Him and their stars

Chapter 150 A Different Fog City

Chapter 150 A Different Fog City
Although the showy paint job made Yu Lian feel a little ashamed, the Nimbus 2000 is worthy of its status in the private car industry.The interior is very spacious and comfortable. It is no problem for three or five people to lie down and sleep in it. Even if you want to play with the car, it is no problem... Drive the boat to the middle of the Atlantic Ocean or the Pacific Ocean, surrounded by stars and endless oceans Playing is actually very artistic, right?

Yu Lian turned on the unmanned driving system, set the destination to the yacht dock on the outskirts of Wudu, opened his small pocket, and checked the most important harvest of the day - the zero elements of the psykers who died under his hands .

The ones who exploded from the two cultists were Fengyinbei and Chijin.These two things are not good for upgrading, but they are good materials for making psionic treasures.However, a good treasure requires at least three or more zero elements, and Yu Lian didn't know any reliable alchemists on the earth fifty years ago, so he can only keep it for fun now.

It was the Lumina man who gave him a pleasant surprise.After the Lumina who was born on a swamp planet died, a little bit of mercury-like liquid was actually separated from his transparent blood, which was viscous and heavy.

This is a zero element called "pivot fluid", which is a kind of spiritual fluid.

It is first of all a very good material for casting swords.A sword made of spiritual metal, quenched with this liquid, can be strengthened twice and strengthened with mystic attributes.

However, at this point, even the smallest test tube is not enough to fill the pivot fluid, and it is not even enough to quench a toothpick.

Of course, Yu Lian can choose to accumulate more, but it is not easy to preserve this kind of spiritual liquid.For the time being, he doesn't have any professional storage equipment around him, let alone a safe house.

Therefore, it is inevitable that there will be long nights and many dreams, so we should choose another way.It's the second ring now, so there's nothing wrong with it.

Yu Lian looked at the mercury-like liquid in the test tube and felt a little dizzy for a while.Although he already had experience in this area in his previous life, he still had goose bumps all over his body.In other words, it was because of the experience of his previous life that he became frightened.

"The road I chose, I have to walk it on my knees! Is it hard? I want to rave for twenty-five thousand!" Yu Lian said to himself, then closed his eyes, pinched his nose and poured the liquid in the test tube down. inside the stomach.If anyone else was here, they would think it was the scene of suicide by taking poison.

It really doesn't have any taste, but the viscous, hard, and cold feeling crawled directly from the throat through the esophagus, and then spread from the abdominal cavity to every part of the body.Then, the pain came as promised, almost resounding in every part of the body.

If a person has this kind of experience for the first time, he will definitely feel that he is already poisoned and will go to see the spirit of the universe at any time, but Yu Lian, who has already experienced this, knows that this is the spiritual liquid that is changing the activity of bones and cells stage.

Yes.Some zero elements can really be used as a super potion that increases the upper limit of attributes, and Shuye is one of them.He can increase the cell activity and bone strength a little, and with the "cell activation" skill that Yu Lian has mastered now, he can more fully digest the spiritual factors in this liquid and improve his physical fitness to another level.

... Let's explain it with the game method most familiar to observers outside the big universe.The pivot fluid can increase the upper limit of the character's physique and anti-drug attributes. The original increase is only 1, but if the character has the "Cell Activation" skill, it can be increased by 1.5 to 2.

However, the taste of taking this spiritual liquid is really uncomfortable. The cold and cold feeling is like taking a living poisonous snake directly.Inexperienced people might be scared off the san value directly.

If it weren't for the tragic setting in this universe that extraordinary people will lose control and turn into monsters casually—even if there is, it is a very special situation—directly taking spiritual liquids, it will definitely be listed as a prohibited item by various extraordinary organizations. ?

It has to be said that in this universe, there is still a preference for extraordinary people.It's no wonder that psykers really have a deep-rooted belief that they are the so-called chosen people.

Yu Lian shivered for nearly five minutes on the boat, only then did he feel that the spiritual remnants in his body had been digested.In such a short period of time, Yu Lian felt more tired than fighting that Lumina warrior. He simply laid the sofa chair flat, and fell asleep comfortably in the starry sky.

Already a second-ring psyker, he woke up automatically after sleeping for more than three hours, and found that the red, blue and green bars had been fully restored.

In the process of recovering his physical fitness, the Nimbus 2000, which was painted with a saucy bag, had already crossed the entire Atlantic Ocean and was berthed at a certain cruise ship terminal in the suburbs of Wudu.

Obviously, the shuttle sent by Hachiman should have a global pass, and when it is close to the destination, it will automatically enter the port and park under the guidance of the intelligent AI of the port.

Yu Lian got out of the car door and looked at the city in the distance.

The change of the historical line made this island city, which was isolated from the old continent, lack many iconic buildings in Yulian's memory.So, for a long time, it was really just a very mediocre island port city.

However, during the rule of the empire, a fairly young nobleman of the empire felt that this small city near the sea had the style of "sea guests talk about Yingzhou, and the misty waves are faint and hard to find". Moved his fief here.He also carried out large-scale construction projects in the city, transplanted many exotic animals and plants that he loves, and spent a lot of money on environmental transformation.

You guessed it right, the Wenqing aristocrat is the famous Earl Salvin, the one who brought Lu beast to the earth and formed a symbiotic relationship with Gungun.

