Him and their stars.

Chapter 595 The Ancient Awakened

Chapter 595 The Ancient Awakened

The blazing white lightsaber circled, as if turning into a wheel of light, and slashed towards the bronze "coffin".

No one doubts the power of the lightsaber.In the past few days, technical workers have measured this ancient relic. Although it is still impossible to fully determine its material and production method, it is basically certain that its hardness should be similar to that of the armor plate of a battleship, and its toughness and extreme temperature resistance It can even be compared with the most advanced fluid metal coating in the alliance laboratory.

Such an inconspicuous and thin material like bronze has such performance, which really tests the three views of scientists.However, if the secrets of these materials can really be solved, the material science level of the whole universe will be greatly improved.Based on this alone, all the investment in this archaeological operation is worthwhile even if the gadgets in this ancient training warehouse are ignored.

But all this is not important now.

The important thing is that everyone knows the power of the lightsaber. This beam of light condensed through the energy-gathering crystal is by no means an ordinary high-temperature plasma, but a "metaphysical thing" with mysterious attributes.Even if it is an ordinary person, let him stab hard with a lightsaber, and it takes a little time to really cut through the armor plate and fluid metal of the battleship.

As for this ancient relic, who can guarantee that it will last longer?

Of course, this thing is an ancient relic after all, and it is the core of this relic at first glance.According to the normal development, there should be some mystic attributes, maybe some extraordinary mystic defenses can be awakened in an emergency?

But what if it can't?
"Stop, stop! You are committing a crime against the universe!" An unknown creature wailed silently again, but it was completely unable to stop the lightsaber sweeping towards the ancient object.

Feifei took a step back just right, as if she was subconsciously frightened.She opened the wide angle of the camera, and just pulled everyone present except herself into the camera.Of course, the moment Yani threw the lightsaber at the ancient training warehouse was also photographed, but was stopped by Judge Xunfeng.

Yamida's movements were not unpleasant, but the movements of the Kuoran judge were even faster.As if he was teleporting, he blocked the path of the lightsaber with a dodge, and spread out his right hand with the plume hanging, as if he was not afraid of the light blade that was coming straight at him.The invisible force field wall has been fully unfolded, and the lightsaber is wrapped in it on the spot.

The invincible lightsaber just stopped in the air as if it had encountered a natural enemy, making it difficult to move forward.

Do not.Not just an inch.In fact, in that invisible field, the sword blade of light has completely dispersed, leaving only many light spots sprinkled into the air, like broken stardust, and the sharp edge is no longer visible.

That is not a shield with a direct effect, it is clearly a more advanced energy decomposition stance.

"Miss Berenkester, what are you doing?" Judge Xunfeng's expression loosened for the first time, and there was finally obvious shock in his tone.

"I told you, this is to not waste each other's time." Yamida laughed loudly, flipped her hand, and found out from nowhere a giant chainsaw with a length of two meters.It's more than a turn bigger than the large chainsaws used to cut giant logs.

Just judging from its shape, it is estimated that the weight of this thing is at least several times the weight of Miss Yamida.However, the eldest lady just lifted it up with one hand, and turned to Judge Xunfeng very impolitely.

The judge remained calm.At this time, apart from remaining calm and calm, he really didn't know what expression to use.

At this time, Yamida had already flipped the switch of the chainsaw, and there was an extremely ear-piercing mechanical roar.The chainsaw should naturally sound like this, but beside the rotating sharp saw teeth, a faint blue light began to flicker and flicker, causing the air to tremble.

This is the disintegrating force field.

The mainstream chainsaw weapons equipped by soldiers from all over the world, it would be nice to have a sharp sawtooth made of alloy, but if they are elite, what they carry is actually a disintegration weapon disguised as a chainsaw.The little girl Edana Ascenti that Yu Lian met at the God of War Festival earlier used this type of triangular shield.

The feathers on Judge Xunfeng's face twitched, at first glance it looked like a bird shaking water again.

Although the disintegrating weapon is powerful, he has seen it a lot, and there are plenty of ways to deal with it.But as a psychic with the sixth ring, he naturally felt the obvious fluctuations of psychic energy on the technological "chainsaw".

This is not a disintegrating chainsaw sword at all, it is clearly a treasure.

But once it comes to treasures, it will be troublesome.No one knows what special properties this kind of thing has, especially a treasure that has never been seen before.

