Him and their stars

Chapter 1449: Comrades, you must have a clear conscience

Yu Lian really felt the obvious chill now. So, the moment he entered the door, he had already put on the transparent Infinity Gauntlet. However, he immediately noticed that he was the only one at the scene who had an emergency response. As for everyone else, including the niece of the cheap master, they were in a natural state.

However, the moment he entered the room, the cold and cold atmosphere that made him feel uncomfortable disappeared without a trace, as if it was an illusion.

However, this unfolding made him even more alert.

Yu Lian frowned slightly and stood at the door and glanced at the furnishings of the suite. It had a very Alliance urban style decoration style, which maintained a technological style while still being elegant and luxurious.

There is only one entrance and exit, and the floor-to-ceiling windows are completely sealed. Of course, there are several vents in the living room. Many psychics do have the ability to make their bones strange. It is completely possible to get out directly from the window here, but it will definitely trigger the surrounding sensors. , it is even more impossible to hide it from the monitoring personnel who set up cards at all levels.

Yu Lian walked to the floor-to-ceiling window in the living room, pushed it gently, and determined that it was made of specially treated hardened glass. The number must be above 17, which is actually an important material for mirror armor. Ordinary psykers, even the "Blood Road" and "Guardian" of the MT route, actually still need a lot of effort to break this fragile-looking "glass".

However, the scenery outside the floor-to-ceiling windows is still good. The hotel is across a street and directly opposite the municipal dome garden in the center of Area F, which has fountains, flower gardens, walking paths and even an artificial lake. Further away, there is a large row of well-proportioned buildings, connecting the dome and the ground, like buildings, and like pillars supporting the space between heaven and earth.

Rugged passages are formed between the buildings, and various signs are hung.

Needless to say, if the business district opposite begins to operate, under the shining of stars and the colorful lights flowing on those buildings, it will definitely have a cyberpunk sci-fi aesthetic.

Of course, now is the war period, and this commercial street that was planned in advance has not started to open. It suddenly has a bit of a desolate atmosphere, and it is worth watching together with the bronze statue of a naked little angel in the fountain in the Garden Square. It actually doesn't have any taste.

"The room arrangement is really good." Yu Lian praised expressionlessly: "It can fully convey the hospitable side of the people of the earth."

"...Hmph, what's the point of this kind of superficial hospitality, no matter how well it is done? Anyway, the people who pay for it are not the big shots on earth who make the decisions, but the taxpayers. If you really want to take it seriously, you should pay attention to it as soon as possible. He moved to the earth." Miss Tai'a commented bitterly.

As the eldest lady of the Bai family of New China, it is indeed difficult for her to have anything good to say about the central government of the Earth. However, she had overlooked that now her biological grandfather was also one of the "Big Shots on Earth" as she called it.

Yu Lian laughed and said: "Hahaha, it's best to send it to the Alliance immediately. Regardless of whether Nephi accepts it or not, it should be sent there. After all, people are asking by name to come and join the beacon of freedom."

Tai'a's eyes lit up with admiration on his face: "Yes, yes, we should send it to the Alliance. Hahaha, as expected of you, Junior Division... uh, as expected of you, Commander!"

If the Earth Government really sent Gerrito Rivers to the Alliance early, the other party would really have to hold their noses and accept it. Otherwise, settings such as the beacon of the democratic republic, the leader of the righteous camp, and the leader of the free world occupying half of the universe will really go bankrupt.

Once the alliance is taken over, even if the empire pretends they don't know and only attacks the Blue Star Community, they will still have to pinch their noses and sell their kidneys to support, otherwise it will be equivalent to giving up the role of leader of the justice camp to the people of earth. .

How can it be that the attitude of the snake and the mouse is as ambiguous as it is now, and even military aid is coming from one place. Even the public condemnation is still a private act.

"To put it bluntly, the big shots on Earth only do everything half-heartedly, that's why they make our subordinates so passive." Miss Bai sneered.

"In the final analysis, it's not that we don't pay enough attention, but that we don't have enough courage." Yu Lian said with a smile.

Not paying enough attention is just a matter of ability, and not having enough courage is a matter of attitude. Yu Lian couldn't tell which side was more serious.

In addition to the two people from the spiritual seminar, there were more than 20 ordinary sergeants present. Those who didn't understand were naturally confused and thought the two officers were incomprehensible. Those who understood were left confused. The Khan became restless. At this time, apart from pretending not to understand and eager to forget all these things, I really didn’t know what to say.

Immediately afterwards, Yu Lian was already looking at the landscape painting facing the master bedroom. His perception passed through the two-meter-long and one-meter-high scroll, through the specially treated wall, and even through a layer of armor plate wrapped in the middle, and then he captured a picture full of equipment. guard room.

"When people are sleeping, you guys are watching around the clock," Yu Liandao said.

"This, this, after all, the identity of the person involved is very sensitive, and some necessary measures are still needed. Moreover, this is also what the person involved requested." Colonel Luigi, the director of the security department of the fortress, explained with sweat.