By the way, Earl Salvin is not a fan of Mr. Qinglian, but this is probably what he meant when translated.

As mentioned before, Earl Salvin is not just a young man, but a very talented biologist and environmental improvement engineer.After a while of his operation, which was very embarrassing but thought about it carefully, it was quite in line with scientific principles. Not only did there not appear to be species invasions, but it really turned the fog into the shape he wanted.

Therefore, every time the tide rises, the city will be shrouded in mist, with rare tree species from different planets and majestic imperial temple-like buildings looming in it, which really feels like a fairyland on earth .

That's how the name of the fog city came about.Compared with the "fog" in Yu Lian's hometown, it is a bit more elegant, a bit more mysterious, and a bit more blatantly luxurious hidden under a low profile.

Of course, Earl Salvin, a Wenqing biologist and environmental engineer, has far more than that on earth, so let's keep it secret for the time being.

Later, the earth became independent and the community was established.The descendants of Earl Salvin also retreated with the Imperial Governor's Mansion, and the city he spent a lot of effort on transforming naturally became the spoils of war for the people on Earth.

Now, this is a medium-sized city with a permanent population of more than two million.However, every summer and autumn, there will be tens of millions of tourists from all over the world and even the stars who come here to see the scenery, and it can be regarded as a very famous tourist attraction.

It is said that as long as the local residents operate their houses as homestays for three months, they can earn the living expenses of their families for a whole year.

Ever since, the arsenal that originally opened on the outskirts of the city and provided a large number of small artillery and firearms to the volunteers in the War of Independence was officially closed ten years ago.After all, the workers are all running to open B&Bs, bars, and seaside fast food trucks.

Of course, don’t rush to complain about the community, at least in this matter, the community government should not only not take the blame, but also must give a thumbs up.Although the original arsenal in Wudu was gone, the government of the community still retained almost all the scientific research personnel and technical backbones, and then established a new arsenal on Mars, which is now the famous Mars Gun Bureau.

The military industry of the community as a whole does have a little taste of civility and martial arts, but it has made progress in certain specific technical fields.For example, cannon technology.No, even the Alliance is cooperating with us.

In short, unlike the metallurgical and machinery factory workers in the Big Apple City, the people of Wudu are very happy to see the overall relocation of the arsenal, and as far as this matter is concerned, it is a win-win situation.

Moreover, a celestial club established on the original site of the Wudu Arsenal has become a galaxy-level powerhouse in less than ten years since its establishment, and immediately became the pride of the Wudu and even the people of the earth.

When Yu Lian entered the city on foot, it was before nine o'clock in the morning.If according to the original plan, taking the earliest transoceanic flight from the Big Apple to Fog City, it would be good to arrive before eleven o'clock. Yu Lian couldn't help feeling again that he was indeed an ambassador of time management.

The urban area he saw was not too cyberpunk, but like his hometown Jincheng, it belonged to that kind of local city with some characteristics... However, those (in Lu Xi's view) are a bit too exaggerated and gorgeous The palaces and circular temple buildings are clearly typical imperial buildings.

This is also the "legacy" left by Earl Salvin and their descendants to the people on Earth.

Anyway, if you want to experience the authentic imperial style, come to Wudu.The city has always been advertised as such.

So, Yu Lian thought about it for a while, and then in a pretty good restaurant, he tasted a meal that was said to be very famous and authentic, and had been recommended by various media and Internet celebrities.

Yes, he was hungry again.There is no way to do this, the improvement of the physique by the pivot fluid is quite exhausting, so why not be dissatisfied with being able to recover with food?
After the meal was over, he came to a conclusion.If the boss hadn't had py, he would have written the rest of the characters upside down.

He (in his previous life) ate a lot of authentic imperial court dishes. If they all tasted like this, the cook would have been thrown to feed the trolls a long time ago.

For example, the steamed silver-finned fish served as the main course, according to the true court standard of the empire, no more than three kinds of seasonings are allowed.Only in this way can the original unique deliciousness of the fish be guaranteed to the greatest extent.However, this kind of large sea fish from another planet is actually quite difficult to handle. If the scales are not peeled off perfectly, it will have a bitter taste; big impact.

However, the boss obviously didn't handle the ingredients well enough, and didn't grasp the best timing for the fish to come out of the pan, so the meat was a bit old, so he simply put a lot of seasonings and even high-end spices, and stuffed a whole pot of fish in a fancy way. fish.

The taste is pretty good, after all, so many seasonings can always bring out some impactful tastes.But it looks very gaudy.

There are two diners next to them, and they are flattering each other with the boss who is well-dressed and dressed like an aristocratic butler.

"Well, it's really delicious! It's much better than what I ate at the Royal Academy of Arts last time!"

"No, even if you go to the mainland of the empire, if you can't reach Tianyu, it will be difficult to find such authentic delicacies."

"...Oh, you guys are too much. The chairman of the Royal Academy of Arts is a real imperial nobleman, and he has invited a whole management team. I still have a lot to learn from him."

Although this kind of mutual flattery is a bit embarrassing, it is a real social place for adults after all, and Yu Lian still expressed his understanding. He immediately thought that one of the "temporary crew members" he was planning to blend in with was also the future SSR. Just study at the Royal College of Art, right?

Or... After finishing the business, go to contact the relationship.After all, the whole-ship exercise is for all fresh college students, isn't it?
(End of this chapter)

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