Him and their stars

Chapter 1450: Chief Yu is right

Having said that, the effect of this encouragement is still far inferior to that on the battlefield. Except for the master's niece, everyone's mood was not too high.

After all, this is only a 150-square-meter suite. If you only count the bathroom with a blind spot, it is less than 20 square meters. They have checked this small area no less than a hundred times.

In fact, not only Colonel Buparo, who had died in the battle, but Tai'a also rushed to the scene as soon as possible after the war calmed down and conducted a full inspection. Not only did she use all the occult methods she knew, she also called her cousin and people from the Engineers Guild.

"Oh, indeed, Xiaobai was also present at the time. By the way, what role can the child play?" Yu Lianqi said.

"I drew a ripple detection array here, and I need an assistant when starting it." Tai'a said: "He is finally an awakened serious psyker. Although he has useless 'wisdom', at least he can Give me a helping hand."

Is "wisdom" useless? If Miss Bei was here, you wouldn't even have a chance to organize your words.

"So, what does this have to do with the Engineers Guild Hall?"

"I hope they can help me see if the gravity field disruptor surrounding this room has been hacked and if there are any signs of being shut down artificially," Tai'a said.

Yu Lian was slightly startled, and then he praised in an old-fashioned way: "My mind is very clear! Not bad, a kid can be taught!"

Miss Tai'a always felt that she was greatly taken advantage of by the other party, but when she thought about it carefully, she was really a generation behind the other party. She suddenly felt angry and could only continue to answer with a straight face:

"Mr. Trend's inspection results show that the gravity field disruptor has been continuously operating. In this case, most space techniques cannot operate normally. Although the Flanmore man is a psyker, his ability is not strong. To the point where it can break through the gravity disruptor.”

"Yes, in terms of strength, he is not as good as his brother." Yu Liandao.

"One is a bureaucrat and the other is a big rebel, and he is technically your descendant, so of course they are different." Tai'a said.

Yu Lian wasn't sure for a moment whether the other party was praising him or hurting him. It can’t be said that during the God of War Festival, I had a few pleasantries with Peleliu Hewen and taught him some small workshop skills to make AKs and 107s, crystal bombs and armor-piercing bows, and he became my successor. Already? Although he used the "Principles" to guide the development of the Flemish rebel organization, it only shows that workers of every era have resonance.

In any case, Tai'a's analysis still makes sense.

Yu Lian asked himself, even he was unlikely to ignore the influence of the military's high-power gravity disruptor and forcibly use conventional space shuttle and force field jumping methods without using a Noble Phantasm.

Psykers who are stronger than themselves are precious non-renewable resources even for the Alliance and the Empire, and they really cannot be used casually as cannon fodder.

...The so-called saint is inferior to a dog is just a metaphor after all.

So, Taiabi raised his thumb and said decisively: "So, I am 80% sure that it must be the functional influence of the virtual realm!"

Well, once you encounter a occult issue that cannot be clearly judged, you can directly blame it on the virtual realm. What is the difference between this and being a salty fish for idealism?

"All concepts in the virtual realm are in the quantum state. You can believe it, or you can't believe it. Most people in our fortress cannot understand the disappearance of Gerrito River, so his disappearance really became a An unsolved mystery. That should be the explanation, right?" Tai'a gave his own explanation.

This is not how quantum states are explained, you ignorant art student! I didn’t know you studied advertising design and art in college? Bringing quantum physics and virtual reality together does not make you look like a science student.

...No wonder this girl is obviously the most talented among the third generation of the Spiritual Research Society, but whether it is the master, the old man, or the senior brother, they all think that Juque Yang Mingzhao has the aura of a great master. So the position of the third generation leader was reserved.

Yu Lian thought to himself as he took out a bucket of paste-like stuff from the space bag.

"Is this diluted Moon Spirit Essence Liquid?" Tai'a was slightly startled, then showed an expression that looked at the rich man.

Although the Lao Bai family is also the largest tycoon in New China, they are actually more like pioneer leaders, not landlords and not capitalists. They are not particularly rich.

"There is also a little bit of Haishi powder and some crystal particles of Sky Obsidian. If there has really been space manipulation here, maybe there will be a spiritual reaction if you put it on."

This is a formula that Yu Lian got from a certain white-furred fox. It can make the subtle spiritual residues reveal their original appearance. It can be regarded as an alchemical version of time potion.

