Him and their stars.

Chapter 594 Don't Waste Time Everyone

Chapter 594 Don't Waste Time Everyone

Yamida is still very confident in her own judgment - any third party who appears in this ruins must be related to the historical truth about Earl Salvin's extinction two hundred years ago.However, she really did not expect that the one who appeared in front of her would be that famous investigating judge.

In the Galactic Empire, which is hopelessly anti-civilization militarism and racial chauvinism, this sixty-year-old Kuoran may be the most famous non-human in the entire empire.

The so-called investigative judge, if understood directly, is a psychic detective who is responsible for the investigation, detection and pursuit of supernatural crimes.Considering the particularity and cruelty of their characters, when necessary, they even have the right to act first and then play, and even mobilize the local garrison.

It sounds like a powerful, domineering and legendary profession, and it feels even more popular than the star knight.

However, anyone who has a little knowledge of the political ecology of the empire knows that this is a noble and hard job, probably the hardest in the court system.

The central judge of the Tribunal is, to put it bluntly, the manager of this institution.Who doesn't love sitting in an office calling the shots and still getting a well-paying job?

As for the executive judge who sounds like a villain, although he has the background of the secret police and the official assassin, he still has to do wet work, but after all, he deals with intelligence, discs, and politically charged affairs. Naturally, " Jane is in the heart of the emperor"!In the past dynasties, examples of entering the Privy Council from the origin of executive judges can also be listed with double digits.

And the so-called investigative judge, no matter how advertised, is simply criminal investigation work.Those who deal with are either criminals or ordinary people. Not only can they not get any money, but they still have to do the hardest and most tiring work, bear the most blame, suffer the most scolding, and suffer the most casualties.

The biggest dream of these investigative judges who need to chase cases all over the universe is to survive their qualifications and go to the central office of the Great Tribunal in Tianyu.

Judging from Judge Xunfeng's achievements in the past, if he was a human being, he should have already overcome this ceiling and become a member of the Central Tribunal.

Fortunately, the Kuoran judge seemed to have been used to the imperial pua, and he never showed any dissatisfaction, and still sat down on his work conscientiously.

Although his position is not high—even if the investigative judge adds a "chief", he is only a grassroots worker who goes to the field, and his authority and status are only equivalent to those of the brigadier general of the empire—but the big bosses in the Privy Council and the Prime Minister's Office It's on record there.Even the emperor in Longlin Palace once said something like "Xun Fengqing is a good judge" in public.

It can be described as "simple in the emperor's heart" in the literal sense.

In addition, his reputation among the people is also very high.You must know that investigators and judges running around the galaxy are often called "grey dogs" and "eagle claws" by the working people of all ethnic groups oppressed by the empire, and examples of being covered with sacks and beaten with sap sticks often occur, but Judge Xunfeng are different.

First of all, he is not an aristocrat of the Tiriro, but a child of a middle-class Kuoran family. Even citizenship was obtained after he became a judge.For all kinds of ordinary people, this is indeed one of their own.

Secondly, this Mr. judge has a sharp vision, hates evil like a vengeful, and is ruthless. He has uncovered many supernatural crimes, confronted the lawless and powerful for the rights of the victims, and went deep into the enemy's lair to defeat the enemy and returned to save innocent people.He is not only a famous detective in the extraordinary field, but also quite capable of fighting. He can be called the combination of Master Di and Yuan Fang.

Which ordinary people would not like such a detective?

His deeds and experience can be called legendary, which belongs to the category that movies dare not make like this.

Yamida even thought about inviting Judge Xunfeng to come to the alliance after he retired to help him publish a memoir or something, and then tricked him into giving the adaptation authorization to Huanyu.On the day when his old man dies, series of movies, games and episodes such as "Detective Xunfeng" and "Koran Detective" can be arranged.

Of course, it would be even better if some soft articles like "The Desolate Old Years of the Detective" were added along the way.

Could this well-known detective have anything to do with a political conspiracy two hundred years ago?

If it were someone else, they would definitely feel that they had overturned, but Yamida didn't.She has always felt that her greatest advantage is that she never doubts herself.If the facts prove that I am really wrong, then it must be the world that is wrong!

"Mr. Xunfeng." Yamida stretched out a hand to the other party, showing a friendly smile: "I've been hoping to talk to you for a long time, but I didn't expect to be here."

