Him and their stars

Chapter 871 2 Bread Clips

Chapter 871
More than a dozen imperial warships are lining up in two small clusters with an interval of more than [-] kilometers, forming a neat attack queue, bypassing the khaki-yellow desert planet with a touch of green, and appearing behind the "scientific research ship" .

The cluster in the front row was a typical triangular attack formation, with a clear sky-class heavy cruiser at the core, and a Holy Shield-class light cruiser on each side.

That Clear Sky-class ship should not be the Blizzard of Colonel Yeager Soback, his "old enemy and old friend", because he thought the exterior painting was very flamboyant gold and red.It can be seen that the owner of the boat should be a second-year-old with a wild personality and unstable mental structure, and he is not at all as simple and vigorous as Sobaek.

As for the blue-painted Blizzard, it formed a second group with a light mothership and some light cruisers and destroyers, keeping a very careful distance from the front.The distance of [-] kilometers means that they can speed up to support at any time, but they can also turn around and run away at any time.

...emmm, how should I say it?As expected of my "old enemy" Sobaek!That's how it works.

Now, the two sides have vaguely formed a double-siege trend towards the target, but although the state of the Imperial Fleet when it entered the field was a bit like a heavenly soldier, it stopped outside the battle scene and entered a secret spectator mode.

"Captain, we are now..." the first officer asked.

"Don't worry about it, at least they are not enemies now, focus on defeating that antique first!"

I really want to knock down that thing directly.But looking at the current state, I'm afraid that the whole ship's shells have been used up, and they can't be defeated!First Officer Kong smiled wryly, and said again: "Lieutenant Colonel Dutt and his pilots are on standby. The White Phantom Squad has also been equipped with D-type special equipment. Ask if they are dispatched?"

The so-called D-type special equipment is anti-matter torpedoes.Once this thing is installed, it is really difficult for Bai Ghost to carry other ammunition, so he can only adopt the tactic of throwing it and running.

However, considering the power of the space bubble torpedo, as long as it can be thrown out, it can still have a miraculous effect.

Yu Lian thought for a while, then vetoed: "Tell the pilots, you are used to deter the imperial fleet."

You said a minute ago that they are not the enemy now.The first officer's expression was very subtle, but he still conveyed the order.

There is no way, the scene of the "scientific research ship" sweeping with the light belt just now brought a lot of mental shock to Yu Lian.Even the dense missiles are all wiped out in the turn of light, who can guarantee that the fighters will not end up in the same end?He would not risk Baolu's life.

However, if the fighter planes are not launched, it is possible to let the space bubble torpedoes try it out for a while.

Yu Lian glanced at the direction of the imperial warship in the distance, gritted his teeth, and ordered to close the distance with the target.

The chief mate still didn't object.However, after repeating the captain's order, he hesitated for a moment, and added: "Security team, shield reactor group B engine, please start warming up now!"

Mate, are you polite?Yu Lian pouted, unable to say anything.

Soon, the distance between the Scarlet Throne and the scientific research ship was shortened rapidly under the joint efforts of both parties.However, what is certain is that although the opposite side is a creation of the Enlightened One, it is indeed not a special warship, and so far there is only one attack.In the case of losing the control of gravity, the range is not as good as the rail gun.

During this short approach time of one minute, the Throne carried out another six rounds of bombardment in an overloaded state.It wasn't until the gunnery team and the damage control team reluctantly told the bridge that the No. 4 main gun was down, and the No. 6 main gun also faintly emitted a bad smell, and the battleship stopped firing temporarily.

In any case, the shelling effect this time is also very good.The opponent was hit five times in a row.Although the outline of this Enlightened One's creation is still full and smooth, the warm glow like flowing mercury is indeed almost invisible.

No matter what the reason is, at least it is certain that the antique ship from the last era is indeed failing.

Of course, to achieve such an effect, it is not at all costless.The light belt thrown out by the opponent finally hit the Throne at close range.

Yu Lian and a group of friends tried their best and made the most perfect evasive maneuver, but they still allowed the opponent's light belt to blast away the two shields and tore off a large hull of the fast ship on the port side.

We must thank the Predator battleship for its building-block style of green leather. Although a piece of the hull was torn off, it still does not affect the main body of the battleship to continue flying and fighting.

