Him and their stars

Chapter 600 That should be a tentacle

Chapter 600 That should be a tentacle
Probably because Judge Xunfeng's attitude was too taken for granted, all the people present, who belonged to...uh, I don't know how many parties they belonged to, fell into a short-term confusion.

But at this time, behind the dense fog, a huge arm has fallen down, and the palm alone seems to be as big as a ping-pong table.It looked like the arm of a gorilla with all its fur stripped off but densely covered with scales, but it was thicker and stronger than the African elephant's thigh.The five fingers are thick but have considerable strength, but there are sickle-like claws hanging from the tips of the fingers.

This huge palm slammed on the ground as if stepping on a cockroach, crushing several imperial soldiers who hadn't had time to dodge under the palm on the spot.The giant hand did not show any mercy, and even pressed it hard a few times, and blood immediately left from the gap in the palm.

The eyes of several star knights present were red.Of course they didn't care about the deaths of a few ordinary soldiers.But Xiaobing died in front of them in a horrible way, which was clearly an extreme insult.

However, before the knights of the star realm could react, they heard a loud shout: "Naughty beast! Don't hurt people!"

Judge Xunfeng jumped up from the ground, and as soon as he jumped up, there was a bit of wind and thunder in his roar.There are two battering ram-like impact crutches in his hand, and there are actually two shooting ports protruding from the hammer head part of the front end of the crutch for impact.Accompanied by the sound of mechanical rotation, hundreds of bullets were obviously special bullets equipped with high-explosive warheads and armor-piercing warheads, and they hit the monster's body overwhelmingly, and immediately included it In the flames of the explosion.

Well, the impact crutch is a standard weapon distributed to the judges by the empire, but it allows the judges to modify it according to their own needs.A chief judge like Judge Xunfeng has little power but a noble status, and he can still accumulate some contacts.It's not too difficult to find a master craftsman who customizes weapons for the children of wealthy families, and install two Gatling doors in his shock abduct.

However, it stands to reason that the unknown monster launched a fog-like barrier at the beginning. Although the effect is unknown, it must have the nature of a spiritual shield.It stands to reason that it should not be so easy to be injured by ordinary bullets.

But in fact, before the judge shot, he activated the speech spirit again.Through his own spiritual power, Xunfeng completed the structural connection in his soul, and he whispered with a voice that only he could hear: "Liu Huo!"

The spiritual factors he spilled into the air began to change from invisible to tangible, and just like that, within the range of everyone's naked eyes, they turned into chains that seemed to be made of blue flames, and suddenly pressed towards the dense fog down.

When the blue fire and the gray mist collided, the former immediately took the upper hand.The palpitating mist dissipated a lot immediately, gradually revealing the figure of the giant beast.

It was a hill of flesh and blood wrapped in scales, carapaces, and feathers. Although it had the characteristics of countless animals, in terms of shape, it didn't have the slightest resemblance to any animal that everyone had seen.

That's all.But if there are hundreds of large and small eyes densely covered on the body of this grotesque meat mountain, the big ones can easily fit a truck, and the small ones are the size of a gong, then its image will be too provocative to the aesthetics of normal people It's already close to the category of spiritual pollution.

No, there were a few ordinary soldiers who were very close, and they looked into the eyes of one of them, and they screamed on the spot.

Fortunately, the so-called "spiritual pollution" is only an adjective at present, but it does not really deprive everyone present of their sanity.Even the few soldiers who were so frightened that they screamed did not completely collapse. On the contrary, they were very embarrassed, gnashing their teeth and constantly pulling the trigger at the monster, as if they were venting their anger.

"Natural... creatures?" Feifei looked at Yamida with a half-smile.

Indeed, if there are creatures that can naturally evolve into this virtue, the environment they live in must be tragic.Yamida just shrugged her shoulders indifferently: "So, I said it's all metaphysics."

After thinking about it, she added: "Of course, this guy may also be a creature of the void. The things there are very strange, you understand."

"I don't understand. I haven't seen it anywhere except in books." Feifei sneered and said, "Of course I'm no better than you who are well-informed."

Yani also laughed: "However, all monsters that enter the real world from the imaginary world will have a quantum state process. Using the metaphysical rhetoric of the psyker, it is full of a sense of disobedience and surreal sense of nothingness. This guy Not at all."

