Him and their stars

Chapter 598 Tie Jun will never be defeated by the same trick

Chapter 598 Tie Jun will never be defeated by the same trick

At that moment, Major Poppas felt that his soul was about to break through the shackles of his eye sockets.The heavy pain made it difficult for him to restrain himself, and he almost lost consciousness.He finally howled uncontrollably, like a beast caught in a trap.

General Griffith and his friends have noticed the state of their human friend.In fact, they also carried mental calming injections, but it was too late to inject Popas at this time.The moment the ground started to vibrate just now, a large amount of energy responses appeared on their radar projection screen, densely packed like wasps that suddenly rushed over.

Rao's breathing system has been simplified, and General Griffith still wants to hide in the mech to take a breath of cold air.

"This is not a virtual ghost." Heros said in a firm tone.

"Yes, if it is really a virtual quantum ghost, our biological signal radar will not be able to catch it." Zhan Guo said.

"However, they must not be normal life." Heros said again: "I have never seen such a cloud-like life."

"Who said you haven't seen it, you participated in the battle to wipe out the crystal cluster last time."

"It's still not certain that those are life... Well, at least I have never seen such a creature on the surface of the planet, and I have never heard of it." Heros said.

General Griffith sighed: "The universe is huge, we robots can be life, who said that life must be a carbon-based concept? Crystal life has already appeared in the universe, and then energy composition The living body is also understandable."

"We are still carbon-based creatures..." Heros said.

However, just when the commander and the general started to fight each other again, they all switched their weapon shooting mode to energy winding mode one after another.

In less than a second, Zhan Guo and Heros scattered more than two hundred molecules in all directions.These are not steel nail boys who kill the enemy through kinetic energy, but have electromagnetic interference warheads added to their warheads.The bullet exploded in the void, the air began to tremble, and then a magnetic storm phenomenon was formed.

Those translucent phantoms trembled in the entanglement of the magnetic storm, and the invisible shadows seemed even thinner.

"The attack works!"

"Okay!" General Griffith said: "Take Major Popas and we will retreat to the exit. Also, report to the imperial garrison that we have encountered an unnatural phenomenon here and hope to get support."

However, both Heros and Zhan Guo sent a request for help to the planetary garrison of Sarna, but they were not connected.Of course you don't know them, because the battle started on the side of the training ground, and the situation that also happened on the Lord's Canyon side, immediately made the Lord Sarna and the Public Security Bureau of the Administrative Office stretched, and suddenly There was no one to deal with General Griffith's call.

At this time, Major Popas finally recovered from the severe pain just now.He touched his eyes subconsciously, and was extremely thankful that his eyes were still intact.Thinking about it carefully, although the excruciating pain just lasted only three or four seconds, it seemed to have gone through three or four centuries.

Thinking about it now, he actually survived such pain, and suddenly felt like a world away.

However, there is no time to experience this feeling now. As soon as Major Popas regained consciousness, he only saw the lightning chain formed by the magnetic storm as if forming a deadly energy network, beating violently at the top of the arc.The howling phantom danced on the edge of the power grid with claws and teeth, like a ghost that just crawled out of hell.

As a professionally trained Major Popas, it stands to reason that he should not be afraid at any time, but he still has goose bumps all over his body.

"Is this the so-called Phantom of the Quantum Realm?" He repeated the awkward word not very proficiently.

"It's hard to say, anyway, it's not the same as what we encountered when we first went to the ground." General Griffith said: "I think this should be a creature in the sense of energy, and it is important for the biological research of all human beings." Instructive. Major, we are making history!"

Major Poppas didn't feel at all that he was making history, but rather that he was getting closer to being a part of it.

"However, did you feel something in the state just now?"

"Feel, this..."

"That's right, your behavior just now seemed to be a reaction to some kind of mental shock. This situation is indeed extremely dangerous, but as long as you can survive it, you may be able to awaken your psionic power. I heard that some time ago you were I learned some exercises of fitness and meditation with Mr. Tantai, which should be some basics. How is it? During the pain just now, did you feel some higher-level calls, did you feel some inexplicable sense of power? .This may have something to do with those energy monsters in front.”

