Him and their stars

Chapter 1444: Adults 1 can definitely do disgusting jobs

Afterwards, Mr. Qi was so swaggering. The remaining two lieutenant generals had no choice but to hold their noses and discuss the subsequent reception of Vice President Hierro.

Again, everyone is an adult and has basic emotional intelligence and professional ethics. No matter how disgusting the job is, if you can't avoid it, you still have to hold your nose and do it seriously.

Lieutenant General Sylvester was probably really worried that Yu Lian and his rebellious subordinates would do something that would make the vice president's disappearance unbelievable, so he quickly advised: "Don't worry, after all, it's During the war, we were also frontline commanders after all, and we still had some prestige in the minds of the frontline soldiers. Even if the Co-Prosperity Party was really full of imperial spies, it would be impossible for them to find trouble at this time. The so-called auditing is, in the final analysis, just a formality. .”

Having said this, he couldn't help but sigh: "As you know, most of the politicians of the Co-Prosperity Party were born as bureaucrats in the Governor-General's Office during the empire's rule. Many of them even had knighthoods in their ancestors, so they would always be special. Those who care about so-called propriety and etiquette need respect from others."

"So, they really came to the front line to give orders, right?"

Lieutenant General Sylvester nodded, and then quickly shook his head: "Even Mr. Mao Yuanzuo does not dare to boss you around, but the central government of the earth they represent may be too humble to the soldiers below. We have to negotiate with you in advance. Let’s all take some good breath.”

"I understand what you mean. Don't worry, no matter what you say, everyone is emotionally intelligent and a serious community professional soldier with correct outlook on life will give enough face to Vice President Hierro."

I'm talking about you! Lieutenant General Sylvester thought.

"Cade Fortress is also the pride of our space fleet. It will never give birth to a mysterious universe that makes people disappear. I will never even think of tying Mr. Vice President and his trouble-seeking entourage to proton torpedoes and a five-hundred-ton missile. Anti-matter explosives were fired at the Imperial warship together, and then the Earth government was informed that they were caught in the flames of war and died gloriously."


"Haha, I'm joking."

Lieutenant General Sylvester didn't think the other party was joking at all.

"Even if you do this kind of thing, you can't let me hear it! You can't do it blatantly in front of the soldiers of the three armies. Aren't you a psyker? Aren't you a saint? Let them fight silently Is it really difficult to die under the fire of the Imperial Army?"


"...Uh, I'm joking too."

After all, this old senior is indeed a wonderful person!

He couldn't stand Yu Lian's subtle gaze anymore, so he changed his tone to a warm tone and said seriously: "Actually, anyone with a discerning eye knows that the reversal of the situation on the far coast is your credit, and the ten swings and ten decisions are your contribution. If it weren't for You arrived with a forced march day and night. My bones should have decomposed into ashes in the T2 galaxy by now. However, I am the only one who was promoted to general this time. Junior, brother, I think this is clearly a split by some people with ulterior motives. Our conspiracy. Therefore, we should discuss matters in the Far Coast War Zone through discussion. You will take the lead and I will cooperate."

"It's only been a few months since I was promoted to lieutenant general, right? If I became a general so quickly, others would really think that I wanted to become a general on the same day. Objectively speaking, the measures taken by Lord Gongun are actually Protect me."

"It would be great if you could figure it out... Tsk, you should have figured it out in the first place. On the contrary, it was because I was overthinking that I seemed pretentious."

"Then, how about doing some sunny work? For example, organize all the artists who plan to visit the fortress and hold a party. In this way, the reception of Vice President Hierro is completed?" Yu Lian finally agreed. He said something serious.

"By co-authoring it, I really plan the exhibition?" Sylvester was really happy this time.

"Just think of it as adapting to your re-employment job in advance. Doesn't this show how adaptable you are?" Yu Lian gave Lieutenant General Sylvester a thumbs up: "Moreover, this also shows our strength to the whole universe. Opportunity. Even in the face of the invasion of the powerful Galactic Empire, everything is still under control and calm. Our fortress and our far shore defense line are indestructible! Unmovable as a mountain!"

"...Yes. Yes! Indestructible! Immovable as a mountain!"

Having said that, if the so-called "indestructible" and "immovable as a mountain" are not to be reduced to mere words, a lot of serious work still needs to be done.

So, the two of them discussed and decided that the old senior was responsible for taking care of the situation, while Yu Lian had to take care of the situation.

"Just go ahead and execute it. Don't consider my face." Lieutenant General Sylvester's face was full of bitterness, but his tone finally revealed a bit of determination.

