Him and their stars

Chapter 1452 Blue Star’s Will

Of course, under the surveillance of surrounding soldiers, this scene is a solemn and mythical picture.

The young, powerful, tough, brave, heroic, and overly energetic Commander Yu still stood in the center of the room, wrestling with the unknown invisible troll.

The thin figure of a young human stood in front of the huge monster, as proud as a mountain.

If this monster wasn't so scary, this scene could be used as a promotional poster, right?

At this time, under Yu Lian's continuous movements, the twisted and terrifying energy group had revealed its terrifying figure bit by bit from the unknown void. It formed bit by bit, condensed bit by bit, and formed an indescribable entity bit by bit.

It was like a vine-like thing made of contaminated radiation ripples, constantly expanding, constantly twitching, and constantly changing with a mottled and terrifying halo.

"What the hell is this?" The technical sergeant behind the monitor rubbed his eyes and sat on the ground. He felt that his eyes and spirit were polluted, and he wanted to hold his head and squat for a moment. Then, he was lifted up by the collar by the officer, and then he was slapped hard on the face.

"It's not that exaggerated! Get back to your post!" Colonel Ian Longbottom shouted to everyone: "That is indeed a demon from the virtual realm, but it will not destroy the blood of soldiers! Cheer up! ! You are all soldiers of the Blue Star Community, you must know your shame! I understand, please show your shame!"

The first member of the Yuan'an Military Region was probably in his mid-forties, and he indeed had a tall and thick face. Probably in order not to waste his size and style, the staff in his hand, which is equipped with a energy-gathering ring, an energy bottle and a jet nozzle, is more like a giant wheel-shaped battle ax like a windmill than a staff.

His fierce general aura was very effective. After shouting with a loud voice, he obviously didn't inject any high-spirited spiritual power, but it really quickly dispelled everyone's fear. Immediately afterwards, courage and enthusiasm returned to everyone.

"Everyone, be prepared for fire strikes at any time!" Tai'a shouted loudly.

She has now put on a close-fitting power suit, and has put on a general's military coat, which is unfolding and whirring with the strong wind of energy.

Behind her, soldiers from three regiments had already set up defense lines. They were all heavily armed and had full armor on their bodies, and they blocked all the passages with guns and live ammunition.

More than a dozen combat robots over three meters high unfolded their weapon racks, occupied the most suitable positions for firepower output, and aimed at the main building of the hotel. These blue-label combat robots, developed based on gray fog omnic inverse research, have also undergone magical modifications by the Engineers Guild during this period, and should not be so prone to downtime.

More importantly, robots are incapable of emotions and cannot use illusions, mental attacks or other techniques. When necessary, these robots can be the first to do so.

In addition, heavy weapons such as phase wave cannons, hive missile launchers, blaster cannons, and ion cannons have naturally been set up, enough to intercept an entire empire's armored grenadier divisions.

"We must not let this thing spread to the surrounding area. Any cell that wants to escape will immediately start covering it with fire!" Tai'a said loudly.

Colonel Luigi on the side was trembling all over after hearing this. He always felt that Miss Bai was trying to retaliate against Commander Yu for teaching her a lesson just now, so he thought of covering the other party with firepower.

"No problem. After the firepower is covered, if this thing is not dead, my team will find a way to force this thing into the square." Colonel Mina Walter, wearing a heraldic machine, punched her own alchemy soaked with zero elements. The big sword gave Taiabi a thumbs up, and then he said suspiciously: "However, this thing is like an octopus that is a cross between an amoeba and a slime. Are you sure it can be beaten to death with a serious weapon?"

"No problem." A voice floated over, seemingly at ease, but it was Yu Lian.

At this time, the slime deformed monster that seemed to be made of strange colored spots had swelled into the entire room. Everyone could no longer see the figure of Chief Yu clearly, and they could only confirm that his life response was still there.

Now, everyone felt relieved to hear that his voice was still full of energy.

"Sir, can energy weapons cause damage to this thing?" Tai'a put his hand to his mouth and asked loudly.

"Even a physical weapon will do." Yu Lian returned: "It's nothing more than an eyeless root."

"...I didn't know that the Eyeless Root actually grew like this. Moreover, this is the first time I heard that you can set up a 'Wu Fei' before the Lord of the Void Realm." Tai'a said that he I can't keep up with the train of thought.

"Wait, is that a virtual lord?" Colonel Walter couldn't help being shocked.

"What about Lord Void Realm? He must be defeated in front of the brave and fearless warriors of the Community!" Colonel Longbottom shouted loudly, holding up a giant staff.

This guy is not unaware of the seriousness of the problem, but he understands that he cannot give in in front of everyone, otherwise it will be a huge blow to morale. More importantly, although he has a fierce face, he is indeed the master who "controls" the star ring. The Master does not need to be straight forward. This can be regarded as an iron rule of the multiverse.

