Him and their stars

Chapter 1422 The person who cannot be offended the most when traveling in the world is the little gi

Chapter 1422 The person who cannot be offended the most when traveling in the world is the little girl

These two teenagers are Gavroche, who has just turned fourteen, and Mizugen, who has only turned twelve in two months. He was one of the survivors of the Guye City uprising, and the two eldest of the five children that Tan Jize took away.

When most children should have just entered middle school and are ready to enjoy the beginning of their rosy youth, their experiences are already more complicated than those of most mediocre adults. After the Great Uprising in Guye City, as the backbone of the Youth League of the Workers' Club, they became the youngest wanted criminals in the history of the founding of the community, reserve members of the Pioneer Party, and now they have become the most "famous" gangsters in the universe ( Meow) Dao Peace Hotel, employees with flags hanging on donkeys.

Of course, their job is actually the person in charge of a secret intelligence transfer station. As for when this transfer station can be upgraded to a real intelligence organization and underground transportation station, it only depends on whether they can make enough contributions and when they reach adulthood.

For these two overly precocious children, this kind of life is actually much more interesting than being a child laborer tightening screws in a factory, and of course they can learn more. Precisely because they are minors, they are relatively safer in this environment; and because they are minors, they can see many sides that adults cannot.

Amidst the thunderous snoring of the boss, Mr. Star Sea Monster, the two teenagers tidied the kitchen quickly and began to talk as if no one was watching.

"...Speaking of which, how did you know that the casino across the street was the empire's intelligence station?" asked little Gavroche.

Xiao Shuigen said seriously: "The one they put at the entrance of the store is the Storm Robot used by the Imperial Army. The twenty-person security team also uses the Imperial Stormtrooper's drill code when they exercise every day."

"Huh? Is it already so blatant?"

"The last time the empire set up an intelligence station here, it was very disciplined. The heaviest weapons were pistols and carbon axes, and they died together with the alliance next to them in a daze. It's better to be more blatant."

"The boss of the Star Sea Monster also allows it? Doesn't it mean that war is not allowed inside the jackass flag?"

"There is no problem with self-defense weapons, as long as you pay enough protection fees."

Can the Storm Robot be considered a self-defense weapon? Little Gavroche was systematically learning various military and equipment knowledge, but he always felt that something was wrong. However, considering that the Star Sea Monster boss himself had built a training ground and weapons depot under the hotel, and the arms in the depot were enough to arm the two regiments to the teeth, he was immediately relieved.

Moreover, the boss of the Star Sea Monster is a high-level psyker himself. He has four known psykers under his command, as well as three to five hundred powerful, strong, well-trained heroes. Even if two companies of Imperial Stormtroopers cause trouble, they can be calmed down easily.

In addition, this boss, who is taller and thicker than a troll, is also an all-round master. Warlord leaders, gang bosses and pirate kings who are thousands of light years away have to give him some respect.

If you want to create such a peaceful and neutral area in a ghost place like Feimo Star Territory, you can't maintain it by just talking.

Of course, looking at the way the boss of the Star Sea Monster is sleeping as if he can't wake up even if a cannonball explodes around him, he really doesn't look like a master at all.

"The alliance's intelligence station will also be reopened. It will be opened on the other side of the town. It will be a brothel. The boss of the sea monster said that as long as the isolation zone is built as much as possible, everyone can live in peace. ." Xiao Shuigen, who was under twelve years old, said the lines that were completely inconsistent with his grade without changing his expression. He added:

"Teacher Tan has said that the Empire and the Alliance are not at war after all. It is good for us and it is our job to let them coexist peacefully."

Little Gavroche gritted his teeth and said, "The Empire is at war with the Community. So, where is the Community's intelligence station?"

Xiao Shuigen tapped himself with his thumb: "Aren't we the same?"

"We belong to the Pioneer Party, not the Community." Little Gavroche said angrily.

"What belongs to the Pioneer Party is what belongs to the community. This is what Teacher Tan teaches."

The teenagers quickly packed up the small kitchen. Then, little Gavroche also began to organize his own tray. He topped it with pancakes painted with funny patterns, fried chicken and skewers arranged like petals, castle-shaped egg and beef fried rice, creamy mushroom noodles, chicken corn soup, honey cake, and stir-fried rice. Got yogurt compote, juice and strawberry milk. It can be considered a nutritionally balanced combination of meat and vegetables, but it seems a little childish.

