Him and their stars

Chapter 1421 The universe is full of madmen

The high-definition picture of Lieutenant General Germes presenting his sword has spread to all parts of the universe. This may be the largest public execution of the Empire this year.

As for the losses on the earth, they are still being counted. However, the original encirclement and annihilation battle has turned into a frontal battle. Anyone with military knowledge will know if they think about it carefully, this is definitely not in the minority.

However, what is undeniable to anyone is that when the Yu fleet arrived at the far shore nebula in a forced march day and night, they fought and won consecutively and completely reversed the situation on the far shore.

This is also the time when he has eliminated the threat of enemies on the Blood Gate side after eliminating the enemy fleet on the Blood Gate side.

However, even at this level, Yulian's fleet still did not stop.

This victorious fleet, which had achieved several consecutive victories, was like a crazy lion, unaffected by pain and fatigue, and continued to pursue the stubborn enemy. Now they have overcome all obstacles and pushed the battle line beyond the far shore nebula again.

Now, needless to say, this big news has spread to all parts of the galaxy. And the monsters on the "White Devil" who had just returned from the "New World" finally heard about this on the public radio.

It was a particularly refreshing feeling for everyone to think that they had become the least informed "New World bumpkin".

After a brief silence, Tomitelli Khan said with emotion: "What an amazing young man! In fact, to round things off, I actually have some connections with him, and at least we can have a common topic."

These words were very fresh and immediately attracted everyone's attention. During this period, this crazy queen often published some explosive news that was half true and half false. Everyone had no way of confirming the authenticity, but it really felt fresh.

"Actually, when we launched the Great Expedition, I should have gone to say hello to him in advance. Alas, actually, if I think about it carefully, our plan has no conflict with him or the people on Earth, and there are even areas where we can cooperate. . Hey, I just got the secret treasure in the silver heart, and I got carried away. Hey, it's all my fault. If you put things in front, if he is willing to stand on my side, no, if you just let it go a little bit, , our empire can really survive. Wuwuwu, it’s really my fault, no doubt about it.”

Then you sent people to attack Xinyumen before, what's the use of regretting it now? Even the spirit of the universe would not agree. Fang Ting looked at the Great Khan, who was left with only an ancient ship after running out of mountains and rivers, and felt no waves in her heart.

Then, Ms. Lingyu on the side also covered her face and cried: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu””””” Bad guys, we have never thought of harming people on Earth. We are promoting the progress of the world, and we should be his companions. We, the World Snake, obviously need talents like him."

Tsk tsk tsk, weren't you the ones who experimented with bugs in the New World, the territory of the Earthlings? Weren't you the ones who almost killed people? Were you not the ones who started the rebellion of the sand people? Isn't that "ash" you who ran to Xinyumen?

If they really wanted to bring him in, the first thing they would do would be a big purge, right?

Miss Fantine sneered and glanced at Captain Planck again.

The latter helplessly spread his hands and said: "Okay, okay, the young military god of the earth has already slapped more than twenty dragon kings with his bow left and right. This is actually beneficial to us. After all, he has attracted everyone's attention. . Anyway, in this galaxy, we are finally back. What’s the next step?”

Ms. Lingyu put away her smile as if by magic: "In the past, Miss was very interested in torpedoes soaked in space, but now the battlefields on the far shore and Blood Gate are crowded with armies, so we have to go to the high seas. "

"Oh, the place where the six flame dragons fell, right? Hahahaha, six flame dragons, they were gone in a long time. It's just six turkeys, Yu Lian couldn't finish them in half a day, right?" Suihuo fired. Gloating laughter.

He is not just hostile to the Alliance, but equally hostile to all cosmic powers.

"Can we take a detour? Your Majesty." Ling Yu said with a smile.

"Of course, this is what I should do." Queen Tomitelli also showed a warm smile: "Besides, this is not a detour. We are just on the way."

"In other words, there is indeed a connection with the Abyss Nebula on the other side of the High Sea?" Ms. Lingyu showed an expression of sudden realization.

Queen Tomitelli showed a puzzled look: "Actually, most people should have guessed it. The troops sent by the empire to intercept the rest of the fleet could only take this route."

The two women looked at each other, then covered their mouths and laughed "oh ha ha ha".

Fantine felt that once the critical moment came, it would be very tiring to communicate with these snakes. She sighed and said to Suihuo: "So, when you get to the Grand Sea Channel, you will get off the ship, right?"

"That's the high seas. During the war, we can find an inaccessible planet there to get off the ship. When the time comes, the organization will find a reliable ship to pick us up. There are also big things happening in the Alliance, and we have to rush back." Suihuo grinned. smiled.

"There are always big things happening in the alliance recently." Fantine shrugged: "I still remember that Miss 'Past' meant that we will be dormant recently."

"Yes, the so-called hibernation means that you must never directly participate in events related to the Empire and the Alliance. However, these things are really not planned by us." Captain Plank added.

