Him and their stars

Chapter 1451 Eyeless root, eye root

Tai'a sighed, looking at the scum flashed in his eyes: "Well, it's hard for juniors like us to say anything about this. But, sir, I just don't understand why there is something in your terminal. How about saving an array specifically for the virtual realm?"

"For an expert like me, going to the virtual realm is like going downstairs to eat hot pot. It is very reasonable to prepare an array, just like people in our hometown always prepare their own soy flour and hemorrhoid ointment. "Yu Lian said seriously.

"... Does everyone in your hometown prepare their own soybean powder and hemorrhoid ointment?"

Yu Lian nodded solemnly.

Tai'a had nothing to say, so he gave a thumbs up in response, then took a deep breath and began to gather his energy.

Drawing a psionic array is not just a matter of painting. It requires quite a lot of mental power in a normal composition.

Yu Lian then ordered Colonel Luigi: "Everyone, exit the scene now. Move all personnel within a 500-meter radius! I only give you ten minutes. I want three regiments of marines equipped with psychic weapons to blockade the area." The pathways leading to this hotel from various areas..."

He looked out the window again: "Let Colonel Mina Walter and Colonel Ian Longbottom take their teams and set up defenses in that Central Park. They know how to do it!"

Colonel Ian Longbottom is the security director of Fortress Seder and the number one expert in the Far Coast Military Region. He is a three-ring "controller". As a magician, this guy's perception is actually not very strong, but his explosive power is very strong. He can be regarded as a cosmic version of a member of the Fireball Cult.

"Everyone must be in place within twenty minutes." Yu Lian added.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became solemn, and everyone immediately felt a real sense of solemnity and depression. At this moment, everyone seemed to feel that this room that they had been to many times suddenly became unfamiliar, as if it had turned into an indescribable devil's cave hiding some terrifying beast.

Some people are still hesitant. They really didn't know what it would be like to leave the commander in a dangerous area and retreat on his own. Colonel Luigi, who was still obedient, made a decision at this time and drove everyone away from the scene.

"Your Majesty will lead some people to wait along the street in the park." Colonel Luigi said.

"Be safe. Follow the instructions of the psychic."

Yu Lian nodded slightly, watched everyone leave with his eyes, and then began to close his eyes to rest.

Soon, her master niece also completed the drawing of the array. She looked at the circular array composed of zero element fragments and sighed with pain on her face again. She felt as if she saw someone drawing her best. I cut up my favorite Grandesa bag and used it to tie it into a cowhide bag.

"You should also go to the park and wait for orders. If I can't give the order immediately for the subsequent battles, you will take over the command." Yu Lian ordered Tai'a.

The bargain hunter's niece didn't show any pretense, she just gave Yu Lian a thumbs-up sign again with a serious face, and then disappeared in a flash.

...Well, this girl's force field flickered. Still very good to use. Sure enough, a swordsman who can't use teleportation these days is definitely not a good painter.

Yu Lian took a deep breath, felt the presence of some weapons, took out a red card Void Spirit, and tore it open on the spot.

He did not let the space channel composed of the red card virtual spirit envelope him, but pushed a few steps away, allowing the breath of the virtual realm to begin to resonate with the material world.

Yu Lian felt the cold atmosphere again, but this time, it was no longer fleeting.

"I found you." Yu Lian shouted in his heart and quickly turned his body into an etheric body.

By this time, he had achieved the greatest resonance with some indescribable positional elements that constituted the virtual realm. At this moment, his spiritual sense entered this quantum state world between existence and nothingness.

In this spiritual universe that constitutes all mystical concepts, he pursued the cold breath, transcended the constraints of space and time, and searched for the source of the shadow.

No, it's not just a pursuit. The spiritual aggregation array in the material world is rotating, and the rhythmic fluctuations have spread along the space channel into the virtual realm under the guidance of Yu Lian. The source of the shadow is like a predator that smells the aroma of food, ready to move from behind the gray fog.

Rather than saying it is a pursuit, it is better to say that it is a two-way rush.

At this distance, Yu Lian seemed to have felt something tangible.

Of course, then again, in the realm of virtuality, what does it mean whether it is solid or not? It’s nothing more than what I think exists, and this is what exists.

Yu Lian let his will condense behind that shadow.

"Behind you," he said.

Then, he saw the indescribable existence facing him that emerged from the gray mist.

