Him and their stars

Chapter 1433 You are 1 point more than Royal Immunity

"Make sure you are within the range of the fortress cannon. There will definitely be chaos. Especially those armored aircraft carriers that are preparing for intensive assault and landing." Xiao Hui said.

"No. If everything is normal in the Imperial Fleet, it may panic at this time, but it should never be chaotic." Yu Lian seemed to be answering, but judging from his tone, it was not surprising that he was talking to himself.

At this moment, his terminal also rang. Needless to say, it was only the communication from his loyal adjutant, Lieutenant Colonel Luo Zeshi.

"Just as you envisioned, the fast strike fleet led by Vice Admiral Biffick is moving along the edge of the outer ring of this system, trying to cut off our return. Our fleet is ready."

He now seems to have gotten quite used to adding the occasional flattery to his speech.

"It's not that I have any foresight, it's just that I acted on behalf of it. If I were the commander of the Imperial Army, I would either do nothing, or I would let the most mobile and explosive department block our retreat. Anyway, The total force strength has an absolute advantage."

Luo Zeshi nodded and added: "However, Lieutenant General Biffick's troops have stopped moving."

Yu Lian was slightly startled, then looked at the sight again, and showed a malicious smile: "I understand, it is indeed an unexpected surprise."


"Inform me, general, that the entire fleet will depart as planned in five minutes! After leaving the fortress, quickly expand into formation."

"Then you..."

"Are you still worried that I will be late?"

Now, the temporary operating station of the fortress artillery where Yu Company is located is located in Area A directly in front of the fortress, and there is a distance of nearly 100 kilometers between the fleet that is ready to go near the dock in Area D behind. However, he was not worried at all that he would not be able to catch up.

Luo Zeshi was also not worried, and just smiled and said: "I am just expressing my concern as a loyal lieutenant. However, seeing you, I can also understand why Hachiman is so envious."

"If you are envious, there is some kind of cutting-edge research in the office. Very cutting-edge research." Yu Lian said with a smile.

Luo Zeshi's face froze: "It's not necessary to advance to this extent. Then, sir, see you in five minutes."

After hanging up the communication, Yu Lian rubbed his palms and immediately received the news that another fortress cannon had been charged.

"Automation is a really good thing." Yu Liandao.

"That's automation that sacrifices stability and safety, and is ready to sacrifice the gunner to the sky at any time." Xiao Hui said: "Oh, yes, you guy is not afraid of sacrifice to the sky at all. But, this automation I should be the biggest contributor, right? That little fat guy named Eisen French is just an execution tool."

"Yes, thank you very much." Yu Liandao: "But doesn't it violate your principles to end up like this in person?"

"I'm just curious about what effect your so-called green-skinned fortress cannon would have if it was made from existing parts. This may update my understanding of the technical style of this civilization, so that I can better lead the civilization. It’s my job.” Xiao Hui explained seriously.

"Yes, so thank you. I will meet all your requirements without violating my moral principles and three views."

"It's so insincere. Isn't this equivalent to free prostitution?"

"...So what did you want me to do originally?"

"Hehehehe, it's not forbidden this time." Xiao Hui put her slender jade finger to her lips again: "But, little brother Yu Lian, do you really want to know?"

Yu Lian suddenly felt a little inexplicably frightened. He felt that in order to retain the most basic trust between the two parties, he should end this topic.

Then, he pushed the cannon door steadily as the rising temperature lingered in the room.

Xiao Hui said again: "I have to remind you that the shunt and the duct that you rubbed with your hands couldn't hold up in that shot just now. Even this operating room is hot enough to fry stinky tofu. Why, you feel it at all. Can’t get there?”

How could Yu Lian not feel it? In fact, three minutes ago, the seat behind him had begun to twist and deform, and even emitted a disgusting pungent smell on the spot.

If it were an ordinary gunner, even if he was wearing protective clothing, he probably wouldn't be able to hold on anymore, let alone calmly calculate the bombardment of various elements, aim at the target, and finally fire steadily.

However, he is still a saint after all, so he can still continue for a while.

Well, it is indeed getting further and further away from serious carbon-based mammals.

In short, after just one shot, the structural stability of the main gun has exceeded the critical point. The temperature of the gun body has continued to rise, and energy and radiation have leaked, even turning the operating table into a huge microwave oven.

This is not surprising. After all, except for the two positron generators, which were genuine fortress gun-level guns that were traded for, the rest were saved on site, and the time for design and assembly was quite limited, and they were full of embarrassing structural problems.

How could there be no problems if a Ferrari engine is stuffed into the body of a tractor?

However, Yu Lian remained calm. He doesn't need the tractor to be healthy and healthy, he just needs it to complete a race, and that's enough.

He gave a thumbs up to Xiao Hui: "Not only stinky tofu can be used to fry dragon meat. That's why I said that for safety reasons, I must do the cannon drilling in person!"

"Haha, is it true? I don't believe it anyway. You may be doing it for safety, but it's not the only reason, or even the main reason." Xiao Hui sneered.

"Is this how you feel?"

"No, this time it's the result of calculation."

Yu Lian was startled for a moment, then burst into a ferocious and wild smile: "Okay, I really like to use fortress cannons to hit the Empire's Titan ships. What's the reason for this?" Xiao Hui nodded with satisfaction and smiled, Xiang Yulian gave a thumbs up: "...Very good, you look like an anti-social perverted serial killer. I should take a photo of your expression and spread it to the whole universe."