Feifei took half a step back calmly.She is just a little captain shooting "archaeological material", and she doesn't have much thought about this kind of thing.

"Miss Berenkester. I am a public official of the empire after all. Although it is a great honor to be valued by you, I really dare not make mistakes." The investigating judge shook hands and bowed slightly, looking very humble, but his mouth The words are fine but so polite.This is also in line with his consistent personality of being respectful and cautious in small matters, but unselfish in major matters.

If it is a normal social occasion, this kind of unnutritious diplomatic rhetoric may continue for four or five rounds.However, the stern and selfless Judgment Xunfeng was obviously a decisive landlord. After saying this, he stood up straight again and said with a smile: "I have asked Brigadier General Barr to start the excavation of the ruins here in advance."

He paused for a moment, then said again: "Sorry, my investigation tells me that this is directly related to those big cases in the first half of the year in the imperial capital."

I wasn't the culprit of those big crimes in the first half of the year in the imperial capital... wasn't it a snake?
Even Yamida was caught off guard by the other party's straightforwardness, but she quickly regained her composure and said with a smile: "As far as I know, the big case that happened in the imperial capital in the first half of the year is related to the World-Round Snake. Bar?"

Feifei showed a look of astonishment just right, and decided to fulfill the character design of an ordinary captain to the extreme.

It is understandable that Miss Bei has her own intelligence channels, knows about the existence of snakes, and knows that "they are the culprits".But she, Miss Fina Li, is just a young captain who has only graduated for more than a year. Although she is about to be promoted to major soon, she has to wait until the military exercise is over.

She should be ignorant of all of this, even the name "Snake of the World" must be the first time she has heard of it.

Judge Xunfeng has straightened up at this time, and his pair of hexagonal crystal binoculars, which look like a phased array radar, have already included everyone's expressions in his line of sight.

The well-known detective in the extraordinary world didn't seem to have the slightest suspicion of everyone present, and said in a warm but very firm tone: "When the debugging of the heavy ion cutting machine is completed, I hope to cut this thing out quickly, and then transport it to the imperial capital. .”

As soon as these words came out, the business smile on Yamida's face faded away at an extremely fast speed, and she changed into a half-smile expression, which seemed to be ridiculing, but also seemed to be a little sullen.

The eldest lady's reaction was already like this, and her bodyguards A, assistant B and secretary C, whose names were not important, naturally couldn't pretend not to see them. Although there was no classic movement of pressing their hands on their waists, their breath sank.

However, Judge Xunfeng didn't respond at all, and was already confronting the heir of the Berenkester family without being humble or humble.On the face covered with feathers, one can still see the unchanged smiling face, and even has a bit of harmless simplicity to humans and animals. At first glance, it looks like a whalebill.

Only Feifei, who was shrunk behind the crowd, still remembered to raise her camera.

"Can I shoot?"

"We are foreigners after all, the more testimonies we leave, the better." Yamida said.

"Please feel free, Miss Captain. I want to teach you that our imperial judges are actually very particular about civilized law enforcement." Xunfeng said.

"Of course there is no problem. In fact, I have already started filming just now." Miss Ostana pointed to a star knight who was also holding a small video camera: "It would be nice to have an extra angle, so that it looks real."

At this time, even the most powerful judge, Xunfeng, didn't realize that a certain unknown creature that had been hiding in the crack of the wall for a whole week had seen all their actions.

At this moment, she closed her mouth with difficulty, almost biting her tongue, and finally blocked the "stop" that she almost blurted out just now.

"You guys are really going too far! Moving things in other people's houses, I can bear it for the time being! But what's the matter with you, a new birdman? Demolition? Are you responsible for breaking it? This is the seed of civilization. ! This is the seed of another form of civilization! You will become the sinner of the entire universe!"

Although she was cursing in her heart, she never dared to say these words out of her mouth.

Don't be able to forcibly demolish it! The "girl" was about to cry, and then looked at Yamida expectantly.At the end of this week, as much resentment as she had accumulated towards this white-haired woman, so much was her expectation now.

You are a big shot!But don't be cowardly!

Probably the prayer of the "girl" moved the spirit of the universe, and the white-haired woman who is a big shot did not disappoint her.

