Him and their stars

Chapter 149 The Interspersed Starlight

Chapter 149 The Interspersed Starlight

Push the door and enter, and there is a small restaurant that can accommodate a dozen people.The interior decoration is very simple, but it looks very neat and tidy, and the aroma from the kitchen inside the house can also quickly arouse people's appetite.

However, there are not many people eating now. Except for Yu Lian who just walked in, there are only four customers in the whole restaurant.Yu Lian knew that this late-night cafeteria was actually engaged in the night market and breakfast business for the first batch of workers who went to work in the early morning. Even in the early hours of the morning, the business was always good.

The reason why today is a bit bleak is probably also affected by the riots.

No, a screen was projected on the wall next to the TV, and now it was scrolling the news of today's commotion, but the sound was turned off directly.

There were three people sitting at one of the tables, all of whom were dressed and looked like ordinary blue-collar workers, and each of them had a large bowl in front of them.They were holding bowls and eating voraciously with chopsticks.

Another guest, a middle-aged uncle A with the same blue-collar temperament, in his forties, occupied a table by himself, and there was a row of beer and a few small dishes on the table.

Opposite him sat another uncle B who was a few years older, but with a very elegant demeanor, like a middle school teacher or an old servant at the grassroots level.The reason why Yu Lian knew that this was not a guest was because he knew the other party.Only decades later.But at that time, this uncle B was already one of the previous bosses, and he turned into a photo and pasted it on the wall.

The two uncles are drinking wine one by one.Uncle A was obviously a little worried, and he was talking in a very low voice, but Yu Lian could hear him clearly.

"Well, those idiots, they agreed that it was just a demonstration, and it turned into a riot! Now it's all right, everyone outside is saying that we are thugs. It's even more impossible for the factory to listen to us."

"Well, what will our family do in the future?" Uncle A said.

"You can try to go fishing. Don't your family still have a fishing boat? It's rented out to a Veser. Why don't you take it back and go on your own?"

"Hey, what year did this happen. The year before last, little Mary had to go to a private school, and I sold the fishing boat long ago. That family of murlocs was miserable. There were about twenty people, and I don't know where they went. .”

"...There is always a way. After the factory is moved to the sky, it doesn't mean that the original site needs to be re-planned to build a horse farm and a large natural park. You can find a job as a gardener? I remember you used to do this. "

"Even if I starve to death, I don't want to work for those bastards!"

"It doesn't matter if you starve to death. What about your wife? What about little Mary?"

"...So, I'm ready to go to the colony. Xinyumen! I heard that as long as you work hard there, there is always a chance to make a fortune. The whole family will go together, Old Brother Chen, I'm here to say goodbye."

"Yes, is it?"

"Brother Chen, I will work hard! I have hands and feet, and the earth can't stay. I don't believe there is no place to stay."

The two uncles were very engaged in chatting, and they didn't notice Yu Lian standing there for a while. It wasn't until the shop owner named Brother Chen raised his head, took off his glasses and wiped them, that he noticed Yu Lian.

"Ah, you... are you here for dinner?"

Yu Lian nodded with a smile.

"Yiyi, Yiyi, we have guests." The boss stood up and walked towards the back kitchen, calling out to everyone at the same time.

A fifteen-year-old girl appeared behind the counter and picked up a menu.

This is Yu Lian's acquaintance, but counting the time, it was more than thirty years since I met her.Seeing her when she was young, she was really uncomfortable!
For a moment, Yu Lian had a sense of blending dream and reality, sighed in his heart, and then found a table at random and sat down.

"Master Chen... Boss Chen, I want a huge portion of beef noodles."

The boss was startled: "You know me?"

"I've heard about your craftsmanship, and I've come here especially."

The little girl pointed to the hanging scroll of "No leftovers" on the wall, and said, "You must finish eating."

"You must finish eating!" Yu Lian said seriously.

Boss Chen looked Yu Lian up and down, and went straight into the kitchen.

A few minutes later, the little girl came out with a huge bowl full of noodle soup.According to visual estimates, the noodles alone weigh more than half a catty, not to mention the beef, oil residue, eggs, small dried fish, bamboo shoots, and green vegetables are spread all over the entire layer.

Yu Lian began to eat so much that his tongue almost melted.He is even more certain now that this little girl whom he will call "Aunt Chen" in the future will at most inherit [-]% of Boss Chen's craftsmanship in later generations.

