Him and their stars

Chapter 1434 Fiery Storm

It was 9:35 pm when Vice Admiral Biffick's dreadnought ship King Tiger received the report of the Yulian fleet's rapid approach. At this time, of course, all the fleets under his command were still in a state of first-level combat readiness. middle.

However, this combat readiness state is for offense, not defense.

For a violent brother like Biffick, everything is offense and offense is everything. He never wanted to hear that his army was on the defensive, standing still. His fleet should detour to the side of Cuiling Fortress in two hours, and deliver a fatal blow to the enemy fleet when it cuts off its retreat.

However, he never expected that when his fleet was only halfway through, he received the news that the Natural Crest had been attacked by the main gun of the enemy fortress and was currently unable to contact him.

The flagship was attacked, and the troops preparing to land in the fortress in frontal combat had to temporarily stop their attack and even began to retreat. In this way, Vice Admiral Biffick's fleet was a bit embarrassed.

The so-called "woodpecker tactic" always requires knocking first before pecking!

So, for a while, even a strong and determined general like him was a little at a loss.

...So, is there actually a fortress cannon on Cuiling Fortress? These Bakvi Birdmen weren't telling the truth? How brave! A mere birdman, even the father of the empire dares to scheme against him?

Lieutenant General Biffick was furious, but it only took him two seconds to calm down. Even if he wanted to pursue the issue of the Bakvi Birdman, it was Marshal Ikenroga's authority.

More importantly, after the shelling just now, he couldn't help but calm down.

"The first shot hit the Natural Crest and set the bridge on fire? Even if it was a sneak attack, such a hit rate is really unbelievable." Biffick said with emotion.

"Yes, it is close to the Imperial Army's energy cannon shooting record. That was the record during training." said the Chief of Staff.

"Furthermore, it is said that the beam that originally hit the Royal Rabbit was deflected and then hit the Natural Crest?" Biffick's expression became more solemn: "This, could this be part of the enemy commander's plan? Inside?"

"I think this is a coincidence, right? Probably..."

"But what if it's not a coincidence?"


The chief of staff felt that his suspicious-looking officer had completely turned into the opposite persona, showing that his virtue had been taken away from him, but there was no evidence. More importantly, why isn't my little heart suspended?

Therefore, Lieutenant General Biffick immediately sent a request for instructions to Marshal Ikenluojia of the Four Seasons God: "Do you want the lower office to withdraw, or do you want to wait in place?"

To be honest, asking for instructions from the headquarters in the middle of the operation has completely subverted Lieutenant General Biffick's personality.

However, before there was a clear response from the Four Seasons God, a harsh warning sound suddenly sounded in Wang Hu's bridge.

"The enemy fleet is attacking! The enemy fleet is attacking! It's... a lightning strike ship! Number 65!" There was a hint of trembling in the voice of the guard sergeant. Obviously, the results of the Battle of the High Sea and the Battle of the Blood Gate have already reached the empire. To them, these inconspicuous but extremely deadly small spacecraft have almost become ghost stories.

Lieutenant General Biffick shouted: "Calm down! We are not the stupid geese parked in the dock of the Cathay people. We are just soldiers to stop us! All departments, according to the existing tactics, launch anti-air defense operations!"

After the Battle of the High Seas and the Blood Gate, how to deal with the Community's lightning strike ship raids became a major issue for the Imperial Army. However, time is limited. After all, it is only more than a month. Even if all military gods are alive, the military research department of the Grand Marshal's Mansion cannot immediately come up with any forward-looking defense plan. Even if you have an idea, you still need more time to experiment and practice.

However, after carefully analyzing the battle records, King Wilente believed that the Thunder Strike Ship did indeed move like a ghost and was powerful, but it was not without its weaknesses. In essence, their high-speed penetration actually relies on a space bubble generator, but the single operation time of this equipment is less than one minute, and it must be turned off when it is close to the target and needs to drop bombs.

...That makes sense, but it still cannot eliminate the fundamental threat of this weapon.

King Wilente then proposed that if preparations are made, before the enemy lightning strike ship enters the attack range, the Aegis-class light cruiser with fierce protective firepower and various types of guard ships can conduct fire interception at medium and long range, forcing the lightning strike ship to advance By activating the space bubble, you can weaken the opponent's attack effect with maximum efficiency.

No one knows whether the above statement is just talk on paper, but after all, it sounds reasonable, and it can be done with the existing establishment of the Imperial Army. It is still worth giving it a try.

Even so, everyone is still a little nervous.

