Him and their stars

Chapter 1442 Don’t come over

This is actually not surprising. The entertainment industry in the alliance really has a tendency to go to the front line. It is not to appeal for "peace" or "love", but by the way to appeal to you "you have nothing but you are free after all." Instead, he seriously sang and danced rap to boost the morale of his own soldiers.

In a sense, this can actually be regarded as a kind of martial virtue.

Yes, although there is a strong element of showmanship, it is full of martial ethics. Although the business atmosphere is strong, the martial ethics are abundant.

Something similar had already happened during the last Dawn War in the New World. Before the actors of the Imperial Royal Revue Troupe had made preparations for departure, the folk artists of the Alliance had already made several trips to the Devil's Throat.

"It was such a bustle. The application reports were piled up on our desks, and they could be used as pillows. Everyone was talented in both virtue and art, everyone was good at singing and dancing, and everyone was much more famous than me. I forgot that I was still a theater commander, and thought I was the powerful executive in the world." Lieutenant General Sylvester seemed to have a glow on his face when he blew at Yu Lian. : "Although I laugh and am a general, I still prefer this kind of job."

"Have you already thought about your future re-employment direction?" Yu Lian said with a smile.

"Hahaha, have you seen all this? My plan is to retire at the age of 60 after receiving general treatment, and then open an economic company. The business scope includes event planning and artist management. Ah. Hahaha, I’ve already thought about the first batch of signed artists, it’s just me, and that guy Seyo. Junior, don’t you think we two have a very rare senior tough guy style in the market?”

Seyo should be talking about Lieutenant General Seyo, director of the Marine Corps of the Blue Star Community, who is now trapped in the Ring of Miracles and does not know whether he is alive or dead.

Yu Lian did not have a deep impression of Lieutenant General Saiyo. He only knew that during the exercise, he was touched by the 38th Division commanded by Akinayama Hachiman. However, he had no idea about the latter's villain in "Cold Hill". Appearance, but deep memory.

I don’t know what the situation is now in the siege of the Ring of Miracles.

Regarding this issue, Lieutenant General Sylvester was quite calm and just waved his hand casually: "That guy is not that easy to die. According to my calculations, the guy without hair has a long life. Now During the war, each of us must be mentally prepared to welcome the end at any time. Because of this, we must eat well, drink and have fun during the rare and armistice breaks. If I were you, I would definitely eat every meal The last one belongs to a cow.”

"Is this to deal with the incoming enemy and try to reserve energy for yourself?"

"... Anyway, when death is imminent, you should always eat as much as possible while you can still eat." Lieutenant General Sylvester looked like he wanted to cover his face. Naturally, the tough guy couldn't stand up anymore: "Stand In front of young people like you, I really feel that my old and frail self is really mentally dark and hopeless!"

Yu Lian felt that the old senior still underestimated himself. He is indeed not a talented and famous general, but in the battle of the Lucknar Corridor, he was able to hold on to the front line without retreating until he arrived. He definitely showed his surging vitality, and he did not look like a mentally dark man waiting to die. of.

With such a psychological quality, he will at least be a qualified defensive general.

Then, Lieutenant General Sylvester took out the application list from the alliance for Yu Lian to review, as if he wanted to share it with his colleagues for happiness.

Of course, the real reason is to see if there are any spies among these artists. You know, planting nails in the entertainment industry, or directly letting professional intelligence personnel disguise themselves as entertainers, has always been a traditional entertainment skill of the alliance.

Don't tell me, don't tell me, Yu Lian just turned to the first page of the list and saw the problem.

For example, the Galaxy's top girl group "Goodnight Kittens" that I saw last time at Claire Belmont's place is on the list. For another example, the pianist lady whom I met in the same place, but I can’t remember whether her name was Helena or Renee, was also among them.

"I'm 80% sure that there are spies here." Yu Lian jumped out of the list: "Their boss is Rear Admiral Claire Belmont. This guy's external identity is the Secretary-General of Foreign Affairs of the Alliance Naval Equipment Department, but he also One of them is the chief of the second section of the Integrated Military Intelligence Bureau, who is responsible for collecting information on new foreign weapons."

"Oh, then don't approve it?" Lieutenant General Sylvester asked.

"No, it needs approval. It's best not to leave after coming. After all, these girls are also serious female celebrities with many fans. If they are really involved in the war, they might be able to force the alliance. Public opinion, let the Nefi government make a conclusion as soon as possible." Yu Lian showed a smile without blood or tears.

