Him and their stars

Chapter 1401 The Ethical Drama of a Rich Family

These three are all middle school girls. Although they acted a bit rude when they met their idols, since they were chosen by the white-furred fox, they should be considered elite fighting girls among middle school girls. So, after a brief period of excitement, they regained some decency and saluted Feifei with expressions and manners that were obviously professionally trained.

Of course, as the most eye-catching talented young director in the galaxy, Feifei doesn't seem to be a big name. She smiles happily, signs autographs, takes photos, shakes hands and hugs her admirers, and almost breaks the professional training of the three girls again. .

However, when the girls left to prepare dinner, Feifei's smile quickly faded away. She looked directly at Miss Bei's eyes opposite her, but she was always waiting for the other party's explanation.

Yami slowly poured a cup of black tea for each of them, adjusted the flavor, took a sip, and then said: "Okay, it's still a lot to explain. So, you should talk to me first. , or should I tell you first?"

Feifei leaned back in the comfortable lounge chair, as if I am an artist, I am not afraid of power, and I will not give face to you stinky capitalists, and said in a stiff tone:

"If you want to ask me about "Skull Squadron", it will definitely not be released this year. I am still reshooting scenes. In addition, Nephi and the Central Sector have inexplicably entered the security orange state, and many originally scheduled The location of the film will have to be moved to another location. If you are lucky, the first part can be edited in the second half of next year. Of course, this is also the most ideal situation. However, it is impossible for you to change the male lead. If you want to change the female lead, it is impossible. It’s impossible to change my number, unless you change me too.”

Yani retorted: "Hey, hey, hey, Miss Fina Li, speak with conscience. Didn't I give you the remuneration you deserve? It should be coordinated with your promotion and production, which are also of the highest standards. Huanyu wants I also refused the editing rights for you. The fact that the film can still be released normally after such a serious situation is because we and the Ministry of Culture have kindly convinced people. The fact that the second female lead is missing is not a problem, and the male lead is gone. It’s not even a problem. Anyway, things have reached this point, so it’s better to be more original.”

Feifei sneered: "That's not what the director from the Ministry of Culture and the deputy general manager of the film and television department of Huanyu said. They said that the water here is very deep. Once delicate situations and controversial figures are involved, they will It will have an impact on box office awards, and may even lead to policy misunderstandings for some people with ulterior motives, causing problems in public security and economic trends. "Skull Squadron" is Universal's annual production, and they don't dare to take risks..."

"It's so superficial! "Skull Squadron" was originally a commercial film, but with such an operation, it was cast into a tragic reality. What could be more topical than this?

Feifei was silent for a moment, then gave a thumbs up to Yani: "You capitalists are top notch only in your talent for not being a human being!"

Yamida pretended not to hear it and continued: The theme of this film is about the alliance volunteers participating in the community's war of independence. Of course it’s not appropriate to release it this year, but next year is actually a bit subtle, and the first half of the year after that will be just right. "

Feifei changed her thumb to her middle finger, then picked up the tea cup and took a sip gently: "What did you see again?"

"I don't even have to look. Feifei, I'm just teaching you how to interpret the alliance's existing policies. Don't be led astray by the clumsy bureaucrats and social beasts who can only see a remote corner of their vital interests. Oh."

Feifei looked at the other party deeply. She knew that if she asked too carefully at this time, she would really lose.

"Speaking of which, our President Mr. Nishita is currently delivering a speech in the Union Congress."

Feifei said as she opened the terminal directly. Then, all I could hear was Mr. Keith Nicita's full of emotion, ups and downs voice, and even a hint of excitement, which echoed on the white beach.

"Now, our country has stood at the crossroads of destiny! Our people are also standing at the crossroads of destiny! The tyrannical Holy Galactic Empire not only attacked our fleet, but also attacked our cities and our planet. They have launched a brutal offensive against our values ​​and the basic basic values ​​of civilization. They want to destroy our freedom, our right to live freely, and our full ability to choose our own future. They violate the same rights as human beings. The desire for happiness, the longing for freedom and democracy, the glorious republic!”

The eldest lady of the Bei family suddenly forced out a smile that was even more terrifying than going crazy, and said quietly: "Feifei, shut it down immediately. Otherwise, we will break off our relationship now."