A violent thing!
Thinking of this, Yu Lian couldn't help but cast a sidelong glance at the little girl.The latter, who was looking at Yu Lian curiously, didn't know why, and felt that this handsome guy was quite pleasing to the eye, but could he be a fool?
While Yu Lian was enjoying the delicious food, the three noodle eaters over there were also ready to check out and leave.

"Three large portions, right? A total of 75." The little girl said.

"Why did it rise again?"

"You don't read the menu? It went up last week! Now, the rent is going up, the water and electricity are going up, the ingredients are going up, and the beef has tripled! So many things happened today, who knows it will go up again tomorrow what?"

"House, rent... Isn't this house owned by your old Chen family? My grandfather opened it at that time."

"Isn't the management fee going up? Also, at this price, the whole city, ah no, the whole earth, ah no, where can you eat such affordable and delicious noodles? Our old Chen's noodles are Number one in the universe!"

Three big and three thick blue-collar men were completely defeated in front of the little girl, so they had to pay the money and leave.

"Forget it, it's the last time anyway." The leader said.

"Last time? Well, is it really too expensive?"

"Hey, we're going to move too." The big man smiled honestly: "You know, the place where I work is to make parts for the Big Apple Machinery Factory. When the machinery factory is gone, our parts factory will also be gone. gone."

"Really..." The corner of the little girl's mouth twitched, her eyelids drooped: "Where do you want to go?"

"Hehe, if it doesn't work, let's go back to our hometown to open up wasteland. We can scrape together some money to buy some farm tools and seeds. Anyway, now that we open up wasteland and farm without paying taxes, we won't starve to death no matter what."

"They are all old customers, let's have a drink together." Boss Chen came out of the kitchen, holding a large plate of appetizers that had just been fried.

They hesitated, but sat down anyway.They were really reluctant to leave.Whether it is the bustling scene of the upper city, or the dark corners of the lower city, as well as the aroma in this small noodle shop, it has long been an integral part of their lives.

"Let's have a drink! For this big apple!" Boss Chen said.


Yu Lian acted as if he hadn't seen all this. He ate the noodles in big gulps, gulped down the soup, wiped his mouth, and put 50 yuan on the table.He looked at the uncles who were toasting, nodded and smiled at the future "Aunt Chen", and turned to leave.

However, before he walked out the door, he waved his hand lightly,

The light curtain projected on the wall suddenly changed, and the riot news that was scrolling and playing turned into an unpretentious old man who was being interviewed by a reporter.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of the projector was turned on for some unknown reason, and the voice from inside quickly attracted the attention of everyone in the small shop: "The development of the new Shenzhou is a century-old plan for the entire star area, and there will be no wavering in the slightest." Yes! Yes, even if I resign, this has already become the consensus of the people of the star area, and it will definitely continue! I am here, and I extend an invitation to all the citizens again! Maybe there is no overnight storm like going to the New World. There is an opportunity to get rich, but as long as you work hard, you will definitely be able to earn a family business! I promise everyone!"

Everyone in the restaurant stared blankly at the scene on the light curtain,
Yu Lian left the noodle shop contentedly, and went straight to the checkpoint on the Friendship River Estuary Bridge.The guard robots at the checkpoint and the heavily armed police seemed to have not seen him.

Then, the scenery in his eyes suddenly turned into a future city composed of huge high-rise buildings.

After crossing a bridge, he seemed to have crossed several eras.

As for the vast golden apple groves, city parks, and well-equipped residential areas for the rich, they are located in the north of the city. At night, they are naturally completely covered by the cyberpunk-style light pollution on those high-rise buildings.

The lower city on the other side of the river was almost turned into a sea of ​​flames, but the upper city here was not affected at all.On the most conspicuous advertising light curtain, there is still a picture of the alliance tyrant holding the hand of the weak girl on earth and looking longingly at the distant starry sky.

These colorful halos completely covered the starlight, so gorgeous, but without any warmth.The people on the screen seem to contain the entire universe in their eyes, but they do not include the fellow townspeople who are separated by a river.

Yu Lian pointed the middle finger at the billboard, reached out to stop an unmanned taxi, and arrived at the yacht dock in less than ten minutes.

Then, on the trestle bridge No. 124, Yu Lian saw a Nimbus 2000 shuttle boat painted in an extremely flamboyant fiery red and painted with golden flame patterns.

He confirmed once again that Akinayama Hachiman is indeed a hopeless moron.

(End of this chapter)

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