Him and their stars

Chapter 1416 You have me, so you can afford the gamble

Chapter 1416 You have me, so you can afford the gamble

Chester Rozes in the previous timeline has proven that although he is not the top frontline general, he is the top military, political and armaments organizer. And he, who is still young in this timeline, must be the top lieutenant.

He didn't make any comment on Yu Lian's remarks about not wanting to be a child. He just nodded and went straight over to communicate with the staff.

When Yu Lian gave the order to continue the attack, he was still a little worried about the state of his soldiers, and always felt that it was not very ethical for him to do so. Everyone obviously went through a forced march followed by a fierce battle. One can imagine how heavy the accumulated fatigue and pain were.

But at the same time, he also forgot that people cannot be purely rational after all. A series of glorious battles can allow them to unleash their potential beyond their imagination.

It can be seen that no one objected to Yu Lian's decision, which was evident from the fact that no objections were received since then. Not to mention, the officers and soldiers on the bridge quickly ended their short rest and returned to their posts drinking various refreshing drinks. They were all so excited that they seemed to be preparing to go to the nightclub to eat fruit plates.

"This is what I find so interesting about carbon-based organisms." A certain invisible robot ghost sitting on the balcony railing commented to Yu Lian: "What can be done purely rationally can be measured through calculations. It comes out. But if you add a little more sensibility, there are endless possibilities."

"So, the so-called prophecy is ultimately calculation, right? If you master the true mathematical truth, you can control the future, is that what you mean?"

"Haha, you know this is forbidden."

"Someone told me that if you can't include sensibility, it can't be considered calculation. Irrationality doesn't mean creativity, and rationality doesn't mean stubbornness and rigidity."

"Ah hehe, so this is also forbidden."

"I haven't asked anything yet." Yu Lian shook his head angrily: "Also, you are just a robot, why are you leaving it to eat lobsters? Most soldiers can't get a share."

"How can a robot be such an inconvenience? A six-ring psyker is still wasting food while eating. Why can't I, an intelligent civilization-guiding AI, do the same? I can turn all the nutrients needed by carbon-based organisms into energy, and The conversion efficiency must be much higher than that of your stomach."

"Isn't it enough to just eat iron?"

Xiao Hui ignored him, but held a seventy-eight-centimeter lobster in front of him, pulled open the pliers and stuffed the carapace into his mouth, and then made a crunching sound like chewing potato chips. , but I don’t know if I can taste the chicken.

The key point is that this way of eating, like a beast gnawing bones, was actually eaten by this cyber zero elemental essence, and it also made Yu Lian a little hungry.

He still believes that as a serious human being, beauty and delicious food are the only things he can live up to.

Ten minutes later, when Yu Lian finished destroying the lobsters in his hands, Luo Zeshi came back.

"At Lucknar T2, the Sylvester fleet is fighting and retreating, preparing to move to T1."

"This is equivalent to giving up all the strongholds and star systems on the side of Seide Fortress." Yu Lian nodded. He didn't think there was anything wrong with doing so. After all, Uncle Sylvester insisted on not withdrawing until now, which was a bit unexpected. If it were him, he would definitely recognize it earlier than the other party... ah no, make a strategic retreat earlier.

"If we want to escape unscathed, the pressure on the rear fleet will be great," Yu Liandao said.

"The Bazin fleet will be responsible for the break."

Yu Lian did know the name.

This man is also a veteran in his eighties, a veteran of the Revolutionary War. Starting from the most ordinary big-headed soldier, he served the Blue Star community for nearly a decade before he was awarded the general star when he was about to retire.

In addition, in the battle at the beginning of the year that killed the ancient Leviathan Star Planters, the fleet led by Commodore Bazan also made great contributions. To use an inappropriate metaphor, if New Shenzhou 01 is the main output, then Bazan Fleet is the most important MT. I really can’t tell who has the greater credit.

"However, in this way, if we take the North Wind Fork from the 10th Earl I System, we can directly insert into the enemy fleet's back path in the Lucknar Corridor."

Yu Lian nodded.

Rozeshi added: "However, the enemy's remaining fleet is being routed towards Galaxy 10, but according to the movements of the enemy fleets, the Laitalin fleet is about to arrive. Then, there is also the local fleet of Count Bascak."

"Haha, if all these fleets are added up, they are actually stronger than us."

"Yes, the paper data is indeed true. But now, the Bakvi and Laig people have lost their combat effectiveness."

"If I were Count Baskar, I should immediately change course and join the friendly forces in the T2 direction. However, Marquis Rust's fleet is being pursued by us, and he is also the lord of Border Ridge. He must save it."

