Him and their stars

Chapter 1423 Helpless Choice

At this moment, little Gavroche clearly felt the strong smell of blood from that bright smile. He knew that even if the other party was not an "adventurer" as he claimed to be, he had definitely seen a lot of blood, and he must have had multiple lives in his hands.

However, the young man who had already experienced the battlefield in Guye City only shrank his head slightly, but still mustered up the courage to say: "The important job of our male donkey hanging flag, in addition to receiving all the guests in the universe, is to introduce suitable jobs to everyone. ”

Charlie looked at the other party meaningfully and said nothing.

Little Gavroche resisted the abyss-like aura of the other party and continued: "Well, New China is a little remote, most planets are still under development, and the sector's finances are not rich. If you really don't want to Go, then, how about going to Lumina? Lumina is jointly forming a new Marine division with New Seville, scheduled to be organized into the 54th Division. They are also short of instructors. These extra expenses are all going to Red Maple The factory's accounts pay well."

As soon as these words came out, I don't know why, the terrible sense of oppression immediately disappeared without a trace.

"Ru, Rumina..."

Little Gavroche clearly heard a hint of trembling in the other party's tone. Of course, this emotional wavering soon disappeared, and was quickly dismissed by the young man as an illusion.

"Boy, where's the boat to the community you mentioned?"

"About next month." Little Gavroche scratched his head.

"This ticket can only be used once, right?"

The young man nodded.

"When there are many large smuggling ships like this, only one or two come a week, and when there are few, there may not even be one per month. In other words, if I change my route, I will have to stay here for at least three days?" "

"Well, the boss also needs to make a profit." Little Gavroche said sheepishly.

Charlie let out a sneer that was neither sinister nor positive, stretched out her fingers and flicked a golden dragon into little Gavroche's hand.

Every time little Gavroche came to deliver food, he would get a gold dragon as a tip, and this time was of course no exception. This kind of psychic who walks in the gray area can still make a lot of money. And because of the nature of their work, they are all drunk now and spend a lot of money, which is also the main source of income for workers like Jack Donkey Hanging Flag and them.

However, even by this standard, Xia Li is the most generous person.

She has been living in room B29 for almost a week, and the young man has indeed saved a considerable sum of money. The latter always felt that if the other party stayed for a few more days, he might be able to earn the college tuition for his younger brother who stayed in the orphanage.

However, it was obvious that the other party had no such intention. Usually, tipping yourself marks the end of the conversation.

Sure enough, I heard Xia Li say: "I will definitely not go to the community. My aunt's schedule has been decided. If you go to the empire, you are going to the empire. Now, get out of here!"

If you act rough at this time, it will become more and more rough! The young man couldn't help but think so. He was a little disappointed, bowed his head, and was ready to retreat.

However, when he was about to leave, he heard Miss Charlie say again: "Wait, come back?"

The young man stopped and saw that the other party lowered his voice and said: "Looking at your young age, you are full of rebellious virtues. At first glance, you are a senior anti-system element. You should be a Sumi person like Fran Moore." Ah, are those rebels familiar?"

Little Gavroche was completely stunned this time.

Ten minutes later, he left the other party's room in confusion and returned to the hotel lobby. He returned to the kitchen along the same path. Before he could start working, he saw Xiao Shuigen who had also returned.

"Looking at you like this, you didn't succeed?"

"...Miss Xia Li said that she went to the empire not to seek refuge with the nobles, but to seek refuge with the rebels. In other words, she went to form an alliance with the rebels."

"Ah? Do you believe this too?"

"Why don't you believe it? Isn't it our job to introduce talents to various rebel armies? Although I'm a little disappointed that I didn't get to go to New China, it's better than going to the Empire Master. Anyway, it's hard to figure out how to tell her identity. It's their own business. I've already given out their external contact information." He glanced at his companion again. The other party did not object, but he also looked worried.

"You're at the casino, but what's new?"

Xiao Shuigen nodded vigorously, and then lowered his voice: "There is an empire's Titan ship that is gathering a fleet in the Colo star system on the edge of the Feimo star field. The scale is not small."

Little Gavroche couldn't help but be stunned on the spot, and said subconsciously: "But the Empire and the Alliance have been facing each other across the Feimo Star Territory."

"I know. But this is what the casino guest said. Captain Tim of the Seizing Home. He just came from the Imperial Road Channel in Feimo. He said he saw the Imperial Fleet with his own eyes."