Lieutenant General Biffick said loudly: "There are only more than 60 enemy ships, one-third of the number during the Battle of Blood Gate. This shows that most of these lightning strike ships have been lost in the previous hard battles in the far shore nebula. We The tactics are very effective!”

Strictly speaking, only a quarter of the lightning strike ships under Yu Fleet were actually shot down, while the remaining half were maintained in the dock.

However, it is difficult for ordinary soldiers to distinguish the subtle mathematical problems involved. What's more, after all, the fierce general brother is also a psychic who has experienced hundreds of battles. The voice at this time naturally contains the power of encouraging and exorcising evil spirits. In addition, his own prestige in the military is indeed strong, and it is indeed quickly dispelled. The gloom and tension of the crew.

The fleet assembled by Vice Admiral Biffick is a high-speed assault fleet that many soldiers respectfully call "Hell Lancers". It is impossible to carry bulky and slow guard ships. Of course, this kind of air defense mission can only be performed by Aegis cruisers equipped with dense air defense weapons and secondary guns.

They are indeed the most elite imperial fleet, and they completed quite exquisite fleet movements in the shortest time. The Dreadnought and War Patrol, originally used as assault arrows, retreated to the center of the fleet. More than thirty Holy Shield ships swam to the periphery, opened the fire network, and began to prepare for interception.

However, even so, the lightning strike ships arrived too fast. While the Biffick fleet was still conducting battleship movements, it had already completed the first round of bombing attacks.

Fortunately, the damage was much lighter than expected. Only one battle cruiser and two heavy cruisers were hit. One of the cruisers died on the spot.

At this time, our own Holy Shield cruisers finally formed their formation and started dispersing fire. Three ships of the Thunderstrike fleet were also shot down. They noticed this and immediately left the line of fire.

However, these dangerous boats did not stay away, but just wandered around and waited for orders.

"What the hell, it's like a group of disgusting hyenas!" Lieutenant General Biffick cursed, but then shook his head and praised: "However, our King Tiger can't do anything against these hyenas! What a shame!"

He could now see that the tactics proposed by King Wilente were indeed effective, but their effectiveness was very limited. If the pilots of the torpedo strike ships continue to attack without fear of life and death, they can still achieve a good casualty ratio.

It is said that King Suliuka is asking major shipyards to come up with special designs for small and medium-sized frigates. At the same time, his own side is also trying to imitate lightning strike ships, but this will not happen until next year at the earliest.

However, after such a harassment, the main force of Yulian's fleet had taken the opportunity to kill them.

At this moment, Yu Lian, who was surrounded by an enemy force five times his own, actually had an opportunity to attack a small number with more troops.

This was of course because the Natural Crest was attacked, and the Imperial fleet in front of it retreated in panic by at least half an astronomical unit, giving itself a chance to act. Also thanks to the Lightning Strike Fleet that ambushed here. Although they failed to inflict serious damage on the enemy fleet, they succeeded in delaying their actions.

"Thank you for your hard work! Thank you for intercepting." Yu Lian said to Annie.

"It's not interception, at most it's harassment." Major Anne Romanova on New China 001 said modestly.

If you can, replace your gratitude with something substantial. Just when she was about to say this, she heard Yu Lian say again: "In addition, you also want to thank me. Thank you for my foresight in letting you ambush in the orbit of Cuiling 7 planets in advance." Annie hid her eyes behind her long face. Under the long golden eyelashes, he laughed twice: "So, from the beginning, our job is to harass?"

"The minimum guarantee is harassment, and the upper limit is to defeat the Biffick fleet with lightning strikes, but I don't have much hope."

"It's only been a month! In just over a month, have we gone from a killer weapon, to a auxiliary dagger, to a slingshot to harass and lure the enemy? Even a yellow-faced woman has not fallen out of favor so quickly, right?" said When he came here, his face was full of resentment, like a pitiful little man who had been abandoned by a scumbag.

Yu Lian maintained his smile without any fluctuations: "So, it is true that the lightning strike ship is most likely to produce results when it is doing sneak attack work. However, when the big battle is going on later, you can always use every opportunity to give the enemy a fatal blow. time. The so-called dagger can inflict fatal damage to the enemy during a sword fight."

"Are we just going to be auxiliaries and specialize in sneak attacks?"

"Is there any problem with this? How many people don't dream of this kind of job?" Yu Liandao said.

Anne agreed: "Yes, I still like sneak attacks. The losses are small but the achievements are great. It's a pity that the same method is used. I don't know if the empire will be fooled again."

Major Anne Romanova stood at attention and saluted Yu Lian, ending the conversation.

Immediately afterwards, Rozeshi reported: "The Biffick fleet is retreating."

