Him and their stars

Chapter 1409 I can also be traditional

Franky couldn't help but be stunned and nodded subconsciously.

"Is there any problem with starting and running?" Yu Lian asked again.

"There is no problem at all. Before the empire collapsed, they probably wanted to destroy those warheads, but it was too late, so they could only seal them with secret locks. However, I have seen this encryption method before, and it happened with the space bubble. We can use this method to crack it.” As an excellent technical worker, he subconsciously began to explain the technical problems.

Most of the people present could not understand it, but they felt that this simple guy was indeed very powerful.

Scientific researchers who are honest, honest and capable are always easily respected.


He wanted to say something more, but Yu Lian already smiled and praised: "Very good, just for this alone, you are worthy of a large Blue Star Medal of Freedom."

As he spoke, he also glanced at Xiao Hui, who was installing a statue by the door. Well, just for a few minutes, the robot girl put on a white coat and glasses, as if to show that she was just an ordinary scientist.

Sure enough, Eisen was able to unlock the latches of those gravity warheads, probably because of a little help from the Gray Lady. If she didn't take action, Yu Lian believed that he could crack it if he used the golden whistle together, but it would definitely not be so smooth. What's more, after all, he is also the commander-in-chief of the army, and he cannot spend too much time on minor technical issues.

Sure enough, the honest and honest classmate Franky suddenly blushed: "But, this shouldn't be considered... uh, this, okay, forget it. In short, it can indeed be used."

Obviously, he should have guessed that his work was so smooth because he had the help of an expert.

Well, Xiao Hui did appear in front of everyone during the Battle of Tianshu in New China. There are still a few people who know about her existence, such as Mr. Qi and Professor Zinov, as well as her good niece "Tai'a" who is killing everyone in the T2 galaxy.

And on this Fuxi ship, besides himself, there was only Fatty Dabai.

With Franky's simple and loyal character, of course he couldn't accept taking credit for others' work in vain, but it was even more impossible for him to expose Xiao Hui's existence in front of everyone, so he could only hold his nose and accept this setting.

On the other side, Yu Lian was already saying to everyone:

"I understand your concerns. After two weeks of forced march, the condition of the officers and soldiers on the fleet has reached the limit. More importantly, with the current battle situation, we do not have time to fight with the enemy. Fortunately, , although the fleet is tired, all the stormtroopers are full of energy, right?"

He looked at Brigadier Zuo Wanhu and Colonel Walter. The former immediately opened his mouth and showed a confident smile: "During this period, all the soldiers have been training besides eating and drinking. Everyone is very capable."

Currently, except for Brigadier Zuo Wanhu's troops from the most elite First Marine Division "Hu Ben Division", the rest of the stormtroopers in the fleet are all garrison and militia reorganized from nearby star areas. A total of Six brigades with more than 40,000 people were organized. Combat capability... it can only be said that he has at least had service and training experience, and cannot be considered a layman, and there is no shortage of equipment.

In fact, this batch of troops is already the second batch of training troops after the war began. As for the first batch, they have already filled in the various fortresses and strongholds on the far shore defense line. This also includes the Light Rail Military Police Regiment of Nuevo Seville, as well as the strides of the Lumina Volunteer Army.

But even so, Yu Lian and Zuo Wanhu are still very confident in the fleet's existing land combat strength.

"The same goes for psykers." Colonel Walter was also confident.

After joining the outer ring fleet, the fleet added three groups of twelve psykers, each on four main god-class ships. This was support from the earth. Admiral Bonaparte generously gave himself half.

There is no way, the quality and quantity of the psykers of the Blue Guard are more than one order of magnitude behind the Astral Knights. Most of these veterans are trapped in the Miracle Circle of the New World. The support of more than 20 people was squeezed out by the three old men of the National Defense Committee under the pressure of the old men in Congress.

However, these twelve people are seven first-level and five second-level. In terms of strength and qualifications, they are certainly not as good as Mina Walter's group who fought with Yu Lian in several big battles. The fleet's psychic power is still under the unified management of Colonel Walter.

"Very good, they are all very energetic." Yu Lian stood up: "So, do you have any questions?"

Everyone present was smart, and of course they had already guessed the tactics Yu Lian was going to use. Of course, the nature of this tactic is not unusual. Even if everyone has not actually used it in actual combat, they must have practiced it in exercises and training.

However, they just didn't expect that this would be brought up by Chief Yu. That rebellious Chief Yu who always manages to do something big.

"What kind of expression is this? I can be traditional when I need to."

Luo Zeshi couldn't help but look at Yu Lian as if he was looking at the visual wonders, and then quickly lowered his head.

"Then, I have decided to intercept and kill the main force of Bakvi's fleet in the Earl I-13 galaxy! Order the entire army to enter combat mode. Who agrees? Who opposes?"

At this time, no one would object. A commander who leads everyone to continuous brilliant victories can easily establish absolute prestige among the entire army. Even Chief of Staff Mkawa, a housekeeper-type assistant who followed suit, acted as Chief of Staff to advise Yu Lian.