"That guy... just like his sheep-headed first mate, he's full of talkers!"

"Yes, but you have to admit that his information is indeed well-informed. Moreover, I also heard from him that King Suliuka has returned to the imperial capital." Xiao Shuigen pondered for a moment: "And, after he just talked about When this topic came up, I was invited out by the casino people."

"How dare you mess with those crooked people in the casino right now, Captain Tim? Can you beat them?"

"I invited you out politely, and I also gave you a box of golden dragons. I'd rather believe this kind of thing."

Indeed, Captain Tim of the Homesteader is quite famous on the road. He himself and the Lytalim first mate are both powerful psychics who have traveled across the galaxy for nearly half a century and have friends all over the world, both black and white.

His main business is known as piracy, but he doesn't commit many crimes in this area. His side business is mediocre smuggling ships and top adventurers. Precisely because he is the top adventurer, he always has "allies" whether they are in the upper echelons of the Alliance or the Empire.

Since this person brought the news, we had to pay attention to it.

There was a short silence among the teenagers. After looking at each other for a few seconds, they nodded vigorously at the same time.

The two teenagers, who combined were just twenty-five years old, passed directly through the kitchen and the snoring Star Sea Monster boss with quick movements, each put on a thick coat and entered the icehouse. In the icehouse, a dazzling array of frozen meats hung upside down, almost blocking all lights, and the accessible aisles were very narrow.

After passing through the narrow gap, the teenagers finally opened the door of a compartment hidden under the ice in the deepest part of the kitchen.

This compartment is indeed very small, even if it accommodates two teenagers who have not yet fully grown up, it still seems very cramped. The only advantage is that when the door is closed, it completely blocks the coldness in the cold storage. Little Gavroche wiped the wall of the compartment and pulled out a small table. As for Xiao Shugen, he had already taken out the tools and parts from the compartment on the other side of the wall and started assembling it.

But three minutes later, an encrypted single-line hyperspace communicator was spelled out. Because it uses the single-line principle of small-flow source-mass waves, there is almost no trace and it is almost impossible to monitor.

However, the disassembly, assembly, and operation of this sophisticated special spy instrument are still very difficult.

However, these two teenagers, who were only twenty-five years old in total, completed the operation with skillful movements and quickly sent this important military information to the only terminal.

At the same time, in the direction of the Far Coast Nebula, which is more than 10,000 light-years away from the Feimo star field.

At this time, the flames of war have spread from the far shore nebula to within the empire's sphere of influence.

In the Cuiling Galaxy, the most important military town on the border of the Bakvi Republic, a war has gradually come to an end. Except for the remaining fleet that was still shivering in the fortress of the Bakvi people who belonged to the defenders, almost everything in the galaxy was completely wiped out.

However, the killing and destruction are still unfolding fiercely. The Yulian fleet and the Sylvester fleet, which merged together, after dispelling each other's resistance, began to tirelessly launch artillery fire on all space facilities in the galaxy, whether military or civilian. Within the scope of equal destruction.

This is not to show off victory, but to do everything possible to destroy the enemy's combat facilities.

When you go out to fight, you must be trustworthy. Now that he had agreed to make the matter the biggest before the main force of the Galactic Empire arrived, Yu Lian of course had no choice but to turn the surrounding empires into a sea of ​​fire.

This was Yu Lian's fourth victory after his victory in the T2 galaxy.

Of course, assure the Universal Spirit, he was not prepared to do this. His original plan was really just to try to annihilate all the enemy fleets that entered the far shore nebula, and then take the Sylvester fleet back to Seder Fortress to lick its wounds.

Although Yu Lian's mental structure is not stable and although he is crazy, he is not stupid after all. He is very aware of the size gap between the Community and the Empire. Even if they can sink ten of the empire's dreadnoughts, they can immediately launch twenty of them tomorrow. This is before this huge military empire enters a war regime.

In fact, even if he had a great victory in the Grand High Sea Channel and the Blood Gate, even if Teacher Yang killed a Titan and a Chosen Emperor in the New World, the Galaxy Empire, whose face was swollen by bows from left and right, could still win in the Feimo Star Territory. In this area, a large fleet of three or more Titan ships is retained to maintain sufficient military strength to confront the Alliance.

On the other side, he continues to deploy troops and generals, and continues to maintain overwhelming military pressure on the community on all fronts. But even at this level, the Galactic Empire still has not entered the war mobilization stage.

