Him and their stars

Chapter 1430: Let’s hold on, mascot

Under the attention of everyone, Yeager Soback really felt that everyone was harming him. He stood up bravely and said, "Sir, everyone, this is a provocation to the commander!"

Marshal Ikenluojia smiled and said: "This is indeed a provocation. If you are all saints, it is in line with the honorable combat convention of psykers. But now, it is a newly promoted saint who is issuing this to a second-ring challenge."

...Actually, I already have three rings. Sobek thought. Of course, it doesn't matter. He felt that he had reached the seventh ring. He will definitely not be able to defeat the current Yu Lian.

To put it more bluntly, I must never have the courage to challenge an opponent in a duel in my entire life.

"Haha, he can actually talk?" Lieutenant General Biffick, a burly warrior, sneered: "He is simply squandering his reputation!"

"His reputation for bravery comes from the heads of your colleagues. He is qualified to squander it." Chief of Staff General Bemozi said expressionlessly. There was no fluctuation in his expression or tone, as if he was stating the objective truth, but it was just very heart-wrenching.

As a result, Admiral Hegobo, who had been stabbed with a letter, suddenly showed an expression of hesitation, and there was a hint of gloom on the rough brown skin full of vicissitudes of life.

However, before he could say anything, Marshal Ikenluojia next to him had already laughed loudly: "Hahahaha, yes, yes! Since the war started, facing that young man in his twenties, the majestic Galaxy Empire A group of senior generals, but they didn’t get the slightest advantage. They really didn’t even have the shame. Gentlemen, the failure of our colleagues is our failure. We should know our shame!"

"You are right, Your Excellency. In fact, he has killed all the knights. Although we are all saints, if he challenges the honor of the superior, I will definitely not respond." The bald man Admiral Misaro continued to rub his head, as if labor and management were cowardly and proud of labor and management.

The marshal suddenly laughed even louder.

Do you big shots all have this problem? Does the point of laughter have to be completely different from everyone else’s? right? Soback smiled and began to show his teeth.

Of course, after such an episode, everyone finally stopped paying attention to Soback.

"Where is Knight Commander Rilanconte?" Marshal Ikenluojia asked.

This is an eight-ring demigod and the third master of the Astral Knights (before the war). He was originally supposed to be the occult consultant and first psionic thug of the far shore army.

"Still in the Sky Realm... After Duke Sadolan and Duke Macedo fell one after another, we must first confirm the candidates for the leader and deputy leader of the Knights. He is one of the important candidates, but he is not very popular. Candidate." Chief of Staff Bemozi said.

"If he was popular, he wouldn't have been the chief knight after ten years of being an eighth-level knight. Well, the top brass of the knights actually have that gloomy murderous style." The marshal shrugged. With his current status, it seems he doesn't really need to give the Knights too much face.

"The only one who looks a bit like a person is Duke Macedo, right? Unfortunately, he also died."

"Yes, since the war began, the Knights' high-level losses have been the largest, even greater than the losses of our battleships. It will still take some time for the Knights' personnel structure to stabilize." The chief of staff continued to draw a picture Poker Face said.

"If I have the final say, let's just let Gilly be the leader. She is less than 25 years old now and is already at the peak of the Five Rings. She is not inferior to the opposite 'Dragon of Dawn'. Sooner or later, she will be the leader. You can become a demigod, why not prepare in advance? In addition, the young man Shameen is also very suitable. Although he is a little taciturn, he looks more human than in his old life. At least he can bring some new atmosphere to the knights. . What do you think I am doing? This is what I said in the Privy Council." The Marshal snorted coldly, and his hawk-like eyes found Sobek in the corner again.

"Major General Soback, you are also one of the so-called Four Heavenly Kings, so aren't you interested?"

"Xia, Xia Guan is actually a temporary post..."

And there is no such title. Apart from smiling awkwardly, Soback didn't know what expression to use.

However, the choice of the leader and deputy leader of the Astral Knights does not count, nor does the Privy Council's decision, nor does the election within the group, it must be approved by His Majesty the Emperor.

At this time, everyone was embarrassed to find that the majestic Galactic Empire, the Holy Galactic Empire that relied on mystical attainments and psychic military aristocrats to sweep the universe, had mobilized such a large-scale country-destroying army, but could not find anyone who could fight with it. A reliable choice for honor duels with enemy generals on the opposite side.

"Yu Lian must have thought about this and provoked him in this way, right? What a terrible guy!" Admiral Misaro said.

"If this continues, it will be a blow to the morale of the military." Chief of Staff General Bemozi also spoke quickly and without any fluctuations in a calm tone.

Marshal Ikenluojia did not speak immediately and seemed to be thinking.

At this time, the deputy commander, General Haigebo, spoke first: "Your Excellency, Commander, I think that whether the enemy commander wants to provoke a provocation or has some other conspiracy, we are not here. The principle of halting an army's advance."