Feifei was stunned as she watched from behind. She always felt that this scene was very familiar to her, so she couldn't help but lowered her voice and complained: "If you can't beat the table, you can call this a fox?"

Hmph, you hypocritical fox, you only see what's on the table and juggle third-rate tricks that don't work.

The real fox, taking advantage of the situation to build up momentum, is majestic and majestic, crushing it majesticly with frontal force!
And my general trend is that I have already determined that this Judge Xunfeng still dare not tear his face.The heir of the Berenkester family has no accidents here, and he can't bear the responsibility.The people behind him can't afford it either!

...Wait, did I just admit that I am a fox?

Immediately, Yamida felt that she had been offended, so she picked up the chainsaw sword without saying a word, and rushed towards the bronze "coffin".

Sure enough, Judge Xunfeng really had a very obvious distress on his face, and he wanted to stop him but was full of hesitation.He had no choice but to spread out the wall of his force field, and then pointed at Yamida.As he made this understatement gesture, the air seemed to freeze, like water vapor evaporated in high temperature.

This is "Law Stop", which is equivalent to a immobilization spell, which can completely deprive the opponent's ability to move for a period of time without leaving any sequelae.It can be called a green and pollution-free high-level method of defeating the enemy.

The judge himself is the "Judger" of the sixth ring, and he has reached the point of perfection in all kinds of psychic combat skills such as laws and words.And more than one party's intelligence can show that the young lady of the Berenkester family is only the "teacher" of the third ring of "wisdom".This is an extremely powerful star ring path that lacks the ability to fight head-on.

Judge Xunfeng believes that if his "law stop" hits Miss Bei's family, there is absolutely no possibility that the other party will be spared.

Even though the eldest lady was skinned like this, as long as she didn't really hurt her, it would be easy to talk in the future.

However, there was only a flash of white light on Miss Berenkester's body, and the power of Yan Ling disappeared immediately.

Judge Xunfeng's beak, which resembled an elephant bird, couldn't help but grinned open, making him look even more simple and clumsy.However, for the Kuoran people, this is their subconscious expression of distress.

The eldest lady of the Berenkester family, among other things, must at least be the best in the galaxy in terms of financial ability.Why isn't she full of all kinds of protective treasures?

Even if Mr. Chief Judge saves up a lifetime of brilliant treasures that he can't afford to buy, he might have a dozen of them on him.

Xunfeng was really helpless.He is confident that with hard power, all the people here combined will definitely not be his opponent.But the reality is that just being a young lady of the Bei family is enough to give him a headache.

Of course, krypton gold players will not be able to overcome the gap in hard power. The gap in combat power between the third ring and the sixth ring is wider than the gap between ants and lions.But the problem is, I really can't kill myself!

Looking at the eldest lady who was rushing towards the "coffin", the chief judge did not use words and laws this time, but gritted his teeth and used spiritual energy to form a "gentle" push.

Facts have proved once again that the more "pure" the attribute of the spiritual skill is, the harder it is to defend against.This time, Miss Yamida was pushed several meters away, staggered a few steps, and fell into the arms of her best friend, the earth girl.

Fortunately, she was just pushed away and didn't hurt her.

But at this time, the hilt of the lightsaber, which had lost its support, fell to the ground with a snap, and was immediately bounced up again.The indestructible sharp light blade flashed out again, leaving a burning scratch on the ground.

"Miss." The three elite bodyguard assistants and secretaries from the alliance saw that the eldest lady seemed to have suffered a bit of a dark loss, and they all quickly showed their weapons, which were magnetic storm gloves, special pistols with missiles, and throwing weapons with concussion and impact functions. stick.

Naturally, the star knights, who have been tempered for thousands of years, must not let the alliance pigs excel, and they all showed their spears.The humming sound of the one-meter-long beam of bright light is daunting to listen to. It is indeed more than the standard of the "rabble" of the alliance, and it is also more exciting.

However, after the weapons were revealed, the two sides were suddenly at a loss.They knew that it was time for them to play themselves, but the question was... who should they fight?
Yamida ignored the two parties, stood up straight from Feifei's arms, and flattened the large chainsaw in her hand.The disintegrating force field stopped working immediately, but two muzzles bounced off the two sides of the saw surface.

"You do it first." Yani said.

"This..." Judge Xunfeng had nothing to say.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you, I will definitely not kill you." Miss Bei showed a sweet smile.Immediately, the muzzle roared and spewed dense blue energy bullets.