Sui Huo said: "The mercenaries I brought are all good soldiers. They are proficient in killing people and operating ships. I will leave half of them to you."

"Thank you, brother." Captain Plank moved and hugged his Argonian hair boy.

"Don't thank me first, brother." Sui Huo bared his teeth, revealing two rows of sharp teeth like blades: "When we get to the high seas, we disembark, and you have to follow."

"Following who?"

"Following the White Devil and Her Majesty Tomitelli? Aren't you close comrades who share life and death? You have gone through many hardships since the beginning of the New World Highway. You are also the savior of the great plunderer Great Khan. So, witness In the end, isn’t it the most basic loyalty?”

"...I thought those mercenaries you mentioned were to supplement my Black Snake pirate group."

"Bah, if you can survive to the end, I won't object to replenishing your pirate group! But you also have to pay their wages."

"You damn humpback lizard! You're plotting against me!"

"This is Miss Past's order. Also, who the hell is a humpback lizard! You bald rat!"

"Who is Bald Rat? I did it to treat scalp dandruff, and we're already in middle school."

"I don't understand, we Argonians don't have ringworm."

"Yes, it's just that there are insects and hair growing in the scales, right?"

As a result, a human and an Argonian, the two most senior members of the Universal Serpent, the number one terrorist in the universe, immediately started fighting together like naughty kids who hadn't gone to middle school.

Mademoiselle Fantine sighed again. She knew that although World Snake was known as a club with no hierarchy, in a sense, the "orders" mentioned in a joking tone were even more stringent than military orders. Now that the "Miss from the Past" whom he has not yet met has spoken, he and Captain Plank have no choice.

She really wanted to accompany this crazy woman who had lost her country, her people, and her army on a trip to the Abyss Nebula.

But for some reason, Miss Fantine didn't find it unacceptable at all. As a top student at the Alliance Naval University with a degree in engineering, she has always felt that staying in this ancient ship for a long time would refresh the frontier of her knowledge.

She said to Queen Tomitelli: "Your Majesty, you once led an army through the Abyss Nebula, a great expedition of 2.5 million light years. It can be said that no one in the entire universe understands the Abyss Nebula better than you. , is that right?”

"The Abyss Nebula is both an abyss and a divine realm. I don't understand it at all." The Queen of the Eero people put away her crazy smile, and a trace of nostalgia and longing flashed across her face: "However, if we want to bypass all the surveillance of the empire, , this is the only way." "And the half of this white demon is also in the abyss?"

"The white devil and the black ghost are all, in the final analysis, a misinterpretation of the Enlightenment's words. You have to know that the legends of the universe are random and random. The legend of the ghost automatic dreadnought in the abyss nebula, and even the Biero people The history of the empire will be longer. Of course, if we can really activate it, maybe it can give our revenge...ah, give our plan to test the universe a little more strength." Of course, Queen Tomitelli did not deny it.

It's your plan, not ours. thought Mademoiselle Fantine.

"Yes, everything depends on fate. Don't worry, my dear Miss Fantine, we will not take any more detours. We will definitely pass through the vast and boundless Abyss Nebula in the most efficient way, all the way into the hinterland of the empire. Enter the Heaven Realm. At that time, you can witness my end, and you can also find a place to disembark at any time." Queen Tomitelli said.

"Since a person is willing to carry an ancient treasure and cross 2.5 million light-years to commit suicide, I am indeed obliged to witness such an ending." Fantine sneered.

"I can't help it, I'm a lunatic."

"A lunatic who knows he is crazy may be more dangerous than a lunatic who does not know he is crazy." Fantine said unceremoniously.

"I'm not the only one who's crazy these days." Queen Tomitelli looked like she was not ashamed but proud.

At the same time, tens of thousands of light-years away in the Feimo star field, on the surface of a dwarf planet named Heiman, there was a single room on the third floor of the Universe Hotel of the "Jackass Hanging Flag" hotel.

The "girl" slowly opened her eyes after a long period of meditation, and she found that her spiritual power had been greatly improved again.

Psionics are truly the power of the mind and will. After the trip to the Cross Nebula, when she strengthened her determination, she naturally made rapid progress. Now, even as a human psyker, it was enough for her to sigh happily. However, she still knew that as a human being, with her magnificent spiritual power, it was not enough to take revenge on this world.

Now, she needs to wait for a chance.

The "girl" sat there for a few more minutes, then turned on the intercom and said to the front desk in a natural voice: "Today's package D. Yes, it will be delivered in half an hour."

Of course she doesn't need to eat, but she is transiting as a human being and everything needs to be natural.

She opened a crack in the curtains and saw a smoky light under the dome and stars.

...Well, although the archway of the hotel is hanging here, there are docks, energy charging factories, hardware factories, water purification plants, and even hydroponic farms and parks. It's not so much a space hotel as it is a space city built under a dome.

