Chapter 872

Having said that, but with the consistent behavior of the Imperial Army, even if they were really going to be reckless, they would not be completely reckless.

They still seem to be worried that the earthlings will make some tricks to trap themselves. Although they put on a posture and rushed towards the back of the scientific research ship aggressively, they didn't really attack its tail in a double-sided posture. Instead, in the process of high-speed cruising, there was a beautiful turn behind the enemy, and it went around to the side of the target.

Rao's operation was very smooth, and the imperial warships still maintained a modest and cautious attitude. They did not open fire immediately, but maintained an elegant posture and moved forward step by step.The main gun on the bow began to recharge, and the missile bays on the side opened their hideous mouths.Even the fighter planes on the aircraft carrier are ready to take off.

However, maybe the light band thrown out by the target just now was very powerful. The empire did not intend to let the fighters rush over to die, but just let the whole fleet approach to a place less than 300 million kilometers away from the target, and also started the first round of bombardment .This is actually already the limit attack distance stipulated by the Imperial Artillery Code.

You must know that so far, the imperial navy's range record for attacking moving targets is only [-] million kilometers, and it is a record that has not been broken for more than [-] years.

Fortunately, there should be very good shooters on the warships of the empire, and after all, more than ten warships fired at the same time, and a large barrage of bullets was released in an instant, covering all the space around the silver ship. There are always a few rounds that can be hit.

Sure enough, the hull of the "scientific research ship" trembled again, and the halo around the hull flickered on and off.Then, as if she had just been hit by a plastic ball a few times, she directly regarded these new imperial warships as a group of unthreatening brats, and rushed towards the Throne, even throwing her weakest The side of the ship gave way to the opponent.

Well, the Clear Sky class is just a heavy cruiser after all, even if there is no range issue, its power cannot be compared with Dreadnought.Not to mention the rest of the expulsion and light patrols.

"Tsk, you can't even spread hatred, it really embarrasses the ancestors of the imperial army!" Yu Lian said.

On the other hand, the ship with a particularly flamboyant paint job, the overall golden-red Clear Sky class looked like a warrior. After realizing that its own attack hadn't had the desired effect, it immediately started to speed up.Since she moved, the rest of her comrades could only move as well, and there was an overwhelming momentum on the scene, as if David was charging towards Goliath.

However, although the imperial fleet looks mighty, it will take some time to rush over.Therefore, the Throne here can only rely on itself.

At this time, they had already opened a certain safe distance from each other, and a new round of salvo also hit the side of the giant ship, which was also near the small black spot that appeared just now.

But this time the shooting effect was not very good, and I don't know if it was beaten for too long. The AI ​​of that huge "scientific research ship" finally woke up a little and learned to dodge.Yu Lian was amazed to see that such a huge body moved gracefully sideways while advancing.

In the end, only one of the six shells hit the target, and it was a little far away from the point of impact.

"how did you do that?"

"As long as you don't carelessly learn to flash." Xiao Hui said.

"I mean the lateral movement just now! It's so fucking anti-physics!"

"It's not reversed at all, just use the vacuum engine skillfully." Xiao Hui continued.

"Oh, it sounds quite simple, so it's strange... extracting energy from a vacuum, right? Isn't that the legendary infinite battery life and infinite power?"

"This is a prohibited item. Hehe~~~" This time her tone was not so decisive, so Yu Lian took it upon her to use the affirmative sentence.

However, even if you understand this point, it will not help the current situation.

Yu Lian looked at the enemy ship that started to drift away, and wanted to press his temple for the first time with a headache.He took a deep breath, ordered the main gun to start the next round of cooling, replaced the reserve capacitor, and prepared special triple armor-piercing shells.Theoretically, this thing is used for attacking fortresses, and the warhead is filled with very rare high-flammable gas.The power is astonishing, of course, the cost is also astonishing.

In the final analysis, it is knocking on the turtle's shell.If the cannonballs still can't be opened after firing, then the big deal is to make a decisive strategic shift.Anyway, there is Xiao Hui's magic reform, at worst, the keel of the Throne is sacrificed, but it can always run away.

Just as everyone finished preparing for the next round of firing from the main gun, even triple armor-piercing shells were loaded into the barrel.And at this moment, Yu Lian's headset suddenly heard the voice of the master: "Apprentice, you can almost go to the hangar and meet with the Black Moon Brotherhood, and get ready for landing."

