Him and their stars

Chapter 1445 A man needs a new game console until he dies

It's a pity that the outside is the corridor of the fortress, not a dusty school ground. This is also a civilized era. Brigadier General Harris who was dragged away cannot be executed on the spot and his head hung in public, and there will be no gunshots and Screams came in.

However, all the senior officers present knew the fate of the other party.

Trial and sentencing by court martial? Isn't that just a formality? It is estimated that the above process will be completed in half a day, and it is estimated that it will not be enough for Brigadier General Harris's backstage to react and shout "Keep the knife under the knife".

These senior officers all felt that their hearts were shaking. Three months ago, they belonged to various military regions of the Blue Star Community, belonging to different factions and representing the voices of different forces in the military. It can be said that everyone may be a point in a huge spider web. If any one of them is touched, this giant network will be touched.

In the first three months of the war, Lieutenant General Sylvester chose to turn a blind eye.

This is the choice most people make most of the time. After all, if the water is clear, there will be no fish. If everyone is in harmony, the world will be harmonious. Only then can we put aside our ties and work together to fight against foreign enemies.

However, the young general in front of him really didn't care about these twists and turns, and he really dared to kill people on the spot.

This, this is clearly purging us foreign powerful factions and integrating our troops? This is a continuation of the purge of military discipline to exclude dissidents! These private thoughts were running through their minds, but they did not dare to express them. The conference room suddenly fell into a gloomy and low-pressure state.

Of course, not everyone thinks so.

For example, there were still several senior military officers present. Not only did they not show any fear or panic, they were even very magnanimous. In addition to the direct subordinates of the remaining fleet, these people also include Commodore Bazin of the Far Coast Fleet and several others.

Of course, there is no shortage of nieces and nephews with the Taoist name "Tai'a".

The latter is even observing the expressions of his colleagues with undisguised curiosity, exactly like the troubled girl who is the most generous in the class.

It was probably her first time to participate in such a high-level military meeting, so naturally everything she saw was new. I hope she won't have any bad perceptions because of this.

But then again, the promotion order brought by Vice President Hierro actually included Taea. She will also become the first among the third generation disciples of the Spiritual Research Society to become a general, and will continue to strengthen her position as the chief double bonus stick.

Yu Lian glanced at everyone again, and after making sure that he had put enough pressure on all those who had ulterior motives, his eyes turned to the side of a major general who was about sixty years old and had a Mediterranean hairstyle, so he really couldn't stand up to the strong: "Wan Minister Mori, we are old friends, right?"

Minister Wan Sen calmed down slightly and quickly gave out a stiff smile: "...This, this is my honor, sir."

Obviously, he was a little surprised. In other words, not just him, everyone was surprised.

Minister Wansen can indeed be regarded as Yu Lian's "old friend". He was the former logistics director of the Far Coast Military Region. After the Far Coast Military Region was reorganized into part of the Outer Ring War Zone, this person's authority did not change much, and even became more influential.

When the Red Maple Factory had just completed its reorganization, the first important business brought in by the newly appointed director of the Luger factory was the supply of Tion alloy for the expansion project of the Far Coast Military Region Fortress. It was Minister Wan Sen who was in charge of this project at the time. He himself even made a trip to Lumina and had a chat and laugh with Yu Lian.

Overall, this is a technical officer who knows his stuff and can do practical things. Yu Lian still had a good impression of him.

Later, Yu Lian left Lumina, and the business between Hong Maple Factory and the Far Coast Military Region grew bigger and bigger, and the friendship naturally became deeper.

Of course, according to Zhixia, Minister Wansen played a key role in the trade between the two sides. He was very cooperative with everyone's work and provided a lot of convenience, but there were always some unclear things in the accounts. However, this can only be said to be in line with the rules of the universe.

If the war had not broken out, the friendship between the two parties might have lasted until Minister Wan Sen retired.

"During the first Battle of Lucknar, the TB702 mine used by Yukievich's fleet was produced by McCona Company of the Republic of Minland? Why not continue to use the HM78 induction mine of Lianzhuhuo? Because TB702 Is it the so-called new gravity source mine? Do you know that their test success rate is currently less than %?"

Yu Lian continued to ask questions, and immediately blocked all the directions the other party wanted to answer.

Facing this speechless "old friend," Yu Lian sighed heavily: "Please explain your problems clearly. The future of your family will not be affected. I swear to the spirit of the universe."

