Him and their stars

Chapter 1427 Many acquaintances came

Judging from the experience of his previous life, Marshal Ikanroga seemed to be regarded as a purely professional soldier. Even though he was a rounded relative of King Suliuka, he was not directly involved in the struggle for the succession of the throne.

During the civil war, he had been running around, trying hard to prevent the Imperial Guard fleet stationed on the border from getting involved in the civil war, maintaining the stability of the empire's borders to the greatest extent, and avoiding the loss of the empire's main combat power.

Brünnhilt seemed to appreciate this public-spirited attitude. After taking the throne, Marshal Ikenroga did not lose trust in him at all because he did not take sides. In fact, he quickly became the helmsman of the Grand Marshal's Palace in front of all the shining generals under the Queen's command, and then naturally entered the Privy Council.

In his later years, he received the hereditary title of earl.

You must know that there are indeed many nobles in the empire, and many non-human alien races who have made special achievements can also receive an annuity from the Heraldry Academy. In extreme cases, it is very possible for a human general to salute a starfish with a noble title. However, the threshold for hereditary nobility is another matter.

In Yu Lian's view, the favorite thing of the emperors of the empire in the past dynasties was not to expand territories and conquer the universe, but to kick the butts of all classes in the empire equally. This kind of thing is manifested in the military aristocracy, which is manifested in trying every means to reduce the nobility's fiefs and annuities.

The supreme rulers of the empire probably felt that only in this way could class circulation within the empire be ensured and the empire's maximum vitality maintained.

Looking at it this way, one can easily imagine the preciousness of the newly conferred hereditary nobles.

To jump from an ordinary commoner to a lord with a territory in one generation, even if there is a suspicion of marrying into the family, it can indeed be called an inspirational example.

But I don’t know if Brother Sobaek will be able to achieve the same achievements in this life.

However, after this guy Luo Zeshi reminded him like this, Yu Lian suddenly felt that the inspirational legend of Marshal Ikenluojia suddenly seemed a little bit nepotistic, right? Maybe, that selfless behavior before was Brynhild's instruction?

...Well, in any case, Marshal Ikenroga, nicknamed "Heart of Mithril", is indeed a famous imperial general with outstanding achievements. And now, he was riding the Titan Titan Ship Shikisami, heading in this direction in a mighty manner.

"The reason why it is called the Heart of Mithril is that once he enters a fighting state, his fighting spirit and determination are indestructible, just like Mithril. Moreover, according to the existing battle cases, Marshal Ikenroga is decisive and ruthless in his military use. , should be a fierce general who attacks like fire." Luo Zeshi analyzed.

"Oh, Chester, have you noticed that if we only analyze the war cases in the past thirty years, most of the famous imperial generals are the aggressive type?"

Luo Zeshi has developed a good habit of carefully considering all Yu Lian's violent comments. Then, he thought about it seriously and found that what the other party said still made sense.

"To deal with domestic uprisings and surrounding small countries, the only way to maintain the empire's hegemony is to invade and invade. In the early days of this war, they actually did the same thing."

Luo Zeshi said: "However, they failed."

Yu Liandao: "Yes, they failed. We can laugh, because we have slapped the Dragon Kings of the empire several times, and their plan for quick victory has been aborted. However, we can also cry, because we are about to What we are facing is the serious Tirero people, a military empire that conquered half of the galaxy a thousand years ago."

He had a smile on his face and his voice was lighthearted, as if he was joking.

However, Luo Zeshi and the surrounding staff members really couldn't laugh. There was a short period of silence around the commander's room on the bridge of the Fuxi.

"Well, anyway, it will be three days before the enemy's main force comes. During this period, please relax and don't scare yourself to death." Yu Lian put away his malicious smile and ordered: "Cuiling Fortress has a complete dock and hangar, allowing everyone to take turns staying in the port to rest. Give up the maintenance workshop to the lightning strike ships so that they can regain their combat effectiveness as soon as possible."

The smaller the ship, the easier it is to repair and restore performance. Considering the threat that thunder strike ships pose to large battleships, this is certainly the most cost-effective option.

However, Luo Zeshi felt that it would be almost impossible to count on the suddenness of the lightning strike ships to defeat the many with less when the large fleet was gathered and well prepared.

"Also, ask Aisen and the others to prepare the positron generator, and I, the commander, will inspect it personally." Yu Lian ordered again.

Of course Luo Zeshi didn't dare to have any objections. It was better to be interested in two positron generators bought on the black market than to be interested in a surrendered female prisoner.

While Yu Lian was interested in the discordant creations in the deep warehouse of the fortress, the work of other departments of the fleet was also proceeding in an orderly manner. First, there were three reconnaissance squadrons composed of six Sunfire destroyers and three city-level light cruisers. Because of the timely order given by Chief of Staff Mkawa, they finally returned from the front without any danger.