The tactic everyone originally formulated was to tear apart the opponent's hull, and then ram it in with a landing craft, disarming the "scientific research ship" from the inside.

However, the premise of everything is that the hull of that thing must be torn apart first...

Yu Lian wanted to say something, but the first officer suddenly reminded him loudly: "Captain!"

He pointed to a light curtain on the right, where the front of the ship's hull was reflected, but he saw Lan Jiufeng, still wearing his floral shirt that had no sense of battlefield tension, stepping on the hull. On the hull directly above, he walked slowly towards the tip of the Throne with easy steps.

His whole body has been exposed to the universe, but in the starry sky, Baoman, his posture is as calm as walking on the milky white sandy beach of the blue shallow sea.

The old man really didn't feel nervous at all, he even took out a long jade tobacco stick, lit it and chewed it.

...No, this is in space!How did he ignite it?
That's why I said, the more advanced the psyker is, the farther and farther away he is from carbon-based creatures!

However, to be honest, Yu Lian can actually be regarded as this type now, and he somewhat guessed what Master meant.

"Are you sure?"

"Hohohohohohoho, have you forgotten what my teacher taught you? Everything must be done naturally!" Even in the airless cosmic space, it doesn't seem to affect the master's words at all.

"My disciple understands, so I'll leave it to you." Yu Lian chuckled, checked his equipment for the last time, and stood up: "It's my turn to dispatch! I will leave the command of the ship to you."

Mate Kong opened his mouth slightly, as if he wanted to refuse, but after hesitating for a few seconds, he finally nodded his head: "May the spirit of the universe be with you!"

Yi Na, who was sitting on the position of the gunnery commander, had already noticed this scene and wanted to say something. At this time, the old man's voice sounded in her headset: "Well, it's the little girl named Yi Na, right?"

It took Yi Na a full two seconds to realize that it was Lan Jiufeng himself who was speaking, and she panicked for a while: "Really, a real person!"

"Of course it's a real person. Hohohohohoho, the old man has been on the ship for two weeks."

"No, I mean, a real person! Oh no, yes, of course a real person is a real person! Well, no, of course I know you are a real person! Tsk, what am I talking about?"

Lan Jiufeng just let out a few more hahas, and managed to calm down Miss Sniper: "The next time you shoot, calm down and feel it! You have great potential, use your sense! I will let you Things got a little smoother."

"Understood! The real person!" Ina replied loudly.

Why didn't I see that you were so normal when I ordered it before?Yu Lian, who had already reached the gate of the bridge, couldn't help muttering, then lowered his voice and said: "...At this critical moment, please help the first officer."

"Don't worry, this first officer Kong is a very good captain, and I don't even need to intervene too much. Besides, this ship is also my current possession object, which is equivalent to my body. I cherish my sister very much. Something." Xiao Hui's voice from the headset was filled with laughter: "When it's most urgent, I will take the boat and turn in without hesitation."

Yu Lian relaxed a little bit.Although this guy repeatedly stated that at the critical moment, she would abandon her and carry the boat and run away, but Yu Lian knew she would not.

...Well, at least not until the critical moment.This is actually more reliable than [-]% of the rangers and mercenary companions that Yu Lian has encountered before!Anyway, Yu Lian felt very safe now. When he got down to the hangar at the bottom of the ship, he saw the engineer team busy around the Swift landing craft, and the Earl of the Black Moon who was sitting at the hatch and closed his eyes to rest. I feel safe.

"We're ready to go!"

The technicians in the maintenance class and the pilots watching were slightly taken aback, and then burst into cheers.

Yu Lian didn't understand what they were cheering for at all, but I liked the atmosphere very much.

Hei Yue opened her eyes: "Just as I said at the beginning, you will control the landing craft. I entrust this centuries-old life to you."

"Captain, we can also escort the team!" Lieutenant Colonel Dutt said.Behind him, Li Baolu and Martha also looked full of fighting spirit.

"Are you going to die with the past?" Yu Lian chuckled.

"No, escort." Lieutenant Colonel Dutt repeated with a smile: "The light blade sweep of the ancient ship is really unreasonable, and it is lethal to our fighters, but we can at least operate the drone within a safe distance. Draw his fire."