"But, this happened three months ago. I personally feel that all my hard work was in vain." Tai'a's face was still full of pain, but he still reached out and took the bucket and brush: "I would rather use these materials to Change to something else..."

"It's all made from scraps. What can I exchange for it?"

"At least, it's Grandesa's bag that you can exchange for, right?"

"I can give you a heraldry machine in exchange for shutting up. Let's just consider it as a greeting gift for my nephew." "...The heraldic machine is a military material. Can this be considered a gift from you?"

Facts have proved that Tai'a's complaints are not completely unreasonable.

Everyone inspected the room carefully for an hour. Even the floor was raised, not even a speck of dust was missed, and nothing was found.

Tai'a also followed Yu Lian's instructions and used a brush to create a small sensor array in each of the eight corners of the room, but only found an ant nest hiding in the cracks of the wall.

Perhaps it is just as the report said, there is no high-level occult operation. He Wen just hid himself and escaped while the chaos broke out in the fortress?

However, Yu Lian's common sense still reminded him that things could never be that simple.

The Galactic Empire allowed a loyal, outstanding civil and military bureaucrat, a psychic, and a talent with the potential to be a minister of state to make a cameo appearance as a missing veteran. Is that all there is to it?

When he stepped into the scene, his heartbeat accelerated twice, his hair stood on end twice, and his adrenaline intensified twice. Analysis was by no means an illusion.

...Of course, it is very questionable whether he, who is already a saint in the strict sense, still has adrenaline.

However, psykers must not ignore their sixth sense. This is also an iron rule that previous people have summarized with their blood, tears and even their lives.

However, no one, including Tai'a, felt the so-called ominous premonition.

So, is this because the "etheric body" has given him a more subtle mystical insight, or is it simply because of the superior perception of the saint's realm?

Yu Lian really didn't want to use the latter explanation, as it would seem particularly rude and lacking in technical content, but if it was the former, Yu Lian felt that it was really scary to think about it carefully.

You must know that the so-called etheric body, in addition to allowing one to enter the body elementalization more easily, also has a stronger affinity to the virtual realm.

As we all know, the relationship between the material world and the virtual world will always produce supernatural phenomena that subvert the three concepts.

...Tsk, why am I starting to be indecisive when things happen, and am I in a virtual state? Yu Lian suddenly felt as if he had been hit by a boomerang.

Yu Lian was silent for a long time, then suddenly had an idea, and then looked at Tai'a with vigour.

The latter was slightly startled, but soon showed an excited expression: "Oh? I, Chief Yu of Shengming Zhuzhao, have you found any clues?"

"I can't calculate it that way, but I do have some whimsical ideas."

She nodded vigorously: "Master Taisheng said that the expansion of the boundaries of occult science depends on imagination!"

Yu Lian gave the other party a meaningful look and sent a file through the terminal.

"I want a circular array with a diameter of 3 meters. You draw it according to this."

Tai'a raised his head and glanced up, slowly condensing into an expression of surprise: "This seems to be a spiritual aggregation array... It uses subtle and spiritual energy fluctuations to form rhythmic vibrations, attracting a large range of spiritual energy aggregation. . In battle, it can be used to process and release large-scale psychic energy manifestations, which can be regarded as a pre-set."

"Yes, but if it is used on the virtual realm, it is used to seduce large virtual realm creatures." Yu Lian said with a smile.

Tai'a suddenly showed a fascinated expression: "The Void Realm! If my five-ring and saint promotion ceremony can be held there, my achievements will definitely be no less than that of Natalya..."

Natalia Elenko? That's your uncle! You guys really just talk about co-authorship, right?

"It's just that this is the first time I've seen this kind of fine engraving method. The battery life and diffusion should be increased a lot. As expected of you, I don't know much about the formation method, but I also know the meaning behind it. The occult content is just to modify the existing array at will..."

"Don't worry, this is a reshaping through the Lasis configuration. The biggest advantage of this psychic configuration is that it can be widely applied forever. But then again, girl, what on earth were you talking about just now? What's coming?"

"So, is this Lasis from Lasis Berenkeist?" Taea opened her eyes and moved closer, with an "I'm very curious" look.

Yu Lian answered frankly: "It's just the most basic application method, and it cannot be spread to outsiders. This is the alliance's support for our arduous anti-aggression war, right? Colonel Luigi?"

Colonel Luigi, who already felt that he was completely unable to keep up with his thoughts, had no idea what was going on with him. He could only try his best to force out an awkward smile and replied in a sonorous tone: "Officer Yu is right. !”

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