In the public star chart, neither "black comics" nor "jackass flying the flag" exist. However, in the world of black (meow) roads, this is indeed a famous urban legend. Gangsters, smugglers, pirates, fugitives, local warlords, all of them who have to travel in the most chaotic star field in the galaxy all year round, have basically heard of the only "peaceful neutral zone" in this star field.

It is said, it is really just said, that no matter what grievances and grievances the black (meow) gang chiefs and warlord leaders around the Feimo Star Territory have elsewhere, once they get to the Black Man Star, they will arrive in this "jackass flying the flag" territory. Within the house, everyone must abide by the principle of not fighting with force, even if they really want to fight, they are not allowed to use weapons, and they are not allowed to smash the pots, pans, flowers and plants here.

If you don't obey, the boss here, Mr. Star Sea Monster, will really chop up the fighting parties and feed them to Rosamon.

Of course, it is indeed just a rumor.

Speaking of which, at the beginning of this year, the intelligence station set up by the Empire and the Alliance here was burned down, but the heroes of the three mountains and five mountains did not think that the boss of the Star Sea Monster had broken the rules at all. They only thought that there must be some way. When the hero passed by, he gave everyone a bad breath.

In short, even today when the war breaks out, the peaceful daily life of "the jackass flying the flag" is still going on smoothly. Of course, they naturally also received the news of the Community's victory in the Far Shore Nebula - although it is Sanguan's territory, the news of Black Man Star is not outdated at all. The permanent and temporary residents of Jackass Hanging Flag can board StarNet can even receive most of the TV stations in the galaxy.

As a result, a group of evil-looking outlaws in the hotel lobby were drinking heavily while watching the latest battle report broadcast by the Star Network. When the wreckage of the destroyed imperial battleship appeared on the screen, they all cheered loudly. . It was like seeing the horse that you had bet on cross the line.

"Hey, the people on Earth are so awesome!"

"Hahahahaha, let's see what kind of virtue the emperor can show in front of us?"

"Ah hahaha, the alliance master has been shrinking his eggs, and he has no right to show any bad behavior in the future."

“A toast to the heroes of the Earth!”

In a lively and noisy atmosphere, Jackass Hanging Flag once again cleared away a lot of bad wine tonight. The boss Xinghai Monster, who looked like a black iron tower, was holding a swollen wallet while speaking earnestly to two child workers who had been working in the hotel for more than half a year:

"Listen up, little Gavroche, little Shuigen, don't look at it now, the people on Earth have become the heroes of these people, but it's not because the community has done anything worthy of respect. They just hate the Empire and the Alliance equally. .”

"What if we did something worthy of respect?" asked Xiao Shuigen, who was cleaning the table.

"Then they will scold you later." The Star Sea Monster laughed.

"I understand, I understand. Teacher Tan said that most outlaws live in the gray area of ​​the universe. They are drunk today and drunk the next. They always need a target of hatred to cast a shadow on their future-less life. The look of resistance. This will make them forget that they are not evil parties, but insurrectionists." While scraping the potatoes, little Gavroche showed a malicious sneer like a precocious boy.

"Isn't it too early for your Mr. Tan to teach you this kind of thing now?" The Star Sea Monster was silent for a moment, and then said in an angry voice.

"It doesn't matter, I can only understand half of it anyway." Thirteen-year-old Gavroche put the peeled potatoes on the big pot next to him and started to steam them.

"Maybe we are afraid that we will forget who we are after spending too long with the evil party, right?" Twelve-year-old Xiao Shuigen had already finished wiping the table, and then took down a tray with skillful movements and put it on top Pan-fried steaks and fried chicken pieces were laid out.

"However, Teacher Tan also said that the boundary between the evil party and the rebels is blurred." Xiao Shuigen added.

"Hey, where are you from?"

"I want you not to have a sense of superiority. Teacher Tan said that when you develop a sense of superiority because of your identity as an insurrectionist, sooner or later you will start to take it for granted that the fruits of the uprising's victory belong to you. At that time, it's time to change. Master Cheng is not far away." Xiao Shuigen said, and when he lowered his head to find some wine, he saw that little Gavroche had packed a large amount of beer with no brand for him.

He handed the bag to his friend and said angrily: "Can you please stop imitating Teacher Tan's speech? Anyway, you can't do it! You are so old-fashioned and don't mind being pretentious! Huh, so, according to the original plan, you will be ready to go later Delivering food to the newly opened casino?" Gavroche asked.

Xiao Shuigen said: "I'm 80% sure that there is the empire's new intelligence station. Maybe we can find out something."

Little Gavroche nodded and started to put away the tray: "I'm going to give the ferry tickets and dinner to the guests in room B29, that sister."

"Be careful, I always feel like that room is no ordinary person."

Having said this, the two of them couldn't help but look at their temporary boss at the same time, only to see Mr. Star Sea Monster lying on the big table at the door of the kitchen, holding his wallet and falling asleep, looking like I didn't hear anything. look.

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