Him and their stars

Chapter 1443 Reception work and safety inspection

Yu Lian spent a full three seconds to straighten his mood, and then squeezed out a smile: "... Well, this should be a good thing, right? Your Excellency the Vice President at least came with medals and promotion reports, and he also treated the soldiers the same way. Everyone is encouraging. Senior Sylvester, congratulations on your promotion. You are one step closer to your dream of retiring and starting an entertainment company."

"Hahaha, why do I think that this is the prelude ceremony before the marshal's scepter is justly awarded to me?" Lieutenant General Sylvester was not happy at all, his expression was even a little worried, looking at Yu Lian's eyes He was inexplicably more cautious: "...Actually, junior fellow student, you don't have to be so reluctant."

Yu Lian decided to follow the good example and said to the adjutant through gritted teeth: "Chester, Chester, Davarich, Chester, you are such a genius who can disappoint me!"

"It's even more disappointing. The vice president's secretarial team also sent an advance notice. For safety reasons, when they arrive at the Fortress, they will conduct certain random inspections on armaments, combat readiness, and inventory management. Of course, these are all symbolic. Yes, it’s a daily matter, I hope we can cooperate and don’t think too much.”

"...I thought he really came here to award medals and commend people to boost morale." Yu Liandao.

"Hey, brother Yu Lian, you don't understand this. When the head of state comes to the front line, if it is just for commendation, the protagonist becomes a soldier, but only when he comes to verify, the protagonist will become himself." General Sylvester said Look like someone who has been there.

During the war, isn't the protagonist a soldier? Although Yu Lian wanted to say this, he also knew that this was actually an ideal vision. If the Gong Gong princes of the earth were so anthropomorphic, the country would have been completely different. However, among this group of abstract Gong Gong princes, the old and young of the Co-Prosperity Party are the least anthropomorphic group.

"It is the Co-Prosperity Party after all." Yu Lian sighed.

"Yes, it is the Co-Prosperity Party after all!" Luo Zeshi also sighed: "I heard now that you have been compared to Yue Wumu on Earth. You know, when there was Yue Wumu, Then there will always be Qin Hui."

"Really, so although Grandpa-in-law is my idol, no matter what, I want to go home safely and enjoy my old age after becoming famous. Have I not considered the mood of the person involved?"

"It would be nice if I compared you to General Tiance. Right?" Luo Zeshi said.

"Yes, if you compare me to Tiance...ah, don't use such a bad joke to change the subject!"

Mr. Qi and Lieutenant General Sylvester exchanged a glance and decided to pretend that they did not hear.

Rozeshi continued without changing his expression: "I think that even if Vice President Hierro has no such intention, his attaché does not necessarily mean it, nor does it mean that he represents the political power of that faction. In this kind of situation During this period, we will not let go of any behavior that will affect the morale and morale of the entire army."

"What's going on, are you really planning to let the Vice President's entourage disappear into some non-existent corridors of the fortress?" Yu Lian said casually, but then his eyes lit up:

"It seems that we can indeed do this! This fortress is also the largest fortress in the entire community. It is comparable in size to a giant space city that can accommodate tens of millions of people. In addition, there was a mutiny at the beginning of the war. After the robots went berserk, Most of the things like this are the smell of blood that has not dissipated and the souls who are unwilling to close their eyes. It is too easy to give birth to incredible supernatural stories in the universe. It is really normal for newly arrived central officials to disappear in such a place. ”

Luo Zeshi saluted and said, "Then, will I go make arrangements now?"

Lieutenant General Sylvester said loudly: "After all, this fortress has been operated by me for a long time. It can be used as a commercial station in peacetime, and it can provide us with tens of billions of tolls every year. She is a very harmonious person. A space city. Even if you want to create a thirteenth floor staircase, a non-existent corridor, a space ghost story like power armor that can run on its own, embroidered shoes on a power skateboard, etc., you don’t have to do it in front of everyone. Can we discuss it with me?"

Hey hey hey, you old man has told all the serious content of the story!

"This is not a ghost story, but a disorderly riot of psychic energy. Occult science is profound and profound. Once out of control, it will manifest itself in various ways. Who says that the above will not exist?" Mr. Qi said seriously, but his voice always seemed a bit deep.

Yu Lian showed a shy smile: "I'm sorry, I just heard that the big boss was coming, and I got goosebumps all over my body. I can only tell some not-so-funny jokes to relieve my sadness and anger."