Few people know that Minister Wansen has a son who is working as an engineer at Hongfeng Factory. He only joined the job last year. This young man is a graduate of Suncheon Polytechnic University. He is very diligent and down-to-earth in everything he does.

Compared to Brigadier General Harris who was dragged out before, this one's reaction was much more decent. He wiped away his old tears, saluted Yu Lian, and left with staggering steps under the care of two guards.

The officers present looked at his back, some were sad that the rabbit had died and some were gloating about his misfortune.

Then, Yu Lian pointed out the third person: "Commodore Darsilly, your fleet arrived in Said on August 8th. From then until September 20th, it had violated military orders three times."

The other party forced out a smile that was uglier than crying. He really wanted to say that the so-called "disobedience of orders" were actually relatively minor behaviors, such as ordering a ceasefire but firing one or two more volleys, ordering retreat but chasing half an astronomical unit more, etc. of.

They were originally a sector guard fleet, and they were also performing patrol missions when they arrived on the far shore. They shouldn't need to be so strict, right?

However, facing the look in Yu Lian's eyes, he could not say anything. He could only say: "...Sir, sir, I served as an adjutant to Marshal Ferragut."

Marshal Ferragut is, of course, Mr. Paul Ferragut, who served as Yu Lian's "old officer" for three months. It's just that the soldier who doesn't want to be a marshal is not a good cook. He had lost the Marshal's Scepter last month and was now the Deputy Minister of Military Command, the deputy to Marshal Paris.

"That noble officer rose so quickly. If Marshal Ferragut were here, he would definitely beat you to death and drag you away." Yu Lian waved his hand impatiently, as if he was trying to fight a fly.

"You have no right to do this! I want to see Chief Sylvester, I want to see Marshal Ferragut, I want to see Mr. Mao! Yes, I want to see Mr. Mao, I sent him..."

Brigadier General Darsilly was knocked down by the guards with a stick without hesitation and dragged out like a dead dog.

In this way, Yu Lian achieved great success at the first military meeting hosted by Saide Fortress. He succeeded and successfully shot three generals on the spot - although they were not killed immediately, everyone knew that this was just a formality. In addition, the number of senior military officers who have received various serious measures has reached double digits.

Of course, whether it is local snakes on the far shore or reinforcements transferred from other military regions and fleets, the most outstanding thing is that they are equally affected by rain and dew. In this way, no one will say that they are cleaning out foreign households, right?

...Well, it doesn't matter even if someone wants to say it. The incompetent and furious barking of the defeated dog will actually make Yu Lian even more excited.

The subsequent rectification work will be much easier to do.

He broke up the various fleets from local reinforcements, reorganized them according to model, quality, and combat needs, and re-selected suitable commanders.

Of course, Yu Lian does not need to do the above routine work himself. Sometimes an excellent staff team sends the plan and schedule to him, and he only needs to make small adjustments and stamp it.

In the final analysis, what Yu Lian, a vicious commander, has to do is to establish his authority and credibility.

"I know that this may make you feel uncomfortable for a long time. However, you are also professional soldiers, and it should be you who adapt to the battlefield, not the other way around. Fortunately, most of you will be able to adapt to the battlefield in the future. At that time, your mission was to rely on the fortress for defense, and there was no need to move vertically and horizontally in the enemy's territory and fleet. While performing the mission of the tool man, you should adjust your mentality and combat readiness." Yu Liandao.

His expression was cold and arrogant, his tone was solemn, and his aura was even more domineering. But for these veterans from the local fleet, they had to have an attitude of shooting you if they disagreed with them in order to be able to control people. .

As for whether we want the three armies to return home or whether the Duke of Zhou is vomiting their support, we must first use stronger violence to completely eliminate the problems of these soldiers.

In comparison, Chief Sylvester is indeed too much of a gentleman. Of course, this may also be because he was born in an academic school and lacks achievements, so he is not very violent, right?

After all, it is just a mere Blue Star Community Defense Force, whether it is a directly affiliated space fleet or a regional guard fleet, it is the kind of army that does not have branches established into companies. After all, it is just an ordinary violent organization that worships authority.

Fortunately, Yu Lian has merit, prestige, fists, and the courage to kill people. He is really suitable to be the embodiment of authority. With his arrival, there will be fairness to the far shore defense. With his arrival, the community's army will be organized.