Yu Lian didn't think there was anything wrong with this measure. He even thinks that even toilets and bathrooms should be equipped with 24-hour surveillance. Surveillance personnel may be forced to see eye-catching footage, but that's their job.

But in fact, when it comes to the bathroom and toilet, monitoring no longer exists.

"So, why not?" Yu Lian's face darkened, and his tone gradually became dangerous.

When entering the bathroom, Yu Lian felt the cold atmosphere again. Then, the aura disappeared immediately, just like when he entered the gate.

Hehehe, what is this? Peek-a-boo?

Yu Lian felt that the evil spirit was permeating the air, Yu Lian felt full of interest, and Yu Lian was ready for a big battle. Then, Yu Lian forgot to manage his expression, which immediately put huge psychological pressure on the surrounding subordinates.

Tai'a glanced at Yu Lian suspiciously. She didn't have much experience, but she could at least tell that the body functions of the cheap little master uncle had turned to a battle-ready state.

Others could not feel this. They only knew that Commander Yu, who had just killed three generals, was angry again.

It took everyone half a minute to complete the psychological construction. Finally, Colonel Luigi, who was the leader, said cautiously: "...Well, after all, they are here to seek refuge with us. We can't really treat them as prisoners."

At this time, he saw Yu Lian rub out some particles from the ground, which were crystallized salt, and quickly explained: "Before the incident, he asked the security guard for two bags of cleaning salt. He said it was in the bathtub It is used inside. Mr. Hewen is a Flemish man, so he is an amphibian, right? He takes a bath every day and uses one or two bags of bath salts."

Well, this at least proves that the security personnel of the fortress are still very dedicated to the blockade of the scene. Three months later, it still managed to maintain its original appearance.

As a result, Yu Lian's expression became a little better, although not much.

Colonel Luigi seemed to have received the highest instructions, and quickly added an explanation: "Actually, sir, we were also suspicious of this place at the time, but Colonel Bupalo found nothing after careful investigation. So, something mysterious happened here. The possibility of studying the phenomenon has been ruled out... There was nothing we could do about it, sir, we really had no other means at the time."

"So, can this be written directly into the report?" Tai'a snorted coldly: "He is not a master of space techniques and arrays. When he cannot come to a conclusion, he should not seek higher-end occult support. ?"

Yu Lian acted like an elder and lectured with a straight face: "Don't always blame others. You were also present at the time, and you didn't find anything."

"...But at least I didn't sign the investigation report."

"It is precisely because you only expressed verbal opposition that the report was taken seriously by the Earth side." Yu Lian continued to lecture.

Tai'a's eyes widened, never expecting that this was all his fault.

Colonel Buparo was the occult consultant of the Far Coast Military Region at that time. He was a three-ring "explorer" with good perception ability and a graduate of the serious ship command department, so he also served as the chief navigator of the fleet.

He is indeed a professional fleet navigator, but he is not a professional psychic master, and he has no detective experience. It is not surprising that he found nothing.

Even Tai'a, the master of the Spiritual Research Society, has not been found. How can ordinary people be expected?

In addition, it is unrealistic to apply for higher-end occult support. The community is not a wealthy empire or alliance. It is still far from the so-called realm where demigods roam the earth and saints are inferior to dogs. The wars that broke out everywhere have almost completely diluted the community's high-end mystical power.

What Tai'a is really dissatisfied about is that even though he himself failed to make a convincing conclusion, he still dared to write it openly in the report.

If Colonel Bupalo hadn't been killed in the Battle of the Lucknar Corridor, Taea's words might have been a bit harsher. Yu Lian might also express doubts and start checking from his head.

But now, everyone has died on the front line, which is enough to make a historical conclusion about a person's loyalty and treachery.

"Speaking of which, there should be quite a few people who fled to our side with He Wen, right? There was a Bakvi general and a Kaitai captain? They also live nearby?" Yu Lian decided to change his mind. .

Taia snorted while holding his hands.

Colonel Luigi shrank his head and began to shiver, as if he was worried that he would be shot on the spot by Chief Yu. After all, there are still three generals' heads hanging on the flagpole - of course the above is a metaphor. In such a civilized era, except for the opposite empire and his vassals, there will no longer be a setting of hanging heads in public.

However, as one of the security directors of the fortress, this two-meter-tall man still mustered up the courage and tried his best to answer as logically as possible: "General Lille Pigeon lives in the officer barracks in Area D. Captain Luoning Then he took the crew of the Annunciation Bird to live in the military port guest house in Area B. However, they all died in the riots on August 8."

"Died in the mutiny?" Yu Lian suddenly wanted to laugh.

Colonel Luigi nodded sadly. Apart from nodding, he really didn't know what attitude to adopt now.

"The mutinous troops attacked the barracks in Area D and the military port in Area B respectively, and also launched a charge towards the headquarters. Is this what you mean?"

Colonel Luigi continued to nod. This two-meter-tall middle-aged man was about to cry. But now, besides nodding with a sad face, he really didn't know what else to do.

