Him and their stars

Chapter 597 This is the beauty of harmonious life

Chapter 597 This is the beauty of harmonious life

For the time being, let's set the time back to 45 minutes ago, that is, the battleship of the blue surprise attack force has not yet entered the low-earth orbit of Sarna, and the attack landing module loaded with more than [-] knights has not launched the airborne.At this time, the "scientific expedition team" composed of three "robots" and one human has already started its twentieth expedition to the ground in the past two weeks.

After the previous nineteen actions, they have finally completed the exploration of more than [-]% of the area of ​​the standard robot factory.

If everything goes well and this formation is completed, the archaeological work of the entire ruins will be considered as a successful completion.

In any case, except for the first time when I vaguely encountered a thing like a virtual ghost quantum ghost, the subsequent work has been safe and sound, and all progress is advancing in an orderly manner.Now, seeing that it was about to be completed, even a "robot" like General Griffith was in a very happy mood.He looked at the single building in front of him that was as big as a sky field, watched the dozen or so unmanned planes he had released scan around the huge oval building, and listened to the data feedback from the terminal. The electronic eyes suddenly shone with a pleasant golden light.

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang~~~" He hummed a very rhythmic electronic voice, it should be regarded as singing, right?It's a pity that there is still no ups and downs in the pronunciation of the electronic stick.

"What an amazing design! When we restore this venue, it will definitely become the most important landmark building in our robot theme park. Thank you for your help, Major Poppas. When the park is completed, I will I will give you a lifetime VIP annual pass."

The vip annual pass, and it is lifetime, sounds very valuable, and it feels like it costs at least six figures.Major Popas was immediately moved when he thought that he had only been fighting for half a month to get such a bargain.He didn't expect at all that the robot theme park must be built in the territory of the Iron Army Complex.But for a little major like him with an ordinary income and little vacation time, how many times in his life will he have the opportunity to go to the Iron Army Complex?
Of course, while he was happy, he still rubbed his hands in embarrassment. He felt that he had received such a heavy gift without being of any help to his life. General Si said: "There is really no need to refuse. This is not money, and it should not violate the laws of your country, but people in Palladium must repay their kindness. Without you, our work would not be so smooth."

Major Popas was indeed more useful than he had imagined.What he played was actually a dragging role.

General Griffith and the others are a bunch of "robots" after all. If they encounter the Quantum Realm ghost that appeared last time, and their mechs are knocked down by high-frequency electromagnetic interference, the powerless main body will not even The mecha cover couldn't even be opened, so he could only wait to die.Of course, in order to avoid this, they naturally carried out all-round maintenance and upgrades in a short period of time.

According to engineering officer Zhan Guo, if it's still an EMP on that channel.They already have countermeasures.

But what if?What if that "ghost" can play other tricks?
In this case, it would be much easier to have one more human like Major Popas.

At least, according to the current psionic theory, the virtual world ghost is between the material and the virtual world, you don't need to pay attention to the other party's existence, or in other words, you can't understand the other party's existence.In the quantum state, it cannot dry out your material existence.

Major Popas, who only went to junior college, really doesn't understand what quantum state is. As long as he doesn't bring too many electromagnetic items, theoretically, the ghost can't hurt him.At a critical moment, he could lift the cover of the mecha and escape with three palladium worms in his arms.

After Yu Lian explained the situation to the major, the other party was still full of confusion, just knowing that he seemed to be useful.

Both Yu Lian and General Griffith said that this kind of confusion is what they want

"It's a pity. Colonel Yu Lian was not here in the last scene. He is a good friend of the people of Pallas, and I really want to witness our last archaeological results with him." General Griffith said again.

The Pallas are indeed a very frank people.Saying this always makes people feel like they are using Major Popas as a backup.Fortunately, the major himself didn't feel offended at all, but asked with great interest: "I've always wanted to ask. General, why do you have to come here?"

General Griffith pondered for a while, and then came: "Oh, this is probably the most beautiful robot factory I have ever seen, heard of, and visited, right?"

"...Is that so?"

"Hahaha, maybe you think I'm a weirdo. But it doesn't matter, major, when our robot theme park is built, you have the opportunity to come a few more times, and you will be able to understand my current mood! Wahahaha, I know , The current mainstream thought has too many misunderstandings about robots, but this is exactly what we are working towards. Wahahahaha.”