In addition to the fleet of Marquis Rust, there are also a large number of auxiliary battleships of the Bakvi and Legg giants. Facts have proved that after losing the capital ship, both the docile herbivorous race that is good at trade and the fighting race that is good at killing people all reacted the same way.

However, in the current context, the value of the head of a prince on the border of the empire is more valuable than the remnants of the Imperial Alliance Army combined.

"As both border lords, I thought their relationship was not very good." Yu Lian laughed.

"It's because of the bad relationship that Earl Pascalk had to come to the rescue." Rozeshi said resolutely.

This statement was very consistent with the realistic world view of adults. Yu Lian immediately felt that it made sense, and nodded: "Very good, let all the fleets assemble and set off quickly!"

"There are still a small number of enemy ships here that are fleeing to the galaxy border. There are also a large number of enemy ships that have lost power and surrendered and have not been received. Is it..."

"Don't worry about them. The reserves behind the fortress and even the armed merchant ships of the guard can complete these tasks. They know how to do it." Yu Lian put the dinner plate next to him and straightened his military cap: "Pass I am the general! The three armies march forward!"

Yu Lian's current performance seems to be a bit arrogant. But in fact, he just issued this order, and after that, he didn't make any outrageous remarks to make his comrades proud. Therefore, under the arrangements of Deputy Commander Kuransov and Chief of Staff Mkawa, the fleet quickly resumed its attack formation and then began to accelerate.

The Lightning Strike Ship New Shenzhou Squadron, which had just completed its attack, did not attempt to complete the high-energy action of connecting with the accelerating charge of its own battleship. Instead, it went straight back to the I Earl-12 system to meet with its own follow-up supply ship. Start the round.

As for the Rogue Squadron and Dawn Dragon Squadron, which are recharging their strength, they are always clustered around the four God-class ships, like a group of loyal guards.

The main force of the Yulian fleet soon arrived at the Earl I-6 system 10 hours later.

The facts were once again as he had imagined. The Letalin fleet and a small number of imperial warships were forming a formation in the wide star field between the orbits of the 4th and 5th planets, seeming to be preparing to set up a formation and the remaining companies. Let's have a head-on confrontation.

Chief of Staff Mkawa quickly reported to the remaining company that the staff believed that the Laitalin people were obviously preparing to use giant ships with thick armor and fierce firepower to line up lengthwise to form a solid wall to resist them. The Laitalin are a subspecies of humans. Their body shape and body structure are not much different from humans. The design of the battleships is also very orthodox, almost a shadow of the empire. They also have large ships with good firepower and good protection to form a balance. Once they open up their posture, they can use orthodox artillery battles to deny their own side.

Of course, they still left a gap between the giant ships. On the one hand, they left enough attack range for the destroyers and light cruisers loaded with long-range sublight speed missiles. On the other hand, they also gave them space to respond to the defeated friendly forces. .

All in all, it is a very orthodox formation method, and the commander looks like a typical academic with high scores in fleet operations.

"It's obviously a cutting-edge army that has just arrived on the battlefield. How can it be so conservative? Where is the martial ethics?" Yu Lian said dissatisfied.

"It is understandable that they should have received the news of the frontline's defeat, and they will naturally be frightened. It is correct to adopt a conservative strategy. If the subordinates were to change their positions, they would probably make the same judgment."

The response of the Yulian fleet was to fire more than 300 standard sublight speed missiles at the opponent's slightly compact array when neither side entered the main gun range.

These new weapons with a range exceeding 2 astronomical units were introduced "personally" by Yu Lian from the Alliance's Raytheon Company. In addition to its extremely long range, it also has the advantages of powerful power, automatic locking, automatic evasion of air defense, etc. Of course, when the target is lost, it has the characteristic of roaring and charging at the enemy with the largest target within the enemy range. The end result is that there is a third part of bravery in the elegance, and a fifth part of cunning in the bravery.

Yu Lian said that this bomb is similar to mine.

And the fleets of the Empire and the Laitalin people on the opposite side should also understand the power of this weapon. The missile had not yet entered the range, and there was chaos in the fleet formation that was still mobilizing.

"What a good weapon. This way we can see that the enemy fleet is not setting up traps to induce us." Luo Zeshi said.

"In terms of missile performance, it is indeed the best in the galaxy! And it can carry many warheads. It's a pity that one shot is missed." Yu Lian lamented.