Probably because the diplomatic department of the community finally did something serious, and several speeches by President Nishita were also very influential. After the war began, the mainstream public opinion among the alliance people really regarded the earth as an ally. Considered a warrior who resisted the tyranny of the empire. The celebrities from all walks of life in the alliance who are running around for the Blue Star Community's resistance war are still quite large and influential.

However, even if there is such a wave of public opinion among the people, the official attitude of the alliance has always seemed a bit ambiguous, and it has not yet given a definite conclusion. Not even a direct condemnation of the Empire.

Perhaps the Alliance caretaker government really needs an opportunity to end well.

Lieutenant General Sylvester hesitated for less than five seconds, then nodded vigorously. "As for what they want to see, is it just a lightning strike ship? Let them see it. We can mass-produce space bubble generators, but we have to rely on the alliance to provide us with radiation grinders. As allies, we still need to provide them with radiation grinders when necessary. Please show your integrity."

Yu Lian's words were very sincere. Although the lightning strike ship has created huge results, it is a special weapon for sneak attacks after all. It cannot bring about a revolutionary situation on the battlefield, and its technical content is just that. Not to mention the empire and alliance, even second-tier powers such as Minlan, Iron Army and Cherk will be able to imitate them sooner or later.

He had no intention of clinging to the principle of lightning strike ships at all.

However, to Lieutenant General Sylvester, it was a different story. We finally have our own unique trump card, but because of the country's lack of internal strength, we still have to exchange it with big dogs. What a humiliation.

"Everything is for the ultimate victory." Lieutenant General Sylvester Yu Lian said earnestly: "Young people, you have to know how to retreat sometimes, and then you will know a better way forward!"

...Although he didn’t know what the old senior had misunderstood, Yu Lian said that he had received the other party’s kindness.

Then, on the list, of course, there is the already famous "Stardust Elf", Miss Selina Mayo.

Although this talented singer has signed a contract with Universal and is being promoted by the world's number one entertainment industry giant as a pillar for the next ten years, he is still a serious earthling. With her temperament, it is impossible for her to hide in the safe and warm villa of Nephi and use the war in her motherland as a conversation piece to drink.

Yu Lian believed that she really wanted to do something for the frontline soldiers.

However, judging from the distance, it will be the end of November when the entertainment industry personnel in the alliance will reach the far shore.

I hope that for the sake of these big stars coming from afar, the Galactic Empire will wait until after December to launch the next round of offensive. Of course, at least wait until the stars arrive before attacking.

Yu Lian felt that this arrangement was excellent.

The frontline soldiers are happy to interact with an approachable and great writer like Mr. Qi, because the latter speaks nicely and meaningfully. They like to watch celebrities singing and dancing rap within their sight, because it is eye-catching.

The only thing I don’t want to see is the high-ranking officials who look like human beings standing on the high platform, talking about some high-sounding but nutritious nonsense, as if they are leading the war.

Once they appear on the front line, they have no meaning except to consume the morale and energy of the soldiers.

Of course, Yu Lian felt that, if nothing unexpected happened, based on the level of the current Dukes of Gungun on Earth, their courage might not be as good as the artists in the condolence group.

They may dare to go to Nantianmen, Shuntian and Lumina, or even Xinyumen, but they will definitely not dare to come to the Cade Fortress.

However, what he never expected was that he had just made such a judgment, and this matter would have happened as expected.

The second-in-command of the Blue Star Community, Mr. Vice President Hierro, will serve as the chief special envoy of the President and come to the front line to inspect. By the way, he will also be prepared to award everyone the Medal of Freedom Hero and so on...

"A fortress? Isn't it a new Shuntian or a new Seville?" Yu Lian couldn't help but ask again.

"Yes, it is confirmed that the fortress is here." Rozez repeated seriously: "That's the situation. President Nishita originally wanted to come. However, his The alliance trip is even more important. Therefore, Vice President Hierro will prepare to arrive at Fortress Seder before November 11."

When his loyal adjutant Luo Zeshi came to report, Yu Lian was chatting and laughing with Lieutenant General Sylvester and Mr. Qi, discussing the handover of various materials, subsequent supplies and rear production matters.

Putting aside Mr. Carlos, who was hiding in the bunker in Shin Shuntian and made himself incapacitated, the three of them are now equivalent to the trio responsible for the highest military power in the Nebula Defense Line on the far coast. Naturally, they are There is much to talk about.

Yu Lian felt that the timing of Luo Zeshi's report was very clever. At least he was not the only one who was disgusted.

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