According to the reconnaissance fleet, when they began to try to take pictures of the enemy's capital ships, the empire also discovered them and immediately launched a pursuit.

The main force in pursuit was eight lance-type 8 light cruisers with absolute speeds above the Castle and Kagero-class, which were divided into four teams to intercept. In addition, another fleet composed of three Clear Sky-class ships and one light carrier even quietly tried to outflank them by wandering through the edge of the galaxy.

It can be seen that the empire has discovered the existence of the reconnaissance fleet in advance, and is preparing to keep them all.

If the order to retreat was given another hour or two later, the Community's reconnaissance fleet might not even have a chance to escape.

No matter how they maneuver, they will just be like rabbits forced to the plains by experienced hunting dogs, and their throats will be bitten out after exhaustion.

But no matter what, they received the order in time and escaped safely, and they also brought the latest news.

According to their investigation, the Imperial fleet arriving at the front line was not just a Titan named Shikisami. Before the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft they launched was discovered and destroyed by the Empire, they also felt a huge gravitational reaction. It was probably another Titan ship.

However, at that time, they were only busy running for their lives, and there was really no time to take pictures of a new enemy ship.

Even so, when entering the jump, the pursuing Clear Sky-class cruiser was still brought into the firing range, and received a burst of artillery fire. The last Kagerou-class destroyer was hit, but fortunately it was not seriously injured.

Fortunately, the empire may also be afraid that the people on earth have set a trap in advance. Seeing that the reconnaissance fleet jumped away from the Blazing Wings galaxy, they did not continue to pursue it.

When mentioning this incident, the captains all had palpitations on their faces and were extremely happy.

"How is it? Do you still think that Marshal Ikenluojia is a so-called fierce general?" Yu Lian asked Luo Zeshi.

"To deal with such a small reconnaissance fleet with such caution, I can only say that Marshal Ikenluojia's strategic determination is unparalleled." Luo Zeshi said with a bitter smile: "It's a pity that I would rather he was just a A simple warrior."

"There are too many so-called famous generals in the empire who are exaggerated. Some of the names even listed in history books are quite watery." Yu Lian said quietly: "However, it is impossible for a simple fierce general to become a marshal."

Later developments indeed proved Yu Lian's judgment.

After the empire's main fleet arrived in the Blazing Wings Galaxy, they did not immediately rush towards Yu Lian. Instead, they first tried to restore law and order in the surrounding galaxies.

Yes, at this time, the border star areas of all countries around the Far Coast Nebula have fallen into chaos. A large number of ordinary citizens living there are rushing to the hinterland of the country, dragging their families and families with them, exactly like a wave of war refugees.

For example, in the Blazing Wing Galaxy, which has a permanent population of nearly 2 billion, the traffic routes during this period are operating at full capacity. All freighters and even warships leaving this prosperous galaxy are filled with ordinary passengers. It is said that nearly 100 million people escaped in just three days.

Anyway, when the community's reconnaissance fleet arrived at the Blazing Wings Galaxy, they saw with their own eyes that the transport ship had a tragic collision due to snatching the priority channel of the gravity wellhead. Two giant cargo ships were shattered into pieces in an uncontrollable collision. Also shattered into pieces were hundreds of millions of tons of cargo and six-figure passengers.

All of this may be due to the proactive attack of the Yu fleet.

In short, while the border areas of the Blue Star Community, such as the Far Shore, New China, and the Outer Rim, were generally in a stable state, the empire's vassal states took the lead in entering a state of war that scattered families and children. .

"This is not what I hoped for, but I am not prepared to take responsibility for it. I just hope that one day in the future, the Galactic Empire and his lackeys can explain the evils of history. Of course, this depends on every ordinary person The choices made by the Bakwe people, Letalin people, Ketai people and so on on the historical path." Yu Lian commented.

"Do you need me to write down these quotes of yours?" Luo Zeshi said with a smile.

"No need, I turned on the recorder. You are not my personal assistant." Yu Lian said while calmly looking at the robot lady who was eating melon.

"What are you looking at? I'm not your personal assistant!" Miss Robot said angrily.

However, after the main force of the empire arrived, it only took half a day for the chaos of hundreds of millions of people to calm down.

Although the empire's method of quelling chaos was to point cannons at everyone equally to force them to calm down, no matter what, the Bakvi Republic, the largest inhabited galaxy on the border, restored order in the shortest time.

During this period, the two Sky Survey Eyes that quietly entered the Blazing Wing Galaxy also sent various messages.

First of all, there is a photo of the Titan ship with a clear outline, which confirms the news of the arrival of the Shikisami. However, her background picture is indeed very distracting - it is another Titan ship. Although the model looks a bit old, it is indeed a Titan.

The scouting fleet's hunch was correct, but they were probably wrong.