He was just worried that the officer would drift away, but he was not worried about the officer's gambling at all. Now that the chief is gambling and reckless, of course it will be fine. Just support and applaud and that's it.

However, probably out of the basic morality of the chief of staff, he still suggested: "Your Excellency, I suggest that you still wear armor during the battle." "...Chief of Staff, I am a saint."

"This official doesn't know enough about the realm of extraordinary beings. In short, just think of this as a sense of ritual."

In this way, a high-level military meeting that should have been full of debate and brainstorming came to an end within twenty minutes. The advantage of such an efficient meeting is that it is simple, direct and easy to unify thoughts; the disadvantage is that if the decision-maker is really wrong, all the soldiers in the army will have to pay a heavy price.

However, no one thinks this is a problem.

In fact, before the meeting began, Yu Lian's order had been conveyed to every warship, and during the meeting, the entire fleet had already changed its course.

They quickly passed through the Said Fortress, but did not stop briefly for repairs as originally planned. The Fuxi didn't even pay attention to the call from the fortress. After giving a simple reply, it continued to accelerate and entered the jump orbit again, heading towards the 13th star system of Earl Eliza Star Gap.

During this process, Major General Mkawa, Rozeshi and others compiled a report on the current trends and reasons, and sent them to the main force of Sylvester's fleet in Fortress Said and T2.

When the Fuxi received the response from the Sylvester fleet, it was already 12 hours later.

In the process, the Sylvester fleet, which had the upper hand in the early stage, took advantage of the fact that the enemy in front was penetrated and worked hard to regain the expanded formation.

As a result, he naturally lost the opportunity to continue to expand his results. But in this way, it also avoided the crisis of being outflanked and destroyed by the swarming enemy fleets.

Of course, Lieutenant General Sylvester also received the bad news that Yukivich's fleet failed to successfully complete the task of blocking the enemy, and he himself was defeated and died. He sighed sadly and cursed that the road specimens from the mainland had deceived the New World and deceived himself, and then he was ready to lead the fleet back to the Saide Fortress with a fight and retreat.

He finally had the opportunity to annihilate part of the enemy's fleet, but he was forced to give up after making so many sacrifices. Naturally, he felt extremely regretful. But things have already happened, and he must avoid burying the entire army here.

But at this time, the information sent from the direction of the Fuxi gave me a glimmer of hope about the changes in the battle situation.

"General Yu's fleet has been traveling day and night and has arrived near Fortress Seder. This is the new battle plan he proposed. What do you think?" Lieutenant General Sylvester asked his subordinates.

The members of the staff looked at each other, and for a moment they didn't know how to answer.

The plan they had made before was resolved by the empire, which was equivalent to giving Yu Lian a hard blow. If he expresses any different opinions and offends Chief Yu, and launches a sudden attack to settle scores, General Sylvester will be fine as he is his equal and senior, but they are in great danger.

...Well, not to mention Chief Yu, but also Chief Yu’s niece, they can’t afford to offend him.

In addition, there is a saying. From a purely theoretical point of view, if the Yulian fleet can win, the crisis in the far shore sector may be resolved, and this battle will not be in vain.

However, judging from reason, the nature of this kind of gambling is indeed a bit big.

They are just ordinary staff officers. They have learned how to talk on paper, but they have not learned how to take the blame.

However, Bazin, a veteran who had made great military exploits before, suggested: "The focus of the battle is no longer on our side. Since we need defense instead of attack now, the pressure is not too great. The 12 lightning strike ships under Xiaguan's command are still It has not moved. We can conduct a lightning strike against the approaching high-speed cruiser group of the Letalin people, and then retreat to the Lucknar T1 system. There are also our sub-fortresses and floating turret arrays there. The distance is also closer. , we can get supplies and reinforcements nearby.”

"But, in this case, whether we can achieve full success depends entirely on the battle situation of the commander of the remaining company over there." said the chief of staff.

Brigadier General Bazin nodded: "That's right. There is always a winner in a battle. We hosts, at first, wanted to be the protagonists. Now that the situation has changed, for the sake of victory, what can we do even if we play supporting roles?"

"If the battle there is unfavorable..."

"That is nothing more than giving up all the galaxies in front of the Fortress, including Lucknar T1. Then we lose all the initiative and can only hide in the Fortress and be a coward! Hahahaha, think about it carefully , this should be what the Imperial Fleet has always wanted us to do.”

Sylvester asked: "But Lieutenant General Yu Company hopes that we will attract enough enemies. If we withdraw from T2, will they follow us?"

Brigadier General Bazin patted his chest and assured in a confident tone: "If we had not retreated all the way to the Fortress, the enemy would have followed us. If it really didn't happen at all, I would have the subordinate lead a provocation." Right. Xiaguan’s fleet is the most cutting-edge Xiaguang-class cruiser and lightning strike ship, and that’s what they do.”

Lieutenant General Sylvester looked at the veteran who had been fighting for more than ten hours and whose hair had turned white, as if he had aged by more than ten years. He was speechless for a moment.

He suddenly felt that at this time, no matter what he said to encourage or express gratitude, there would only be "hypocrisy" left.

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