Him and their stars

Chapter 1457 I really hope that person is you

Yu Lian thought to himself, in such an idealistic universe, of course I would believe in the apocalypse.

Aren't the voices I heard when I traveled through the Star Gate, the "Silver Dragon Series" spiritual illusion suit I accepted, and the upgradable Spirit Storm all gifts from certain predecessors?

However, you are just a prosthetic person, and you always feel that something is wrong when you are talking about Tianqi. I would rather believe that Xiao Hui deceived you.

Having said this, Yu Lian couldn't help but shudder, feeling that he once again grasped some blind spots, and immediately subconsciously spread his spiritual sense around him.

Of course, he didn't feel the existence of a certain cyber zero-element fairy, but this allowed him to determine which Leziman AI was psychologically evil. Even if she was not the instigator of this incident, she must have fanned the flames.

"Mr. Trend, this so-called apocalypse..." Yu Lian tried his best to hide his sympathetic eyes from his eyes.

"Yes, Apocalypse." Mr. Trend repeated his words and said in a tone as firm as a seeker: "You may think that I am suffering from hysteria, but I do have some mysterious feelings. Only then did we decide to go to New China in person. As for the problems that arise, it can only be said to be the choice of fate. All of us are already prepared to take on these problems."

"Then I became a participant in the war. I still feel very sorry."

"If you are always so polite, I will be really embarrassed. Strictly speaking, we were just involved in the sudden war when we were doing engineering construction and scientific and technological archaeology. In order to protect the fruits of our labor from being destroyed by the war, So we have to temporarily implement some security contracts. After all, the Engineers Guild is a multinational organization with the purpose of profit, and it is understandable that it occasionally has some security business. How can this be regarded as a war? "

"Protection business." Yu Lian said that he really believed it.

Old Man Trende also showed a knowing smile and said matter-of-factly: "We are just an engineering information and consulting organization, a civilian organization, not a violent mercenary organization. In this way, even if the war is over, , no matter what unspeakable things happened, we can still survive temporarily in this universe. Hahaha, in the worst case, I will go to the Heaven Realm and exchange my life for the appeasement of His Majesty the Emperor and the big guys in the Privy Council. After all, I am the only old retainer of the Salvin family who is still alive, so I should still have some value worthy of exchange by the empire."

The so-called unspeakable thing, of course, refers to the defeat of the community. If this happens, the Omnic Brotherhood, which is already in an awkward position, may really have no place to go. At that time, it may have to degenerate into a snake.

Hmm... isn't this their mortal enemy Fourteenth Workshop?

If these prosthetic technology nerds who are actively living, actively engaged in construction, researching knowledge, and striving to expand the borders of civilization really become the periphery of the snake, it will simply be a crime against civilization!

Yu Lian said solemnly: "I will try my best to prevent this kind of thing from happening."

"I never doubt it."

"Mr. Trend, although you always say that the years when you were still a human being and a noble of the empire have left an indelible impact on you; but I feel that these past are about to become one of your best weapons."

"For most mediocre people like me, long years do not give me the power to move history, but time itself is power. We stupid mechanics don't know how to use it, but I hope someone will, And if this person is you, that would be the best thing." Mr. Trend showed a nostalgic look:

"Two hundred years ago, we formed the predecessor of the Engineers Guild and the Brotherhood with the help of an amazingly talented man. That man provided us with shelter and guided our development, and we are happy to report on him, I am willing to devote my loyalty to him. However, he cannot answer our doubts. Perhaps, Your Excellency, the only one who can answer this question is you."

Now Mr. Trende can also represent the will of the Omnic Brotherhood.

The sincerity he expressed was indeed touching, but Yu Lian still felt that something was wrong. He always felt that the other party was not trying to express his determination, dreams, or confusion about the road ahead, but more like "bowing down and bowing" and "agreeing on the ruler and his ministers."

As a result, the style of the scene was immediately confusing.

Why don't you think it's against the law to go back to ancient times and prepare to conquer the world and become emperor?

Okay, I forgot again, there really is an emperor opposite. And if the emperor opposite gives the order, hundreds of millions of people might die for him without hesitation.

"Can't the Dragon Kings of the Galactic Empire and the masters of the Void Crown answer your question?"

"Our earliest leader tried, but he failed." Mr. Trend put his hands on the table, a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes: "At that time, we understood that we cannot count on the god who has everything. He He has everything, he controls everything, and he is arrogant.”

... Yu Lian sometimes really feels that a person's worldview is indeed related to the education he received when he was young. Just like Mr. Trend opposite, he is obviously a rebel of the empire, but his aristocratic pretentiousness and the Riddler are still ingrained in his bones.