Feifei nodded.She can actually be [-]% sure that this is a product of the material world.

"In addition, I admit that I do often go to the Void Realm, and I went with him the most recent time."

"Hey, Miss White-haired Fox, are you sure it's a good idea to provoke me at this time?" Feifei smiled instead of anger: "Aren't all wise men the type to plan before acting?"

"Please be sure to understand me. Miss Owl, I am analyzing the life composition of this guy right now. If you are under a lot of pressure, you will try to divert your attention by talking nonsense." Miss Yamida said: "In order to expand the galaxy civilization The boundaries of knowledge, you have to be patient! This is for the foundation of the temple of knowledge!"

"It turns out that I can only accept being provoked by you. Can I add bricks and tiles to the temple of knowledge? Then bury the head of a wise man in a concrete pillar, such a temple will be more majestic, right?"

"Yes, it's as majestic as the orange cat's chest and butt! A three-legged stand requires balance! Whoever strikes first and backstabs first is an idiot!"

"You little bitch, don't get carried away! When will I have a tripartite relationship with you?"

Of course, no matter what, Feifei won't do anything now, and Yamida knows that the other party won't do anything, and the two humiliated each other for several minutes, and at this juncture, Yamida is also constantly scanning with the omniscient goggles The opponent's body is trying its best to collect cellular information.

It's a pity that she can't connect to the central computer of the battleship in low earth orbit, and she can't get in touch with the country directly. Now she can only use her brain to temporarily analyze the torrent of information sent by the goggles .

Now, the brain of the genius girl of the Berenkester family is like a cpu that has started to run at a high load, running in the most efficient way all the time.

She was able to free up a mouth to fight with Feifei. In a sense, it was also a kind of heat dissipation.

Just when she entered the analysis mode, the blue fire created by Judge Xunfeng had already dispelled most of the gray spiritual fog.

In short, whether this thing is a naturally bred rare beast or a genetic monster adjusted by the ancients, anyway, its spiritual energy shield has already produced a violent neutralization reaction with the Liuhuoyanling suppressed by Judge Xunfeng.

And at this moment, Judge's bullet also passed through the gap created by the neutralization of the shield, and hit its body.

Apparently, its body surface was not as strong as imagined. The armor-piercing bullets with added material pierced through its scales and feathers, causing constant explosions on the surface of the flesh and blood.It was as if hundreds of ignited firecrackers were instantly inserted into the surface of the giant beast. With the incessant explosions, pieces of burning meat rolled out continuously, and the scene immediately became tense. There was a pungent smell.

It was really an indescribable smell, as if dead meat soaked in formalin for eighteen years had been boiled in sulfuric acid.Several soldiers and technicians at the scene who had no time to put on their masks suddenly showed painful expressions, holding their necks and couldn't even breathe. It should be that the respiratory organs have been quite damaged.

"Save people." Yamida continued to cosplay the central analysis computer, and at the same time instructed the trio of bodyguard assistants and secretaries.

The leader of the trio is the Argonian bodyguard A who just wanted to say something like "My duty is to protect you", but the latter added: "Anyway, in such an occasion, you can't help others. I'm busy."

The trio was a little injured, but the strongest of them was the third ring of bodyguard A, and the other two were only "civilian personnel" with two rings. Their hard power might be similar to that of the star knights on the opposite side, but they didn't carry anything. Heavy equipment.

Their most efficient action now is indeed just to save people.

Under the watchful eyes of the eldest lady, the trio rushed forward with their own shields, and quickly left with the help of the wounded who had lost their mobility.Although they don't know where to put the seriously injured to be safe, at least they know that the farther they are from the monster, the safer they will be.

The star knight with the atomic light spear has already launched a charge with the addition of the halo ability of one of his companions.

The human knight who rushed to the front even rushed to the front of the monster without any risk, brandishing a spear and stabbing one of the monster's eyes.

It's a pity that this guy has too many eyes.So many people don't even know if this can be regarded as his visual organ.

Normal creatures, even dragon species, would respond to such damage to some extent.However, in Feifei's spiritual perception, she had clearly sensed a vast and terrifying soul like an abyss, but she failed to perceive any emotional fluctuations.

