Him and their stars

Chapter 599 Ancient?

Chapter 599 Ancient?

Yes, almost at the same moment, in the Lord Canyon in the depths of the Great Impulse Plain more than a thousand kilometers away from the remains of the standard robot factory, and in the deep ruins of Pinghu Lake in the valley more than [-] meters above the ground, the person who just The monster that woke up from the bronze "coffin" also let out a silent roar.

Until this time, it has not completely emerged from the "coffin" where it is.However, before the real body fully revealed itself, the crazy roar had already roared out, forming a
In an instant, the entire ancient ruins fell into a collapsed state that was about to fall apart.

Whether it was the artificial light track tunnel or the space channel of the mystical structure, they all collapsed at the same time.

Of course, none of this mattered to Miss Amida Berenkester.

"Write it down?" she asked the assistant secretary and bodyguard trio.

"Remember, what do you remember?" The three of them fell into confusion.

"That guy used Phoenix Speech, and a psionic skill called 'Silent Battle Cry'. Judging from the spirit vibration just now, it should be the 'Empty Shock' of Sequence 12." Feifei said.

"Did you see it? What is a profession?" Yani expressed such meaning to her useless assistants with her eyes, which immediately made them hang their heads in embarrassment.

Probably because he was worried that he would lose this lucrative and promising job, Secretary A carefully distinguished: "But, how could such a silent battle cry appear here? This, this is completely unreasonable!"

"What doesn't conform to common sense doesn't mean it won't happen. When will you learn to analyze the situation based on the on-site problems!" Yani said angrily: "Look at Judge Xunfeng over there, didn't you see that he was full of three views?" A subversive expression of collapse?"

"It's like knowing that my goddess is actually a little bitch?" Feifei asked.

"Yes, it's as if I just found out that my goddess is a bitch. Oh, this description is really appropriate." Yani laughed haha, and then felt that something was wrong: "Little owl, you can speak well. Are you there? Has this side been exposed in front of you?"

"In front of him, even if I curse, I am very elegant. Women are born with acting skills."

"He is the Chief Investigating Judge and also a 'Judge'. He is an expert in speech and spirituality. No one here understands silent battle cries better than him! His reaction already speaks for itself."

The trio of bodyguards A, secretary B and assistant C were already a little bit overwhelmed. They really couldn't read any micro-expressions from Judge Xunfeng's feathered eyes or hexagonal face.

Of course, the micro-expressions cannot be read, and Judge Xunfeng's state can still explain some problems.Just now, when cracks appeared in the "Giant Cultivation Ming", he had already rushed towards the bloodshot eyes that could easily make people lose their sanity, and he opened his hands, and a power door appeared in each of them Impact crutches.

The arms of this weapon are more than one meter long, and the half near the handle is already as thick as the big arm of an adult man, and the other half is even close to the thigh.Just looking at the impact of this thing's appearance, it seems to be able to knock open the city gate.

As the chief investigator and judge, Xunfeng is of course also a master at using the spiral shock abduction.However, because of his superb speech and law ability as a "judge", many people ignore this point.

However, the big guy in the "coffin" obviously doesn't look like a master who can be dealt with by Yan Ling. In comparison, the most direct physical attack is more useful, right?

But I saw that the psionic energy wrapped around the body, turned into a spiral storm, and there were even traces of electric arcs entangled in it.

Both Yani and Feifei had no doubt that the two crutches in Xunfeng's hands were so thick that they could be used as piercing cones.

However, before the judge's crutch hit the aggressive big eyeball, the silent roar of the unknown monster had already sounded.

Judge Xunfeng, who was close at hand, really didn't expect it, and then his face was blurred by the silent but not formless psionic impact.

He is too familiar with this kind of spiritual fluctuation. Although he can't study it himself, he has also pondered countermeasures and subconsciously launched a defensive formation in the spiritual field.

The scariest thing about the word spirit is not its additional attributes, but the damage to the spirit.Judge Xunfeng understood this very well, and almost made the choice instinctively.

Just like that, he was hit by the soundless vibration, and even his crutches flew upside down like a discord kite with a broken string, and hit a heavy ion cutter that had just been installed on the spot.The minivan-sized, priceless precision instrument collapsed like a cheap building block.

Although Judge Xunfeng lay in the pile of ruins and couldn't get up for a long time, the injuries he suffered were not serious.However, when he was directly hit by the words, his mind kept buzzing like tinnitus.