At this time, the overwhelmed green-skinned wind fortress cannon finally began to disintegrate under the high pressure and high temperature of the energy. However, before that, the second positron beam of the fortress main gun level had broken away from the muzzle.

This time, the roaring energy beam blasted into the densest ranks of imperial troops. The performance of these imperial fleets seemed a bit slow and panicked from the beginning, and they still haven't had time to retreat out of range. At this moment, more than ten small and medium-sized warships were included in the scope of the positron ripple.

In just half a minute, four destroyers, two cruisers, and one aircraft carrier completed the entire process of twisting, disintegrating, and finally exploding.

Thousands of Imperial Army soldiers were wiped out in an instant. If that aircraft carrier was filled with Marines preparing to storm the fortress, the number must have been in the tens of thousands.

However, all the imperial fleets did not brave the artillery fire to attack bravely, but began to retreat slowly. Including the previous ship, the Natural Crest, which had been severely beaten.

Yu Lian suddenly became interested, and the smile on his face became even more distorted. He expressed to the spirit of the universe that he preferred to beat up Imperial warships that did not dare to fight back, rather than beating up Imperial warships with fortress cannons.

So, under Xiao Hui's contemptuous gaze, he once again pulled the trigger with steady movements. Cuiling Fortress immediately launched the third fortress artillery bombardment today.

Of course, by this time, the Imperial fleet finally stabilized and retreated in time, only grazing the side of a dreadnought.

But no matter what, for a main gun that is heavily imitated by the green-skinned style, the record he created can be regarded as a brilliant one.

"Sex is good, but don't get addicted." Xiao Hui whispered in Yu Lian's ear.

Yu Lian always feels that playing this kind of bad joke is really not in line with the high-end setting of intelligent civilization guiding AI, but maybe what people want is a sense of contrast. He opened the completely deformed seat and cut his body directly into the ether, leisurely passing through the room where the radiation was leaking more and more violently.

It only took him three minutes to pass through several security doors and return to the safe area of ​​the fortress.

At this time, this huge Bakvi people's fortress was empty, but the central management AI was still repeating "Energy leakage in area B and spreading to area A" in the common language of the empire and Bakvi language, " Relevant personnel are requested to evacuate immediately" and "The damage control department and engineering department will enter the site immediately" and so on.

"How do you feel when you see this kind of AI? Is it like humans looking at monkeys?" Yu Lianxiao asked.

"Haha, young man, who are you insulting? It's obviously humans looking at paramecium."

"...In other words, even if they are products of the same origin, once the levels are too different, they will no longer be a species at all."

"Who has the same origin as these artificially retarded people? Wait, you don't think I was born from such a thing, do you?"

"Hey, isn't it?" Yu Lian opened his eyes wide and started to act stupid.

"Oh hey, brother Yu Lian, I found that you are also very good at provoking AI. Fortunately, my sister is a serious high-level civilization guide AI from the last civilization era. She is not as experienced as you psychic monkeys who cannot be taught. .”

"In other words, our current intelligent AI research direction is actually off track." Yu Lian said to himself.

"You know this is forbidden." Xiao Hui just raised his finger to his mouth, but probably thinking that Yu Lian had done the same thing just now, he suddenly shuddered and naturally changed it to his middle finger.

Yu Lian pretended not to see it and continued to talk to himself in a voice that could be heard by the other party: "But it's okay. Anyway, due to some ancient bans, AI research has been withdrawn, so it will be easy to turn around."

"Consider safety first." Xiao Hui said with a smile.

Yu Lian couldn't help but be startled, and many thoughts flashed through his mind. The universe has doubts about artificial intelligence, caution about the use of unmanned systems, especially unmanned fighter jets, and a ban on fully automated procedures.

This is the law of the cosmic civilization of this era, and most people are accustomed to this law, but for Yu Lian, this is actually an unsolved mystery.

Sure enough, Xiao Hui should know the reason.

"You mean...oh, security? I see, security! I understand, thank you." Yu Lian showed a stunned expression.

"You know what a ghost! I mean, you should consider your own safety first. Your green-skinned main cannon has collapsed, and this fortress may start to burn down. All your fleets have also left the port. Yes."

"That's why I said thank you." Yu Lian smiled, did not continue the topic, and then immediately activated the Sky Sacred Jade.

In the blink of an eye, he had emerged from the depths of the narrow fortress passage onto the bridge of the majestic Fuxi.

Chief of Staff Mkawa, Captain Tovey, Rozeshi, and some officers from the staff and command headquarters looked dumbfounded like ghosts... ah no, they appeared at the commander's position like gods. Yu Lian's eyes were like looking at God.

You guys need to start getting used to it. Yu Lian thought. Many commanders served by high-ranking psykers have this style, and the Empire and Alliance should be used to it.

At this time, everyone finally reacted and stood at attention to salute to welcome the commander-in-chief of the army back to his loyal flagship.

"Where is the Imperial Army's Biffick Fleet?" Yu Lian asked as he returned the greeting.

"Along the orbit of the Cuiling-7 planet, we have already reached the Z12, D17, and Y98 universe points. However, they stopped advancing after your bombardment. Currently, they are all within the attack range of the New Shenzhou Squadron and the Dawn Dragon Squadron." Luo Zeshi said.

"Very good, the entire fleet will set off immediately! Let me hurt them first before we start!"

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