Of course the dignified young lady of the Bei family would not talk nonsense.The series of energy bullets blasted out of her gun are obviously stun bullets. Although it can't be said that it is absolutely green and pollution-free and has no after-effects, at least it will not be fatal.

The judge's expression became even more helpless, he could only bow slightly, and deployed a force field shield through the shield generator on his wrist, hiding his even more stooped body under the translucent light barrier.

"Stop!" A certain existence hidden in the dark finally couldn't help shouting.

Fortunately, her voice does not seem to be discovered by everyone.Because before that, the ruins at the scene seemed to be suddenly caught in an earthquake, and the "coffin" in front of them and the space where the whole ruins were located were all trembling violently.

At the same time, in the bronze-colored "coffin" on the opposite side, it seemed that some light-emitting unit that had not been detected before was activated by an unknown force and began to flicker continuously.The mysterious and elegant halo from the inside to the outside, which has survived from ancient times, is like a bronze-like facility full of vicissitudes of life, and it begins to become crystal clear.

Yamida looked at this scene with a little surprise, but a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth again: "It was activated! Why? Is it because of the sudden energy entanglement, or some kind of mechanism triggered by the psychic confrontation? Or, there was someone Manipulating all this behind the scenes?"

Feifei quickly glanced around, she had already buttoned a butterfly dart in her cuff, and then glanced at the connecting part between Yamida's slender and white swan neck and the back of her head, and sneered.

At this time, Judge Xunfeng had already rushed towards the brightening training cabin behind him.At this time, this huge ancient relic has changed from a vicissitudes of bronze wall to a glowing crystal coffin.

There was no hesitation in his actions, and it seemed that he had already expected all of this.

But at this moment, the light escaping from the ancient relic suddenly became thousands of times brighter.The strong light seemed to be accompanied by thunder, and only a "boom" was heard, and Xunfeng, the majestic sixth-ring "judgment officer", was thought to be bounced and flew back upside down.He staggered for several steps before finally standing still, but he looked much more embarrassed than Yani just now.

But at this time, the strong light dimmed again, but cracks appeared on the surface of the cultivation chamber, and then began to crack.In the torn gap, a black figure slowly appeared.

Everyone was attracted by the life in the "ancient relic", but Feifei felt more.At the moment when the training chamber was torn apart, she clearly felt a gloomy and oppressive force flying out of it at that moment, flowing towards the distance, and then there was no sound.

That power didn't disappear, but slipped out of my perception in a way beyond everyone's understanding.

But the disappearing direction is facing the southwest, which is the direction of Crystal City.

Feifei very much hoped that this was just a coincidence, but she didn't dare to have this hope, her face immediately sank.Just as she was about to say something, she suddenly caught a "plop plop" sound in her ears.

That should be a heartbeat.Much slower than a human rhythm, yet much heavier.

"Oh, let me just say it. It really is alive." Yani exclaimed: "But, does this kind of creature actually have a heartbeat?"

"Yamida Senge Berenkester, is this also in your design?"

"No, it's just one of the scenarios I think is going to happen. Sadly, it's not the best. Thankfully, it's not the worst."

"You're selling Mapi! Yani, look at my mouth shape, you're selling Mapi!" Feifei said.

Yamida smiled innocently, expressing that since she couldn't understand, of course she could not hear at all.

Although Feifei wanted to continue scolding, she didn't have much chance.In the crack in the coffin before, a bloodshot eye suddenly opened, the pupils were as dark as an abyss, and it was possible to suck people in and devour them completely at any time.

Immediately afterwards, a bloody smell full of disorder, chaos, madness and hysteria, accompanied by that look, turned into a real sense of oppression, pressing down on everyone in the room like an avalanche.

It's quite a gram scene.Even Yani, who has seen this scene many times, will inevitably arouse physical disgust.As for the rest of them, they have already fallen into a persistent state of sanity.

Of course, Judge Xunfeng was still the first to react.He stared straight at the terrifying eyes with full concentration, and was about to pinch out a spell, but suddenly there was a stabbing pain.

The judge looked at the butterfly dart stuck in the back of his hand in astonishment, lost his composure for the first time, and then was hit by an invisible force field, and flew out for the second time.

Chance!A certain "bad girl" huddled in the crack of the wall thought so.

(End of this chapter)

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