake?"

This may be the first time Feifei has shown her resentment in front of others. This made the well-informed Yani briefly surprised. Even so, she still did not hesitate and said directly: "Actually, the breakthrough happened long ago, when he just returned from the battlefield in the New World."


The eldest lady of the Bei family felt with great satisfaction that Feifei's blood pressure seemed to be really rising. At this time, not only did she want to beat herself to death, she might also want to beat Yu Lian to death.

"Okay, okay, you are such a woman without a sense of humor! I just saw that our sisters have not seen each other for a long time, so we are just making some harmless little jokes." Yani stepped forward and held Feifei's hand, and said to Walking to the villa in the distance: "Let's go, let's entertain you well after coming all the way. I don't have anything else here, just lobster and abalone. In addition, I have reserved a special room for you in the villa. Finally Gorgeous king room with ocean view.”

"Yani, your words are what make me so angry right now."

"Then let yourself calm down. I know you are anxious, but at this time whoever is anxious really loses." Yani raised her watch and opened a communication: "Irene? You Take Sonia and Nana with you to clean up guest room No. 1, and then prepare the ingredients for tonight. Yes, it’s the one near the sea."

When she heard the name "Sonia", Feifei finally put away her murderous and dangerous expression and stared at Yani's back suspiciously. Her eyes stayed at the base of the white swan neck for a few seconds, and finally she slowly moved away.

When the two of them approached the villa, tables and seats had been placed on the balcony facing the sea, and two human girls were busy with a Lothar girl. Cover the table with a white tablecloth, place flowers and refreshments.

Feifei's eyes quickly focused on the brown-haired girl among them. She is almost no different from a normal human being. She is even smaller than her companions, and is almost a head shorter than the Lothar next to her. However, compared to humans, the hair is slightly thicker and harder, with the characteristics of a large predator.

What about hybrids of humans and those demihumans? This is quite rare.

However, if the genetic match is not so harmonious and the cross-race mixture is mixed, it is really not easy to grow to such a big size.

Of course, for a psyker like Feifei, this is not all that can be seen. Of course she could clearly feel that there were certain psychic fluctuations in these three girls. Even if he is not fully awakened, he can at least feel the extraordinary factor in his body.

However, that mixed-race girl seemed different from all the psykers.

However, Feifei couldn't describe the specific differences.

"They are..."

"My disciple." Yani said.


"Well, I'm actually not old enough to accept disciples, and I don't have any need in this regard." Miss Bei smiled: "As for me, I just had some free time when I was on vacation here, so I persuaded the planet government to do it. In a summer camp for middle school students, I selected a few children who are very talented but whose families are not too wealthy. I asked them to work as maids for a period of time, receive some basic training, and provide them with additional cultural classes. Go. Before going to public school in Nephi, you should lay down a solid foundation."

Feifei said: "Oh, Nephi's public school should provide scholarships."

Yanni nodded.

"Then you can sign a thirty-year contract of prostitution with the Rainbow Rose Foundation, right?"

"The official employees of the Rainbow Rose Foundation must at least start from elite majors in prestigious universities. What do I need a few junior high school students for? After graduating from public school, I hope they can continue their studies. Of course, as long as they can follow the right path, they will not I have failed to live up to this fate."

"You, the white-haired fox, really made every move carefully this time."

"You just said fox, right? Aha, you finally said what you mean! Since they are gifted children, they will be able to shine sooner or later. I just want to be their first enlightenment teacher, so that their lives It will be smoother. When I wake up in the future, I will not be deceived by strange evil forces and embark on a path of no return! What touched me the most about this snake-killing operation were the executors. Obviously many of them were extreme Talented psychics who can make great contributions to society with just a little guidance have turned into extremely evil terrorists. Feifei, isn't this a tragedy of fate?"

As far as the matter is concerned, there is nothing wrong with what Yani said. Of course, Feifei could only continue to nod, but her eyes swept over the body of the short brown-haired mixed-race girl calmly.

"However, speaking of it, since I am your fan, I shouldn't go astray, right? It's hard to say about your other side jobs. As a director, you should be relatively positive."

my fans? Feifei couldn't help being stunned on the spot.

"You are the youngest director in history to win the Yage Mi Award. You should be somewhat conscious of your influence."

At this time, the three little girls who had finished their work saw Feifei and Yani appearing in front of them. The little blond hot girl in the lead, who seemed to be called "Irene" or something, had a look of disbelief on her face.

As for the mixed-race girl next to her named Sonia, she almost screamed but quickly covered her mouth. Then, her eyes bloomed with infinite brilliance.

As for the remaining Lothar girl Nana, she actually screamed and was kicked by Sonia next to her.

Well, it is indeed a very typical performance of fans meeting their idols. After all, they are all teenage girls, isn't that how it is?

 It seems that the group account I posted often disappears. I will post it after the chapter when I think of it. Eight, eight, seven, two, nine, one, four, three, one.



(End of this chapter)

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