Is it my imagination? There seems to be some discord between General Haigebo and the Marshal.

Soback carefully observed the situation at the scene and decided to remain silent.

"Tell me what you think." Marshal Ikenluojia still had a pleasant smile and looked like an honest and honest elder.

General Kieyang signaled his adjutant to open the detailed structural diagram of Cuiling Fortress. Needless to say, this was provided by the Bakvi people.

"Our total force is now more than five times that of the Earth fleet in Cuiling Fortress. We have the most detailed defense map of the fortress provided by the Bakvi people. As you can see, this fortress is just a large and inadequate product. Although the protection is tight, But there is nothing that can threaten the large fortress guns of our fleet.”

Then, the admiral stood up again and marked a large circle at the junction of the two main buildings of the fortress.

"My suggestion is to attack the fortress as soon as possible to attract the enemy's attention. During this process, the fleets of Vice Admiral Biffick and Vice Admiral Misaro began to outflank. Be sure to surround the entire remaining fleet. In that fortress."

"You mean, the frontal attack on the fortress is a feint attack?" Marshal Ikenluojia said.

"If the enemy has a flaw, it is not a bad idea to switch from a feint attack to a strong attack. Sir, we have five times the strength." General Kieyang also smiled: "Of course, although Yu Lian is young, he is a famous general in the world. , never be reckless in using troops. If we take the posture of attacking by force, he should quickly understand that the defense cannot be defended. He will resist and kill us as much as possible on the front of the fortress, and the main force of the fleet will withdraw from the back door. At this time, there will be complete General Fike has room to play. This is the so-called reverse woodpecker tactic!"

In fact, it is a standard frontal driving and flanking pursuit tactic. It is more appropriate to call it iron felt or iron hammer. The reason why I gave the fancy "woodpecker" explanation is probably to increase the persuasiveness.

Marshal Ikenluojia glanced at the Chief of Staff, who nodded inaudibly and continued expressionlessly: "Active military action is a response, which can make the soldiers forget the request for an honorary duel just now."

The implication is that everyone must start taking action. Either way it's better than no action.

Admiral Haigebo added: "The frontal attack on the fortress can be carried out by lower officials."

This is to leave the hardest bone to chew and take charge of it personally.

Soback felt that although this Kyeyang general acted a bit eager for quick success and had some minor conflicts with the Marshal, he was really willing to help when something happened!

He looked at Admiral Hegober who was beginning to arrange the battle plan in an orderly manner, and felt that this man must be a fastidious person.

This immediately reminded him of his former partner, Colonel Hongshan, the former captain of the Snowstorm.

That old man Kyeyang has retired with the treatment of a brigadier general, and returned to his manor to go horse racing and fishing, so that he can have grandchildren, right? But I don’t know when I will have such a day.

... Just as he was thinking about it, he heard General Hegobo say again: "During the main attack, can Major General Soback be temporarily transferred to serve under the subordinate officer?" The man in the corner wanted to disguise himself as transparent. The young general once again accepted the attention of everyone.

What the hell does this have to do with me? Jaeger Soback was confused, but he could only express it on his face.

"Oh, why is this?" Marshal Ikenluojia showed an interesting expression.

"Hahaha, it's just a battle. As long as the Royal Rabbit and Major General Soback are present, the soldiers will move forward bravely. The most powerful fortress cannon in Cuiling Fortress is the battle cruiser class. We only need to stop outside there. ." Admiral Hegobo laughed and said: "When the time comes, we can announce that we have accepted the challenge of glory, and we are just waiting this time. It depends on whether the invincible Dragon of Dawn will come to fight. Hahaha! "

The Kyeyang general probably thought he had a plan and smiled happily.

As a result, the senior imperial generals present also laughed. Regardless of whether the deputy commander is taking it for granted, optimism is always useful. And if you don't smile at this time, it always seems that there is something wrong with your emotional intelligence.

The meeting room on site was immediately filled with an atmosphere of joy.

The only one who couldn't laugh no matter how hard he laughed was, of course, Jaeger Soback. He didn't understand. He was a mere "explorer" with a mere third ring, but he couldn't face it head-on. Why was he so desperate? Whose battle is it?

The more critical question is, what if the evil star on the opposite side really accepts the challenge? Are you really planning to wait for him to come over and bury him with a hail of artillery fire?

...That's not impossible. But in this case, wouldn’t it be me who doesn’t practice martial ethics?

Although Soback didn't have high expectations for his martial name, that didn't mean he was willing to be an injustice.

However, Marshal Ikenluojia felt that it made sense and turned to look at the person involved. Then, he saw expectation and courage in the young general's earnest eyes.

"Very good, let's do it." The marshal showed a pleased look in his eyes and made a cheering gesture to Soback.

