Him and their stars

Chapter 1453 What is the price?

When Yu Lian emerged from the ruins of the hotel, what he saw was his own psychics beating a dark mass with swords, guns, swords, halberds, axes, and axes, and under the cover of firepower from ordinary soldiers. The scene with the shapeshifters.

Of course, he didn't feel that he had been robbed of a monster, but felt very relieved.

To be fair, Yu Lian can be called a commander by his subordinates after all... Ah, sir, he is a big shot. Although he is still very interested in high-intensity psychic warfare, he can't really do it on his own. Are you done?

He decided to recuperate a little, grinned, took out half a pack of wrinkled old knives, and then began to rub his body with the touch of life, letting the halo seep into the body and nourish the damaged internal organs. At the same time, his eyes were always focused on the battlefield and he was ready to provide support at any time.

However, Yu Lian soon discovered that he really did not need to take action in the ensuing battle. Although his opponent was a virtual realm lord who lived at the top of the food chain, the monster he pulled out of the virtual realm was ultimately just the shadow of the "Eyeless Root".

Yes, the body of this virtual realm lord is actually the huge body that covers the sky and the sun in the virtual realm and stretches thousands of miles away, as if it is a huge vine pillar connecting the abyss and heaven. However, that is actually a state between existence and non-existence.

As for the derivation of part of the power that penetrated into the real world, it formed an entity that could be touched by people and even hurt by weapons in the real world. This was just his shadow.

For the virtual realm lord "Eyeless Root", the entity is the shadow, and the shadow is the entity.

Of course, if you are more scientific, you can also understand the so-called "shadow" as the root tips and cell clones of the "eyeless root". In a sense, they can even serve as a bait and spatial anchor.

However, it does not matter whether they are the ends of roots, the clones of giant objects, or the shadows of quantum monsters. When they are forcibly brought into this real world by Yu Lian, they are equivalent to being forced to go up. The big shark that landed on the shore, no matter how ferocious it is, is still very ferocious.

What's more, he had just been hit by Yu Lian using the "Soul Burial Ritual" against the giant beast in the virtual realm, and his own structure was already very fragile.

Yu Lian assessed the current combat effectiveness of his friends. There were two standard psychic teams plus a Tai'a, a total of nine psychics, and there were thousands of soldiers as support. This scale should still be able to fight. .

However, the niece of the cheap master actually rushed to the front without any armor. Even if she used the talisman to give herself a layer of force field armor and had the flexible defense provided by her teammates, it still seemed a bit too aggressive.

However, this is indeed quite consistent with the character of this girl with double red sticks and the first battle madness in the Spiritual Research Society.

... Of course, getting hurt is actually a good thing. It might make her more stable and calm in the future, which is actually beneficial to future development.

Anyway, according to the current situation, if we encounter fatal danger, we should still have time to rescue him.

Yu Lian immediately felt relieved, assumed a high profile and began to observe.

He used the touch of life to heal his internal injuries, and after consuming an old sword and two lollipops, Tai'a's twin lightsabers disappeared into the black mist, followed by a storm like a storm. Like continuous slashing. Yu Lian counted for a moment and determined that the opponent had struck hundreds of blows in half a second.

Well, a while ago, the master and his old man were in the virtual realm, turning all things into one, talking and laughing and slaying dragons. Yu Lian praised in his heart, but still couldn't help but said:

"Oh, Starburst Abandoned Healing Slash."

"There is no such trick! It sounds like a trick that a gamer came up with before dying suddenly in the game cabin after being addicted to the game for a week!" Tai'a said loudly.

Well, you can still complain about the amplified move afterwards. It is too rude to fight and scare the opponent. This still needs to be educated. Yu Lian couldn't help but think.

As the lightsaber bloomed with thousands of rays of light in the giant beast's dark body, it was like the sun began to shine in the giant beast's body, and then it collapsed suddenly.

The dark monster with claws and teeth shrank into a ball and collapsed on the ground. Its luster began to fade, and its body shriveled up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

When those thousands of terrifying tentacles lost their spirituality and actual malice, all that was left on the ground was a pile of dry vine-like matter that had lost its moisture.

Then, in the messy square, the last soul roar of the giant beast echoed, which was still a spiritual shock that directly bloomed in everyone's souls. But this time, even ordinary soldiers were able to grit their teeth and persevere through it.

