Him and their stars

Chapter 1456 Omnic Apocalypse

At my age, I am actually pretending? Although Old Man Trend was not a psychic, he was Earl Salvin's confidant after all, and he had no shortage of occult knowledge. This was the first time he heard that the lord of the virtual realm could be preceded by the prefix "trivial".

But what happened just now was exactly as the young general said: there were spatial changes and spiritual anomalies in the fortress, the fortress sounded the alarm, and all units in the fortress were preparing to enter the combat stage. Then, before units could draw their weapons, the alarm went off. The matter has been resolved.

Old Man Trend only learned about the big news in Area F from Mo Jie, who had already rushed to the scene.

However, despite being big news, the damage did not even extend beyond a single park. The battle ended within fifteen minutes. There were hundreds of wounded and unconscious people, but no dead.

All of this is thanks to this young earthling general.

The old prosthetic engineer looked at the three shining gold stars on the opponent's epaulette, and felt a little sad for a moment.

Four years ago, he did meet a talented young man with a promising future. But four years later, when the other party's development still far exceeded his most optimistic expectations, even Mr. Trend, who had lived for two centuries, had to lament the grandeur and unpredictability of fate.

He looked at the young Yu Lian, as if he was seeing his old master who was astonishingly talented.

However, if you think about it carefully, the old master has been burdened with too many grievances and hatreds in the turbulent years two hundred years ago. He has always been hunched over his pride and crawling in the shadows all his life.

Although that person was extremely smart, he couldn't even see his true intentions clearly. Most of the best years of his life were buried in history. How could he be compared with this young man who was already creating great achievements?

"Sir, let's change the place and talk slowly, okay?" Old Man Trende knew that the other party should have a lot of things he wanted to talk about.

"That's what I meant, so I'm disturbing you." Yu Liandao.

Under the leadership of Mr. Trend, the two people quickly left the central room hall which was lively and inexplicably full of philosophical atmosphere.

Of course, Old Man Trende probably saw the worry in Yu Lian's eyes, so he comforted him by the way: "These guys are all technical nerds who can't get rid of the dirt in their eyes and don't understand human affairs. If you have anything, just say it." What. Probably because there are too many machines in the stomach, we are very sensitive to them. Even if we go to Wanwang Pass and Holy Fist Fortress, we can still find a lot of problems. But in fact, if this fortress really has no There is a cure, so their attitude is very direct.”

"Can't be cured? Is there no hope? Should I wait to die?" Yu Lianqi asked.

"Well, actually it's not that direct, but that's about it." Old Man Trende laughed awkwardly.

They went to the third floor along the elevator next to the lobby and came to a relatively secluded room. This is the lounge specially allocated by the fortress to Old Man Trend. It is an 80-square-meter room with all kinds of facilities. Through the single-sided floor-to-ceiling window opposite the living room, one can also see the busy scene of technical sergeants and various engineering consultants in the hall.

This sounds a bit like a supervisor inspecting a factory girl on the assembly line.

It can be seen that although the Engineers Guild Hall and the Far Coast Military District Headquarters had a little unpleasantness before, Lieutenant General Sylvester still treated the engineering consultants well.

Of course, this is just a temporary residence inside the military fortress after all, and it cannot be a holiday manor for any noble man, but Old Man Trend is still trying his best to optimize the living environment here. Naturally, I couldn’t bring the top-grade stones, lamps and furniture, but I brought all the utensils for food, clothing and accommodation myself. I even hung up the oil paintings to decorate the environment, and even lit an incense burner.

Although Mr. Trende has been a prosthetic for more than a century, his first half century as a human still had a considerable impact on him.

What's the saying? The butlers of noble lords are often more particular than the lord himself. It is impossible for such a person to feel wronged in life at any time.

But then again, the incense burner is still too much, right? I can't tell, but your old respiratory system has long been a prosthesis. It feels like that thing is more sophisticated than the air purifier of the Emblem Machine. You are clearly the type who can do breast expansion exercises on a poisonous planet as if nothing happened, right?

Old Man Trende smiled and said: "I like to order the fruity ones very much. It can soothe the mind and refresh the mind. Although it is not very useful for a cyborg like me, it can make me appreciate the past years. Moreover, the sense of ritual is very important. . We had some minor unpleasantness with the generals here before, but after I invited them to my place for a drink, everyone became much more polite."

Yu Lian felt that the situation at that time must not have been as lighthearted as the old prosthetic man said.

However, the other party did not seem to be discussing the situation at that time. He had already magically pulled out an elegant tea stove from under the table and started to make tea seriously.

His movements are indeed very ceremonial, and you can tell at a glance that he is used to cooking tea for poor and elegant nobles. Although it has no practical significance and cannot make the tea more fragrant, this kind of rhythm is full of rhythm. The movements are indeed very deceptive, and it is no problem to open a professional tea room to deceive the little bourgeoisie.

...Speaking of which, the old senior and his subordinates were not so shocked, right?