General Griffith used an electronic stick to read and laughed loudly, but Major Popas could feel the enthusiasm of the other party, so he also laughed silly. At this time, the latter's communication terminal had already sounded an information prompt.

He found out that the message was sent by Yu Lian, and when he opened it, he couldn't help but let out a "huh".

"What's the matter, Major?" General Griffith asked.

"General, this, Commander Yu Company told me that the Blue Star Knights have really landed on the planet Sarna, and they have already fought against the armored grenadiers of the [-]th Guard Division."

General Griffith's electronic sound flickered: "It's really here."

Although it is still a good reading electronic sound with no ups and downs, it seems that there is still a hint of consternation in it.

That means, you didn't believe that the knights from the blue side would come at first?Major Poppas looked at each other in astonishment.

The general turned his head to the side, looking at Jengo who was operating the drone, and Heros who was standing farther away on guard, as if their mechanical movements were charming.

"Uh, what I mean is, what a coincidence that they came! Wouldn't it be nice to have a few days earlier and a few days later? This way you won't miss anything." The general said, "Does the colonel have any suggestions?" ?”

"He said, if we're not going well here, we can go up and watch the show at any time, ah no, we can go back to observe the battle situation at any time."

"Indeed, the ruins are right here, and I can't run away. But, I'm only one step away from success, so I can't just keep doing my job." The general said of course.

So archaeology is really your job!But is it worthwhile to return home like this?

Major Popas does not seem to be a person who is good at hiding his expression. General Griffith saw his worry at a glance, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I organized this military observation team. The General Committee will also Unconditionally support all my decisions and actions. Of course, isn’t Colonel Yu Lian still there? With the observation report he wrote for me, it can be justified.”

After all, the general used the electronic stick of "Bang Bang Bang" to imitate Mr.

Is it okay to talk about finding a gunman casually?The major really didn't know how to express his position, so he could only giggle a few times "ah ha ha ha".

"However, Major, I know that your officer is very interested in the new tactics of the Astral Knights, and that's why he came here. You can definitely return now."

Then I'll really go... Major Popas seemed to want to say that, and there was an expression of excitement on his face.However, he looked at the huge factory ruins in the back of the deep, like a giant steel tomb in the dark underground.No, it was clearly like a maze made of graves.

Normal people will panic when watching this scene, right?
Indeed, after half a month, he is quite familiar with this maze, even without a navigation system, he can go out with a flashlight.But after all, he is an ordinary human being, not some invincible psychic with unique skills, and in order not to be sent away by emp, he didn't wear power bones, but only wore a relatively light protective suit.

In addition, the vehicle has only one self-balancing car, and the weapon is only a kinetic rifle equipped with a grenade launcher and an anti-armor missile launcher, a pistol, a crystal battle ax and a small dagger.

In fact, this can be regarded as fully armed, but this is not the point.

"I'd better wait for you to finish it, let's go back together." The major said, "I reckon it will take a while longer to mark it."

"You can do whatever you want." The general nodded.At this time, he saw that the scanning drone had already circled the building in a large circle, so he hurriedly ran to Zhan Guo with very brisk steps, and asked, "How is it? Are you sure?"

"Basically, it is certain that this should be the staff dormitory and office building of this robot factory." The engineering officer said.

Major Popas was stunned.He originally thought that such a gorgeous building like a super-large crystal dome should be a control center, an energy center, or a central computer or other tall facilities to be worthy of it.

"The design is really good." General Griffith was amazed: "Although it is a staff dormitory, the internal traffic pipelines are connected to the center of all important factory areas with the best traffic efficiency, and they are also parallel to energy pipelines and mechanical passages. , can be repaired at any time, and in parallel. This is equivalent to constructing three sets of blood circulation for the entire factory area that can be replaced at any time!"

The major said that he didn't quite understand it, and he really didn't understand how well the design was.

"Although I said that, but the general, the pipelines of the entire factory area, and the composition of this giant egg are put together like this, doesn't it look familiar?" Zhan Guo said.

"Does it look familiar?" General Griffith glanced a few more times, but said with a smile: "It may be a kind of harmonious beauty of life. If we say that the entire coordinated robot factory is a living body, the energy center we visited before It is the heart. Then, here is the brain, which also takes on the function of the second heart. It is obviously a factory for the production of artificial tools, but it has the harmonious beauty of life, don’t you think, this is destiny?”

