Him and their stars

Chapter 1429 Duel of Honor

Fortunately, he was not the only one who was unlucky, there was also a large group of friends on the Royal Rabbit. Compared to him who was depressed, everyone's reaction was actually much more positive.

Miss Serlu even consoled her: "If you think about it this way, this is clearly a test for His Highness and Marshal Ikenluojia! Once passed, the future will naturally be bright."

This is a pretty standard workplace rule. But the problem now is that Soback doesn't want to be taken too seriously by these dangerous leaders.

Captain Peggese took a different approach and used previous precedents to prove: "Moreover, this is not an impossible task. More than a hundred years ago, there was a Lieutenant Colonel Ruma Fetty. The female captain of the Empire drove the cruiser Grumpy Silverskin and spent 45 days from the Sky Realm to New Atlantis. Speaking of an average voyage, it was even more difficult than ours."

"New Atlantis Sector?"

"Yes, this is the name of the people on Earth. At that time, the community was still the territory of the empire!"

This was the first time Soback heard this story. Although he didn't know whether it was true or not, he felt that he had received some comfort, although not much.

"Ruma Feidi was defecting at the time. Only by rushing to the Valvon system in New Atlantis in the shortest possible time could she get support from the alliance's profiteers." Miss Serlu said angrily.

"Indeed, miracles can always be created when escaping." Soback was very sympathetic.

Miss Serlu was immediately furious and waited for Captain Peggese to say: "Speaking of which, although this name is not an untouchable taboo, her record cannot be found in most military historical materials. . It’s not even in the textbooks of the Royal Naval Academy, but you know it. Captain, your thoughts are very dangerous!”

"I'm just talking about the matter, Madam Chief of Staff. Putting aside the position, you can just say whether she did it or not?"

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel again, Soback had no choice but to come out and say: "Selu, you are too strict. Since it is not a taboo, it is understandable that the captain can access it. There are always people who like to make fuss in the old papers. . However, Captain Peggese, noble officers also have to catch up sometimes. I know you are a smart person, but smart people have to pay more attention to the atmosphere. Read the air, read the air, do you understand?"

He added: "I actually have a lot of expectations for your noble official. I hope you will become a pillar in all aspects!"

It seemed like he had heard this somewhere before, but Soback always felt that he had no evidence.

"Sorry, I overreacted." Viscount Serlu bowed her head and apologized.

"Your Excellency's teachings, I will keep them in mind." Captain Peggese's face was filled with emotion.

Then, this matter is considered a turning point. Soback actually doesn't care whether the two men are truly reconciled or fake. As long as they don't make any noise in front of him.

In this way, the battlecruiser Royal Rabbit and the Angel of Dawn set out alone to catch up with the large force at the Gate of Glory. As for the squadron originally commanded by Soback, it was also disbanded on the spot. All the battleships were under the command of Giafel and other female admirals.

Regarding this point, Soback, who is open-minded, is in a calm mood. He has always said that whoever wants to be the ghost admiral of Lao Shizi should be chosen? No one can stop their dream of the logistics department. The only thing that was a little disappointing was that the Snowstorm was also transferred away. This can be regarded as the first warship that he has transferred back to the Central Forbidden Army system and served in.

However, given his character, he was lost for less than two hours.

That day was September 9th, which happened to be the fourth day after the Battle of the Blood Gate. It was also the time when King Suliuka was preparing to return to the Heavenly Realm to report on his duties, and had just passed through the Star Gate and arrived at the mainland.

Yu Lian's "nine battles and nine victories" have not happened yet, but the two battles between Da Gonghai and Blood Gate are enough for the empire to regard him as the most dangerous enemy.

It was probably for this reason that Marshal Ikenroga ordered Soback's general.

By the time the Royal Rabbit, which his "old enemy" was riding, caught up with the main force of the marching Imperial fleet, it was already October 833, 10 in the common calendar.

It only took him more than a month to rush from the Gate of Glory to the far shore, passing through the four star regions of the Empire and most of the territory of the Bakvi Republic. He almost ran away and vomited blood. But in this way, it is even nearly two weeks faster than the schedule given by Marshal Ikenluojia.

This is of course thanks to the performance of the Royal Rabbit, thanks to the captain and the elite damage control department, and thanks to Miss Serlu's use of psychic powers to restore health to the crew. I would also like to thank all the crew members for their sincere cooperation and unity.

Of course, Soback made a temporary guest appearance as the navigator and made some good contributions.

Marshal Ikenluojia showed a considerable degree of relief. He received Sobek in a friendly manner, without concealing his appreciation for the outstanding juniors.

"Before today, some stubborn old men and I thought that your current military exploits were actually more attributable to luck."

He is worthy of being the Commander-in-Chief! Your feelings are not wrong at all.

Just as Soback was about to say this, the marshal said: "But, starting from today, I will put away my prejudice. Young man, I am looking forward to your future performance."

Immediately afterwards, Marshal Ikenluojia waved his hand and placed the guerrilla formation composed of 4 battle cruisers, 2 aircraft carriers, 2 light carriers and 12 heavy cruisers under Sobek's command.

In this way, a month and a half after becoming the bare commander, Soback became the admiral of the squadron again, and his troops were much stronger than before.