Fortunately, he completed the defense at the critical moment, and the mental damage was not light, but it was not irreversible.However, his hexagonal crystal-like eyes seemed to be fogged up, and he was a little absent-minded for a while.

What Yani said is correct, Mr. Chief Judge has indeed judged that it was the "Silent War Cry" that attacked him just now, and he has indeed suffered a considerable degree of mental shock, not the feedback received between the attack and defense of mental abilities. It is a dimensionality reduction blow from the dignity level.

"Silent Battle Roar", the spiritual combat skill of the word spirit system called "Phoenix Word Spirit" scientifically, belongs to the secret esoteric teachings of the imperial court and belongs to the property of the Chenxi royal family.As for the courtiers of the empire, only when they become knight commanders and occasionally make great contributions, the royal family will hold their noses and pass on the next sequence or two, and they will never pass it on again.

Although Xunfeng is the chief investigator and judge, he is neither a knight commander nor a nobleman, nor even a human being.Although he is an expert in speech and spirit, he can only see but not "touch", and he can't learn every move.But now, an unknown ancient monster knows the profound truth that he can meet but not seek.This kind of blow is indeed equivalent to a dog licking without complaint or regret, knowing that his goddess is a bitch, and she can't even qualify for green tea.

What a shame!The Judge, who was lying in a pile of mechanical ruins and couldn't get up for a while, was asking the sky speechlessly, probably thought so.

Feifei looked at the chief judge who was bombarded with a blow, although she was a little sympathetic, but she wanted to laugh more, so she really laughed.

To knock down a six-ring psyker who has completed the defense with one blow, it should not be a 12-sequence air shock, but a 24-sequence clear call.she thinks.

"The power of the air shock is limited, it should be the clear air call of Sequence 24." Yamida said in a firm tone.

"The point is, the clear call of Sequence 24 also has the function of long-distance sound transmission. Is this guy answering with something? In addition, since it is a monster that appeared from an ancient ruin, why does it understand the empire's spiritual power? I remember that the phoenix speech ability is only [-] years old, and it is a psychic combat skill developed by the "Phoenix" Yi Wenna."

"Yes, it is characterized by a large sound wave. The hearing of normal creatures and most instruments cannot capture its sound waves, but it does exist. In addition, the 49 sequences have different effects and can handle almost all battles Scene." Feifei nodded: "Of course, it is impossible for ancient monsters to understand the modern language. Of course, it is also possible that Emperor Yiwenna is trying to gain fame. It is obviously a secret book dug out of a grave, so it must be self-created."

As for the other possibility, it is of course self-evident.

"Has Earl Salvin mastered the silent battle cry?" Yani asked.

"This, this, there is no such record in our intelligence." Secretary A bit the bullet and said: "Well, the silent battle cry belongs to the royal secrets! It doesn't mean that it must be a member of the royal family above the fourth ring and a knight commander. Are you qualified to study? Including the last Yavidayit, the Salvin family has only produced five star knights in the past, and no one has ever been a knight commander!"

"But the facts are no longer in line with the information, sir." Yamida said angrily, "Aren't there still few examples of the so-called secret classics from the Ethereal Temple and the imperial family in the past dynasties?"

"That's right, haven't the cries of the sea and whales from your Berenkester family spread the word?" Feifei added from the side.

Yani rolled her eyes concealedly.At this time, she naturally thought of someone who used the secret psionic martial arts of the Babei family to take the lead when "one rider is worth a thousand" at the God of War Festival.

"It doesn't matter if it's rumored, gentlemen, but from the very beginning, you have decided that you can't spread it as a mindset, and that is our dereliction of duty, gentlemen." Miss Bei continued to say to her subordinates: "We have dereliction of duty, gentlemen! "

Secretary A, bodyguard B, and assistant C feel as if they are mourning, always feeling that they will be fired by the eldest lady in the next second.

Feifei interjected a bit reluctantly: "Also. Didn't it say that only life born naturally can have psionic power? In other words, isn't this a modified biochemical monster?"

"This statement itself lacks evidence and logic. It is more like the paranoia of mental cleanliness." Yani said: "I personally think that psionic power should only be related to the intelligence of creatures. However, the ones we have created so far All life lacks intelligence."