"I sincerely apologize to you again! Please also express your understanding. During the war, everyone is sensitive, and everyone is looking for ways to enhance their own combat power, and the meaning of the mobilization order itself is often lost. I should have been there I came to visit you on the first day I arrived at the fortress, but I was delayed until today because of military affairs." Yu Liandao.

Old Man Trend handed Yu Lian the tea cup with both hands and showed the typical elegant, reserved and social smile of the lower-level nobles of the empire. There was even a little bit of flattery in his wrinkled face: "Actually, it has always been us. I should come to visit you. We have too much to express our sincere gratitude to you, but we are always worried that coming to visit rashly would be suspected of abusing our old friendship, which would probably make our old friendship no longer pure. ." Yu Lian looked at the other person up and down and said with a smile: "You don't seem to be the type who cares about feathers."

"You are right. But by the time I figured it out, it was time to hand over the careers of the Engineers Guild and the Brotherhood to the next generation of leaders."

Yu Lian held the hot tea and took a sip. He really didn't think it tasted much better than making it with boiling water and pre-made tea bags.

Of course he knew that if nothing else happened, the so-called "leader of the younger generation" in the other's mouth was the "Steel Puppet Storm" Summers who had gained fame as the boss in another timeline.

That guy is not so much an engineer or scientist as he is a fierce warrior general. He can be called the toughest, angriest and most powerful cyborg in history.

After all, a cybernetic who can defeat a fourth-ring psychic in a single fight can indeed be called a strong person.

If I remember correctly, even before the Predator's Two Million Light Years Expedition, Summers was already the technical advisor of the Red Maple Factory, and was highly praised by Director Ruhr, Babalu and others. During the Judgment War, he arrived at Xinyumen with Rumina's support team, and then stayed there for almost two years.

In a sense, many of the completion of the Tulong Factory, the infrastructure construction of New Yumen and the armaments and national defense projects are attributed to him.

...Well, of course, it’s also due to a certain, no, a certain Miss Beida’s bark, but that guy chose to degenerate himself, and fell from a model worker to a ruling class whose body is a vest, so for the time being, let’s regard him as this guy. It doesn't exist.

In short, Mr. Summers has now become General Carter's technical and armament adviser, but now he is almost ready to become the new Yumen garrison commander.

This is in line with the character image that Yu Lian knows.

However, what Yu Lian doesn't quite understand is why the other party would mention it specifically to him? What does the change of leadership of the Brotherhood have to do with me?

Mr. Trend said: "The days when I was an imperial nobleman had a profound influence on me, and I never had much courage. However, he is different. He is better than me, more determined than me, and more enthusiastic than me. He is much more sincere than me. If it were him, the Brotherhood should be able to cooperate with you more happily."

Yu Lian shrugged, saying that since the other party said so, he should believe it.

"In any case, it is under your rule that the Engineers Guild and the Brotherhood have achieved the most stable life and development."

What do you mean by my rule? Will I really become a warlord if I co-write it? Yu Lian sighed silently: "... Let me tell you, you are already planning to open a fourth branch on Earth. How can you say that stability can only exist here with me?"

Old Man Trend explained seriously: "The main business of our organization on Earth is actually to provide programming classes for preschool children from wealthy families. There are no members of the fraternity there, only newcomers to the guild. Those who are eloquent and approachable will be suitable for engaging in the organization's external relations business."

Yu Lian felt that even with his current imagination, it would be difficult to connect the settings of "preschool children" and "programming", but he also knew that this was the current trend, so it was hard to say anything.

"In addition, it is to cooperate with the work of the Red Star Design Institute." Old man Trende added: "The People's Federation and the Red Star Institute are very generous with their money. Professor Zhuang and his students are very good and talk nicely. Everyone is happy." I like it there very much. However, we prosthetics can’t always be in Mr. Earth casually, so we can only try our best to hold meetings online. We also know that Red Star has powerful computing power and architectural capabilities.”

Having said this, he once again showed a moved expression: "Your Red Star Institute, your People's Federation, and your Lumina and New China seem to have too much trust in this organization."

"None of these companies and places belong to me. Forget it, I suddenly feel very tired to explain." Yu Lian put down his teacup and said in a candid tone: "I have limited time, limited resources, and limited space, but I have to face strong pressure at any time. The enemy is under pressure. The only thing that can be said and done is probably sincerity. Facts have proved that I was not wrong."

Old Man Trende paused: "General Yu, your attitude reminds me of a certain ancestor."

"...Who is it? Count Salvin?" Yu Lian smiled.

"No, Emperor Elithel."

For a moment, Yu Lian couldn't tell whether the other party was praising or undermining himself, so he asked: "In comparison, you actually trust us too much. If we say that the engineers' guild halls were established in Lumina and Xinyumen branch, but the construction of New China is not just as simple as cooperation. Speaking of, you are almost one of the witnesses to the situation in the Tianshu Galaxy. Your role in this is not that of Professor Zinov. Get off."

"...If you say it's because I got the revelation, do you believe it?"

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