Yu Lian actually had goosebumps all over his body now. Although he had never dealt with Vice President Hierro in his life, considering that he was a relative of Mao Yuanzuo, he immediately felt physically sick.

One thing is that Yu Lian would rather go drinking and eating barbecue with President Keith Nishita and listen to his self-praise and listen to his endless idle chatter than those less anthropomorphic old and young people of the Communist Party of China.

Hong Kong Zhen, if you put aside the prejudice caused by the memory of another timeline and calm down to think, Yu Lian must admit now that if the overly cheerful Kaizi brother does not need to face a real life and death test, in fact, He is a very humane leader and big brother.

Yu Lian sighed: "Chester, Chester, Davarich, Chester, you are not only a genius who disappoints me, but also a genius who makes me sick!"

"This is my honor." Luo Zeshi stood at attention and saluted meticulously.

Mr. Qi recalled: "I have met that Vice President Hierro. He is Mao Yuanzuo's nephew. Mao regarded him as his political successor. He became his successor when he was in his twenties. He is a member of Congress. When I went to receive the Galaxy Award, he was also present at the celebration banquet held by the government. I remember him as a very polite young man who also spoke nicely."

If a professional politician trained by such a political family is not polite and can't speak, it would be weird.

"However, it is quite impressive that such a young man dares to run to the front line."

Is it difficult for even artists to dare? Although Yu Lian wanted to say this, in fact, in many cases, professional politicians may not be as courageous as artists.

Luo Zeshi continued to report: "The previous week, after our fleet returned to Fortress Seder, many local media were using topics such as 'We are afraid of war', which caused quite a stir in public opinion. Internal Affairs The committee is launching a round of shake-up in the media industry.”

Mr. Qi frowned slightly, his emotions seemed to be swelling, boiling, and burning.

Yu Lian felt that as a writer, his husband should be intolerable to this kind of attack on the media industry, so he was ready to say a few words of comfort. However, the latter suddenly slammed the table hard and let out a loud cheer: "Cai!"


"The media industry must be rectified at all times! It's impossible not to rectify it!" He loudly shook his fist again.

"...Is the media world pirates?" Lieutenant General Sylvester asked helplessly.

"If the integrity of the media world were half that of pirates, the world would be 90% less likely to make waves out of thin air, right? At least 90%!"

"Yes, they are not as good as bandits... No, this is not the point. Sir, you still have to understand that war is an extraordinary time after all. Although I was hit hard this time, in the final analysis, it was Mr. President who sent it to me. It's just a friendly signal. I think that with the current style of the Earth's government, it is absolutely impossible to restore the press control that it had when it first became independent. Sympathy is sympathy, but there is no need to be angry, and there is no need to worry. It will be bad if you get angry because of it. ”

"What kind of punch is this? There is no arrest or killing." Mr. Qi snorted coldly, then reacted and said angrily: "...Wait, according to you, I should sympathize with them Brother Yu Lian, what are you talking about? I am indeed a useless scholar, but after all, I am still serious about artistic creation. I have never been in the same league as those cheap cowards in the media industry. Do you understand? ? Do you know not to insult others?"

Yu Lian thought about it carefully and felt that he had indeed humiliated Mr. Qi, so he quickly apologized sincerely.

Chester Rozes continued to report expressionlessly: "Several media outlets were indeed blocked, but later it was found that they all have a background in the Co-Prosperity Party." "It does not necessarily have a background in the Co-Prosperity Party. Mao Yuanzuo is very cautious in everything he does, so he may not leave these clues." Yu Lian calculated: "But their tendency must be towards the empire."

For Mr. Niceta's political allies, if they want to attack the Co-Prosperity Party, this is enough reason.

Vice President Hierro's visit to the Sede Fortress was ordered by President Niceta, which may mean that the former has relented. Of course, does this also mean that Mao Yuanzuo himself has also given in?

Will that old monster who counts lizards give in? Why do I not believe it so much?

"Our victory on the front line may also give President Nichita the opportunity to rectify the internal people's hearts." Rozez analyzed everything with an insightful tone.

Yu Lian showed a stiff smile: "It's gratifying and congratulatory. It's gratifying and congratulatory."

Then, the two young men applauded at the same time.

Lieutenant General Sylvester was a little restless. He was very unaccustomed to this young officer's style of interpreting and commenting on the actions of the central government in a joking tone.

Young people are too arrogant and a little frivolous... Hey, why did you start too?

Mr. Qi also clapped along with the two young men.