Facts have once again proved that it is almost impossible to think completely with the so-called eyes.

Then, when returning to the Royal Rabbit, the tearful Soback finally couldn't bear it anymore and cursed: "What the hell, do you want him to be troublesome? He is obviously a Kyeyang, but what is his name? Higobor is full of Tirello aristocratic pretentiousness... a model!"

"You just wanted to say it was hypocritical, right? Your Excellency, you're welcome, just say it out loud." Captain Peggese said with a smile.

The viscountess naturally gave the captain a rather dangerous look.

However, Soback pretended not to hear it and said in deep thought: "Tsk, it doesn't sound like a serious Kyeyang person! We are all Kyeyang people, why is there such a big gap between us and Father Hongshan?"

Although Miss Serlu felt that Soback was a bit overreacted, she also cursed a few times and then said: "I heard that Admiral Hegobo was actually named Lingya."

"Yes, yes, this is a typical Kyeyang surname."

"When he was young, he served as a retainer of the Marquis of Haiba Dian. The surname Hai Gebo was given to him by the original master, and it can be regarded as a branch of the family."

"I see. He should be very proud of his imperial aristocratic family name, right?"

"However, the direct lineage of the Marquis Haiba Dian family has been extinct. The Heraldry Academy has also cut off their fiefdom. There are rumors that if Admiral Hai Gebo becomes the first foreign marshal in a century, it is possible. The one who inherits the name of the master’s family.”

Sobek now knew why the Kiyan general had such excessive power of action.

A non-human ordinary soldier suddenly had a typical Tiruiro noble surname, and might even inherit a long-standing imperial family. How could he not be the first to do so?

Of course, the Marquis is definitely out of the question. A planet-level fiefdom is even more impossible. In the history of the Galactic Empire, non-human nobles were only earls for life, and only viscounts were hereditary. They had to search for fiefs, and the autonomy of lords was not even a thought.

But in any case, this piece of cake is enough for a loyal Chiyyan general to devote all his sincerity and blood.

"Tsk, this is the so-called fanaticism of converts." Captain Peggese commented.

"So I tell you to read less Dian Yuan...ah, so I tell you that smart people must read less banned books!"

"But Your Excellency, didn't you also read it?"

Miss Serlu shook her head and sighed, deciding to give up the treatment for the time being, and then added: "However, you'd better be careful. Admiral Hegober's purpose is probably not that simple."

"So what do you mean?"

"He was transferred to the Forbidden Army system after the death of the Marquis of Haibaden. He served as a captain for the ancestor King Bedo for two years and was very appreciated. It only took three years to go from fearless captain to admiral. .Sir, you also know that this generation of King Beduo and King Wei Lunt are best friends. The relationship between King Suliuka and King Wei is still a bit subtle."

Sometimes, Soback is very grateful for the blessings of fate.

Without a helper like Miss Serlu, how could I, a low-level person from the colony, figure out the nepotism of the upper class?

"So, why is the relationship between His Highness Brunhilt and His Highness King Wei so bad? If it is just because of the competition for the throne, I always feel that it doesn't look like it."

Miss Serlu spread her hands helplessly: "How do I know, Chief Yeager? I'm just an ordinary frontline officer. Many high-level affairs are just heard from hearsay."

Soback said: "Then, what should I do?"

"Don't worry, it's just holding back the formation, and I'm not asking you to charge. Then, you should serve as the flagship's escort ship and accompany it near the Natural Crest. He won't be able to shoot you with a black gun."

Captain Pegsey kept nodding. He rarely agreed with the Viscountess's opinions, but once the two reached a consensus, it should be correct.

"However, he may let you command the landing troops to engage in gang-hopping." The captain added.

"Hey, how can this be done? I'm not professional in this area!"

"You are being overly modest again. Weren't you very professional during the Eye of Dawn battle?" Miss Viscount slapped Soback hard on the back: "Don't worry, if we really land, the main attacker will But there are four Panzergrenadier divisions with special bugles. As long as you appear on the battlefield, you will be the backbone of everyone!"

"That's right. And even if the enemy commander comes specifically to find you, he still has to break through 100,000 people first! That's enough for you to escape... and get back to the ship." Captain Peggese said.

"The last sentence is unnecessary! Captain, I think you lack respect for Commander Yeager!"

Speaking of which, what else can Soback say? Without stopping for a moment, he immediately applied to the headquarters. He is always so efficient when it comes to his own safety.

Fortunately, Marshal Ikenluojia quickly approved it, and Admiral Hegobo did not object.

Immediately afterwards, the huge space fleet of the Galactic Empire poured into the Cuiling Galaxy like a storm flood made of steel. In front of their military peak, the Cuiling Fortress that the Bakvi people spent a lot of money to build suddenly seemed weak, helpless and pitiful.

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