But even so, there were still more than [-] crew members who lost contact in an instant.

This is already the most devastating battle since the Scarlet Throne joined the community space fleet sequence.You know, even in the previous Battle of New Lushun, in the face of the enemy's superior forces, the ancient mining drone swarm, and even the huge star-eating worm, there were no more than two hundred people killed in the battle.

"Level 2 charging speed, keep the distance!" Yu Lian shouted in a deep voice.

The Throne dragged its huge injured body, just like drifting around a corner in a high-speed racing car, and threw a U-turn with a round trajectory at a "close distance", finally avoiding another "light wave" of the other party. Slash".

"If someone commanded from above, we'd probably have been disemboweled." Yu Lian sighed happily.

"You don't need people, if the AI ​​above is like sister, you would all be wiped out an hour earlier." Xiao Hui said.

Yu Lian said that he was not as knowledgeable as this robot.Anyway, I have successfully thrown out two space bubble torpedoes, and I have successfully completed the task.

The injured Throne accelerated violently like this, once again opening the distance from the enemy.The sudden inertia caught many of his own crew off guard, and there were even several tragic accidents where their heads hit the wall.

However, all this price is worth it.

The space bubble torpedo was still covered with a thin layer of transparent light film, and rushed towards the silver mirror aggressively.

The "scientific research ship" repeated the old trick, waving a sharp-edged light band to form an airtight "thousand-mile sword circle".You know, although it is difficult to intercept rail shells in this sword circle, it can easily intercept missiles, let alone torpedoes that are slower than missiles.

However, those two torpedoes, which were as big as an airship, passed through the light curtain like ghosts, and plunged into the hull of the opponent, causing a violent explosion of annihilated matter.

"Actually, it really works!"

"Spatial bubble weapons and anti-matter technology? Heh, after so many hundreds of years, you finally have some new tricks!" Xiao Hui was not surprised at all: "The artificially generated subspace fluctuations are actually not difficult to neutralize or Interference. However, unfortunately, scientific research ships will not carry such equipment."

"Is this... too careless?"

"Originally, their mission is to inspect the uninhabited planet and supervise the Gaia transformation of the planet. What are they doing with so many military equipment?" Xiaohui said.

Well, there's still some truth to that.

"To put it bluntly, our current nature is to sneak attack an exhausted and unarmed old man. Even if we win, don't feel proud."

So who was the one who urged me to attack the old man in the first place?
Facing the blow of the anti-matter weapon, the opponent's hull seemed to be shocked by this kind of blow beyond common sense, and there was an obvious pause.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Scarlet Throne once again put a considerable distance away from the opponent.However, after the previous violent explosion dissipated, it was still the huge silver ship that appeared in everyone's sight. On the surface, it still seemed to be a perfectly round and elegant mirror surface, and it seemed that there was not even a crack in it.

She is still persevering in the starry sky, as if she has stood there for hundreds of millions of years.At this moment, this so-called "scientific research ship" is clearly a star rather than a moon.

There was an uproar in the bridge, and some people even put their heads in their hands in despair.

Yu Lian couldn't help but pressed his temples with a headache: "I thought that the collision of antimatter and matter would definitely produce the effect of matter annihilation! This is an objective physical phenomenon!"

"Indeed! Didn't you see that there were obvious dents everywhere?" Xiao Hui automatically turned on the radio telescope and projected the magnified image onto the terminal.So, the friends on the bridge finally saw the sunken scars on the clear and smooth mirror surface of the hull.

Everyone's mood has improved a lot.

There are injuries, which means that you have not done useless work.Even if it's just grinding blood, it's better than the boss recovering blood faster than his own attack.

Yu Lian pressed his chest and sighed: "...As expected, great strength is the eternal truth!"

"Well, just let that little girl with red eyes blast at this dent! Speaking of which, this little girl with red eyes is really interesting. When you shared the consciousness of the universe with her before, her adrenal glands and The estrogen is secreted by 2.2% more than the normal state, and it takes a long time to play when shooting. This is the unique power of your carbon-based creatures, why not..."

Yu Lian directly took off the headset and gestured to the first officer.

The chief mate, who had already had a tacit understanding of these attitudes, immediately ordered to blast out a large number of flaming round missiles.At this distance, even a slightly disintegrated defensive posture is very effective.