General Sylvester sighed and gave Rozez a meaningful look: "Lieutenant Colonel, your officer is quite well informed."

"Sir, I still have private channels for exchanging information with the National Defense Committee." Luo Zeshi answered in a matter-of-fact manner.

Lieutenant General Sylvester nodded thoughtfully, and then cast the same meaningful look at Rozer's chief officer.

Mr. Qi then asked whether to persuade the earth side to put the so-called promotion ceremony in Xin Shuntian. In this way, Mr. Vice President does not have to take the risk of visiting the front line in person, the soldiers do not have to waste their morale listening to his nonsense, and the former enemy headquarters does not have to endure nausea and let a group of bureaucrats who don't understand anything like wild dogs in the fortress and Confidential departments of the battleship were running around.

However, neither Yu Lian nor Sylvester could leave the fortress. After all, the Yulian fleet has already abandoned half of the star system strongholds in the Far Coast Nebula, and the enemy army may approach the city at any time.

As the commander-in-chief of the former enemy, how could he leave his soldiers and go to the rear to participate in some medal ceremony?

"If the enemy comes at this time, we will regret it." Lieutenant General Sylvester sighed: "In comparison, let them come."

"Yes, if we take a step back, we still have the option of being unbelievable in the universe." Yu Liandao.

"There is no such choice, absolutely not!" Lieutenant General said.

All in all, Mr. Hierro is definitely coming. Wait until everyone receives this report. This gentleman's ship has actually already set off. Although everyone was shouting "Don't come over", there was nothing they could do to stop it.

"...Anyway, I'd better rush back to New China as soon as possible. There are major space physics experiments to be done there, and I need to witness them. The training of the mobilization troops must also be stepped up. The next batch of supplies will still be around 100 million tons. , it will definitely be delivered in the middle of next month. I’ll say goodbye now and leave tomorrow.” Mr. Qi said.

Indeed, things have been delivered and activities have been attended. There is really no need for an old comrade who is almost sixty-nine to stay with a group of young guys.

Yu Lian always felt that Mr. Qi was vaguely suspected of hiding, but he had no evidence.

Before leaving, Mr. Qi added: "The people from the Engineers Guild will send some support over in a few days to take a look at the safety hazards of the fortress again. However, don't think about issuing recruitment orders to them. These Civil society groups with outstanding capabilities will always be the guests of kings and princes from all over the world, and they are willing to stand by us in the form of hiring consulting agencies, which is already worthy of our blessing."

"Don't worry, they are good friends. No one knows how to get along with people from the Engineers Guild better than me." Yu Lian gestured with the index fingers of his hands.

"I'm not talking about you." Mr. Qi showed a narrow smile.

Lieutenant General Sylvester suddenly coughed violently.

Is it you who co-authored it? Yu Lian was shocked.

"I just wanted to apply for the position of technical major general for Mr. Trend. You know, during the past galactic war, even mercenaries had to be issued military ranks. They were all guest-based, not only an honor, but also You can get an extra bonus." Lieutenant General Sylvester said embarrassedly.

The commotion that occurred in Seder Fortress on August 8th included the mutiny of reinforcements from the mainland and the riot of blue-label robots, but it caught the far shore frontline headquarters by surprise.

The mutiny was solved by the passing "Taea", and the robot riot was solved by Mr. Trend and Xiaobai.

General Sylvester is tempted to recruit others, which is understandable.

"However, once a military rank is issued, it is impossible for mercenaries to find a home during the war, and they must obey the dispatch of the military command department. Some people value freedom in life." Yu Liandao.

What's more important is that many key members of the Engineers' Guild, including Mr. Trend, are prosthetics. If you really become a community soldier, even if you are a mercenary or a guest officer, it will definitely cause a lot of inconvenience.

"However, it is not smart and even more impolite to prepare to take coercive measures because the people of the Engineers Guild are unwilling to respond to the call." Mr. Qi said in an accusing tone.

Such a thing actually happened? Yu Lian glanced at Lieutenant General Sylvester in surprise, and the latter suddenly looked even more embarrassed.

"No, anyway, the misunderstanding has been resolved. Everyone from the Engineers Guild still agreed to help us conduct another comprehensive safety inspection."

"The misunderstanding has been resolved, but I don't know if the hidden danger has been completely eliminated. Old senior, when a large army is fighting, military discipline must be strict!" Yu Lian showed a dangerous smile, which made Lieutenant General Sylvester hit him on the spot. Chill.

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