"Archaeological work is not investigation! Judge Xunfeng, I can be considered a scholar. The more deadlocked, the more cautious we must proceed." Yamida laughed.

"However, if it may be related to the series of terrorist attacks that occurred in April, then this ancient relic, and even the relic itself, are all evidence." Judge Xunfeng said: "Miss Berenkester , this is investigating the case.”

Yamida looked directly into the other party's crystal eyes, but couldn't see any superfluous emotion from them.

She smiled lukewarmly, and said slowly: "So, do you have the authority granted by the Grand Tribunal or other relevant departments when you come here?"

"No. I just followed the clues left at that time and traced it for half a year, and it happened to be here. As for the more specific situation, please forgive me for not being able to tell you. But, after all, I am the chief investigator. The priority of law enforcement. I came here this time not to discuss with you, Miss Berenkester, but to inform you."

"He does have this authority." Brigadier General Ostana Bar folded her hands and said with a smile: "Except for a few star knights here. He does have authority to take over the command of all imperial troops on Planet Sarna within a certain period of time. "

Of course, after that, he must advance authorization from Tianyu within [-] hours, otherwise the army may

"Oh, all the troops? Including the ones that have been fighting in Crystal City?" Yamida laughed.

As an all-knowing and omnipotent white-haired fox, before Feifei woke up, she already knew the news that the Blue Knights had airborne on the outskirts of Crystal City.And I also know that one of the commanders of the red side, Earl Seriola, the deputy head of the Star Knights, arrived two days ago.It is conceivable that what kind of battle between dragons and tigers is going on there now.If it wasn't for something happening here, she would have wanted to go over and eat a melon to appreciate and love her.

But Feifei, she was really surprised.

"Oh? Has it started yet?"

"No, it is said that the one who killed it was called a gong, drum, and banner. If we can quickly resolve the matter here, we can also watch the live TV broadcast."

"You didn't notify me?"

"It was the young lady who didn't inform you first. It has nothing to do with me."

Ostana continued her "facial paralysis" noncommittally, but the three star knights beside her showed sullen expressions.They are pure warriors, so it is naturally difficult to accept Miss Bei's frivolous attitude, as if they regard the battle of honor of their comrades as a monkey show.

However, Judge Xunfeng's reaction was still very calm, with a simple and honest smile on his face as before, and he still looked as selfless and business-like as before: "The military exercise in Crystal City has nothing to do with me. I am indeed the inspector. It has nothing to do with the affairs of the Generalissimo's Mansion."

"That would be great! The Mission of Glory military exercise is the largest military operation of the empire in the past half a century. We don't want it to cause any trouble." Yamida glanced at Ostana: "Also, Barr The General wants it to go well than all of us."

Ostana's eyes faintly flashed a red light like lava flames, she nodded with a smile.

The chief director of the Mission of Glory military exercise is Brunhilt, and Ostana is a retainer of the Suliuka royal family, and she is indeed the type who most hopes that everything will be smooth.

"I just hope that we can come up with a plan that satisfies everyone as soon as possible." Miss Ostana said with a smile: "The sooner the better. His Highness Brunhilt respects the law enforcement power of the Grand Tribunal, but also respects Yami Miss Da Berenkest's contractual relationship. I am a retainer of His Highness and an officer of the Empire. I am in a dilemma about this fact. Let me be a witness to the two of you here. Don't worry, no matter what the result is, I will be happy Accepted."

It is said to be a testimony, but it is all in the fire.Judge Xunfeng let out a silent sigh as if he glanced at the other party out of the corner of his eye.

"So, we don't need to waste time. Don't disturb the soldiers of the empire who are fighting because of our hesitation here."

The knights of the star realm thought that this sounded like a human sentence, but at this moment, they saw that the eldest lady of the Berenkester family took out a flashlight-like object as if by magic.In an instant, a bright beam of light bounced directly from the metal cylinder.

The bodyguard ABC of the knight and the young lady are all well-trained experts. Although they are a little confused now, they all showed their weapons in the first place.

"How troublesome it is to cut with heavy ions! Light sabers are the best, invincible! Oh, you can also try the light spears of gentlemen knights."

However, Yamida didn't seem to be able to see the atomic light spears pointing at her at all. She smiled calmly and threw the lightsaber towards the bronze "giant coffin".

(End of this chapter)

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