Him and their stars

Chapter 1415 I want it all

The fact was just as Yu Lian expected. The enemy coalition fleet in the 12th galaxy of Earl I is indeed in a state of considerable confusion.

The Bakvi arsenal ship formation that was originally waiting at the entrance of the gravity well had of course already received the news that its forward and flagship had been breached by the Earthlings. Of course, they could also imagine that the situation on the battlefield had been completely chaotic, forming the criss-crossing pattern favored by many typical imperial commanders.

However, the empire commanders like it because this form is most suitable for taking advantage of gang-hopping warfare, but those are the imperial knights who are full of martial virtue. These weak, delicate and helpless Bakvi people are all suffering from a disease that will lead to death if they join gangs.

What's more, even a super brave imperial master would not send a thin-skinned stuff like an arsenal ship into a chaotic war.

But the problem is that the Marshal Yi Kou on the Bakviman in front has given the order for them to set off immediately. Everyone is now lined up in a company, waiting to neatly break away from the space channel, and there will be a gorgeous and deadly volley of artillery. Thinking about it, I feel very handsome.

But now, if you can't say it, you can't do it. This is equivalent to disobeying the general. It really violates the racial setting of the Bakvi people who are obedient and highly disciplined.

Fortunately, Marquis Laster, who was following from behind, sent a message, suggesting that everyone stop their advance temporarily.

Although it is called a "suggestion", his condescending and bossy look is more domineering than the Yikou Marshal on the Bakviman, as if he is the real commander.

However, while the Bakvi captains of the arsenal fleet were unhappy, they were still secretly happy. With the endorsement of the Imperial Marquis, it shouldn't be considered disobedience on the battlefield, right? Respecting authority and obeying authority, aren't these the merits of the Bakvi people? If it spreads to the country, not only will it not have to go to military court, but we may even be praised.

As for why the empire's marquis has higher authority than his own marshal... The Bakvi people said that adults should know how to live in harmony with the light and stop pondering such subtle issues.

In short, the 55-year-old Marquis Laster is a reserve lieutenant general of the Galactic Empire. He once served as an officer in the Guards Fleet for twenty-five years. He is a veteran general with both practical experience and educational background. . As a member of the border lords, he has the authority to order the military citizens under the jurisdiction of the twelve surrounding Zhechong mansions to carry out general mobilization.

And this time, he did exactly that.

In just one month, the number of Marines with service experience under his command exceeded 12. In addition, a large number of local fleets have also been concentrated, including 20 light cruisers, 20 destroyers, 100 assault ships, and more than armed merchant ships.

According to the imperial system, border princes are not allowed to possess dreadnoughts. Of course, even if they could, they couldn't afford it.

For a veteran like Marquis Rust, this is enough. He asked the armed merchant ships to drag behind them with the "government soldiers", while he arrived at the battlefield with the cruisers and destroyers.

In the Count I 12 system, the Marquis, who only owned a group of light battleships, naturally took over 12 Bakvi heavy cruisers and 4 Legg giant battle cruisers, plus several aircraft carriers. He said to everyone: "If the people on Earth are going to cause chaos, we will accompany them! I estimate that our two Dreadnoughts can resist for a while. Now that we are on the battlefield, we are the new force to recharge our batteries."

He added: "Yes, the Earth Fleet came all the way, and it goes without saying that it carried out an extreme forced march. It is indeed the Dragon of Dawn! But even he can't make the fleet recover immediately and give Soldiers, should we inject physical strength? Their physical strength and morale have reached the limit. The current battle is about returning to the light. If not, why are they blocking the door in Galaxy 13? They are forcing us to retreat. This is smart counterattack Being fooled by cleverness.”

The Marquis' words were a bit long-winded, as if he was trying hard to convince himself. However, after the coalition soldiers present looked at each other, they felt that this statement was not completely unreasonable.

"Get out of the way for the arsenal ship! Let us join this feast! Bring me!" Marquis Rust finally made up his mind and suddenly became excited. In fact, as an old-school imperial general and member of the Knights, he actually likes and is best at joining gangs and fighting.

Then, he said to Admiral Bai Yi of the Grand Duchy of Laige: "Let your battle cruisers and armored aircraft carriers be the vanguard!"

A reserve lieutenant general was bossing around a general, but neither side seemed to think there was any problem.

Admiral Bai Yi stretched out his thick tongue and licked the corner of his mouth, showing a ferocious smile. A row of fangs that seemed to be able to tear through iron sheets glowed like blood under the firelight.

As a typical giant general, he actually likes to join gangs, even more than the knights of the empire.

In addition, he is also a five-ring psychic, and a "Shura" that is very compatible with him. With the psychic affinity of the Laig giant, he is a rare talent that can only be found in a thousand years.