This is Jacky Donkey’s Deluxe Edition Children’s D Package. This is a set meal specially prepared for small families with two children. It is enough for a family of three or even four to have a delicious meal.

Of course, most psykers, especially MT and physical damage types, have an amazing appetite. It’s okay to say that this set meal is for one person.

But then again, the Feimo Star Territory, a war-torn place in the galaxy where no one cares, actually has children passing by, it always sounds like there is something wrong.

However, the boss, Mr. Xing Haiwei, said that the universe is so vast and there are endless strange people and strange things, and the people who cannot be offended the most are the elderly, women and children walking alone. Even if it is for the reputation of the jackass flying the flag on the road, there must be a children's package setting. You may not be able to use it, or you may even waste precious food and water, but you cannot be unprepared.

I have to admit that the boss is indeed a veteran. Now, when this guest B29 checked in, he actually used the package D of Jackass Flag Hotel.

Gavroche finished clearing the dinner plate and placed a ticket made of cardboard. The pattern above is a jackass hand-painted by the boss of Star Sea Monster. Of course, it's not so much a painting as a mess of graffiti. However, in the Fermor Star Territory, this abstract jackass pattern is even more useful than the logo of the Standard Shipping Association.

"Her ticket?" Xiao Shuigen asked.

Gavroche nodded: "A smuggling ship will enter the port at night. It is a batch of medicine purchased by the Sumi Liberation Organization from Minlan. It will be just in time to pick up the guests of B29. Well, you will go to the casino later. …When it comes to that Imperial Intelligence Station, it’s best to divert their attention.”

Xiao Shuigen said: "Don't worry. That casino is full of security and logistics, and the on-site intelligence officer has not arrived yet. Moreover, everyone in the casino likes to chat with me. The false information that Teacher Tan left for me is enough Just wait till next year."

"Okay, you're awesome."

"On your side, B29's guests should not be that simple. At least, they are definitely not as simple as the adventurers she said."

"Why, because she is a young lady? I heard that there are free mercenaries and adventurers walking the galaxy, lone rangers younger than us. After all, they are all psykers, and they must have unique skills. During this period of time, I When she went to deliver food, she also taught me a set of swordsmanship to strengthen my body. She said it was used by the imperial martial arts nobles to strengthen their muscles and bones." The young man showed a look of admiration. No matter how mature a child is, they will definitely dream of one day riding across the galaxy and riding a horse as powerful as a thousand people.

"Uprisings are happening one after another in the star regions on the borders of the empire. The rebels cannot afford to hire outside psykers, but the local lords are spending heavily to protect their manors, mines and factories."

Shuigen shook his head and said, "Yes, there are at least ten to twenty thousand mercenaries and adventurers passing through our territory in the past six months, and the number of psychics is also in double digits. However, this B29 guest is a bit special."


"Her plate is so clean every day, as clean as if she had licked it with her tongue."

Little Gavroche pictured in his mind the image of the pretty doll-like young lady sticking out her tongue to lick the plate. Goosebumps suddenly appeared all over her body, and she felt that her spirit had been horribly polluted. "Of course, it's also possible that she is a refined, elegant and very humble and polite person. Before returning the leftover plates to us, she would wash them carefully herself." Xiao Shuigan added.

"Then why did you talk about the previous one first?"

"Isn't this just to impress you?" Xiao Shuigen said seriously: "In short, this is definitely not the habit of mercenaries. It is not the style of adventurers."

Little Gavroche knew that he had been tricked by his companion again. However, regardless of this bad taste, what he said still makes sense. Although the other party is two years younger than me, his observation skills are much better than mine, and he is very attentive.

"But besides a mercenary or an adventurer, what else could it be? But it doesn't matter now, she is leaving tonight." Little Gavroche said.

Xiao Shuigen nodded: "Yes. She is leaving today. Moreover, such people have many secrets and are very dangerous. Teacher Tan also told us that the first priority is to ensure the safety of the traffic station."

"Then what did you just say to me?"

"To keep you on your toes, of course."

"If I were really vigilant, it would be unnatural to get along with others. Wouldn't it be even more dangerous?"

"...Uh, I'm sorry. Mainly because I discovered something new and I'm very proud of it. I really can't hold it in without telling someone. Who else can I tell it to but you?"