However, at this time, it is indeed not the time to be pretentious. At this time, Yu Lian's voice also came from the hotel opposite: "Fire! Don't hesitate! Hurry!"

Tai'a gritted his teeth and raised his fist to the soldiers behind him.

The soldiers were still hesitant, but the robots that had been upgraded by the Engineering Association Hall had already started attacking without blood or tears. In the first five seconds, they fired a hundred high-explosive shells directly at the hotel.

With a huge explosion, the first Voyager Hotel in Said Fortress began to collapse in the blazing flames.

Of course, the foundation of the fortress was also manually rubbed, and it was inevitable that it would shake to a certain extent during the impact. Everyone was too close to the center of the explosion, and they felt as if they were in an earthquake. However, the main structure used in the new part of the fortress is the high-quality and cheap Tion alloy, which is the flagship product of the Red Maple Factory.

Both Tai'a, who was giving the order to fire, and the remaining company, who was being fired upon, were full of confidence in this.

In the fatal high-temperature shock wave, Yu Lian switched his body state from ether to ordinary elemental cells. He is now in the material world. If he maintains the composition of ether for a long time, he will be rejected by the world. He may be directly expelled into the cracks of subspace by the laws of physics. What's more important is that in the real world, the composition of elements is also real, and the virtual realm lord he is in contact with will soon become real.

He felt the pain, but it was still within his tolerance. More importantly, he also felt the will of the "Eyeless Root", and felt a trace of pain amidst the indescribable evil and madness.

Since this guy feels the pain, he is by no means invincible.

While Yu Lian continued to entangle his opponent's indescribable energetic limbs with his flaming hands, he used his will to manipulate the dimensional collision beads that formed the dawn, and continued to sink into the turbid body of the ethereal lord, searching for all unstable bodies. Structure.

Immediately afterwards, another round of shelling came. This is when the ion cannons and blaster laser cannons in the hands of the soldiers began to show their power.

After being covered by external firepower and cut by countless dimensional sword energy inside, the giant beast's limbs shook even more fiercely. The tentacles, which seemed to be made of viscous liquid, continued to stagnate amidst the changes, as if they were changing from liquid to solid.

"Very good! If you persist, if you persist, we will see a chance of victory." Yu Lianzi kept encouraging himself in his heart.

"It's very bad, uncle, this thing's body is expanding!" Tai'a's voice floated from outside the field of vision.

"Just expand!" Yu Lian was overjoyed, but he had no time to answer.

He saw the giant object that was condensing from liquid into a solid body, and also saw the flowing core of the other party's spiritual body, so he put his right hands together, gathered all the spiritual energy that could be mobilized, and tapped it lightly. This is the "Soul Burial Ceremony", a move learned from the virtual realm by Yu Lianguan's mentor, Slaying the Dragon, and it is also a move specially used to attack the majestic virtual realm beasts.

At this time, everyone present heard a shrill and piercing scream. But in fact, the instruments at the scene showed that there was no loud sound in the physical sense. It was actually a spiritual shock that resounded in the soul.

Of course, ordinary mechas cannot withstand the mental impact. Even though most of the power has been absorbed by Yu Lian, and most of the remaining few have been blocked by the psykers headed by Tai'a, there are still two hundred Several soldiers fainted in the mecha. In addition, there were three times as many soldiers who were shaken out of their wits, either trembling or wailing and screaming.

So, after just one shrill roar, nearly half of the soldiers on the scene lost their combat effectiveness.

However, after being hit by a mental attack, Tai'a started to tremble with high spirits.

"Yes, yes, that's it! I have already seen the chance of victory!" She shouted loudly: "Everyone, maintain your position. As long as you hold on firmly, you will definitely find a way!"

Colonel Walter felt that this new female general, who was several years younger than him, was a hopeless psychopath. She had gone through several rounds of joy and sorrow within half a minute. She was really nothing but a psychopath. There are other explanations.

However, if you think about it carefully, this girl is also a disciple of the Spiritual Research Society after all, and she is also the niece of Commander Yu Company... Well, that's no problem.

"A virtual lord has to pay a price for appearing in the real material world. Now, he has been reduced to the level of a mammal predator. When he relies on roars and speech spirits to intimidate the enemy, he is already tired. The attitude is all revealed." Tai'a explained seriously again.

Uh, but what happened just now was not a roar, but a mental shock.

Colonel Walter said that although he has not systematically studied the theoretical knowledge of occultism, you can't deceive me just because you are born into a famous family? She couldn't help but look at Colonel Longbottom, and then saw the confused look in the latter's eyes.