In addition to being a bit expensive to use drones, this is indeed a good tactic.Yu Lian glanced at the other party, and couldn't help feeling that all the lamps that can be remembered in history are not fuel-efficient lamps.This Lieutenant Colonel Dutt is already forty-eight years old this year. After all, he is not a psychic. No matter how healthy he is, he will soon be unable to perform front-line flight missions again.In another timeline, he did not become an ace pilot with outstanding achievements in the end, but he trained many flying elites for the Volunteer Army.

Sure enough, there is no one who has done education and training who is not black!

"Be careful." Yu Lian said with a smile.He really feels more and more secure now.

Just as Yu Lian and the Earl got on the Swift and started the system adjustment before the last take-off, Lan Jiufeng continued to walk slowly and casually.

Whether it is his demeanor or his movements, he is extremely relaxed, but if you look closely, the relaxation is just a demeanor.In fact, with just a light step, the old man has already crossed a distance of tens of meters.

So, in just a few minutes, Lan Jiufeng crossed a distance of up to [-] meters and came to the bow of the Scarlet Throne with the attitude of an old man walking by the sea.

This scene, which seemed like heaven and man descending from the mortal world, of course also fell into the eyes of the approaching imperial warships.

The Duke of Sadran looked at the picture on the screen and listened to the officers and soldiers on the bridge whispering after being shocked, but he smiled instead of anger:
"Hmph, hahaha! Lan Jiufeng is clearly demonstrating against me! It's interesting, it's so interesting! I'm so satisfied with this stage!"

The captain of the Chunyu let out a silent sigh where no one else could see.The Spring Rain under his command is actually a special support type dedicated to serving the Knights of the Star Realm. Of course, he himself is also an "old follower" of the Knights.But even so, the captain who was born as a technical officer has always had difficulty adapting to the snake spirit disease and secondary disease of these extraordinary people.

Therefore, the captain asked patiently: "Your Excellency, this ship has become the salient part of the entire fleet, do you want to slow down a little bit?"

The Duke of Sadran continued to laugh like a duck: "Who do you think I am? Bring the boat over!"

The captain sighed silently again.

However, he was also an "old servant" who had served the Duke for more than [-] years, and he did not raise any objections after all.

The Chunyu ignored the friendly ships behind it, and directly entered the charge speed, as if it had turned into a light arrow tearing open the void.

Such a brave operation is of course very eye-catching.

The "research ship" of the Enlightenment may have really regarded the Imperial battleship as a brat throwing a plastic ball at the beginning.However, when the brat leaped over with a brick in his hands and bared his teeth, the degree of threat was another matter.As a result, the ancient ship finally diverted its attention from the Scarlet Throne for the first time, aiming at the Spring Rain with its mirror-like side.

Immediately afterwards, the halo on its surface was seen rippling like sparkling water waves except for gorgeous ripples, and hundreds of light arrows emerged from those ripples, smashing towards the Chunyu.

"It's not fair!" The captain thought to himself: "When you hit the earthlings just now, you just used the light blade to swipe, why did you treat me like a barrage?"

However, in the face of such an attack, the Duke of Sadulan had already walked to the front of the bridge with a cane, and made a sound like ten thousand ducks laughing again: "Quack quack quack! It's fun! It's fun! It's fun! Speed ​​up and bring the boat closer!"

There is one thing to say, although the Duke of Sadran's lines sound reckless, he is by no means a brave man. The reason why he made such a choice is naturally because he has absolute confidence in his own strength.

And these "old retinues" on the Chunyu should also be very confident, and they will not compromise at all when carrying out the Duke's orders.

Then, just as the "scientific research ship" was about to hit the Chunyu, a translucent mist suddenly spread around the hull.It was like a real mist, directly sucking in all the light arrows that rushed towards it, and then disappeared without a trace.

At the same moment, Lan Jiufeng, who was standing on the bow of the Scarlet Throne, reached out and pinched the ancient ship in the distance.

Under him, a cannonball covered with an electromagnetic arc roared out of the battleship's gun bore.However, the dynamic scene that everyone's naked eyes can capture is not a ray of red-eyed light, but a blazing sword energy that cuts towards the ancient ship.

This galaxy, or the only eight-ring psyker in the New World, shot at the same time.

Then, this style of painting was misled by you, you psionic masters!Yu Lian, who was sitting on the swift, let out a long sigh.

(End of this chapter)

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