As for Yi Na over there, she had long since continued to fire on her own initiative.With the addition of the twins' psionic arrays, a cannonball actually hit the pit, and then exploded.

It wasn't until this time that obvious black spots finally appeared on the silver mirror surface.

As for the other side, the imperial army that had just arrived at the edge of the battlefield should have watched the battle from the sidelines.They seemed to think that this silver umbrella-covered battleship, which looked very difficult to mess with, was not invincible.At least, she did get hit by an antimatter torpedo.

Ever since, the golden-red Clear Sky-class cruiser that was the arrow of the whole army accelerated first and left the team.

"I understand what you mean, Yeager." Duke Sadran on the Spring Rain said to his disciples, "It's just that we hope that we will wait until both sides have suffered losses, and then go to the end to catch the leak."

"Anyway, that strange white ship didn't target us in the first round. Isn't this the best chance?" Scratching his scalp, he said: "I know, this is not in line with the honor of a knight. However, Marshal, we still don't know the true identity of that enemy ship. It is most likely the creation of the Enlightened One. I really don't know what kind of ability it has. At this time, entering the battlefield rashly is irresponsible for the lives of the soldiers of the empire. I don't want to be such a commander!"

Sobaek knew that all the captains and all the knights must be listening to the argument between himself and the Duke of Sadran.If possible, he really doesn't want to argue with the other party.

But what can he do?He is also very desperate!

That big silvery guy looks very strong, it's almost half the size of the moon, and it's not something we can understand at first glance.I don't want to fight this kind of thing, absolutely not!
Sobaek decided to go all out.He was even starting to prepare vocabulary, thinking about how to persuade everyone to escape... Ah no, transferred.Of course, he is also ready to face the reprimand from the cheap teacher.However, even if the other party withdraws him on the spot, he must say it.

However, Duke Sadran laughed and said, "It makes sense."

"So, what does Xiaguan mean... huh?" This line doesn't seem right!

"I know your worries." Sadran said with a smile: "Quack quack, Yeager, don't you think that the leaders of the Knights are really old and stubborn like me? For an honor that is upright, let the soldiers Do we have to bear sacrifices that we don’t have to bear? What era is this? Yeager, it’s not a ritual war in the Stone Age.”

...But I feel that you are really like this kind of person!
"Yager, are you familiar with your old enemy?" The Duke suddenly asked, "Is he a good gambler?"

Sobaek couldn't speak for a moment.He assured the spirit of the universe that he was really not the old enemy of the evil star who could not even be named.As for whether the evil star is a good bet... Well, it seems to be, otherwise, at the God of War Ceremony, he would not have ridden alone. It seemed that he was the champion of the three armies. The contestants siege.

However, if he was really a gambler, why did he have to gather thousands of troops and set up an arsenal when dealing with Shameen and the final boss battle?

Human nature is so complicated!So I don't want to know him at all.Sobaek thought with a smile on his face.

Fortunately, the duke didn't seem to be prepared to get an answer from his disciple, so he smiled and said, "But, I am very familiar with Lan Jiufeng. His disciple may be a gambler, but he is not. That guy often treats him as an outsider. Self-proclaimed, but in essence he is a guy who cherishes feathers. If he is not certain, he will never let ordinary soldiers participate in such an operation. Yeager, the creation of the Enlightenment, can be defeated Lan Jiufeng thinks she can be defeated, so we can."

I know what you mean!It's not that I don't understand!But playing that thing will definitely cause heavy casualties, right?Who can guarantee that the next one will not be me?There was sadness in Sobaek's heart.

"If we stand idly by, it is very likely that the people on Earth will take away all the inheritance! In this way, our expedition of hard work will really become a joke! Everyone, are you willing to be treated as a joke by the people on Earth?"

The young knights of the star realm echoed in the communication channel, and one of the knight ladies of Celu Seretin was particularly enthusiastic.

Really, what a beautiful girl, the daughter of the Marquis's family, what are you talking about here?Can't we mix it up a bit?

Therefore, the experienced captains, as well as those Bakovian soldiers who were just working for a living, had nothing to say.As for Sobaek, he didn't even know what expression he should put on.

"In any case, our side has fourteen ships, and the opponent has only one ship. I have the advantage!" Duke Sadran said.

(End of this chapter)

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