The ship originally used for the escape was the cruiser Annunciation Bird of the Bakwi Republic, and its captain was Lieutenant Colonel Luoning. According to his own statement, he decided to flee to the land of freedom because he could not tolerate the privileges of the Imperial Chamber of Commerce and domestic compradors. As for the important escapees on the ship, in addition to Herrito River, a senior imperial bureaucrat, there was also a Lieutenant General with a beard from the Cathay Kingdom, who was the former deputy minister of the Kingdom's Equipment Department.

The former is because the brother was a rebel leader and lost his position and had to be constantly under scrutiny. He is obviously a high-ranking official who has become the mayor of a certain orbital city in the imperial capital, but he always has to be bossed around by small policemen. Because he couldn't bear the humiliation, he could only moisten it.

The latter are survivors of King Charon's Mane Photographer's bloody coup and high-level purges. He was a close friend of a certain brother who was killed by Prince Regent Charon. With the current political ecology of the Cathay Kingdom, if you want to survive, of course you have no choice but to run away.

Well, everyone has good reasons.

The above three are the most valuable people in the escape team.

Of course, apart from He Wen himself, the other two people died in the military chaos on August 8, and even more than half of the crew of the escape ship Annunciation Bird died.

No matter how you look at it, this feeling of murder and silence is too obvious.

As for the mutiny that took place inside the fortress that day, the situation is very clear now.

First of all, the main force of the mutiny was the reinforcements from the Pangu Sector. The 172nd Division of the Fortress Garrison was formed from local guards and garrison troops, with more than 15000 people.

At that time, two reinforced regiments with a total of 5000 people were stationed in Saide Fortress.

Although these troops were reorganized from the local garrison, their training and combat will were not very convincing, but perhaps because they were located in the rich hinterland of the community, their equipment was quite sophisticated, comparable to that of the Marine Corps.

Their leader was Brigadier General Bein, a powerful Highlander with a arrogant personality, and a psychic. He once served as the Marine Training Section Chief in the National Defense Commission and also served in the Earth Garrison. At first glance, he is a person with a good background.

Of course, just because you have a background doesn’t mean you’ll be successful. The central location is really too winding, maybe there will be good development if we change the road.

No, after transferring to the local area, Bein became a general and a promising local powerful faction.

If there had been no mutiny, he would have gained military exploits in Seide Fortress and reached the next level.

But in fact, during the riot, their troops were actually divided into three groups, except for the troops directly under the Meritorious Command led by him personally. In addition, they pounced on the officers' barracks nearby and the military port not far away.

Once successful, the officer corps in the barracks will be wiped out, and the warships in the military port will be unable to sail. The Imperial Alliance forces were approaching, and the fortress naturally ceased to exist.

Look at this obvious purpose. Who would believe it if they said it was a sudden mutiny?

Then, Brigadier General Bein was slashed by Tai'a who was passing by.

Facts have proved that if the ragtag unit of the police force has not been trained for a long time and has not been tortured by blood and fire, no matter how good the equipment is, it will only be a ragtag group. After losing their leader, the frenzy of the rebel army immediately calmed down at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It was later proven that there were indeed a few imperial spies among the senior officers of the 172nd Division, but their ranks were not high, and most of the officers and soldiers just followed orders stupidly. From this perspective, Brigadier General Bein's control over the troops is still very strong. At least he has reached the point where a soldier can become a general, and he has the greatest prerequisite for becoming a warlord.

If you're lucky, you might actually be able to make some military exploits, and your future will skyrocket.

What a pity, but he is a rebel.

"Before Brigadier General Bein was hacked to death by me, he yelled, which was different from what he had promised." Tai'a recalled.

"Oh, with whom did we agree? With the Imperial Army? His backstage? His subordinates? Or inside the fortress?" Yu Lian sneered.

Tai'a shrugged his shoulders and put on a show-off attitude: "After all, I don't have the ability to predict the future. That guy is actually not weak, and he still has the will to die. There is no way I can capture such a person alive."

"...Cultivation is still not enough!" Yu Lian continued to lecture with a straight face.

Tai'a gritted his teeth, but he could only continue to be taught and said that his junior uncle was right.

As for Brigadier General Bein's background on Earth, it is said that he is a senior member of the Co-Prosperity Party and a lieutenant general deputy minister of the Mobilization Department of the National Defense Commission, but there is no direct evidence. The former left Congress and the latter was retired early, that's all the punishment.

Of course, considering that President Nikita's political allies have been particularly active recently, it may also be because the Co-Prosperity Party made a compromise and sacrificed some interests in exchange for not being held accountable.

...Tsk, can such a major intelligence security risk be used as a bargaining chip in office politics?

In order to maintain his emotional stability to do business, Yu Lian decided to forget about this matter for the time being.

Now that we have arrived, of course we can only conduct a detailed inspection of the scene.

"This is how investigating a case is. Comrades, you must be clear of your conscience. Some careless remarks and an inexplicable impulse must be persisted, just for the truth to be revealed!" Yu Lian encouraged everyone.

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