In other words, from the very beginning, that emotion was boiling like a steaming sea of ​​flames, even if a bunch of bombs were thrown in, there would be no essential difference.

However, looking at the current situation, it seems that even if I don't make a move, the problem is not too big, right?
Feifei scanned the surrounding situation seriously, and made up her mind to catch fish.Anyway, her current (public identity) is the "control" of the second ring, and she can't face the enemy head-on, isn't it normal?
She just took a few steps back, ready to look at the situation of the collapsed tunnel, but then she saw another person who was approaching this way, and it was Brigadier General Ostana Barr.

This Miss Brigadier General, who looked more like a high school Chinese teacher, smiled and nodded at Feifei again very calmly, straightened her collar, and said solemnly: "I am really not good at fighting."

"Then are you going to recruit some people who are good at fighting?" Feifei laughed.

"It's still a bit difficult." Miss Ostana Barr showed a distressed expression for the first time: "We are the ones who are best at fighting this week. Of course, those who are participating in the exercise in Crystal City However, this honorary mission military exercise is, after all, the first important job His Highness has accepted since he became an adult. No matter what, we must not let this local legal situation mess up the exercise!"

It was only then that Feifei remembered that this lady general also had the status of King Suliuka's retainer.Indeed, if the "Glory Mission" military exercise, which the empire has mobilized tens of millions of people, has to be suspended because of a sudden arrival of a monster here, the one who will be hit the hardest should be that On behalf of Miss Su Liuka, who hunted for Tianxun

"There are [-] million people on this planet, Judge Xunfeng is right. We must destroy this thing here." Miss Ostana said.

Feifei solemnly expressed her agreement with a look of "I am willing to accept your order".

As a "second ring", it is not bad to be able to express an attitude.Although Miss Ostana always felt that something was wrong, she was still very touched and said: "Then, you should walk within this distance and prepare for magic support... Don't go too far, you are our guest after all, if something happens , is a disgrace to the empire, let alone Colonel Yu."

After Ostana gave her orders, she ran to the stunned technicians and ordered them to take refuge in other places.

At this time, the hundreds of eyes on the giant body suddenly closed, and the blood-stained body trembled heavily. The flesh and blood on the face looked like a balloon that had been inflated again. Visible speed swelled up, but only a series of "dingling bang" sounds were heard. It was true that it ejected all the bullets and shell fragments abruptly.

Immediately afterwards, the silent psionic energy gathered again into an actual psionic phenomenon.With the periphery of its body as the core, the ground began to collapse layer by layer.Xunfeng and the Astral Knights had to withdraw several films, and they all looked a little embarrassed.

If it was just earthquakes and land subsidence, they shouldn't be in a hurry.Feifei moved her nose at least a little, and felt the fiery breath under the landslides, as if everyone stepped on a sea of ​​lava that was recovering.

"Dominate the natural domain? Or, the phantom reality? Tsk, what the hell is this?"

Ostana also seemed to have noticed something was wrong, and had already ordered all ordinary soldiers to withdraw from the battlefield immediately.

Indeed, in such a relatively small space, it is meaningless for ordinary soldiers to come and go.Ordinary people who want to deal with high-ranking psykers or monsters should at least hide tens of hundreds of kilometers away and use saturated firepower for long-range bombing.

"It's true that you can't watch the show completely!" Feifei thought.She allowed her body to float up, hanging above Yamida's head.In this position, she sees everything in sight.

"Can you be more mature?" Yani looked at Feifei who seemed to be stepping on her head, rolled her eyes, and said helplessly.

"Shut up, the view is the best here!" Feifei said, "You have analyzed so much just now, tell me, where is this thing the most fragile?"

"Everywhere is brittle, but it can be resurrected infinitely. Moreover, the source of this guy's spirituality is beyond my comprehension or finding." Yani thought for a while: "However, if there is a problem... …Over there, yes, it is facing the twelfth eye in the ninth row. The wound next to that eye seems to be healing a little slower, and it seems to be growing tentacles, so go there!"

Feifei nodded with a cold expression on her face, and put on a full-fledged "control" of the star ring, and really pinched out a piece of psionic energy that turned into a thunderbolt, and pointed towards the "tentacle" that was still swaying around the wound smashed down.

That must be a tentacle, right?Anyway, Feifei didn't feel anything else.

(End of this chapter)

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