Feifei laughed, and guests did as they pleased. President Nishita's passionate voice came to an abrupt end accompanied by cheers from the members of the audience.

"I know that Yu'er has some prejudice against President Nishita, but I didn't know that you do the same. Is this a case of a husband and a wife?"

Yani said: "I personally have no prejudice against President Nishita. He is a very actionable and infectious person. For a professional politician, this is certainly enough. If it is in the alliance, say Maybe my uncle and aunt will support him, and at least he will have a future as a member of the Senate or even an important cabinet member, and it’s not like he can’t get a glimpse of the big position in the Azure Palace."

"Aren't the Grosso family supporting him? Even their daughter is married." Feifei sneered.

"They are true love." Yani said solemnly.

Probably because her attitude was too natural, even Feifei was speechless for a very short time, and soon showed her astonishing shock and admiration again.

"It's just that no matter how good a professional politician is, he is still a politician. What they want to say and do are very templated. I can even predict the pauses and tone between each word of his next sentence. , it is really boring. However, I can feel that after this speech, it is difficult to say whether it is practical or not. Mr. Nishita's prestige and historical evaluation will definitely make a huge leap. Of course, the premise is that he Don’t lose your security late in the holiday season.”

Yani held the tea cup and smiled: "But, isn't this asking for kindness and getting kindness? Feifei, the current community needs such a leader who would rather break than bend."

Feifei shrugged noncommittally, held the tea cup and drank it. It was obviously the top black tea, but she drank it as boldly as a big bowl of herbal tea.

Yani smiled and said: "So, girl, tell me about it. What is this so-called original body plan..."

Feifei put down her tea cup and interrupted the other party directly: "Okay, I've finished talking about the movie, it's your turn to talk about your vacation conspiracy."

"Wait, what did you say? Why is it my turn?"

Feifei couldn't help but continued: "So, this little girl named Sonia is your real target. The other two little girls are just a cover."

Yani rolled her eyes at her best friend helplessly, sighed, and then nodded calmly and said: "Yes, if I only accept her, it would be too conspicuous. And, there is one thing to say, in terms of psychic talent alone, Ai Lin is actually much better than Sonia, and her grades in school are much better, so she was made the foreman.”

"Foreman? Didn't you agree to be a disciple? Are you planning to train psychic armed maids? Ha, but this is indeed in line with the extravagant and extravagant style of your Belenkester family." Feifei suddenly showed clear sympathy:

"What a poor girl. She is obviously a smart and hard-working good child, but she has become a tool to protect the little sisters around her. If she learns the truth when she grows up, her worldview will definitely collapse, right? Yani, I personally feel, You are clearly providing reserve members for the snake! You also said that the snake was not raised by your fourteenth family?"

"There is no so-called fourteen families. We are all ordinary citizen families in the alliance. In addition, you are now somewhat free to testify because of prejudice. Irene has good psychic talents, but she is not as high as you. It goes against common sense, Nana is a Lothar after all. Without me, they would not have received the scholarship from Nephi Public School."

Anyway, whatever this guy said was reasonable, and arguing with her would not yield any good results. Feifei decided to put it off for now. She sorted out the information she knew and replied: "...Her name is Sonia Baca, she is the daughter of Sergeant Bean Baca, Yu'er's comrade in Xin Yumen, a bear man A hybrid of Earthlings. Due to a congenital genetic disease, he almost relied on expensive drugs to survive before the age of ten. Later, Sergeant Baka got an income in Xinyumen, and relied on his comrades in the alliance to Because of the relationship, I came to Nephi to receive systemic treatment." ˆ ˆ ˆ "I already know this. Sonia received treatment at the Institute of Genetics, a subsidiary of Changxia University of General Medical Sciences."

"Is he also a subordinate of your Rainbow Rose?"

"The directors of Changxia Hospital include Jade Bird Medical Education Group and Baonuo Insurance Group, and Rainbow Rose Foundation is also the largest shareholder of these two companies. You see, it's just a three-level relationship."

Then he is not a subordinate? Feifei ate the cake viciously.

"Of course, I only learned about the relationship between Sonia and Yu Lian recently. I can only say that the fate is wonderful," Yani said.

Feifei is willing to believe this, because there is no need for Yani to lie about this kind of thing. Then, the latter was heard to say: "In addition, she is also the second generation master of the insect swarm."