Therefore, when facing enemies of this size, it is necessary to beat them up, but it is even more necessary to protect oneself.

However, he did not expect that the empire's vanguard fleet would arrive at the scene early, at least 72 hours earlier than the staff initially expected.

...Well, it can’t be said that I didn’t expect it. There is a saying, after all, the Galactic Empire is the ancestor of cosmic war in this world. His remaining company could forcefully march and spend three weeks from the Blood Gate to the far shore. So, why can't the empire's vanguard fleet spend a month rushing from Wanwang Pass to the far shore?

"The Imperial Generalissimo must have guessed your actions after receiving the results of the Battle of Blood Gate." Rozeshi analyzed: "Commander Bonaparte's group has already entered the territory of the Cathay Kingdom, and the army It is completely impossible to keep the operation secret. The empire’s investigation department should have discovered long ago that there is no main god class in the fleet, and half of the Yinglong class is missing.”

"Maybe we will also find that the lightning strike ships are no longer there." Chief of Staff Mkawa added.

Who is the chief of staff between you two? Yu Lian thought.

If Major General Mkawa is a jealous type, there may be a fierce office political struggle at Fuxi's headquarters.

Fortunately, probably because when the upper beam is straightened, the lower beam will be straightened. Thanks to a certain officer Yu, who has a correct outlook on life, everyone also has a correct outlook on life, and the atmosphere in the Fuxi Hao is still very harmonious.

"In other words, when the Battle of Blood Gate ended, the Grand Marshal's Mansion gathered a fast fleet and used a forced march to the far shore for rescue?"

The adjutant and the chief of staff nodded at the same time. This should be the public opinion of the staff.

In short, after such an operation, what stood in front of Yu Lian was no longer a tired enemy of the empire that had been fighting fiercely with the Sylvester fleet for several days and nights, but an empire's main fleet with a total force similar to its own. .

Everyone came here by force march day and night. However, Yu Lian had fought three consecutive battles before, so he should have accumulated more fatigue and pain.

Later, Yu Lian learned from the Sylvester fleet ahead that the empire's flagship was the dreadnought Iron Fist, and its commander was Lieutenant General Germes, a veteran general from the traditional Tirello military aristocracy. .

The other party must have also learned that the Yu fleet was coming, so they deployed their battle formation in advance, which seemed quite stable.

Chief of Staff Mkawa and Rozeshi both believed that even if it was to avoid the Sylvester fleet fighting alone, they must not give up the plan to make peace with the opponent in the T2 galaxy.

If nothing unexpected happens, the two sides should find that each other's combat power is similar, and they can't do anything to each other. After a period of confrontation, they will break away from each other's battle lines.

In this case, the community can be regarded as a great victory. After all, up to now, I have caused more than four times the damage to the enemy, and completely disabled the fleets of Bakvi and Legg Giants. This is just for the defense of the distant shore nebula that may occur in the future. Created quite powerful conditions.

However, Luo Zeshi put forward a different view.

"If I were Lieutenant General Germes on the opposite side, I would never retreat after the confrontation. Instead, I would choose to continue the confrontation for a long time. If we take a step back, we will definitely take a step forward. If we attack, he will defend to the death. "

Yu Lian suddenly realized: "This is a tired tactic. Waiting for the main force of the empire from Wanwang Pass to arrive, it will be time for them to launch a general attack. By then, we will be just a group of exhausted remnants, with no ability to fight back. "

"We are exhausted now." Luo Zeshi said.

Yu Lian pretended not to hear it, but smiled and said: "This is really half-baked. Since we have prepared a forced march to catch us off guard, why do we only have such a small number of troops? If I were the empire, I would have to move at least one ship. The Titan plus the fearlessness is at least twice as powerful as ours, right? Heh, who are you looking down on?"

He immediately said in a determined tone: "Everyone, the imperial family has a great cause and a lot of room for choice, so they still chose a very conservative approach. Hahaha, they are obviously taking risks and carrying out forced marches, but they still adopt the Instead of conservative tactics. How arrogant is this? But in this way, this can also constitute our chance of victory!"

Strictly speaking, this statement is not very convincing. However, Yu Lian knew that he had no choice. If he didn't defeat the fleet in front of him, he would have no chance when the main force of the empire arrived.

This was the real reason for the first battle in the Lucnar system. It is never a heroic epic, but a helpless choice.

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