"Don't worry, all the passengers who have passed here have stories to tell, and there won't be any extraneous matters. As long as we don't show any hostility, it will be fine. To say the least, even if something goes wrong, this is still the territory where the jackass hangs his flag. .The boss will not ignore it.”

Mr. Star Sea Monster, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly stopped snoring and suddenly sneezed loudly. He changed his angle and began to fall asleep again.

Little Gavroche glanced at the boss and made a serious calculation; "Well, if the boss knows the truth, I can have a chat with the B29 guest. She has a story at first glance, and she has special skills. There is a shortage of such talents in China.”

Xiao Shuigen thought for a while, nodded and said: "Pay attention to the method and don't force it. Well, in short, don't make others anxious."

The star sea monster boss coughed hard.

In short, the teenagers each took the children's deluxe set meal and unbranded mixed drinks and snacks, and went on their way.

Little Gavroche carried the tray, bypassed the bustling restaurant and bar on the first floor, followed a long corridor made of armored plates from an abandoned warship, went around to the back of the hotel, and went up to a semicircular building. This is the No. 2 accommodation building where Jackass hangs his flag. It was actually rebuilt from the half-pull front hull of a battle cruiser.

If this style of building were in that big city, it would definitely become a place for Internet celebrities to show off because of its cosmic wasteland style. However, on the Black Man Star, wasteland is of course just wasteland.

However, even so, Mr. Star Sea Monster and his friends have tried their best to increase the living comfort of these rooms. The suites in Accommodation Building 2 are quite spacious, with warm beds and private bathrooms, clean water and meal ordering services. The price is on par with five-star hotels in famous tourist areas in the alliance, but as long as the scarcity of the goods is taken into account, it is acceptable.

Little Gavroche took a deep breath, tried his best to calm down, and gently knocked on the door at the end of the corridor.

"Miss Charlie, your D meal."

"Come in." A cheerful and clear female voice came from the door. Just by the sound of her voice, I could imagine a graceful image, which perfectly matched the galactic heroines in the interstellar martial arts movies that little Gavroche watched. combine.

In the past, he actually liked this kind of refreshing energy, but after his friend said this, he suddenly felt that this voice was indeed a bit too perfect, so perfect that it was a bit unnatural.

When the boy opened the door, what he saw was a girl in sportswear, standing in the most spacious place in the center of the room, holding a thick iron rod and practicing swinging a sword. She has a slender but toned figure, a rosy face, and is sweating profusely. She is such an athletic girl full of vitality!

In addition, it seems very reasonable that a young adventurer who walks alone in the galaxy is an athletic girl who exercises hard all the time.

Little Gavroche used to think it was reasonable, but he suddenly felt that every time he came to deliver food, the latter was either swinging a sword or doing push-ups, which seemed a bit too deliberate.

...I am really very ill! Little Gavroche cursed himself and put down the tray.

Then, he picked up the piece of cardboard from the tray: "Your ticket."

The girl named Xia Li put down the iron bar, which was estimated to be at least 30 to 40 kilograms. She picked up the piece of paper and looked at the abstract hand-drawn graffiti on it. She suddenly showed an expression of "Are you kidding me?"

"Is this thing worth 1000 gold dragons?"


The girl bit her lip and took the ticket: "Hahaha, it's best to use it."

"If you don't need it, you can always come to me...to settle accounts with the boss of the Star Sea Monster. In fact, it's not just the ship at night, there are also smuggling ships passing through us that go directly to the Alliance, the New World, and the Community. All you have to do is go to the port and ask. This ticket will work."

The young man paused and said cautiously: "Well, Miss Xia Li, you are actually going to the empire to find a job this time, right?"

Charlie glanced at the other person: "Why are you asking this? What does this have to do with you?"

Although her words didn't sound good, she still said: "A group of key members of the Fujie Formation have entered the Shengyuan. Duke Mogash paid a lot of money and wanted to hire a group of people who are good at tracking and fighting in the swamp jungle. Hahaha, I'm here You have so much experience in this field. Brother Jia, if you are a psychic, my sister might take you along. You can make a lot of money from the Duke of the Empire... Working part-time is much easier than working as a waiter here. "

The young man laughed, and then said: "I heard that the New China Star Region is also spending a lot of money to hire experienced people, mainly to serve as instructors for the newly formed troops. Although the income is not as good as the Duke of the Empire, But it’s better to be safe.”

The girl was startled for a moment, then smiled with interest: "Hey, Brother Jia, are you working as a lobbyist for the community military? Who are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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