Major Popas thought hard for a few seconds, then his face collapsed: "No, nothing."

General Griffith's electronic eyes flickered, and he said comfortingly: "It seems that you have no fate with psionic power. It's okay, it's not a problem. Ninety-nine point ninety-nine percent of the creatures in this world are related to psionic powers. If there is no fate, you can still live bravely.”

The major always felt that the other party's consolation was a bit awkward, but he still accepted the other party's kindness calmly.

"Don't worry, although there are many enemies, they are not a big threat at the moment. Let's kill them first, and then talk about the follow-up. Did you bring a magnetic storm bomb?"

"You reminded me." Major Popas grinned: "And I put two boxes of spare magazines here with Mr. Jango."

Although the major felt that his brain and eyes were still aching, but it didn't affect his actions and battles anymore, so he replaced the multifunctional rifle in his hand with a special magnetic storm bullet with a quick movement, and then joined the shooting ranks—he is now The firearm used is the T24 multi-functional automatic rifle equipped by the Empire for stormtroopers and panzergrenadiers. It has all the advantages of weapons produced by the Empire. The gun body is hard, full-featured, powerful and accurate. The problem is that it can be called a perfect individual weapon, which is so much higher than the C series of the community.

The fighting literacy of the three "robots" and one human was above the average level. In addition, all preparations had been made long ago, and they fought and retreated, so they retreated from the encirclement without any danger. The armored vehicles on the square accelerated towards the entrance of the underground palace and fled.

But at this time, the "energy monsters" coming from all directions-let's use this word to call them-still poured out like a tide.

In just two minutes, there were at least tens of thousands of these translucent unknown moving objects in Major Popas' sight.

At this time, he could no longer think of the legendary stories he heard when he was a child, but directly thought of the zombie movies made by the alliance.The densely packed action pattern like that of marching ants is indeed very easy to cause people's normal physiological aversion and stress panic.

However, after all, there are three "robot" comrades beside him, and his mentality is quite calm. Now he has taken over the blaster cannon on the armored vehicle and strafed the rear.

The red light beam slammed into the transparent ghosts, always bringing about a more intense energy reaction, and then dissipated and collapsed.

"Remember, energy weapons have added lethality to this energy creature." General Griffith said to Jango.

"Uploaded to our ship in low earth orbit," said the engineering officer.

"Very well, then there is nothing to fear," said General Griffith.

The implication is that even if everyone dies here, it can be regarded as contributing to the civilization of the galaxy.

"I don't want to die! I want to marry a wife!" Major Popas said loudly, and the blaster cannon in his hand tilted the crimson beam at the surging ghost army at a speed of over 1000 rounds per minute. The dead and silent factory area was illuminated with blood red.

And just when the armored vehicle was hundreds of meters away from the passage leading to the ground, the major's terminal directly rang the call notification tone this time.

The major subconsciously chose to connect, and then Yu Lian's voice sounded.

"Hello? Major? Can you hear that? The knights from the blue team have arrived, do you know? My old friend Shameen led the team himself. The fight here is as intense as it is! You missed it..."

"It's more intense here! Sir, come and help!" Major Popas saw the ghost approaching ten meters from the armored vehicle, and couldn't help shouting.

"Fierce?" Yu Lian's voice over there was a little puzzled.

"Yes, it's haunted!" replied the major, even louder.

He still doesn't know what is called a quantum ghost in the virtual world or what is an energy body creature, so he can only convey the information in the most concise way.Major Poppas felt that the other party must be able to understand.

However, before waiting for Yu Lian's response over there, there seemed to be some changes in the numerous ghosts on the opposite side.A very conspicuous blue energy light group floated out from behind the "ghosts".

In Popas' view, that thing was like an energy cannonball fired by an ion cannon, but now it floated over like a balloon, which seemed extremely deliberate.

Major Popas was thinking about whether to hit this thing with a blaster machine gun a few times, but there was a harsh electronic noise in his ears, which made him grin on the spot.Immediately afterwards, the communication connection between him and Yu Lian was cut off on the spot.