"Do you understand?" Colonel Walter switched to the single-person conversation channel.

"I'm a rough man, how can I understand you?" Colonel Longbottom shrugged with confusion.

Well, the children of famous families are indeed acting like masters, and they are unpredictable! Mina Walter was just about to express her emotion in a voice that could be heard by the other party, when she saw Colonel Longbottom shout loudly: "I think General Bai is right! Brothers, the general has seen the opportunity to win! Hold on!"

...So, after all, this guy claims to be a rough guy, who the hell would believe him?

Then, there was another violent explosion that disrupted her thoughts. Colonel Walter turned his head and saw that the indescribable monster had emerged from the ruins of the hotel and jumped up...or rather, it seemed as if it had been smashed out. That huge body It jumped into the air in an awkward manner, and then fell into the central park.

However, the posture of that thing is not so much that it is in free fall, but more like a balloon that has lost pressure and is falling.

The psykers who were on standby in the park dispersed one after another, leaving a wide enough landing area for the other party.

The speed of his fall was indeed not fast, but the sound when it hit the ground was not small, and it crushed the fountain in the center of the park on the spot. As a result, the dozen or so cute bronze statues of little angels playing and playing around the fountain were immediately crushed.

Colonel Longbottom looked at this scene and let out a sad groan.

"This fountain was designed by a professional landscaping company, and the little angel statue was also handmade by famous craftsmen!" Colonel Longbottom lamented: "Every time on the hour, a fountain will come out to tell the time. And it's not the same on the hour. At that time, the little angels danced differently. In the future, it might become an important historical attraction on the coastal waterway. Now, it’s gone, just gone..."

It can be seen that this master, who is full of martial virtue, still has great feelings for this fortress. It is estimated that a lot of hard work was put into the expansion project of this civil urban area in District F.

However, at this time, the shape of the monster, which had condensed from a viscous liquid into a solid body, was finally fixed, and the indescribable colored spots beating all over its body finally stopped transforming and were completely transformed into Rich black, deep and dark, like an abyssal black hole that swallows up light and gravity.

Tai'a made a gesture, and the soldiers raised their guns and unleashed ferocious firepower on the giant beast.

Thousands of dense lines of fire submerged into the giant beast, like sunlight submerging into a black hole, and could no longer be seen.

"Don't stop! Keep shooting! Keep shooting!" Colonel Longbottom shouted.

"...Tsk, a hybrid octopus of an amoeba and a slime! That's so well said." Colonel Mina Walter closed the helmet mask of the heraldry machine and lifted the two-meter-high sword that was resting on the ground. He stood up and made a combat gesture to his subordinates.

"Now I think this thing is more like a mop, the kind that breaks off the mop rod." Tai'a said.

Colonel Longbottom probably understood this as a joke, and laughed heartily.

Of course, although he is very social, his business ability is still very good. Although he has a fierce face, he is indeed a master. Then he was seen holding a staff that could be used as a windmill, and knocked it hard on the ground, causing a blue spiritual fire to rise from all the psykers present.

Tai'a's two lightsabers slipped from his cuffs into his hands, and he continued to give strict instructions: "The first and second regiments will maintain fire suppression. The robots will approach and switch to the laser cutter..."

"Bang! Boom!" The three-meter-tall blue-labeled robot came within five meters. Before it had time to raise the laser cutter, it was swept by an invisible force and fell apart on the spot.

"The shield, the shield was gone in an instant!" A technical sergeant reported loudly, with a voice that contained the disbelief that his three views had been completely subverted.

The implication is that the output of this terrifying beast is completely overflowing, and everyone still has not used ordinary robots to test the upper limit of its attack power.

When Colonel Walter was thinking about whether to carry the shield up and carry it himself, he saw Master Tai'a next to him, who had already drawn two lightsabers and stepped up without saying a word.

You know, at this time, she is not wearing armor, but is wearing a light and close-fitting power suit, which can at most block pistol bullets. Facing a Void Realm Demon, he is completely unarmored.

Is this, is this the demeanor of a child from a famous family? Such brave determination and domineering display are really heart-wrenching!

Colonel Mina Walter was filled with emotion, and then gave a look to his subordinates, asking them not to lose their positions, to remain calm at all times, and to maintain combat formation.

On the other side, Colonel Longbottom roared loudly, raised his windmill-like staff, and shouted: "The Will of Blue Star!"

He was still the first one, two steps faster than the "Guardian" and "Blood Road" in his team. The spiritual fire burning on his body became more intense, condensing into four silver balls of light that began to hover, accompanying his charging steps. The orbit formed by the silver light also began to have fierce confrontations with the monster's black energy.

Well, although this fierce general brother is a social person and a dharma master, he really does it when something happens!

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