"Oh yeah, old acquaintance, ah no, old acquaintance." Yu Lian once again covered his emotions with a happy smile.

"Are you talking about the Tyrero Valor? The year before last, the Marauder army invaded the Extreme Sector of the Empire. It is said that she stood firm under the siege of several Marauder dreadnoughts. But I heard that she was seriously injured and is still alive. It's being overhauled in the dock." Luo Zeshi said: "However, this ship is actually a heraldry battle flag of the same class. The two ships are indeed almost identical."

"No, I'm talking about the heraldic battle flag." Yu Lian said seriously: "When I was a military attache stationed in Tianyu, I often ran to the military port and saw this Titan more than once."

In fact, this was the first Imperial Titan killed by the volunteers in another timeline. Yu Lian even took a photo with the fragments of his front turret floating in space.

Luo Zeshi didn't notice any changes, but just pondered for a moment: "The Natural Crest is the flagship of the Empire's Second Guards Fleet, and the flagship of Admiral Hegober. He is the only non-human in the Empire. Admiral and Commander-in-Chief of the Guards Fleet."

"Yes, he is an inspirational model for all the different races in the empire. Many people say that if nothing unexpected happens, this man will become a marshal sooner or later, filling the gap of a hundred years." Yu Lian shrugged.

The empire's non-human naval marshal was indeed an ancient man from a hundred years ago. Even if it was to appease people's hearts, it was time for another one. In terms of military exploits and qualifications, Admiral Higobo was the most suitable candidate.

It is a pity that this Kyeyang general had bad luck in the timeline of his previous life and was involved in the battle for the throne and died in an ignominy manner. After Brünnhilt came to the throne, he didn't even think about naming someone a marshal or anything like that. It seemed like he was on the wrong team.

And in this timeline, should we simply make him even more disgraceful?

But then again, Marshal Ikenloga is Giafel's uncle. Even though he is a professional soldier who is devoted to the public service, he already has an innate political stance.

As for Admiral Hegober, since he was so dishonorable in his previous life, it can at least be proved that he is definitely not from Brynhilt's group.

These two actually acted together, and were most likely the commander-in-chief and deputy commander.

Then, Yu Lian began to think about it.

In addition to the two towering Titans, it is certain that there are more than six dreadnoughts and more than ten battlecruisers. Yu Lian expressed his emotional stability. Since a large army is required to suppress the situation and defeat all methods, it must have this kind of force size to be able to match the size of the majestic galactic overlord.

However, there were a few battleships among them, which made Yu Lian a little bit interested.

"The Pascal? The Stormbringer in Tirello's mythology?"

"Yes, she is also the third ship of the Barbarossa class, and is currently the ship of Admiral Misaro."

"Mom, we are acquaintances again. This bald man is a strong man and a decent man. Back on the Dawn Angel, he even said that he would invite me to his manor to hunt lions. If it were not for the war, I would consider him a He's a fair-weather friend. But, having said that, isn't he from the Panzergrenadier system? Is he promoted to general?"

"Admiral Misaro broke through last month and is now a saint. This is not the latest military intelligence we have obtained, but news from the Sky Territory."

"Hey, well, after all, he is a high-ranking psyker, so the military order system does not matter. It is not surprising to be a temporary admiral."

Then, there was a pure black dreadnought.

"Wang Hu? Haha, Lieutenant General Biffick is also an acquaintance. This is the real fierce general brother, the kind who can bite steel into pieces with his teeth."

This is not sarcasm; This general lacked flexibility and toughness in his military life, but his explosiveness was unparalleled. If the battlefield is brought to his favorite rhythm, he can often beat enemies several times his size by pressing his head on his head.

Speaking of which, Lieutenant General Misaro and Lieutenant General Biffick were both King Sulyuka's besties in a strict sense. They are all under the command of Marshal Ikenluojia now. If you say there is no personal relationship between them, who would believe it?

Then, the image of a battlecruiser appeared on the screen.

"I think you need to pay attention to this." A trace of worry flashed across Luo Zeshi's face.

"I don't even bother to remember the empire's fearlessness one by one, let alone a mere battle patrol. At most there is the person in charge of the squadron, right?" Yu Lian couldn't help but feel happy: "What's the matter, could it be that one of my squadrons is so angry? Enemies? But there are so many such people that I really can’t remember them.”

"This is the battlecruiser Yutu." Luo Zeshi said again.

"Oh?" Yu Lian felt that this name was particularly unappealing. All battleships with such names should not exist in this universe.

"This is the ship of Major General Yeager Soback of the 'Wolf of Dawn'." Rozeshi's expression looked extremely solemn: "This is an old enemy you recognized! I estimate that the Imperial Generalissimo's Mansion is to deal with You just asked him to transfer him from the direction of the New World, traveling day and night."

As soon as he finished speaking, Luo Zeshi could clearly see that the commander's expression suddenly became vivid.

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