"The emp shock wave is approaching! It's the one from last time!" Zhan Guo said loudly.

The major's heart suddenly rose.If that kind of shock wave really blows up General Griffith and the others again, there is absolutely no possibility of him surviving alone.

But at this time, I heard the general had already stood up, and the flashing red light on the side of the armor suddenly turned into a warmer blue light.It stood up from the open-air cockpit of the armored vehicle, and four slingshot-like brackets bounced from its arms, throwing four metal projectiles into the air.

"The general of the Iron Army Union will never be harmed by the same means." He roared loudly.

The metal projectile exploded on the spot with a "boom", turning into thousands of tiny steel balls, and immediately entangled with the suddenly bursting electric arc, forming a flickering electric cage, like a shield covering the Everyone heads.

With a burst of crackling electric lights, the major felt that everything he could see through the goggles was in a trance for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, even a large area of ​​translucent "ghosts" seemed to be baptized by the holy light, and more than half of them disappeared immediately.

It's just that the strange energy group floating in the air like a balloon still exists, and it's even much larger, and it seems to be slowly condensing into a human form.

And at this moment, as if all the power had been taken out of the armored vehicle everyone was looking for, it let out a sad whine, and then lay down on the spot.

The chassis of the vehicle was directly attached to the ground, causing Major Poppas to almost bite his tongue.

This is, the engine of the armored vehicle was destroyed by the EMP shock wave?

The major quickly thought of this possibility, and hurriedly rolled over and got out of the car with his gun in hand.If General Griffith and the others followed in their footsteps, he was the only one who had the ability to resist at this time... Although there were many dangers, he could only just get up.

But before he stood up straight, a huge figure like an iron tower stood in front of him, it was General Griffith.

"As I said, I will never be brought down by the same method!" General Griffith said.

"But our car is still gone." Heros said: "The communication with the outside world has also been interrupted."

"Anyway, our armor is fine." Zhan Guo said.

General Griffith pretended not to hear: "After suffering a big loss last time, I have long wanted to see how divine this guy is! Even if it is to learn about new life forms, I must never let him go .”

"I don't think this is a good idea." Heros said, "We were instantly killed by it last time. Although the corresponding EMP countermeasure facility is prepared this time, who knows if it has other terrible means."

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, we have already notified the observation post, and we should be on our way. Anyway, I am also a psyker. As long as I am prepared, I should be able to delay Colonel Yu and Master Tantai to arrive. Oh , Yes, just to be on the safe side...Major, open the shell of my cockpit."

Major Popas only felt that he was very tired, but he still opened the cockpit of the general's mecha, and immediately revealed his half-rounded head.

General Griffith suddenly felt that he had been injected with burning fighting power, and stretched out his mechanical arm again, making a provocative gesture towards the gathering light group: "Come on, the legendary Void Quantum Phantom! The biology community of the galactic civilization has found a new topic, come and fight."

Although the electronic stick reading with no ups and downs can still be used, the scene ignites inexplicably.

"We can all see him now." Heros said, "So this thing may be virtual, but it must not be quantum."

"This is indeed the truth." Zhan Guo said.

It's really tiring and I can't understand it at all.Poppas said to himself.

At this time, the energy group that had already condensed into a human form had been twisted into a hideous military officer, and roared wildly towards the combination of three "robots" and a human being.

Its roar didn't make any sound that could be directly caught by the ears, but Major Popas only felt as if his face was covered by a gust of wind, and he couldn't even breathe for a long time.

And a hundred meters behind him, at the exit of the tunnel leading to the ground, the alloy porch that has existed for hundreds of years and is still strong, seems to have been corroded by invisible acid, and it has completely decayed in an instant. The process of decay and even collapse.

In this way, three "robots" and a human were sealed in the underground ruins, facing an unknown virtual monster alone.

Of course, if they knew that at the same moment, there was a group of people facing the same situation in the Lord's Canyon thousands of kilometers away from them, their mentality might be better.

(End of this chapter)

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