The Chief of Staff said: "His Excellency the President's speech in the Alliance Congress was very successful. The military aid list includes a large number of standard series sublight missiles. As long as they are shipped from the Alliance, the first batch to be accepted must be Nantianmen."

Yu Lian didn't have low hopes for this. In comparison, he was more looking forward to his own success in imitating it. Of course, he also knew that it would be difficult to say such nonsense and damage the morale of the soldiers, so he just nodded in disbelief with an expressionless face.

Then, I heard the other party say again: "The enemy's fleet should not be much earlier than us. Their formation has not had time to fully deploy."

"What about the Chief of Staff's advice?"

A moment of hesitation flashed across Chief of Staff Mkawa's face. He looked at the members of the staff and then at Luo Zeshi who was standing next to Yu Lian.

Just when Yu Lian began to become impatient, the Chief of Staff, who was diligent and steady in his work and meticulous in every detail, stood at attention and reported: "My official's suggestion is to take the Dreadnought Ship Formation and the First Battle Cruiser Formation as the core, immediately Accelerate the charge, break through the center, divide and encircle! The second battlecruiser formation cooperates with the cruiser formation to encircle the remaining enemy on the right wing!"

For a moment, Yu Lian even felt that this uncle had been taken away from him.

Do you want to hear what you are saying? Accelerate the charge, break through the center, split and outflank? Does this really fit the simple and strong persona of your butler-type chief of staff?

"We believe that the enemy's morale has been reduced to the extreme. They have adopted such a posture to put safety first. Then, it gives us the opportunity to attack directly." The chief of staff paused for a moment, but still showed a wry smile: "But , there is indeed an element of gambling.”

"And it's not small." Rozeshi added.

"Chief Kuransov thinks so too," the chief of staff added.

"However, His Excellency the Deputy Commander also believes that we cannot dance to the enemy's tune."

"Yes, Rear Admiral Lesu said that his fleet suffered the least damage, and he hopes to take the lead."

Are you, the old one and the young one, just singing oboe here? For some reason, Yu Lian always felt that this scene was a bit inexplicably funny. Looking at the bow of the ship, Xiao Hui was already holding his stomach and giggling.

...Even if it’s a little funny, you won’t laugh like this, right?

Yu Lian shrugged: "Very good, just approve it."

Chief of Staff Mkawa was worried about gains and losses for a while. The plan was approved, which was naturally the result of the staff team and him as chief of staff. However, the plan was approved too quickly, but he always felt that there was something wrong with the method.

There is no way, officers like him are indeed the most likely to worry about gains and losses.

"I understand what you mean. It's nothing more than worrying about the end of the force. If our onslaught is slow and stagnant, we will lose our room for maneuver. The Imperial Army can completely counter-encircle us. However, similarly, since the opponent has laid out The regular soldiers who are following the steps like this are just seeing this. Their military morale is cold and we are exhausted. If it turns into a tug-of-war, their morale will slowly recover and reinforcements will slowly arrive, but our situation will become worse and worse. Disadvantageous. This is what Lieutenant General Kuransov said, dance to the rhythm of the enemy."

The two began to nod.

Yu Lian said to Luo Zeshi: "Can the Marines get some rest?"

"I just woke up from the sleep cabin and am having a meal." Luo Zeshi reported quickly.

On a battleship, a warm and comfortable bed was a luxury rather than a necessity. The most popular one is this kind of sleeping cabin, which can allow users to enter deep sleep in the shortest time, and make people full of energy in two or three hours.

Of course, some scholars believe that using this kind of sleeping cabin instead of natural sleep for a long time will cause damage to the body. But this is a battlefield after all, and no one has any extravagant ideas about health care. What's more, no matter what, it's better than no sleep at all. You must know that at critical moments, both the crew and the Marines are ready to take stimulants and moon candy.

Compared with Yu Lian, who didn't take a nap for half a minute and just ate since the battle started, the Marines got a complete sleep and two hearty meals, which was already a very preferential treatment.

Now that you have received preferential treatment, you must be prepared to die.

Yu Liandao: "Get the gravitational field bomb ready."

Rozeshi and Chief of Staff Mkawa looked at each other, both showing expressions that were almost constipated.

"This reaction is really unpleasant. It makes me feel like I'm addicted to gang hopping." Yu Lian said angrily: "Let's be clear, at heart I am still an orthodox big gun gang member, and gang hopping is not a fascination with this. A feeling of invincibility. I just think that because we can afford the gamble, we can use extreme tactics. Again, if the attack is really unfavorable, just jump in and penetrate the opponent's headquarters. Haha. Haha, we all learned this from our enemies."

(End of this chapter)

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