It was a gigantic monster with no eyes, no head or face, and seemed to be twisted and twisted by huge ugly vines. Whether it's the hands, feet, torso or neck, there are long roots that go deep into the gray void, but they don't know that they are thousands of miles away, spreading beyond the unobstructed view. Kasathoth, the faceless root and eyeless root of one of the Lords of the Void Realm. But similarly, in the records of the Void Spirit Temple, He is also the Root of Thousand Faces and the Root of Thousand Eyes.

When Yu Lian just realized this possibility, he saw countless eyes suddenly opened on the huge roots that spread into the abyss of gray mist. The bloodshot eyes made it difficult to determine which animal they belonged to, but the only certainty was that the crazy malice flowing in those eyes could be condensed into a soul-killing sword.

Ordinary people would lose all their sanity just by seeing this scene.

No, in fact, even most of the psychics were going crazy when they saw the towering figure towering between heaven and earth at close range.

However, Yu Lian said he was emotionally stable.

He has seen the towering bodies of the more terrifying Lords of the Void Realm, and seen them tearing apart at the expense of history and the world. He has also seen the truly powerful ones kill such giants and move towards the truth with a mortal body. The majesty of the side.

He originally thought that if he really entered this world, he would be able to discover the existence of Herrito Hewen, but he never expected that he would be a strutting virtual lord.

So, is this a trap?

If it is the true faceless root, when Yu Lian and I went to the virtual realm for the first time (in this life), the Lord of the Fog that the Spirit Research Association and the Guerrilla Association jointly attacked was a virtual realm lord of the same level. It is necessary to gather four or five saints and two digits of assistants to be able to succeed in the crusade.

But now, Yu Lian is really the only one facing its majesty.

Facing the body of this monster, it should be impossible for me to feel the slightest coercion, or even feel the cold feeling before. And when you really feel His will, it is often the moment when your spirit is destroyed.

However, this kind of obvious malice always makes people feel a little too deliberate.

You know, the so-called "Faceless Root" actually has a nickname, which is "Quantum Shadow Demon".

That was the nickname given to this monster by Yang Mingzhao, a great master in another timeline.

This huge figure that blocks out the sky and the sun, these malicious eyes densely covered in the ugly root body, are actually the shadow of this giant beast. When you no longer feel the intimidation of this huge figure, you can feel its entity.

Yu Lian stretched out a finger and pointed his middle finger towards the void in front of him. Immediately afterwards, the dimensional sword energy composed of the Dawn Sword shut down and sank into the space channel, disrupting the gray mist composed of ether.

"Come here if you can!" His middle finger turned into a hook again, and then turned into a cold shout, like a Yan man and a tiger at the head of Changban Bridge in Dangyang.

Probably because he was too domineering, Lord Ethereal hesitated briefly. Of course, if it is a scientific explanation, he probably hasn't figured out what a humanoid etheric body that exudes the breath of creatures in the material world is.

Yu Lian's will soon disappeared into the void, and he began to escape towards the collapsing space channel. Before his perception was completely withdrawn, he vaguely caught a fleeting breath of life in the gray mist.

At this moment, Yu Lian had some realization and made some guesses again.

However, he immediately shivered and had goosebumps all over his body. The breath of life? Why the hell would I use such an adjective? How can you act like a decent human being like this!

Of course, in his current prosthetic body, he neither shivers nor has goosebumps, they are just adjectives.

Immediately afterwards, his perception captured such a scene. The huge roots began to swim like a huge snake body. Then, its movements suddenly accelerated, as if it was biting prey, and it pounced on his own body. Spirit.

However, Yu Lian outside the space channel suddenly opened his eyes. There was no fear in his heart, and his eyes were burning with infinite courage. He opened his hand, as if he really touched the entity in the space channel.

However, for this so-called "quantum shadow demon", when some of his power and will are derived and appear in the down-to-earth material world, and are noticed by people in the material world, there is indeed something wrong. entity.

"This time, I'm really behind you!" Yu Liandao said.

What responded to him was a strange but extremely complicated emotion. Malice composed of madness, evil, surprise, curiosity, scrutiny, and desire for creatures and energy, all poured out in one fell swoop.

But then, emotions formed distorted energy. The distorted energy encountered the laws of the real world and began to condense.

Yu Lian took a step back again, mobilizing all his strength to pull on a certain group of entities and keep exerting force.

As he moved, ripples in the space began to ripple, and twisted energy surged out from the virtual realm channel that was about to close, or was pulled out by Yu Lian.

A hideous, yet majestic body began to appear.

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