Him and their stars

Chapter 1426: An acquaintance is here?

In contrast, the three-nation joint force blocked in the fortress, from sailors to stormtroopers to the personnel stationed in the fortress, totaled nearly 80 people. However, after they lost fifteen thousand people, all the remaining personnel and more than large and small warships chose to surrender.

Of course, after all, these people were blocked in the space fortress by the enemy army and were in a dilemma before they finally chose to surrender. I think even if His Majesty the Emperor knew about it, he would definitely be able to forgive them, right?

And, no matter what, compared to the crowds of people on the fortress, the more than 100 million civilians on the Green Ling Star who acted as bait were much calmer. Although they were under great pressure, they were not harmed from beginning to end.

These ordinary citizens of the Bakvi Republic have just lost their atmospheric mediation satellites, source mass wave transfer stations, and orbital elevators in orbit. They will probably return to the pre-interstellar era within a long period of time. An idyllic life enclosed on a planet.

This is probably the only price they have to pay.

"So, this is considered a great victory. You have won nine out of nine battles, and you are invincible across the distant nebula for two thousand light years." Luo Zeshi said to Yu Lianda.

Is this considered nine wins and nine shortcuts? Yu Lian almost suspected that the other party was not good at math. Of course, he quickly understood what the other party meant: "...Do you mean that if we attack the empire's local guard fleet and demolish the border lord's castle, that should also be counted?"

"Well, why doesn't it count?" Of course, it was not Luo Zeshi who said this, but Xiao Hui who appeared next to him at some unknown time. Of course, because this robot girl pursed her lips and smiled without showing her teeth, she looked so much like a well-trained "lady" that Yu Lian got goosebumps on the spot.

Luo Zeshi thought this was caused by himself, so he explained seriously: "The earth needs enough news of victory. In any case, nine battles and nine victories are very touching, and it will give people a feeling that the community army is invincible. Moreover, The official believes that defeating the local lords and the border fleet is also a victory. In any case, it is much more valuable than the generals in the opposite empire who became famous by beating pirates and gangs, or suppressing the rebels, right?"

Yu Lian suddenly understood. Luo Zeshi was clearly reminding himself not to neglect the honors the soldiers deserved just because of his own moral obsession.

"Okay. Nine battles and nine victories, we are really awesome!" Yu Lian applauded himself seriously.

"But, sir, why do we have to capture Cuiling Fortress? Although this is the shortest route for the imperial army to the far shore, you also know that it is impossible for us to hold it."

Luo Zeshi should have come to inquire on behalf of the staff department. However, he waited until the battle was over before coming to inquire. He probably didn't want to cause any trouble to the military. He was indeed a very particular person.

Yu Lian nodded: "This is already the core territory of the Bakvi people. There are enemies all around. Even if you give me a Unity Fortress, I can't defend it, let alone a copycat version of Sky Castle?"

"Then, why are we...well, aren't you going to imitate Teacher Yang and blow yourself up?" Luo Zeshi said suddenly. Despite his words, there was still an obvious look of suspicion on his face. He didn't think this trick would work.

Sure enough, Yu Lian laughed and said, "The Galaxy Empire is not a fool. How could it be possible to fall for the same trick a second time?"


"I only heard through the grapevine that this Cuiling Fortress is the military stronghold that the Bakvi Birds spent the most effort and resources to build. In order to build this fortress, they purchased core technology from the empire and hired top-notch people. Experts and engineers, in order to raise construction costs, it is said that the ship tax was collected in 2010."

"This is too exaggerated. This year is only the year 833. No matter how you say it, it won't be taxed for more than 1000 years, right?" Luo Zeshi said.

"...It is always possible to conquer for another 100 years." Yu Lian shrugged: "In short, once this fortress falls, the empire is obliged to take it back for the bird people, otherwise it will be difficult to lead the team."

"...So, you really have prepared some surprises for the empire?"

"If I were the commander-in-chief of the empire, I would definitely use heavy troops that far exceed our combat power to directly suppress the situation and force us away step by step. Then, let Bakwei send people to the fortress. When the time comes, we will obviously be forced to retreat. He was the enemy, but he gave up the glory of retaking the scroll to his friendly forces. Is there any leader as noble and upright as the Empire in this world?" Yu Lian said with a smile.

Of course, in this way, even if the people on earth did do something to the fortress, it would not be the imperial army who would need to take the risk.

"The Bakvi people will never dare to land." Roze said.

"Yes, but at that time, the empire will no longer be responsible." Yu Lian shrugged: "We can completely dismantle this fortress slowly."