Even ordinary people like them can feel the despair and helplessness this monster felt before it was defeated.

These ordinary soldiers who had almost never had anything to do with concepts such as mysticism, psychic powers, and the virtual realm all their lives suddenly realized that they had actually killed an indescribable and strange monster.

Although the main force is still the war-god-like Commander Yu Company and the other invincible psykers, but who says that they standing around and outputting firepower have not played a certain role?

With this understanding, they may bring themselves a different future.

...Then, after a brief silence, cheers like a wave erupted from the scene.

When Yu Lian passed through the cheering crowd, like a king who had achieved a glorious victory, passed through the loyal soldiers, and arrived at the battlefield in the center of the park, Tai'a was already arranging his work in an orderly manner.

He asked the ordinary soldiers to disperse, and the psykers followed the instructions he gave and put talismans around the park to form a forbidden spirit circle. This was to prevent the dead monsters from leaking any polluting energy. At the same time, the robot first approached the remains of the monster to conduct a preliminary radiation check. Professionals wearing protective clothing are preparing to enter the second wave.

It can be seen that although Miss Tai'a humbly stated that she had little experience in commanding troops, when it came to her professional car level, the arrangements were still very organized.

To put it bluntly, this is what management is all about. If the prestige is enough for people to obey orders, the subsequent situation will be much easier.

The most important thing for psykers who owe their great power to themselves is prestige.

"It has been confirmed that zero elements have been precipitated, and the quantity is quite large, and the quality is not low." Tai'a reported to Yu Lian happily, but there was still a trace of doubt in his eyes.

"If you have anything you want to ask, just ask." Yu Lian continued to act like a wise elder: "Psychics must not ignore their own consciousness. Senior Brother Tantai and Senior Brother Hinata should have taught you this. Bar?"

Tai'a looked at his old master uncle who was one year younger than him but always stayed here. He spent a few seconds mentally building up, and then said: "As a Void Realm lord, this battle is a little easier."

Yu Lian looked at the wound on the neck of the master's niece. It was scratched by a sharp blade that was invisible to the naked eye. The invisible attack broke through the entanglement of the spiritual fire and easily cut through the shield formed by the energy field. Of course, when the attack hit the entity, its power had weakened a lot, and it finally did not cut the carotid artery.

Now, the wound on the neck has been glued with closing spray, and bandages have been wrapped three times inside and three times outside. It doesn't look too serious.

But in fact, during the fight just now, if Mina Walter's quick eyesight and hands hadn't blocked it with a shield, her head would have been cut off by the invisible spirit blade.

In addition, the other eight psykers who had penetrated the Crest Machine also suffered serious injuries. The unimportant "Blood Road" in Colonel Longbottom's team had half of his bones shattered. Not to mention the heraldic machine he was equipped with was scrapped, and he was afraid that he would end up lying in a petri dish for ten and a half days. Of course, the bravery of the psykers means that ordinary soldiers do not have to bear too much pressure. Except for the few hundred people who were initially knocked unconscious by the mental attack, the rest of the soldiers did not need to confront the monster head-on, which meant zero casualties.

Well, if you just look at the number of casualties, it does seem pretty easy.

Miss Tai'a probably sensed Yu Lian's gaze. She smiled awkwardly and raised the collar of her military coat to cover the wound: "I am also a Shura. The important thing is to advance without retreating. I am invincible."

Yu Lian conveyed his disdain without hesitation: "Your Grand Master is also a Shura. I think he is very stable."

Tai'a thought to herself, you think I don't understand anything, right? Regardless of the past record during the War of Independence or the just-ended one-on-three battle, Taishifu should not be evaluated as stable, right?

However, no matter how careless the young uncle is, now is not the time to fight with him. Tai'a then said: "Moreover, although the quality of the separated zero element is not low, it is the Lord of the Void Realm! At the beginning, the old When we and the Guerrilla Association joined forces to defeat the Lord of the Fog, we made a huge fortune. You were also present at that time."

Yu Lian nodded: "Your Grand Master also expanded his Qingjie Dojo with a hot spring pool."

"Yeah, that's why I think it's too little... Wait, the materials reported by the Lord of the Fog were used by Grand Master to expand the hot spring?"

"I never said that."