Feifei was silent for a moment, put down the cake plate in her hand, picked up the teapot and poured a cup for herself and Yani, then she was silent for a few seconds, and then pressed her forehead.

"You can really say such extraordinary content as if nothing happened!"

"Remember that thing we discussed before? About me, I got new information after the snake-killing operation."

"About that time you beat your mother to death?"

"My mother is Erna Belmont. Although she has broken up with my unscrupulous father and lives alone with my brothers. Her current lover is enough to play mahjong twice and the average grade is younger than mine. "Thanks to her, both of my brothers are a little crooked. However, the kindness of raising them is as deep as the ocean."

"...Well, the ethical relationship between wealthy families is quite complicated." Feifei laughed dryly.

"As for the one you're talking about, it's just my biological maternal gene provider. The so-called favor is just a by-product of having a good night with my legs spread wide."

"That's a bit too much to say. There is a saying that pregnancy in ten months and subsequent childbirth should be very hard. This is also a kindness from the mother." Feifei advised earnestly, like a dedicated community cadre. Giving ideological and moral lessons to disobedient children.

"But, I was put into the petri dish from the fertilized egg stage. Strictly speaking, I was just a test-tube baby. If my grandfather hadn't ordered to rescue me at all costs, I almost wouldn't have been able to come back." Yani said.


"Of course, later, Grandpa Ancestor realized that I was gifted and resonated with the spiritual energy of the Book of the Sun God in the embryonic stage, so he simply placed the Book of the Sun God near the Artificial Son (Meow) Palace. Who can Guarantee, my current talent is not affected by the Book of the Sun God? This should be considered a blessing in disguise." Yani also began to eat the cake slowly.

Feifei sighed: "Okay, I apologize. I am superficial."

Yani smiled and said, "Of course, if there are any practical considerations, I actually don't mind calling her mother a few times. In addition, although there is no evidence, I can confirm that she is not dead. This is probably mother and daughter." Their minds are connected. Moreover, because of this, she can leave the evil Tianzi No. 1 terrorist organization and start another journey in life. As a daughter, I have done my best to be benevolent. Even if I get to the spirit of the universe, there is no People dare to say that I am unfilial."

"...This, all I can say is, you must not let the past become a shackle that binds your present! Yani, you have to look to the future!"

"Thank you for your comfort. Remember not to comfort me next time. Don't worry, I am both physically and mentally healthy now. In addition, regarding the emotional issues in life, I just don't feel sympathy for you Feifei."

Of course, Feifei heard that there was something in the other person's words, but she just smiled with a flawless warm smile, as if she was really ready to soothe the other person's childhood shadow with her eyes.

Fortunately, the other party had no intention of pursuing the victory and directly changed the topic to the normal direction: "In short, I can almost confirm that this strange biological population should be something that survived from the previous era. What kind of biological species is it? Weapons are beyond our imagination. It is another kind of civilized creature with an evolutionary direction. I can’t draw a definite conclusion yet. However, what is certain now is that this is indeed a creature similar to a bee colony or an ant colony. .”

"Is there an individual like the Insect Queen?"

"Yes, she is the Queen of Insects, but her control over the individuals in the group even exceeds biological instinct. It is more like the central control of the machine. I would rather call her a master."

"So, that little bear is the second generation?" Feifei frowned and sat up slightly.

Yani really felt a hint of murderous intent from the other party, and hurriedly said: "Of course, in the final analysis, this is just my guess."

"...You should talk about the first generation first." Feifei retracted her body back into the recliner.

Yani held up the tea cup and imitated Feifei, who drank the black tea like a big bowl of herbal tea before clearing her throat. It explained in detail the existence of Ms. Charamire, the leader of the swarm, her life experience, her relationship with the last Earl Salven, and the grudges between the last Earl Salven and the empire.

Of course, this also includes Count Salvin's relationship with the Snake Organization, and the role these evil anti-social terrorist organizations play in it.

She got most of this information from her biological mother, and also got information from the terminal in the snake's den. However, there is also her own historical process of piecing together various fragmented information.

If it were anyone else, this would be equivalent to a free conscience, and at most it could only be used as material for literary and artistic creation. But if the other party is Miss Bei, Feifei feels that it is at least 70% to 80% credible.

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