Him and their stars

Chapter 882 You also suffered from being uneducated

Chapter 882 You also suffered from being uneducated
Yi Na thought for a while, and then said to Deputy Kong: "Sir, how many rounds of our alchemy shells are left?"

Of course Kong Qingyu knew that the other party was referring to the shells for the orbital main gun, so she said without thinking, "Five rounds."

"Only five rounds?"

Or else?Do you think that special shells infused with alchemy engravings and rare materials are things that come off the assembly line, and you can prepare hundreds of rounds casually?The first mate looked at Yi Na helplessly, thinking that you psychics are good at everything else, but you can't do anything with money.

Yi Na didn't care, she bit her lip and looked at the Man of God on the screen, and then pressed her fingers in a circle on her eyes to make a scope, observed carefully, and then licked Licking lips: "It seems... enough."

What is enough?Vice President Kong felt that the girl seemed to be aiming at Duke Sadulan's portrait, and suddenly felt a little dangerous.

At this time, the officers and soldiers on the bridge immediately said that it was not just a golden armored soldier who was ten feet tall, but it was not like they had never fought a larger enemy ship and Leviathan monster.It's just one shot!If one shot is not enough, try another one!
"Who told you to fight that! After all, that is a duke! We didn't go to war with the empire!"

Only then did the big guy realize that his behavior was a bit dangerous.If all the imperial "support officers" on the Throne had not returned home, this behavior would have caused a diplomatic accident, and they all said that no matter whether they hit the Duke's face or other ancient robots, they would be fine. We must let the ancients have a good experience of the fighting spirit of today's people.

"If it's those robots, it's just a cannon to kill mosquitoes. If it's that ship, it's meaningless." The mate said.

Yi Na nodded: "I understand. But, there should be a goal. That's how I feel."

Mo Xie and Gan Jiang's twin sisters watched all this with a smile on their faces.After all, they are the third generation true disciples of the Spiritual Research Association. Of course, they will not be shocked by the "God of War" of the Duke of Sadulan. array.

"Speaking of which, it was Duke Sa who was showing off just now! Where's Grand Master?"

"He is an old man, he should be holding back his bad luck before preparing for a big move."

"...It's indeed his old man's style. If you don't sing, you're done. It's a blockbuster."

"But pushing Duke Sa to block the knife, isn't it a bit, a bit disrespectful of martial arts?"

"How much do you understand about the Eight Rings? Maybe you will enjoy it."

"Indeed, Grand Master also said that his old enemy is a middle-aged man. This is the way of life for someone who is still reading teen comics at this age."

"Then what's the point of going to the girl group handshake meeting at this age?"

"Oh ho ho ho ho, I heard that. However, just now, can you use the technique of Grand Master turning the cannonballs into Suzaku fire spirits?"

"I'm only the third ring? At most, [-]% of it can be simulated."

"So do I. Then we add up, don't we have the double success power of the invincible Grand Master? We are so powerful!"

"Although I think your calculation is not right, and Grand Master is not invincible, but we are indeed very powerful!"

Of course, the two little sisters, Mo Xie and Gan Jiang, didn't know that their "invincible" Grand Master was already on a skateboard at this moment, no, the flying sword was spun onto the shoulder of the golden armored god.In front of the tall god, Lan Jiufeng, who was stepping on a five-meter-long flying sword, was as insignificant as a mosquito next to a giant, no matter how unrestrained and graceful he was.

However, the Duke of Sadran had to admit that the old enemy next to him, who was as small as a mosquito, was the most trustworthy ally as an ally.In other words, it was precisely because he knew that this old enemy was present that he dared to unscrupulously activate his "God of War" and intercept the enemy's fighter planes without reservation.

"Fa Tian Xiang Di? Interesting. Compared with the last battle, both the power and the control range are more refined!" Lan Jiufeng smiled and said: "Brother Sa, how long can you maintain this great Dharma Body?"

"Five minutes." Sadulan said frankly.

"...It is indeed a great improvement. This kind of law, heaven and earth, is not prepared for the old man, right?"

Sadulan laughed and said, "Your persecution paranoia has also improved. We all know that these high ring techniques are earth-shattering, but in essence they are only used to clean up miscellaneous soldiers. For a master like you, they are nothing more than big It’s nothing more than a small-scale fireworks show. How can you be considered a master if you can let it go or not? This seems to be the reason you left it to me, Brother Lan.”

Lan Jiufeng also shrugged his shoulders and smiled: "It seems that the old man has also got three points of the essence of a saint who teaches without discrimination."

The Duke of Sadran only had a half-knowledge of the earth's culture. Although he felt that the other party should be mocking him, he couldn't find any evidence, so he just suppressed his smile and said, "However, they are still there."