The major felt that he continued to panic, and then quickly squeezed his fist and patted his face.

"Poppas, Poppas, you have to overcome your prejudices! Otherwise, you won't be able to understand robot culture in this life."

The down-to-earth major of the Marine Corps felt that since Yu Lian thought robot culture was interesting, and a psychic master like Master Tantai had no prejudice against it, then it must be a good culture.He must improve his knowledge level and cultural accomplishment!

At this time, the engineering officer Zhan Guo said again: "It's just that this piece can't be swept out."

He pulled out a holographic scan of a dome building, with all the floors, stair rooms and other facilities in it. Maybe even the designer himself could only come up with such a detailed picture.However, the position of the center of the building is very vague, as if covered by a cloud of fog.

"We replaced the robots with new spirit particle scanners last time, even if the formations with mysticism are still in operation, we can still see through them." Zhan Guo said again.

Major Popas probably didn't know what this ordinary-sounding "spirit scanner" represented, so he could only continue listening with a dazed expression.

On the contrary, General Griffith was more calm than his subordinates, and forcibly explained: "The things that show existence are higher than our occult level."

Although it is a forced explanation, it does make sense.Zhan Guo has nothing to say.

"Heros, get your weapons ready. Let's go in." General Griffith said loudly.

Major Popas understood now, and quickly stopped in front of the general: "General, since there is some mystery, why not... um, wait a little longer?"

Waiting for a while meant asking for help from Yu Lian and the others on the ground. To put it bluntly, it was Tantai Jing asking for help.The major felt that it would be fine if there were only ghosts in the virtual realm that he could not understand in this ruins, but if there were more mysterious and profound things, Mr. Tan Taijing would have to invite them to feel safe!
"Major, you don't trust me! After all, I'm a psychic!"

The major thought to himself, I really can't trust you since the last time you were bombarded with a single move, but I can only keep smiling at this time.

"However, your worry is justified. When it comes to robots, Colonel Yu Lian can't do it, but when it comes to psychic power, I can't do it. Let alone Master Tantai." General Griffith said helplessly: "It's just that they are observing the war, so we can't trouble them now, can we?"

"We can wait for the war to end." Heros said, "Anyway, the officer now has a stomachache when he hears something mysterious and mysterious. Why don't you take risks alone?"

"You are a robot, why do you have a stomachache?"

"I am Palla, General."

"The Pallas have no belly. As a soldier of the Iron Army, you must not be afraid. Commander Heros."

"Even robots have fears. How can you revive robot culture if you don't admit it, General Griffith."

It seems that Commander Heros was overwhelmed by the virtual ghost he encountered on his first expedition, and he began to confront Griffith face to face.Of course, this is also due to the culture of the Palladium people.As long as it is not a death order that absolutely needs to be executed, Pallarians who are willing to express their feelings frankly actually like to hate their bosses.

At this time, Zhan Guo hurriedly smoothed things over: "We can wait for the end of the battle above before asking for support."

General Griffith looked at the gate of the dome building, finally sat down with difficulty, and sighed helplessly: "Okay, just wait. But, when will this wait? Waste of time, for the robot It is a crime that tears the soul!"

The way the general expresses his helplessness is to lengthen the electronic sound of the rod reading, so it looks more like a dying robot that is about to lose power.For a while, Major Poppas really felt a little sympathetic.

"How about I ask Commander Yu Lian again..."

He had just opened his mouth, but there was an earthquake without warning in the huge underground space, and the ground suddenly had an obvious fluctuation like a water wave.

Major Popas was caught off guard and fell off his balance bike, but was fortunately held by General Griffith.

By the time he recovered from the dizziness just now, the vibration in the ground had completely stopped.Thinking about it carefully, the "earthquake" seemed to last for less than a second.

But at this time, the three "robots" of the iron army complex had already formed a triangular defensive posture, surrounded themselves in the center, and showed various weapons.

He looked intently, but there were already countless translucent phantoms in his direction, emerging from the darkness.They seemed to be evil ghosts crawling out of hell, and they rushed towards the defense where they were.

Major Poppas suddenly felt as if he was experiencing a horror story from his childhood, and immediately trembled.And at this moment, he suddenly felt that his eyes hurt, as if something was about to break through his eye sockets and rush out.

His painful low growl was completely covered by the dense gunfire.

General Griffith and his friends have opened fire.

(End of this chapter)

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