"I understand, you have indeed prepared some big surprises for the empire." Luo Zeshi said in a determined tone.

"Please don't describe me like a bad-tempered conspirator, okay? I really don't like this fortress. In other words, I don't like all the large fortresses set up on the border of the Far Shore Nebula. I want to tear down one more one. , it will increase the empire’s logistical pressure. As for the rest, just let nature take its course.”

Considering the character of the Commander, Luo Zeshi felt that he could only believe half of it at most.

He wanted to ask more details, so he received a communication from the Engineering Department. With the help of the leading party, the engineers who successfully entered the core warehouse of the fortress made a surprising discovery.

"Sir, your guess is correct. There are indeed two very large positron generators on this Cuiling Fortress. We checked and found that they are the AF72-3 type manufactured by the Empire's Skyfire Design Bureau." Eisen Fran Qidao.

"That kind of generator is used on the Huanguang 3-level positron main gun?" Luo Zeshi, a weapons expert, immediately reacted: "However, the Huanguang 3-type should have been eliminated, and now the main equipment Those on Titan ships and large fortresses are all the new Tiangong 2 type."

"Then the question arises. Where did those eliminated Phantom 3 go?" Yu Lian asked.

"This line of main artillery has indeed been withdrawn from active service in the empire, but it can still be regarded as the top military secret. It should be dismantled and destroyed under the supervision of professional departments."

There are many countries that can build large battleship main guns, but there are only a few countries that can build Skyfortress-class fortress guns, which are also used on Titan ships. And we all know that no matter how backward a weapon is, once it involves technical barriers, it will become stronger.

"Yes, they should be destroyed centrally. However, it is quite reasonable for some important components, such as energy converters, focusing ring arrays, voltage stabilizing groups, etc., to accidentally end up on the black market. . Otherwise, where did the main gun on the Snake Lair come from? It couldn’t really be that they made it by hand in the underground factory in the Grand Cross Nebula, right?"

"This also includes the generator we found. I have always thought that the Bakwe people are a loyal and honest race, lacking in aggression, and perhaps the most submissive among the empire's subordinate countries. But now it seems that this may not be the case. That's it." Luo Zeshi said.

"Haha, a race that is good at shipping, trade and accounting, but not very good at farming or twisting screws, has set itself up as a loyal, honest, and obedient person. Don't you think there's something wrong? And don't do it, either. Forgot, at least half of the Yunta sector we just talked about was the traditional territory of the Bakvi people more than 1500 years ago." Yu Lian said with a smile.

"Do the Bakvi people actually have plans to regain their homeland? Then I can only express my admiration." Rozeshi clicked his tongue in surprise.

"Hahaha, I'm just talking about a possibility. If the Galactic Empire is always strong and the country is always prosperous, the Bakvi people must also be those extremely loyal old turkeys." On other occasions, Yu Even this sounds like nonsense. In this universe, in this era of civilization, everyone has become accustomed to the power of the Galactic Empire, and to the wisdom and prowess of the past Void Crown Lords.

Most people have never doubted that the Galactic Empire, which has been the hegemon of the galaxy for three thousand years since the early Galactic Age of Discovery, will remain so powerful in the next three thousand years.

Even the opposing alliance is no exception. Even the most radical anti-imperialists can only hold their noses and admit the situation of two opposing camps in the world. At most, they curse that the empire's anti-civilization slavery tyranny will be punished by heaven sooner or later, but they never dare to expect a country ruled by the dragon kings. will perish or weaken.

Yu Lian smiled and said: "I think that although the Baqwei people's submissiveness is just a persona, they don't really dare to rebel against the dragon kings. At most, they are just playing around and saving some parts to assemble secretly. Maybe during the war, Masters, you can loosen your leash. In fact, if we stay at the Far Shore Nebula for a longer period of time, the empire might acquiesce."

This is actually what happened on another timeline. In the end, the Bakvi people used various parts obtained from the black market to build two positron fortress main guns on their own Cuiling Fortress. Although it is the level of craftsmanship that the Empire and the Alliance had fifty years ago, although it is still full of a green-skinned mash-up style that is hard to describe, and although the hit rate is really hard to describe, after all, the range and power are piled up.

In short, regardless of performance and practicality, this is indeed the ultimate fortress cannon that can shoot against dreadnoughts and even Titans.

"Anyway, with those two large positron generators, we can do some operations. Luo Zeshi, this is just natural."

