Him and their stars

Chapter 1435 Tens of thousands of troops, no single hero

There is a saying that the destruction of Cuiling Fortress really had little to do with Yulian's two copycat fortress cannons. Even if the reactors of those two giant cannons exploded on the spot, it would at most turn into a tragic space fire scene. Overall, it will not have a direct and fatal structural impact on the fortress.

But the problem is that this fortress inherently has structural risks.

The empire did not provide the Bakvi people with a Sky Fortress-level core reactor or a super-large and complete life-support system. The Cuiling Fortress that the bird people spent a lot of money to build is not so much Qingtian Castle as it is actually a green leather goods pieced together from seven or eight sub-level fortresses. In a sense, it is similar to the large immigration ship built by the predators... In detail, the technical content may not be as good as the immigration ships built by the predators. At least their big ships can sail, jump, and carry out a two-million-light-year expedition.

Of course, in order not to make this fortress look too green, the Bakvi people still spent a lot of money to install overall mirror armor and fluid metal shell.

At least from the appearance point of view, the overall style of the fortress is finally less green-skinned, and its external defense is indeed robust. Unfortunately, under the protection of the thick and round fluid metal, safety hazards in the main structure of the fortress always exist objectively.

Therefore, Yu Lian and his friends just planted a large number of high explosives at important fortress connections. Once detonated, this fortress with a total mass of several trillions will collapse as quickly as possible. However, before the main structure inside the fortress completely collapses, the balance and adhesion gravity systems will collapse first.

The fluid metal liquid wrapped outside the fortress will break away from the constraints of gravity and turn into metal waves, surging towards all surrounding sources of gravity. Immediately afterwards, the splashed fluid metal waves will quickly cool down in the low temperature of the starry sky, but the kinetic energy will not dissipate.

At that moment, every drop of the metal wave pushed and pulled out by gravity was a sharp shrapnel that was solidifying.

Of course, to achieve this step, all explosions require precise calculations.

Assure the spirit of the universe that Xiao Hui really did not help this time. It was entirely arranged by Yu Lian and executed by Essen French. After all, no one in the entire fleet understands green skins better than himself, and no one understands this Cui Ling Fortress better than himself. As the originator of the "Bulk Sky Fortress", this thing's later generations in another timeline inspired many fortress builders.

...Of course, we all know that the so-called "originator" basically means that the technology is unreliable.

In this way, when the aggressive Lieutenant General Lenia Tanleyan led his fleet and prepared to bypass the Cuiling Fortress and give Yu Lian a sandwich of cheese between two buns from behind, the explosive device had already been prepared. That's when it exploded. The multi-megaton wave of fluid metal broke free and rushed towards the nearby source of gravity, especially towards the passing Imperial fleet.

Of course, after all, this is just a copycat of the Sky Castle, and it is dealing with a fleet that is moving at high speed. In any case, it cannot have the same effect as the "Unity Fortress" in the New World.

Vice Admiral Talyan immediately discovered the high-energy reaction of Cuiling Fortress and ordered the entire fleet to immediately avoid and distance themselves. As a result, only seven or eight unlucky ships were hit in total. They were all thick-skinned and extremely slow guard ships, which would not affect subsequent battles and cruises.

But even so, work such as avoiding, dodging, being shot, rescuing, and regrouping still takes a lot of time.

This was but a minor episode in the damage done to the fleet. The harm is not even as harmful as daily navigation in some galaxies with bad weather conditions.

However, its actual strategic effect was more explosive than Lieutenant General Biffick, who was in urgent need of reinforcements, imagined.

This high-speed assault fleet under his command, which is good at attacking but not at defending, has really become a pitiful and lonely army. Although it is only temporary, it may also be fatal.

As they retreated step by step, two battle cruisers and more than ten battleships of various types had been sunk. Even Wang Hu, who was where he was, was hit by two orbital artillery shells.

"This can't continue like this. When the Tanleyan fleet regroups and comes back, we will collapse first. This time there was a time difference and we were caught by the enemy!" Lieutenant General Biffick said unwillingly.

"Is it possible to turn defense into offense?" the chief of staff asked.


"If we continue like this, we are likely to collapse after an hour of fighting. If we attack, we may not be able to hold on for half an hour, but it will definitely cause greater losses to the enemy." said the chief of staff.

To be able to serve as the chief of staff of this fleet, although his duties require him to be mature and prudent, he is actually very crazy at heart, sometimes even crazier than the commander.

Lieutenant General Biffick struggled briefly.