If possible, he really wants to persuade these people to engage in something capitalist.

But no matter what, the old man is still at his age, and after all, he is expressing sincerity and friendliness in his own way. No matter how hopeless Yu Lian's emotional intelligence is, it's hard to hit him at this time.

So, after a pot of tea, he was finally able to confirm that the Engineers Guild and the Omnic Brotherhood behind it, even if they were not really core comrades who could accompany him to the end, they were certainly allies who could work closely together. Many times, I can even regard the other person as my subordinate.

After understanding this truth, the two quickly changed the topic to real issues.

"We will provide technical support for the Tianshu Galaxy experiment. I will leave for New China next week and will definitely be there. Professor Zinov is a genius, but whether his idea can be realized will only depend on It is the result of his low-level calculations and cannot be due to our technical errors."

"I don't doubt that." Yu Lian subconsciously wanted to feel Xiao Hui again.

He still hopes that the female cyber ghost will not suddenly appear. In any case, Mr. Trend is still at this age. Even a prosthetic person cannot operate on the brain. There may be some hidden dangers in cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. If he is really scared and something goes wrong, he may be mistaken. It's over.

"If you are sure it's a star gate, please be sure not to express it." Yu Liandao said.

"There are no channels for us to seek justice. Even if it is a real star gate, it will have to go through more than ten rounds of drone shuttle tests and three rounds of manned shuttle tests. After all, it is such a major discovery, we mediocre people If it can become a part of history, it will be enough in itself." When it comes to this topic, even a well-informed old engineer can't hide his excitement: "I really hope to directly explore another river system. . This is another expansion of the frontiers of civilization."

However, the tools used for expansion are still relics left over from the previous generation of civilization. What is the difference between this and wall climbing?

Yu Lian then thought of how to use the concepts of subspace and virtual realm. However, Mr. Trend should not be able to ask anything about this kind of thing. We still have to discuss it with Professor Zinov, and by the way, call Senior Brother Tantai Jing and even Master.

The close integration of mysticism and technology may represent the future.

Of course, the most suitable person to question is still the cyber riddle robot. Unfortunately, even if you think about it on your knees, you will know what "forbidden matters" that robot will say.

"Professor Zinov seems to have said that even if the speculation about the Star Gate is confirmed, the possibility of leading to the New World is still the greatest." Yu Liandao.

Mr. Trend nodded: "People always have to have dreams. I have already agreed with Mr. Qi that if it is really a new river system, I will participate in the first batch of manned tests." Yu Lian suddenly became solemn. Respect: "Respect the dream."

Mr. Trend always felt that Yu Lian’s interest and curiosity in this topic were not very high, so he continued to report as a subordinate:

"In addition, we have built a small fighter aircraft assembly plant on the track of Bai Yujing. We can start assembling the latest fighter aircraft next month, and we should be able to test it after the year."

"Essen French's design?" Yu Lian finally became a little interested.

Mr. Trend nodded and said in admiration: "That young man is also a real genius! Our brotherhood actually needs talents like him! It's a pity that he is still somewhat repulsive to this kind of life form."

"No way, he has a girlfriend and is getting married." Yu Lian shrugged.

There is a saying that the combination of Essen French and Liuli's sister Takaji Wushu always gave Yu Lian a sense of familiarity like a bear and a cat. However, this fat white man has been a bachelor all his life in another timeline, but in this life he has a beautiful, beautiful and considerate wife. I hope they can be happy.

Frankie and May are even planning to hold their wedding directly at the fortress. Yu Lian felt that if the empire hadn't come to cause trouble at that time, he would have even decided to become a marriage seeker or something.

So, why can’t I be a prosthetic person if I have a wife? Mr. Trend understood what Yu Lian meant, but felt that his words were still a bit hurtful.

Yu Lian looked at the design drawings handed over by the other party and felt a little excited in his heart.

If nothing else, this is the most powerful weapon of the Volunteer Army in another timeline, the "Cang Fang" fighter plane. It also occupied the list of the most powerful fighters in the galaxy for thirty years.

Now, Eisen, who has been exposed to the most cutting-edge science and engineering fields earlier than in his previous life, has indeed turned the ideas in his mind into reality with the help of Falcon's professional flight designers and the Engineer Guild. Moreover, in Yu Lian's view, he is even more mature than he remembered.

Of course, it is still a little short of the stellar fighter I imagined, but this is already a very important step.

Stellar-class fighters that can jump, smash anti-matter torpedoes, penetrate defenses at high speeds, and hit enemy aircraft while hoisting them are indeed still a lot of technical problems that need to be solved.