"Back off?"

"Yes, the enemy ships are using their auxiliary engines to reverse, but their muzzles are still facing us."

"Hahaha, even though he is a violent general, his will is firm and his mind is still very clear." Yu Lian praised: "If it were someone with a hot head, maybe the entire fleet would have to be ordered to turn around at this time. Oh, if it’s the Bakvi Birdman, and minions like Enbu and Angmans, they will definitely do this. Why can’t we just fight these minions?”

"It shows that we are already standing at the center of the stage that determines the fate of the universe. We can't get down even if we want to." Luo Zeshi said a high-level flattery, and then said: "In addition, the Imperial fleet in front of the fortress is reorganizing. There is one A guerrilla squadron is moving clockwise around Cuiling Fortress and should be preparing to attack our rear."

"Haha, it can't be the Sobek fleet led by the Royal Rabbit, right?"


"Oh, really?"

Rozeshi smiled and said: "Of course not. The Royal Rabbit is also seriously injured. The flagship of the reinforcement fleet, the dreadnought ship Beilene, is Lieutenant General Renia Talleyan."

"It's a name I've never heard of." Yu Lian shrugged, as if he was an unknown person.

In fact, Lieutenant General Renia, who came from the famous family of Duke Tanlian in the empire, was also a quite famous general. Although she is a woman, she is also a fierce general with decisive force, explosive power and mobility.

Luo Zeshi felt that this indifferent attitude could probably be described as...well, revolutionary romanticism.

"You know what to do." Yu Liandao.

Luo Zeshi nodded to express his understanding: "It has already been arranged. However, considering the advancing speed of the enemy fleet, the subordinate suggested changing the detonation time from 45 minutes to half an hour."

Yu Lian naturally has complete trust in this future famous general's friend and will naturally not object.

He focused all his attention on the Biffick fleet in front, raised his right hand and showed four fingers.

The loyal adjutant immediately said seriously: "All fleets, advance 4, enter charging speed! Prepare for bombardment!"

Yu Lian didn't speak. He suddenly felt that this silent command seemed to make him look very stylish.

The Yulian fleet suddenly began to accelerate, constantly shortening the distance between the two sides. Soon, the two new God-class main guns took the lead in bringing the reversing Biffick fleet into the yellow range.

"The enemy has entered range!"

Yu Lian expressionlessly closed his right hand and waved it down silently.

"Fire!" Luo Zeshi shouted.

"Three volleys of main gun fire! Sub-light speed missiles begin to fill!" Captain Tovey roared in a loud voice.

"After the dreadnought formation completed its main gun salvo, the first battle cruise formation began to fire intensively! The second battle formation was ready! The cruiser formation was ready for intensive missile bombing! All battleships, continued fire suppression! Never give the enemy any chance to breathe! "Chief of Staff Mkawa broke down the order into more detailed steps and quickly communicated it to everyone.

It's nice to have reliable subordinates, Yu Lian thought.

Light and heat intertwined into brilliant waves of energy, setting off a silent storm in the vast sky. It shrouded in the direction of the retreating Biffick fleet.

Immediately afterwards, the light of the explosion bloomed. It turned into ruthless destruction and killing.

The ferocious orbital cannon shells pierced the thick armor, and the neutron rays ignited the energy in the cabin, turning the crew and the hull into dust. Brilliant and weird flashes of light flashed alternately, constantly changing colors in the explosion, like the gates of hell constantly rising, falling and closing.

In this kind of hassle-free frontal battle, once the opportunity is lost, the fighter opportunity is also lost. As a result, this elite imperial fleet, known as the "Hell Lancers", was completely included in the battle rhythm of the earth before it could fully demonstrate its strengths, and fell into a state of complete passiveness and being beaten.

"...I'm really not suitable for retreating and defending, I'm only suitable for constantly advancing and attacking!" Lieutenant General Biffick felt as if he had been holding back a mouthful of old blood and couldn't spit it out, and his internal organs were all upside down.

However, as a commander, he could not show it. He could only encourage everyone: "Hold on! As long as you hold on firmly, you will surely seize the chance of victory! As long as the Talleyan fleet attacks from behind, everything will It’s all going to be fine.”

But soon, the chief of staff brought a new report: "Your Excellency, the Tanleyan fleet failed to reach the scheduled tactical position?"

"What do you mean by not arriving?"

"While the Tanleyan fleet was maneuvering, there was an explosion in the Cuiling Fortress. Part of the fortress structure disintegrated, and several warships were damaged. The Tanleyan fleet has now...stopped its advance."

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