The fleet he commanded was the Empire's strike squadron affiliated with the Second Fleet of the Guards. It was nicknamed the "Nightmare Lancers" in commemoration of an ace cavalry regiment from the home planet era. One can imagine what kind of fleet this is and what kind of fierce general their commander is.

If it were in the past, even if they encountered a huge wall of light and heat, Lieutenant General Biffick would lead his soldiers to crush the direct attack with a decisive and swift charge.

But now, the fierce general began to hesitate.

The Royal Rabbit was spinning in circles, the Natural Crest was still burning, the life and death of Admiral Hegober was unknown, the Cuiling Fortress was destroyed, and the Talyan fleet was intercepted, all made this resolute and brave man The general became suspicious.

Earthlings, aren’t there any more traps?

...I don’t know what happened to that guy Yeager, but he must not die.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Vice Admiral Biffick finally made a decision: "Wanghu, Black Rock Deer, Wolf King Monu, and the third and fourth heavy cruiser detachments, start preparing to charge! Cover the retreat of the remaining battleships .”

He was ready to use himself and the flagship to cut off the rear, and of course he was ready to sacrifice.

However, at this time, someone came to report that reinforcements had arrived. This time it was Admiral Misaro who came personally with the fleet.

In fact, as early as two hours ago, when the Biffick fleet sent a report to the general flagship Shikishen, asking whether to continue advancing or withdraw, Marshal Ikenluojia had already noticed that something was wrong.

Needless to say, Admiral Hegober's offensive plan was of course bankrupt.

For a steady and down-to-earth veteran like Marshal, the first thing to consider at this time is to stabilize the situation and not suffer any more losses.

So, his eyes passed through a group of imperial generals with different expressions, and finally stopped on the face of General Misaro, and ordered: "Go and take care of Lieutenant General Biffick. Don't be too eager to fight."

Even if I want to love and fight, I must have this ability, right? I'm not an expert in fleet command. Admiral Misaro took the order with a wry smile and left.

Facts have proved that although this general, who was a panzer grenadier and psionic fighter, was not professional in fleet command, his team was very professional. His fleet finally arrived at the battlefield before the situation completely deteriorated.

However, even after receiving reinforcements, Lieutenant General Biffick had no intention of counterattack.

"Maybe there is still a trap. We must be cautious and not attack immediately. We need to observe again." He said to Admiral Misaro.

"I had no intention of fighting back." Admiral Misaro said in a matter-of-fact tone: "We have fallen into traps three times today, and I don't want to be the fourth unlucky guy."

As one of the first three unlucky ones, Lieutenant General Biffick felt that his soul had been greatly damaged, and his face began to turn pale with anger. However, he still forced himself to calm down. "How about the Imperial Rabbit and the Natural Crest?"

"The damage to the Royal Rabbit is not light. After all, it has been on a forced march for more than a month, and now it has been hit by a fortress gun. It is lucky to survive. It may need at least half a year of overhaul. Fortunately, the crew casualties are not large. , that boy Soback is fine, and has temporarily transferred the command headquarters to the Lightyear Serpent." Admiral Misaro showed a strange expression: "The problem on the Natural Crest... is not a big problem, we can fix it. You can go back to the battlefield in no time. It is said that it will not affect your combat effectiveness."

Isn't this good news? But why does Admiral Misaro have such a strange expression?

As soon as this thought flashed through Biffick's mind, he heard the latter say: "...But, the bridge was detonated. The heroic soul of Admiral Hegobor returned to the God of War Sur."

"Dead, dead?" Lieutenant General Biffick was shocked.

Why do you need to speak so directly? Do you understand the taboo for His Holiness? What about the decency of the imperial nobility? Can you at least say something like "sacrifice" or "fall"? Admiral Misaro sighed: "The damage to the entire Natural Herald was minimal, but the bridge crew suffered heavy losses, with a death rate as high as 60%. The captain, gunnery chief, and security director were all killed. . Of course, there is also Admiral Hegobor. Alas, may the spirit of the universe give him rest, and may the Dragon of the Dawn grant his soul eternal glory and happiness."

"This, this is incredible." Lieutenant General Biffick still found it difficult to understand.

"But, it happened. A sneak attack by a positron cannon, and 687 of our people were killed. Among them were a general, a major general, and three brigadiers, plus 458 officers." General Misaro also revealed With an unlucky expression on his face: "More officers died than non-commissioned officers and soldiers. When this battle report spread, they thought we were lying about the military situation."

Biffick couldn't help but press his temples: "Isn't this equivalent to a saint like you fighting a duel of honor with a human being, and he died of tetanus after a small cut on his finger?"