The Giant General has gathered all the psychic experts in the Grand Duchy on his flagship, which has been specially equipped with twelve rams and anti-impact armors. He felt that if everyone could find the exhausted "Dragon of Dawn" and stand shoulder to shoulder, it would not be impossible to defeat the opponent. At that time, if I change jobs from the Grand Duchy to the Empire, I won't be able to get a hereditary title, right?

...Oh, by the way, I heard that His Royal Highness King Suliuka is not clear about the "Dragon of Dawn", so let's tie him up and send him to the Holy Tree Palace, where generations of glory and wealth will come. It's guaranteed.

Therefore, despite the stereotype of the giant Legg as one of the foolhardy thugs of the empire, there is always a shortage of smart people.

There is one thing to say, and their judgment cannot be wrong.

However, they did not calculate that the two dreadnoughts, which were like mountains and seemed unstoppable, only stood there for less than an hour. As a result, the jump path for the Community fleet is now clear.

Just when the Empire's combined fleet was preparing to jump, and the Bakvi people's arsenal fleet was hurriedly preparing to get out of the way, Marquis Rust received a loud response.

"Discover the jump reaction! Direction 12 o'clock! The Earth Fleet enters the battlefield!"

But after just a moment of trance, ten Yinglong-class battlecruisers entered the galaxy with the still restless mass lingering and electromagnetic ripples, as if by magic.

They had inserted themselves directly into the chaotic arsenal fleet, like a group of tigers teleported into a herd of sheep.

Yes, to battlecruisers, arsenal ships with thin skin and big stuffing are just like sheep, aren't they?

The battle patrols only need to move forward while letting the secondary guns on both sides fire fiercely, which is enough to create a continuous bloody explosion zone.

In just less than a minute's hesitation, more than twenty large arsenal ships turned into fireworks in the universe.

At this time, both Marquis Rust and Admiral Bai Yi now knew that they had to make a decision. And that's exactly what they did.

"Break in! The whole army is ready to join the gang! Repeat, the whole army is ready to join the gang!"

"Quick, quick, quick! Move the boat over!"

Anyway, the distance between the two sides at this time is not too far. Even if they take a few more rounds from the main gun, they can still persevere.

However, when the Legg giant's aircraft carrier and battle cruiser opened their shields and faced Ying Long's main gun and began to accelerate, they saw the small boat flashing with dangerous light emerging from the chaotic explosion wind. , like a group of hidden but deadly assassins.

"What the hell is this?" Admiral Bai Yi couldn't help but asked in confusion.

Marquis Rust, as an old-school general who often reads real-time battle reports, immediately reacted: "Thunder strike ship! Quick, the entire fleet, switch to air defense! Switch to air defense immediately!"

However, it is indeed too late to talk about this kind of thing now. What's more, it will take time for a giant ship that is ready to attack and jump gangs to transfer the energy supplied to the front shield to both sides.

When receiving the order from Marquis Rust, Admiral Bai Yi even wanted to laugh for a moment. He felt that he was already a crude person, and he never expected that the majestic Marquis of the Empire was even less professional than him. But then, the lightning strike ship passing by the bridge window made me unable to laugh at all. The distance between the two sides was so close that Admiral Bai Yi, as a psyker, could even see with his naked eyes the New Shenzhou 01 hull number and a row of gorgeous knockdown medals on the side of the red-painted lightning strike ship.

...Bah, what the heck is it that the gold medal is decorated with gold rims? What is the difference between this and encrusting a human head with gold foil?

However, at this moment, Admiral Giant can only hope that the modified Sky Giant battlecruiser under his command can reach the attack of the lightning strike ship with its solid armor plate. You must know that although the so-called Sky Titan class was also designed by the Empire's father through the Sun King class, it is after all a large battleship that weakens the main gun firepower but extremely strengthens the ram angle, shield and armor.

It is not so much a battle cruiser as it is a large assault landing craft, which exists entirely to adapt to the fighting style of the Legg Titan.

Landing craft, don’t they need to be survivable?

Unfortunately, facts have proven that the armor plate that can withstand the main gun of the battleship in a short period of time cannot withstand the penetration of space bubble torpedoes when the force field shield is lost.

Two consecutive torpedoes penetrated the side armor plate near the hangar and exploded inside, causing the battleship to suddenly shake violently. Immediately afterwards, the heat of the explosion poured into the hangar, instantly swallowing more than a dozen landing craft, two regiments of stormtroopers ready to go, and four giant psykers.

What's even more frightening is that such heavy damage also affected the balance shaft of the ship body, causing it to fall into a deflection state while advancing at high speed, like an out-of-control racing car.

With the engineering level of the Laig giants, it might take more than ten minutes to barely repair this giant ship. But then, the lightning strike ship numbered New Shenzhou 01 floated back again, its movements were agile and smooth, like a petrel that could stay in a deserted place in a storm.

The third space bubble torpedo accurately penetrated the armor plate and thin shield of the Sky Titan's bridge. The annihilation shock wave generated by the anti-matter bomb completely killed the psionic master who had never encountered the Legg Titan in a thousand years.