"Then why do you bring this up?"

"I just want you to relax and don't be so nervous. Girl, you don't know that you look stupid when you are so serious." Yu Lian said with an expression that was so light that it almost shattered the void: "Let nature take its course, the best is like water. Be water. , girl.”

Tai'a felt that he had heard this tone somewhere, but he couldn't think of it for a moment, so he could only grit his teeth and said: "But, after all, the zero element was analyzed bit by bit. Doesn't this prove the fall of the target?"

"Okay. Killing the clone, killing the peripheral nerves, and killing the cells is of course killing. It is very reasonable that zero elements will be precipitated." Yu Liandao.

"We paid so much to kill just one cell?"

"However, zero elements did precipitate from this wreckage. From the perspective of the spiritual energy aggregation theorem, we at least successfully weakened the ability of an eyeless root." Yu Liandao.

"Oh, how much has it been weakened?"

"There's always three or four points. Of course, I don't have any evidence." Yu Lian shrugged.

Tai'a did not complain this time, but pondered for a moment, showing a solemn and serious expression for the first time: "Speaking of which, uncle... Commander, is this matter really settled?"

Yu Lian did not answer immediately.

"Probably not. At least, the missing Herito Hewen has not been found yet." Tai'a glanced at the wreckage on the battlefield:

"Of course, he is also very likely to be a dead soldier of the empire. He fled here as a defector just to give the empire a reason to start a war. At the same time, he should have also used some mystical techniques related to the virtual realm to create something here. A spatial anchor point, if the time permits...for example, if it is launched when the imperial army attacks Seide Fortress, if a Void Realm lord comes early, we will definitely not be able to defend it."

Yu Liandao: "Then, why was it not launched in the previous three months of combat?"

"Perhaps it's because this mechanism takes time to prepare and activate, or it's not valuable enough. At least it requires your presence to be valuable for activation." Tai'a said.

"Good analysis. Girl, you always say that you are just a simple swordsman, but you still have a bit of strategic vision."

"After all, I am also a third-generation senior sister. I still have the need to show off in front of my junior brothers and sisters." Tai'a sighed: "Besides, you didn't refute?"

"Why should you refute? In the entire Outer Ring War Zone, if there is any goal more valuable than the fortress, it can only be me." Yu Lian did his part, and was even a little arrogant.

Tai'a admitted that he couldn't refute, so he also admitted that he had indeed been tricked again.

"But is it really over? We still haven't found Herrito Hewen after all. Of course he may have become a sacrifice for the Lord of the Void Realm, but I'm always worried if I can't see the body. If you don’t see him arrested with your own eyes and reveal your purpose and conspiracy with your own eyes, there will always be safety risks in this matter.”

The young female general bit her lip slightly: "Commander, you also said that the war is imminent. We will soon face an all-out attack by the empire's main fleet that is at least five times our own. We cannot let anyone go. A bit of a safety hazard.”

Yu Lian still did not answer immediately, but after a brief silence, he ordered: "After collecting the zero elements, scrape off the remains of these dead vines and use them to preserve reflectors... No, use the condensation box to preserve antimatter. Packing.”

Tai'a didn't think Yu Lian was overreacting, so he nodded and started making arrangements.

Both of them knew that this conversation was over. Even if the investigation continues, it should be a matter of the future. If ordinary soldiers were celebrating their victory and found the two commanders and the strongest psychics whispering solemnly and worriedly, the blow to their morale would be conceivable.

Of course, Yu Lian had already thought of the fleeting breath of life he had captured in the virtual realm just now. But the problem is that everything happened in a flash of lightning at that time, and it was beyond the power to continue exploring.

However, he agreed with the niece's opinion that this should not end so easily. However, even I can't feel any spiritual fluctuations now, and even the coldness I felt directly is gone.

It was clear that he had killed a powerful virtual monster - even if it was just a clone, the strength level of this thing was at least six levels higher, which was about the same as a newly promoted knight commander - but Yu Lian really couldn't be happy anymore.

This feeling of knowing that there is a problem but not knowing where the problem is is indeed very unpleasant.

Fortunately, he didn't have a solution.

Just as this thought flashed through Yu Lian's mind, a voice rang in his ear: "It's so lively and heroic. But, warriors of the Earth, what's the price?"

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