"I wish you had shown such domineering attitude earlier." Yu Lian smiled.

"This is what I call a fox pretending to be a tiger. I know you've already noticed it. You don't need to pinch your nose to show respect to me. You really don't need to."

In the following period, Yu Lian put all his energy into rectifying the interior of the fortress.

Now, in the only node system where the Lucknar Corridor and Earl I Star Gap meet, in addition to Sede, the first-level fortress second only to the Sky Castle, there are four second-level fortresses and six third-level fortresses. .

In addition, there are 24 orbital docks, 16 orbital airports, 30 command center towers of automatic array turret groups, as well as 94 various manned functional outposts and more than 400 unmanned outposts.

It can be said that this is the largest military stronghold in the Far Shore Nebula. In terms of the thickness of the turtle shell, it is actually stronger than the Blood Gate of the Kaitai people and the Cui Ling of the Bakvi people.

In fact, this is somewhat thanks to the Red Maple Factory. It is precisely because of the stable supply channel of high-quality and cheap Thai alloy that the Far Coast Military Region has been able to unscrupulously expand the defensive stronghold of the Said system in recent years.

After all, three years ago, the Blue Star Community had some unpleasant skirmishes with the Galactic Empire in the Far Coast Nebula. A newly built space city that cost the empire a lot of manpower and material resources even sadly disappeared into a cosmic disaster that no one wanted to see.

What a sad scene. Precisely because this is so sad, the community always hopes that the mood of the friendly countries on the opposite side will not be stable enough, so they have fully expanded the Seide Fortress.

Of course, we all know that all extremely strong fortresses that are said to be "hard to attack" will definitely be captured. This is true for the Blood Gate of the Kaitai people, the Cui Ling of the Bakvi people, and the legendary "Fortress of Unity" located in the Pass of Dawn.

What, you said that the people who captured these fortresses were all our own people, or were they our commanders?

That's no problem.

In short, although Yu Lian gave up half of the nebula and all the strongholds "north" of the fortress, his own soldiers were still very confident. They all believe that as long as Commander Yu is still there, there is absolutely no possibility of our fortress falling.

However, for Yu Lian, there are still many things that he has to deal with. The confidence of ordinary soldiers is too slow and can easily turn into arrogance. This in itself is the biggest problem.

Within 48 hours, Yu Lian inspected twelve fortresses and outposts non-stop and discovered seven safety hazards. And it is not a hardware problem of a technical nature, but a software aspect of work arrangement and personnel status. This is the case for the fortress garrison, not to mention the state of the fleet.

We all know that the military confrontation in the Far Shore Nebula started after the Ring of Miracles was discovered. At that time, the war had not even begun.

We also need to know that in peacetime, the far-shore fleet has never been a large-scale main fleet, but only a local defense fleet.

It is officially numbered as the Ninth Fleet, but its total strength is only one-third of the Solar System Fleet or the Outer Rim Fleet, and half of the Tenth Fleet. It has no dreadnoughts, and even its only six battlecruisers are old models of Chongming. class.

The reason why Sylvester, the fleet commander, is a lieutenant general is because he also serves as the commander of the Far Coast Military Region.

All the marine troops on the far coast Nebula defense line, the garrisons of fortresses and outposts, military factories, and even the guards on the surrounding inhabited planets are all within the jurisdiction of his military orders.

Of course, we all know that no matter how large the army is, it cannot be turned into a battleship. Faced with the enemy's massive army pressing down on the border, the mobile forces on the far shore defense line were stretched thin, so it was natural to need local reinforcement fleets.

The Solar System Fleet, which seems to be the most capable and largest, forms an expeditionary fleet with the Tenth Fleet, which is beyond the reach of the New World. In fact, the Outer Rim Fleet, which is the most capable, is stationed at Nantianmen and cannot be mobilized. However, after all, our Blue Star Community is the third largest military power in the galaxy? The troops are stretched thin and it is difficult to mobilize reinforcements. This kind of thing is absolutely impossible.

The capital ships and heavy-duty ships in the fleet directly under the Ministry of Military Affairs, the heavily equipped ships in the local guard fleets, some old-fashioned large warships that are about to be retired, etc., regardless of combat effectiveness and organization, at least the number and aura are still sufficient. .

In short, before the forced march of the Yulian fleet arrived at the scene, the total size of the fleet deployed under Vice Admiral Sylvester on the far shore actually exceeded the Tenth Fleet.

However, two or three months ago, these fleets belonged to different departments and came from different star regions, and even the supply configurations of the warships were not completely universal.

The background of the mob is too strong, and its combat effectiveness can be imagined.