As the heads of three generals and a dozen high-ranking officers became sacrifices, the atmosphere of Seed Fortress and various departments in the system was reduced. Discipline and combat readiness have improved to a higher level, and the fleet and marines that were disbanded and reorganized have never caused trouble again.

Of course Yu Lian knew that this was far from the level of an undefeated iron army. If possible, I really want to train these guys for two or three years. However, he knew that no matter how slow the imperial army on the opposite side was, they would only give him two or three months at most.

…Is it possible that the ten battles and ten battles that I fought against death just for this short period of rest?

Yu Lian once again felt the despair caused by the size difference, but he knew that he could not show this emotion in front of others. If he despairs, the spirit of all the soldiers in the army may immediately slide into the abyss, and they will never be saved again.

He must cheer up and fulfill his duties as the commander-in-chief of the entire army.

He wanted to show his ruthless and decisive side to Bingyouzi, who was fearful of power but unethical. However, to reliable people, you should not hesitate to show your spring breeze side.

For example, Brigadier General Bazin, who performed well in the Battle of the Lucknar Corridor and a series of subsequent local battles in enemy territory, was naturally the latter.

After the fleet began to reorganize, Yu Lian invited the veteran, who was over seventy years old, to his office.

Perhaps because Yu Lian turned his back and shot his old colleague Major General Wansen, Brigadier General Bazin was somewhat wary and the psychological burden was quite heavy. Of course, all this cannot be hidden from Yu Lian's perception.

But that's never been a problem. Small discords between men are best solved. Sometimes it takes one or two drinks, and sometimes it only takes one or two cigarettes.

Therefore, after consuming two ebony stone scepters specially provided by the alliance, the awkward atmosphere between the two people suddenly eased a lot, and Yu Lian got down to business.

"You are responsible for commanding the reorganized 3rd Strike Squadron. In addition to your current headquarters fleet, you will also add 8 heavy cruisers, 12 light cruisers and 6 light carriers. Sorry, there are only 3 heavy cruisers among them. It's the Xiaguang class, and the rest are more than 10 years old, and there are no battle patrols. After all, I don't have the treasure bottle in my hand that can transform the fleet, so I can only ask you to make do. In contrast, the ships currently under your command The arsenal ship must be handed over to the headquarters for re-formation.”

"...This has exceeded my expectations and capabilities. I am just a foolhardy man who only reached this level based on his seniority. I never thought I could command a fleet of this size. I am really a fool." I am worried that I will betray your great trust and will only disappoint you and Chief Sylvester."

Yu Lianyu was amused: "Old senior, these words are not like your style, but more like they were written by an adjutant who has taken an emotional intelligence course, right?"

"I'm ashamed." There was embarrassment in the old man's stiff smile, and it was soon obvious that he was exposed.

"Let's talk about the rest later. Before that, you didn't disappoint me or Lieutenant General Sylvester. You didn't give in when you faced the giant beast that devoured the stars. How could you face the mere imperial devils? Are you still timid? In fact, during the Battle of Tianshu, I should have thanked you in person."

"Destroying the giant beasts means wiping out natural disasters. This is the duty of the official... This is, sir, excuse me, from what standpoint do you express your gratitude to me?"

Yu Lian was really confused. He was silent for three seconds, then gave the other party a thumbs up, revealing a row of sunny glutinous rice teeth: "Probably because I accidentally regarded New China as my second hometown, so I subconsciously The people there should be represented.”

Tsk tsk tsk, you really deserve to be a veteran of the Revolutionary War, so simple, strong, low-key and humble! This made Yu Lian think more highly of the old man.

He added: "We finally captured some usable warships. Among them are two Laitalin war cruisers. They should be renovated within three months and will be handed over to you then. In the new Yinglong Let’s just make do with it for the time being before we go into service.”

The Laitalin people are a subhuman race whose body shape, lifespan, social form and living habits are very close to humans. The army of the Grand Duchy of Laitalin has always been proud of being a beggar version of the Imperial Army. The internal facilities and operating methods of its warships have almost remained as they were when the Imperial warships left the factory, and can naturally be seamlessly used by people on earth.

Brigadier General Bazin really didn't expect that he would still use the battle cruiser as his flagship in this life. As he was over seventy years old, he felt a little unbearable for a while. He felt like he got a new game console when he was a boy, and he was only grateful and moved in his heart.

After all, men will remain young until they die. Which teenager can refuse a new game console?

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