"Well, that's a good analogy, but it's not appropriate at all. Also, you're also a psyker, so remember to use your own analogy next time."

"So, do you think this is also part of Yu...er, the Dragon of Dawn's plan?"


The two powerful psykers, experienced senior generals of the Imperial Army, looked at each other through the communication channel for half a minute, and shuddered at the same time. They all felt that for the sake of the empire's grand plan, everything should be done cautiously.

In this way, even after suffering heavy losses, they received strong reinforcements, and the "Nightmare Lancers" fleet led by Lieutenant General Biffick were a group of brave and fierce men, but they did not return without revenge. The plan actually started and then retreated, as if labor and management had given up.

Of course, the Earth fleet on the opposite side is not eager to fight.

The artillery fire between the two armies was still going back and forth, but the line of fire was gradually opening up. As if there was a tacit understanding between the two fleets, they began to retreat from each other to create a gap.

As the distance increases, the density of the flying energy also becomes thinner, as if the temperature of the entire starry sky has dropped.

Then, the Earth fleet began to turn and sail towards the far shore nebula.

On the Fuxi, Luo Zeshi reported: "The Imperial Army is not pursuing. However, the Tanleyan fleet is moving in our direction."

"Ignore it. Since they are not accelerating, it means they are acting suspiciously. Really, they must either speed up to catch up or return to where they were. What's the point of being neither good nor too small?" Yu Lian sneered. : "However, if this fleet keeps following you, it will always be annoying."

This is certainly not just an annoying problem. Instead, being followed by an imperial fleet with full combat power is still very stressful for one's own spirit, and will also affect subsequent combat preparations.

Besides, Yu Lian is very self-aware. The battle has reached this level, and the entire fleet is really at the end of its tether. It would be terrible if he was really found out.

"Luo Zeshi, the entire fleet has stopped advancing. Prepare to turn again to meet the enemy." Yu Liandao.

"...Understood." There was a momentary hesitation in the adjutant's words, but there was no hesitation when giving the order.

So, when the Yu fleet had just stopped, the Imperial Talleyan fleet that was trying to follow our side also stopped. The rhythm was as precise as a chain of puppets.

"Luo Zeshi, send a message to the enemy's flagship, the Four Seasons God. If the other party does not respond, then switch to a wide area notification."

However, surprisingly, the empire actually got through. As a result, a group of senior imperial generals on the Four Seasons appeared on the screen, many of whom Yu Lian knew, and they even talked and laughed with them when they were military attaches in the embassy.

Needless to say, the one located in position C is the figure of Marshal Ikenluojia.

Compared with other times online, where old men who had already achieved fame and retired to have grandchildren, Marshal Ikenroga, who is 60 years old this year, is actually in the prime of life as a senior officer. At first glance, he looks like a veteran of medium height, but dignified and calm.

However, Yu Lian was still a little touched. In another timeline, the Marshal Ikenluojia he knew was much older than he is now, but also much kinder.

He was a retired man who walked and fished in the park every day, and occasionally went to the nearby Citizen Martial Arts Club to be a free instructor for his children.

There is a saying, as an imperial marshal and hereditary prince, such a retirement life is still very down-to-earth.

Yu Lian's thoughts quickly dissipated in the smoke. He looked directly into the other party's silent and profound dark brown eyes. Before any greetings could be exchanged, he took the lead in shouting: "I am the Blue Star Community, and I am Yu Lian, deputy commander of the outer ring theater! Who of you dares to come up? Come forward and fight me to the death! Why isn't Yeager Soback here? Tell him to come and meet his old friend quickly!"

On the bridge of the Shikigami opposite, there was silence for a moment.

"Fight and not fight? Retreat and not retreat? What's the point?" He cast his gaze across the communication circuit and looked at the generals of the Imperial Army three astronomical units away.

At this time, he suddenly realized that these most powerful military imperialist warmongers in the history of civilization were actually afraid of him.

They are afraid of me!

Yu Lian let out a domineering laugh, turned his palm into a sword, and slashed three times at the Imperial Marshal and the generals on the opposite side.

"The empire has tens of millions of troops, but none of them are true heroes!"

He turned off the communication while laughing, signaling that the fleet could move on.

Sure enough, the Tanlian fleet stopped moving forward, no longer daring to follow.

In this way, Yu Lian's fleet left the Cuiling Star Territory in full view of an enemy force that was five times as large as its own.

Two Titans, ten dreadnoughts, twenty-one battle cruisers, and more than two thousand battleships, an army of nearly ten million people, but not a single ship, no one dared to move.

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