Him and their stars

Chapter 1410 Birdman’s Courage and Upper Limit

On the other side, on September 9, at 16:4 in the morning, the Yulian fleet, which came all the way from Nantianmen, finally arrived at the Earl I-27 system. By this time, they had completely left the far shore defense line behind and entered the theoretical control range of the empire.

But in fact, before the war started, this was actually the territory under the control of the community. There are outposts, border customs, and even deep space detectors and automatic energy plants.

Now, all artificial creations in this galaxy have been destroyed by the Empire. Of course, they also didn't have the time to build the same standard facilities.

The giant stars that are about to enter their old age continue to roar silently. In the stellar reaction calculated over hundreds of millions of years, endless energy is continuously emitted into the void. As a result, flames of different temperatures turned into unpredictable spots on the surface of the star. From blazing red to warm yellow, there are occasional gloomy purples and holy whites.

"It's really spectacular." Yu Lian's brows were already stretched, and his face was filled with happy emotions. . Looking at his current appearance, it doesn't look like he is preparing for a large-scale battle, but more like he is admiring the scenery in the distance.

"Yes, it's really spectacular." Luo Zeshi agreed. He felt that as an adjutant, what he had to do at this time was to unconditionally agree with everything the commander said.

Although, he actually thinks this color is not very auspicious!

In addition, the names of stars are not very auspicious. What's the name of Count I-13, and there are five enemy dreadnoughts rushing here, so isn't it really Black Friday?

Speaking of which, many senior crew members always have various strange sixth senses, sometimes even sharper than those of psychics. They ride on man-made space creations and spend ten years in the universe. Naturally, they will have a special feeling for the vast nature, and they will also summarize a set of rules of experience for free mind.

Doesn't this mean that spiritual energy may actually exist in someone's cells?

This year flashed through Luo Zeshi's mind, and then he felt a little want to laugh inexplicably. He himself is a young man who has left the academy for three years. He is just a newcomer in the workplace in other fields. It is only because of his family background, his alma mater's background, and his coincidental military exploits that he has reached the edge of a senior officer at this age. Why do you dare to call yourself an old seaman?

This kind of pretentiousness that never comes is the first step to letting yourself fall.

So, he lowered his head slightly and whispered: "Sir, the speech your Excellency the President just delivered in the Alliance Congress has ended. It is said that the response was extremely high."

Yu Lian, who was admiring the magnificent starry scenery, suddenly trembled and almost bit his tongue.

"Davarishi Rozeshi, when did you learn to ruin your superior's rare good mood?" Is it true that you are full of rebellion like a certain unreliable robot said?

As Yu Lian spoke, he looked around, but unfortunately he didn't see the robot lady.

"...Deputy Commander Kuransov said that if President Nikita's speech is replayed to the entire fleet, it should be able to boost everyone's morale."

Yu Lian twitched the corner of his mouth again, but he found that he seemed to have no reason to stop it. At this time, President Keith Nishita has always been a high-quality leader who called on everyone to resist resolutely, and his status in the minds of ordinary soldiers is not low at all.

Moreover, from a practical point of view, Mr. President's speech level and chicken blood level are considered master-level, and they can really boost the morale of the soldiers.

Just as he was about to respond, an alarm rang in his ears.

"A jump reaction was detected in Gravity Well No. 3! The enemy fleet is approaching! The mass reaction has been determined. It is the Bakvi Republic, Bakvi-class dreadnought!"

Yu Lian waved his hands gently and grinned: "Davari Shiroze, you heard it! If after this battle, everyone is still alive and well, then let Mr. President's speech be used as a celebration. Electronic mustard at the banquet."

The Bakvi fleet entered the Earl I 5th galaxy at 25:13 in the morning. At the head of the queue were their country's only two dreadnoughts, the Bakvi and the Star. These two huge armored ships are much larger than the mainstream dreadnoughts in the world. They look like giant tortoises strutting with their heads high.

This dreadnought is the Corona class purchased by the Bakvi Republic from the Empire. Of course, they are more promising than Catai Big Cat. They just purchased the main ship's giant bearing and the dreadnought-class jump engine that they could not produce, and then carried out unscrupulous modifications according to their own needs.

The battleship has a total of five layers of armor and two layers of energy shields. What stands out is its watertight defense and simple and strong survivability.

Of course, thanks to this extreme design, the two Dreadnoughts of the Bakvi people, in addition to their amazing protection and unsatisfactory firepower, both their endurance and speed have fallen to the level of the turtle ships of the previous era. It can barely move with those more cumbersome frigates and arsenal ships.