Died with him were all the top commanders of the Grand Duchy of Legg, as well as four other psykers.

That wasn't the only loss suffered by Legga. Almost all the brave Legg Titan battle cruisers and armored aircraft carriers fell into a state of fire, explosion, and morale balance under the unscrupulous sneak attacks of the lightning strike ships.

Immediately afterwards, they had to face the pursuit of the Yinglong class who had just finished slaughtering the arsenal ship and were in full momentum.

When Yu Lian returned to his loyal ship Fuxi and arrived at the battlefield with Fearless and the other warships, what he saw was a one-sided massacre.

As for the imperial cruisers led by Marquis Rust, they turned around without saying a word the moment the Yinglong class entered the scene. Of course, turning around with them were the rest of the auxiliary ships of the Bakvi and Laig people.

"As expected of an empire, what you call comes and goes. This is professionalism!" Yu Lian commented as he looked at the fleeing enemy fleet on the dashboard.

Then, he smelled the fragrance and turned around to see the orderly bringing his dinner plate.

"Sir, please have a meal." The young orderly looked at Yu Lian with a gaze that was almost like a pilgrim.

It's still the same old rules, a very standard officer's standard meal, rice bowl with braised chicken, barbecued meat patties, rye bread with salty ham, scrambled eggs and vegetables, fruit salad with yogurt, and alkaline soda. Of course, they are all in large portions.

Well, there are really no two roast ducks, and certainly no Lao Baigan and Shaoxing Huang.

Yu Lian, who has reached the saint stage, has indeed entered a stage where he can absorb the essence of the sun and moon for a long time, but he is not prepared to go without food just to save a ration for the fleet as Luo Zeshi said.

He still firmly believes that he is a carbon-based creature with upright views and a 100% human being. Naturally, he cannot let down beautiful women and delicious food.

Moreover, ample food can keep him in a good mood and give him a clear understanding of the fleet's supply situation, which is much more important than saving a little rations.

Yes, that must be the case!

However, in addition to these standard meals, there is no roast duck, but there is a huge lobster, not even the tentacles, it is camouflage, and it is also purple. This made Yu Lian slightly unhappy.

It's not that the color looks like it was exposed to nuclear radiation.

"During the war, it was too much." Yu Lian said to Luo Zeshi who was facing him. Then he saw that there was also a big lobster on the other party's dinner plate, but it was much smaller than his own.

"I don't remember this being stored in the cold storage on our ship."

As the most powerful dreadnought in history designed by the Alliance, the Fuxi naturally has a cold storage that can store a large amount of fresh meat. But for military purposes, it must be mostly affordable red meat such as beef, sheep, and pigs, not even chicken and fish, let alone things like shrimp and shellfish, whose shells are much heavier than the meat.

In comparison, putting some ice cream and wine is more affordable than lobster.

"It was just sent over from New China." Luo Zeshi said with a smile.


"Mr. Qi heard that after we set off from Nantianmen, he mobilized a large amount of supplies and food and guarded the Saide Fortress a week earlier. He just sent them here. These lobsters are a specialty of Baichuan Star. of radioactive shrimp.”

"Radiation, radiation, what kind of bombs?"

"Hahaha, wasn't the largest lake on Baichuan Star created by the pioneers using nuclear bombs? That's why it got this name, but you also know that thermonuclear weapons have no radiation residue. Mr. Qi also specially named the shrimps cultured in the lake. Because of this name, it sells very well. Before the war, seafood traders from Sinsunchon even came to place orders. I have tasted it and it is more delicious than ordinary lobsters."

After talking to this point, Yu Lian naturally lost his temper. Besides, he was also quite interested in purple lobsters. Moreover, with my current physical condition, even if there is radiation in it, it will have no effect on me.

He used his mind power to tear open the carapace on the back of the lobster, and a piece of white and translucent meat automatically floated into his mouth.

Well, it is indeed tender and delicious, and full of vitality.

Luo Zeshi showed a shocked expression. He was not good enough to use psychic powers like this, and he suddenly felt that if Akinayama Hachiman were here, he would be so jealous that his heart would be broken.

Yu Lian said while eating: "Chester, I have decided that we only have one hour to eat and rest. Then we will immediately launch the pursuit. Of course, the Marines who just participated in gang jumping can take more rest."

Luo Zeshi was not surprised and just said: "Everyone is a little tired, but we defeated the enemy faster than expected. Both the ship and the people still have oil. However, the Count I Corridor in front of us is still coming. The enemy's reinforcements are coming, but the enemy's other main force is still entangled with T2 and the Sylvester fleet. So, we have to choose..."

Yu Lian interrupted the other party: "Chester, you were right just now. Before the main force of the empire arrives, we only have a small window of opportunity, so naturally we have to make the most of it. As an ugly adult, why should we What about making a choice?”


"I want them all." Yu Lian lifted the lobster's claws and pinched it towards the distant starry sky.

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