Luo Zeshi was slightly startled and advised: "Although the generator is the most important core component of the positron cannon, if you only rely on this component, you can barely assemble the weapon..."

"Stability and security would be problematic, right?"

Luo Zeshi nodded.

"But, didn't you just say that we can't hold this fortress at all?"

Luo Zeshi suddenly fell into thinking.

At this time, emergency communications were also sent to the headquarters.

"Sir, the forward reconnaissance fleet is reporting that the empire's main fleet has been discovered near the Blazing Wings Galaxy."

"Blazing Wing Galaxy, remember it's very close to us." Yu Lian calculated in a low voice.

Before Yu Lian could say anything, Luo Zeshi had already opened the three-dimensional star map and lit up the location of the Blazing Wing Galaxy.

Yu Lian glanced at it and determined that it was an important trade center system on the border of the Baqwe Republic. It has a permanent population of about two billion people and is home to a large number of commercial ports, warehouses and even credit vaults. The flight from here is only about three or four days.

He suddenly felt a little pity. If the empire hadn't arrived so quickly, he would have really been prepared to fight all the way over there to have a little fight with the autumn wind.

At this time, the latest news was also sent, including the silhouette of the ship captured by one's own reconnaissance ship.

Luo Zeshi and the members of the staff quickly input the outline pictures into the terminal and began to analyze and compare them. Of course, since the shooting distance is very far, the outline is naturally extremely blurry. It took the staff members a full five minutes to give out some uncertain news.

"It is determined to be a Titan ship. There is a 60% chance that it is the Four Seasons God Taine Abari!" said a staff officer.

"Where is the sky survey eye we have deployed nearby?" Chief of Staff Mkawa asked.

"No. 4 is in the Qianyu 12 galaxy, and No. 6 is in the Kongshen 41 galaxy. They are maneuvering towards the Blazing Wings galaxy. It will take another three hours."

"Confirm as soon as possible!" said the chief of staff. He asked Yu Lian for instructions again with his eyes. After the latter nodded slightly, he said again: "Let the front reconnaissance fleet return as soon as possible, don't take any risks!"

Although the staff department could not give a definite answer, considering the empire's previous military trends, Yu Lian felt that it was very likely that it was the God of Four Seasons, and he suddenly showed a nostalgic look.

"Hey, the famous 'Mythril Heart', Marshal Ikenroga."

"Yes, the Four Seasons God is indeed the flagship of Marshal Ikenroga, the sword-wielding minister of the Grand Marshal's Palace and the commander-in-chief of the Imperial Space Fleet."

The so-called "sword-bearing minister" is equivalent to the second-ranked position in the Grand Marshal's Palace, that is, the second-in-command in the empire's central imperial army system. In addition, Marshal Ikanroga also serves as the commander-in-chief of the Empire's Space Fleet - of course, in the empire's military order system, this is actually a semi-honorary position.

He, the Commander-in-Chief of the Space Fleet, plus Marshal Este, the Chief Minister of the Grand Marshal's Office, Marshal Betawi, Chief of Military Staff of the Imperial Privy Council, and Duke Sartolan, the Grand Master of the Astral Knights who has gone to the Spirit of the Universe. , the so-called fourth commander of the Imperial Army.

Compared with the aging Marshal Este and the Duke of Sadolan who went to heaven, Marshal Ikenroga, who just turned 60 this year, is indeed in his prime. If the second government war to destroy the Blue Star Community is the national policy of the empire, he is indeed a very suitable person to serve as the commander of the entire army.

However, in the back of Yu Lian's mind, the image of an incompetent and furious retired old man appeared, and he felt a little emotional for a moment.

"This is an old acquaintance," he said.

Luo Zeshi asked curiously: "Old acquaintance? When you came to the Imperial Capital Embassy to take up the post, Marshal Ikenluojia was supervising the test of the new Barbarossa-class fearless in the galaxy. He should not be in the sky..."

At this point, Luo Zeshi suddenly showed a surprised expression and clicked his tongue: "That's it. Haha, uh, it's the lower official who talks too much."

You are so confused. What I mean is that this famous imperial general with the title of "Mythril Heart" and I had a relationship in the previous life. What did you think of?

Yu Lian glared at the other party with a not very friendly look: "Adjutant, you might as well speak more clearly."

Luo Zeshi said: "Marshal Ikenluojia was born in a family of ordinary citizens, but he married a young lady from the Earl of Raylandshire's family. If you think about it, he is actually Ms. Giafel's uncle, right?"

If this guy hadn't reminded him, Yu Lian would have completely forgotten about this incident.

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