It can be seen that Lieutenant General Sylvester can be regarded as a qualified frontline general, and he is a bit of a beggar's version of the military and political all-rounder, but after all, he is not a soldier-like figure, the more the better. He really doesn't have the ability to unite a group of ragtag people into a group in a short period of time.

This can be seen from the various chaos before the military region.

You know, it really turned into a mutiny on August 8th. The rebel soldiers almost rushed to the fortress headquarters. To be honest, if Tai'a hadn't killed the leader of the rebellion by passing by, the fortress might have fallen.

To be fair, the reason why Seide Fortress has not fallen yet is that the Imperial Alliance Army confronting the fleet on the far shore is a rabble.

However, such chaos is of course also reflected in the field of fleet operations, but the way it occurs is even more deadly.

Take the first battle of the Lucknar Corridor that just ended. The reason why it later evolved from a battle of annihilation to a tough battle was because of the squadron's poor coordination.

Yu Lian always felt that if the original mines had been deployed in advance, he should be able to rush to the T2 system before the arrival of the Imperial Germes fleet and cooperate with Lieutenant General Sylvester to annihilate the enemy.

Of course, in terms of actual results, the results created by Yulian's fleet in ten battles and ten battles were much more brilliant than the optimal development in the initial battle plan.

However, it was really thrilling, and the losses were really huge.

Two of the four Lord God-class ships were seriously damaged, ten Yinglong-class ships were also damaged by nearly half, and even Lieutenant General Kuransov was killed in the battle.

Company Commander Yu said that as a serious commander, he really didn't like this feeling of playing with his heartbeat. What's more, since the focus of the battle has shifted from offense to defense, stability must be required.

The premise of stability is to find and eliminate all unknown security risks.

At least their influence must be minimized.

"So, everyone should have understood the summary of all the details of the Battle of Lucknar Corridor, right?" In the conference room, Yu Lian smiled broadly, but his sharp eyes, like electricity, swept across the long distance. A group of senior officers at the table.

Except for a few little Karami who sat in the corner and were responsible for operating instruments, taking minutes of meetings, and serving tea and water, the lowest military rank of these people was colonel, and their average age was twice that of Yu Lian.

Before the war started, they belonged to more than a dozen fleets and military regions, but now they were all under the jurisdiction of the Outer Ring War Zone, and naturally they were also within the management authority of Deputy Commander Yu Lian.

"From a consequentialist point of view, we have certainly won. But if we think that victory can cover up the series of low-level mistakes we made before, and that the strong wind will blow over, then in the next battle, you and I will both We can be mentally prepared to be destroyed together under the fire of the empire."

Yu Lian sneered and looked at a brigadier general who was about forty-five years older and had an elegant beard: "Brigadier General Harris, you are also my old senior. You should know the purpose of the Central National Defense University, and you should understand military orders. A mountain of rules. During the Battle of the Lucknar Corridor, you were the deputy general of Major General Yukivich, and your task was to intercept the main force of Marshal Bakvi's Yikko. However, why did you do this when the mine group failed to deploy? Did you escape before the battle?"

"I, I, this, that..." Brigadier General Harris stood up to attention, but could not speak.

He really didn't know how to defend himself. At least 50,000 to 60,000 people witnessed his escape. To be honest, given the situation of the battle at that time, if he had not run away, even if he could not successfully intercept the main force of the Bakvi and Laitalin people, he might still be able to delay it for two or three hours. This is not considered a violation of the general order.

Chief of Staff Mkawa, who was sitting next to Yu Lian, wanted to beg for mercy. He and Brigadier General Harris used to be colleagues in the same office at the General Staff Headquarters, and they had a good personal relationship. Moreover, when the Yulian fleet arrived, Commodore Harris, who was retreating to Fortress Said, came back with the fleet, and the subsequent battles were considered heroic.

However, considering Yu Lian's consistent style and the overwhelming military orders, Chief of Staff Mkawa, after a brief hesitation, finally sighed and said nothing.

Yu Lian waved his hand.

Immediately afterwards, two powerful guards rushed into the office and dragged Brigadier General Harris out of the door.

This "Moon Man" who was also a graduate of the Central National Defense University, an elite member of the elite group, finally reacted and let out an unseemly scream:

"I, I bled in the Lucnar Corridor! I was wounded in Cuiling Fortress! Commander Yu, Commander Yu, I have performed military exploits for you! I have performed military exploits for you!"

Yu Lian felt as if he had heard these words somewhere, but he only felt relaxed and happy, especially when he saw the Sima faces of the senior officers present, he felt even more happy.

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