It sounds a bit ridiculous, but this is indeed the design philosophy of the Bakwe people.

This feathered bird-man race is a nation that is very good at shipping and starry sky trade, but its understanding of war is always a bit lacking. They are also very self-aware of this. The idea of ​​building an army for national defense is to defend the homeland, and they have never thought of seeking hegemony abroad.

Anyway, their land area is not large, so they really don't need any high-speed capital ships that are extremely balanced in all aspects, but are expensive.

Therefore, they did not even equip a few battle cruisers and heavy cruisers. Instead, they held a considerable number of heavy guard ships and arsenal ships.

As for trade protection outside the country, wouldn’t it be enough to equip a sufficient number of light cruisers and destroyers? In addition, if we encounter a more serious problem, wouldn't there be Imperial Dad?

A large number of Bakwe people's chambers of commerce and trading fleets have completely opened up the free trading rights of equity to the imperial nobles. In addition, they have to pay an average of more than 2000 billion gold dragons worth of "heavenly gold" to Tianyu every year in exchange for the imperial father. Protection, isn’t it also fair trade?

However, these races that are not good at fighting are still being brutally rushed to the battlefield by the Empire's father, and I don't know if they can accept this setting.

But in any case, these birdmen are indeed very confident in the defensive power of their modified Bakwei class. Many times, these two armored ships do not even function as dreadnoughts, but as super plus versions of guard ships. Sure enough, more than twenty Steel Giant-class guard ships appeared in the same wave as the Bakwis.

Come on, this kind of arrangement is equivalent to letting the armored heavy infantry walk at the front when marching. What stands out is stability. This is probably because the Bakvi people were a little frightened by the encounter with the Earth Fleet just now, so they made such a choice. As a result, the marching speed was naturally slowed down.

However, this is completely acceptable.

You know, in the battle in the T2 galaxy, although our side suffered heavy losses from the beginning, after all, reinforcements from various galaxies arrived one after another, and the battle line was finally stabilized. There is no need to be so anxious here. The Bakvi people's military strength is limited, and they still need to be steady and steady.

They really didn't expect that when they just entered the galaxy of Earl I No. 13, they suddenly encountered a bombardment.

"High-energy response from the front! Enemy bombardment!"

"Where on earth can there be so many fleets? Didn't it say that Sylvester's main force is in T2?"

"Is the information wrong? Confirm again immediately!"

"There's gravity that's disrupting it, there's gravity that's disrupting it!"

"Shield? Turn on the shield immediately!"

"Charging! Charging!"

"So, we shouldn't let the guard ships and Dreadnought take the lead! Where is our guerrilla fleet?"

"We went to chase down the earth's minelayers just now... Obviously the empire boss over there told us not to chase them. It was you who said it was not easy for us Bakvi people to achieve military success!"

At the beginning, what was constantly flowing through the communication channels of the Bakvi fleet was panicked information about each other.

Fortunately, the Bakvi people are a relatively stable race. Even in the face of a violent sudden attack, they did not turn panic into panic.

And then, they immediately discovered that the strong armor of their own battleship did provide them with enough fault tolerance, and they immediately became proud of their foresight.

If we hadn't put up the strongest shield at the front of the team, wouldn't we have been attacked by you?

Our general flagship can be put into the battlefield from the very beginning. Who dares to say that the Bakvi people do not have the courage to fight in the future?

"The Xingjun was hit on the port side! Woo, hoo, hoo... Well, it seems like it didn't break through our reactive armor?"

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, thebaakvi's armor is indestructible!), the Ba'akvi people, are invincible in the world""

In short, the Bakvi people faced the artillery fire of the Community fleet and began to spread their wings at the entrance of the gravity well. It was a bit like heavy infantry carrying heavy armor and shields to form a formation against the opponent's arrow rain.

Countless beams and missiles rushed into the space between the Bakvi fleets, and the light of the explosion left a dazzling and deadly dazzling color on the thick and smooth reaction warships on their bodies.

In such a deadly and terrifying whirlpool, the Bakvi fleet still tried its best to face the opponent's fierce bombardment, and gradually deployed a standard defensive formation.

Although their fleet movement is a little rigid, it is still very organized. Every tactical step is very regular and stable. It can be seen that although these Bakvi soldiers do not have much creativity in warfare, they can at least be regarded as having undergone very strict professional training.

Of course, this is the upper limit of what the Bakvi people can show when facing a sudden attack.

(End of this chapter)

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