Feifei felt that she might also be what this guy called a "spiritual clean freak".Anyway, for this kind of person, everything can be deconstructed, and there is no elusive sanctity, so it's no wonder why she and Yu Lian hit it off so much.

All in all, the moment this monster, whether it was ancient or modern, emerged from the petri dish, it gave everyone present a big blow.It used the power of "Air Shock 12", which caused a silent earthquake in the shortest possible time.

The tunnel at the bottom of the lake that the imperial engineers finally dug through day and night was severely damaged in the first place.The tunnel body is like an ant nest that has been trampled flat, and there is no gap left in an instant.The alloy and concrete that fixed the tunnel were as fragile as the fine sand on the seashore.

Several technicians who were caught off guard were buried in the tunnel together with their small train, which was more or less ominous.

Compared with the physical damage to the tunnel, the metaphysical damage to the space channel is more intuitive.Even Feifei could only feel the extremely destructive fluctuations of spiritual energy sweeping past her, like a gust of wind that was advancing.Immediately afterwards, the light at the entrance of the space was like a candle in a strong wind, which twitched a few times with difficulty and then went out.

She didn't even have time to stop it, let alone Yani.Of course, the latter didn't seem to have expected this effect, and the two willow-leaf eyebrows were about to knit into the shape of a sword blade.

Feifei thinks it's okay, the space door is closed and the tunnel collapsed, but it doesn't mean everyone will be trapped.In comparison, she was more worried about the spiritual fluctuations that spread in all directions but then disappeared and escaped at the moment when the monster woke up.

Considering that the guy just released a Sequence 24 clearance call, the connection inside is a bit scary when you think about it carefully. Feifei wanted to inform Yu Lian, but found that the communication terminal had lost contact with the outside world long ago.Not to mention Yu Lian who was in Crystal City, even the base on the shore could no longer be contacted.

... Well, even the space gate is destroyed, it is too easy to disturb the electromagnetic waves of communication.

I'd better find a way to get out first.Feifei thought, there are monsters in the territory of the empire, what does it have to do with me, an ordinary earthling?
While thinking about it, Feifei backed away slowly at a pace that no one could notice, and looked at Yani again.If it doesn't prevent me from running away, I can find a way to take this "white-haired fox" away by the way.

"Free attack!" Brigadier General Ostana Barr gave this order to the Star Knights and the soldiers present, while she took a step back, trying to stay away from the target.

Although she is also a psychic, she is really not good at fighting.

The imperial military force on the scene, in addition to the four star knights brought by Ostana, there is also a squad of guard soldiers.They all raised their rifles and shot towards the black gap.

And before they pulled the trigger, the star knights had already reacted.They lowered the atomic light spear horizontally.The lance of light condensed by the deadly destructive light continued to flicker.The bright arrow of light broke away from the spearhead, and hit the suspected ancient relic like a cannonball.

Really!This is the territory of the star knights, I can't do it for me.

Feifei continued to back away, slowly approaching the collapsed tunnel entrance.If you want to get away, it should be the best place.

But at this moment, the huge "metal cabinet" finally fell apart.It wasn't blasted by the star knights with their light spears, but it was clearly pushed apart by the monster inside.

Until this time, everyone still couldn't see the whole picture of its body, but could see that its body was constantly inflating like an inflated ball, and it directly knocked away the training chamber that was restraining itself on the spot.More than a dozen of those restrained eyes have been opened, covering every part of its body.

Feifei guessed right, it was definitely not a transformed monster, it had a very meditative and even humanized spirituality.However, it's all negative.

Crazy, bloodthirsty, greedy, and tyrannical emotions seem to be so wanton, as if they have already materialized into a suffocating mist, lingering on its body, making its body no longer real.

Feifei pursed her lips and frowned physiologically.

She felt that it was a bit too irresponsible to leave this thing behind.

At this moment, I saw that Judge Xunfeng, who was lying on his stomach just now, jumped up and shouted: "Don't let him go out, otherwise this planet will suffer a catastrophe. The lives and deaths of more than [-] million civilians are at stake right now." It's in our hands! Everyone, let's put aside our differences and fight the enemy together."

Probably because the strong sense of presence of this giant beast has already carried the audience, everyone did not notice that a "water snake" has slowly crawled to the side of the giant under the cover of the aura and the burning ruins , like a leech hiding beside an elephant.

"Hurry up and fight, it's better to fight harder. That's how I can get started!"

"Water Snake" said to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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