"Tsk, if I had this kind of troops in the New World, I wouldn't have the confidence to touch even Yang Xiyi." He boasted to his subordinates. "Well, I believe it is you." Miss Serlu's face was filled with admiration and even love.

"So, you already know the location of Yang Xiyi's fleet?" Captain Peggese asked doubtfully.

"Nonsense, of course I don't know! It's just because I don't know that I can talk like this." He said matter-of-factly, looking like he was not ashamed but proud.

"To put it bluntly, I can't beat Yu Lian, and of course I can't beat Yang Xiyi. Since I can't beat him, why do I have to fight? I have no self-awareness, and I don't take the lives of the soldiers seriously."

Captain Peggese was silent for a few seconds, and then saluted the other party with a solemn face. Although he didn't understand why the other party was so confident, perhaps it was because he was so confident that he was inexplicably convinced.

In addition, Marshal Ikenluojia also added a camp combat staff position to Sobek. Although he, as a "staff officer", does not have a "chief".

But no matter what, in the camp staff headquarters that is full of talents and stars, he can still be ranked third.

Seeing that Soback had come a long way, the marshal was probably exhausted, so he did not let him start the combat mission immediately. Instead, he asked him to find a dock in the rear for maintenance first.

Soback now somewhat believes what Giafel and the others said. Marshal Ikenroga is indeed a reasonable leader. If it had been Brunhilt, he would have led everyone up there. There will be such steady and steady steps.

However, just when Soback commandeered a large Bakvi shipyard and prepared to let the exhausted Royal Rabbit take a rest, they received news of the Yulian fleet's battle with the Nine Victories in Nebula on the far coast.

The defense forces of the Bakvi, Letalin, and Laig people on the far shore border were almost completely destroyed. Not only that, even the vanguard fleet that arrived at the Far Shore Nebula in advance was almost crippled.

In this case, Marshal Ikenluojia had to order all fleets to speed up and must find a way to reduce the action space of the remaining fleets.

At least, he cannot be allowed to spread the war to the hinterland of Bakwe and other countries, otherwise the empire will really be unable to lead the team.

In this case, the Yutu, which had just had time to replace a motor, had no choice but to hit the road again.

"Tell me the truth, what is the current condition of our Yutu?"

Before setting out on the road, Soback solemnly asked Captain Pegsay.

"At least it's okay to fight pirates."

"Captain, do you think you are humorous? Of course I am asking about the Earth Fleet opposite!"

"...Okay, I can only promise that there will be no problem with normal marching. However, a forced march like last month's day and night is very difficult. As for combat, if you are a line filler in the fleet array The role is not a big problem. However, Your Excellency, if you want to carry out mobile missions such as guerrilla attacks, outflanks, etc., I really can’t guarantee it. The current problem is that I can try my best to use the main sublight engine. It is in a ready state. However, the balancer of the main bearing shaft and the impact-resistant accessories should be replaced. If high-intensity maneuvers are required in combat, I am very worried about the hull imbalance."

"Out of control." Soback suddenly trembled as he thought of his parents who died in the shipwreck.

"It's an imbalance. It won't cause the battleship to completely lose control, but it will most likely deviate from the existing channel while moving at high speed. In a fleet battle, this is likely to constitute a fatal mistake."

Of course Soback understood immediately: "In short, it is necessary to keep a low profile."

"That's it. We really lack the ability to carry out independent combat missions now. Unless we are given a month or two to perform thorough maintenance on the Yutu."

"That's not a good thing... I mean, the soldiers are quick and the orders are like mountains. We must execute them."

Then, the mighty Imperial Expeditionary Army finally arrived at the most important Blazing Wings galaxy on the border of the Bakvi Republic before October 10th. Soon, there were more than fifty large capital ships gathered in this frontier galaxy.

The Royal Rabbit is certainly one of them.

Later, on the Shikishen, various generals gathered together and began the first meeting of the main force of the empire arriving in front of the enemy.

Admiral Hegerber, commander of the Seventh Fleet of the Imperial Guard and deputy commander of the front, said: "It has been confirmed that the main force of the rest of the fleet is at the Cuiling Fortress opposite. However, it is said to be the main force. In fact, Compared with when he left Nantianmen, his combat power has been reduced by at least 30%. Two of the four Lord God-class ships are unable to move, and there are only six Yinglong ships left among the ten. Although some battleships have been added, they are all hopeless. The defeated remnants of Elvester’s fleet.”

"Are you trying to block us in Cuiling Fortress? Humph, what a courage!" Lieutenant General Biffick, who was strong and capable, was ready to attack.

"There is absolutely no such possibility! General Yu Lian is definitely not such an unwise person." Admiral Misaro touched his bald head and seriously recalled: "During the Battle of Asti, he was in the Angel of Dawn The ship is acting as a temporary staff officer."

Admiral Hegerbo nodded, with a strange look on his face: "Yes, he must be playing some trick again. Just now, Yu Lian sent us a challenge letter, saying that he was going to challenge us. Major General Yeager Soback proposed a duel of honor. Said it was a settlement between old enemies or something."

As soon as these words came out, Soback, who had been hiding in the corner of the conference room, was immediately noticed by everyone.

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