However, the performance of the Blue Tusk fighter equipped with light wings completely surpassed that of the White Devil fighter, and was enough to lift up all the mainstream fighters in the empire. It can even be said that the models that are still on the design drawings and in the laboratory are immediately outdated.

Yu Lian praised: "Very good. It's at least half a year faster than I thought."

Mr. Trend was sure that the other party was quite satisfied, but his interest was still not as high as he imagined.

...Is this really a very high-maintenance type? However, it is also understandable that since ancient times, sage masters have always been difficult to serve.

The old engineer quickly finished his mental construction and said: "As for the engineering hazards in the Said Fortress, I have given them to Mojie and Albo. You can directly contact them. There are a total of organizational members stationed in the fortress. There are sixty people involved in various fields, and some of them even participated in the third phase of the Wanwang Pass expansion. Even if I am not here, the construction schedule will not be delayed."

"Tell me the truth, are the problems in the fortress serious?" Yu Lian asked.

"I'm not hiding anything. There are indeed some technical loopholes in the defense here, but they are not structural problems that cannot be solved. This space fortress has nearly doubled in size in the past two years, so it is inevitable that problems will arise. However, as long as the fortress is willing to cooperate fully..."

"The fortress will definitely cooperate fully, and Lieutenant General Sylvester will definitely do his best to provide all the manpower and material resources you need." Yu Lian smiled brightly, but his tone was unquestionable.

His meaning is very clear. If someone is unwilling to cooperate, he will never have to cooperate for the rest of his life. What he will do is murderous.

Mr. Trend felt satisfied.

"Then, we will definitely be able to handle these problems within four weeks. Except..." The old man seemed a little hesitant, but under Yu Lian's "encouraging" gaze, he did not pause and said directly: " Except for Area F.”

Yu Lian was slightly startled.

Mr. Trende sighed: "The biggest safety hazard of this fortress lies in the newly built Area F. As you know, this part is planned based on the civilian area. In order to ensure the flow of merchant ships, the entrance to the port area is too wide. The internal passages are also very smooth. The hubs from the port to the warehouse area and then to several surrounding commercial districts are also very cleverly designed. I have to admit that as a commercial port, the F area of ​​​​Sede is very well designed."

"However, as a military port, it seems too smooth. Is that what you mean? If the Imperial Army wants to attack, they can use this as a breakthrough. With such a large entrance, more than a dozen assault landing craft may be able to crash in at once. Two regiments of armored grenadiers can rush in in half a minute." Yu Lian began to calculate, and then directly opened the structural diagram.

"Indeed, judging from the location of the port, the firing range of the surrounding escort guns has also been affected, which will indeed weaken the effective rejection of enemy landing forces. In addition, the internal passage is too wide, and there are four surrounding areas Directly connected, once a large enemy force completes the landing, it will be difficult to build an effective defense line. Mr. Trend, this is not a minor repair, but a structural problem, and a heavy blow must be struck! Do you think?"

Mr. Trend nodded solemnly. What he actually wanted to say was that the port was too spacious, the armored shields were a bit fragile, the power of the shields would be weakened, and they needed to be strengthened. These were actually technical problems.

However, after all, he, Commander Yu Company, is the real military expert. If he thinks there is a problem that requires a heavy blow, then he must hit hard. At the end of the day, all you have to do is agree.

Then, he immediately saw that Yu Lian seemed to have let go of something, stroking his hands and laughing: "Ah hahaha, this is actually a good thing! I was still hesitant at first, but now I can make up my mind."

Old Man Trend's face was a little stiff. He was not sure for a moment whether his artificial ear vortex was malfunctioning, so he continued: "...In addition, the F area and energy supply, gravity simulation and life support balance system are also It is different from other divisions. The connection between it and the fortress itself is not stable. If the enemy attacks, focusing the attack on these aspects may cause structural damage to the main body of the fortress."

Yu Lian was silent for a few seconds, then clapped and laughed, "Really? That's really a double happiness!"

Old Man Trend was sure this time that he really wasn't hallucinating.

Originally, his prosthetic ear vortex was only replaced last year. It is the latest ripple sensor and has undergone certain alchemical processing. Even a mosquito flying over a hundred steps away could not hide his auditory senses, and it could even resist some psychic stealth skills. How could he have auditory hallucinations?

Then, he heard Yu Lian say in a matter-of-fact tone: "So, is it possible for us to dismantle the entire F area without any injuries? Since the connection is not stable, of course it can be done."

An arc of light suddenly flashed in Old Man Trend's eyes, as if he were an out-of-control computer that was about to trip.

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