"The things of the ancient sages are changeable and have a myriad of phenomena. I don't expect to be able to succeed in one blow." Lan Jiufeng said: "But you have at least forced them into shape, then at least we still have one that we can attack directly. object."

The two bosses have been wrestling with those robots for more than ten minutes, and naturally they have observed all the hostile targets clearly.There are a total of [-] ancient robots, divided into three types.

The most numerous of them are of course the triangular arrow-shaped drones, which are only about two-thirds the size of a single-seat light warship, and there are [-] units. It is more appropriate to say that they have unmanned combat power rather than robots. a little.Of course, most of these guys were wiped out by Duke Sadran's big move just now, regardless of whether they are really "still", but at least they really haven't appeared now.

Then, there are forty machines that are about three meters high and generally present an oval-shaped machine.Their round and smooth bodies seem to be harmless to humans and animals, at least they are far less aggressive and aggressive than triangular arrow-shaped drones, and it is not a violation of harmony even to use them as mascots at the entrance of a shopping mall.However, the two bosses could clearly feel their danger, so they didn't take the initiative to provoke them.

Fortunately, these elliptical spheres did not participate in the attack from the beginning to the end. After floating overboard, they guarded a large golden sphere like a guard.

The diameter of this sphere should be about ten meters by visual inspection. Its appearance is also a typical Enlightenment creation. It is round and smooth without any structural bumps. If the color is not too rich and dazzling, it is more like a rescue capsule.

This ball should be the core of these ancient ship robots. Lan Jiufeng and Sadu Lan quickly confirmed this point, but none of them thought of capturing the thief and the king.

Now, the spherical robot general, who had been silent for a long time, finally took action because more than half of his subordinates had been killed.

But I saw that the ball shook in the void, and began to climb higher.It seemed that it was unwilling to be overlooked by the golden-armored god incarnated by the Duke of Sadran, and it didn't stop until it was on the same level as the head of the giant statue.

But those oval-shaped guard machines have already stretched their bodies into long strips, kneaded them together like plasticine, pushed the ball against it, and slowly formed the same height as the statue.

Duke Sadran was slightly taken aback, and subconsciously said, "Oh, shall I make up the head?"

He immediately realized that this should be the line in "The Legend of the Galaxy Demon God", when the protagonist and his friends drive the mecha and merge into a large robot.He actually uttered the lines in the boy manga in a grand manner!
"Isn't this a line from a comic?" Lan Jiufeng was shocked: "Brother Sa, we are already old, so we should restrain ourselves a bit!"

"Didn't you read it too? Otherwise, why are you so clear?"

"That's because Xiao Lian, the captain of Shining Girls, is a fan of "Galaxy Demon God" and recommended it online. I read it based on the emotional intelligence and etiquette that an elderly person should have."

"Who should hold back?"

And at this moment, the sphere and its guards have formed a huge humanoid structure that is also more than a kilometer high, but because it is composed of spheres and lines, it always looks like a sketch of a human body drawn by a cartoonist.This appearance, in terms of aura and appearance alone, is naturally too far from the huge statue incarnated by Duke Sadran.Ever since, countless light spots emerged from the void, filling the humanoid structure continuously.

The Duke of Sadran was amazed.Of course he could feel that those spots of light were actually the fragments of the triangular robots that he had annihilated just now, or in other words, the remaining "cells" of those robots.

The good news is that from the analysis of the perceived energy signals, only half of those "cells" are left.The bad news is that the high temperature generated by his previous move was indeed infinitely close to that of a helium flash, but only half of it was destroyed.

"Tsk, this is not a robot, the atomic worm is the vitality." Duke Sadran snorted coldly, and came up with a comic line: "It is suitable to form a body."

"Brother Sa is in a good mood." Lan Jiufeng stroked his long beard and said.

"That's natural. If you're a man, there's no need to hide your interest in front of the public!" He laughed like a duck, but the spirit of the whole person naturally swelled up.

Lan Jiufeng smiled without saying a word, and waited for the light spots in front of him to gather, and he also swelled into a silver giant in front of him.It seems to be formed of translucent mercury, and the mysterious condensed moonlight flows on its body, but the dark universe and the light spots of stars slowly overflow this huge body, forming a strange and profound aura. pressure.

If Lan Jiufeng had entered the ancient ship over there, he would have found that those "universal entertainment" bionics that could fire cannons, activate psychic powers, and kill people had been magnified ten thousand times, and they were now colored silver. giant.

Just like that, the two giants of light who stepped on the void began a brief confrontation.One side is local tyrant gold, and the other is abstinence silver. It is difficult to judge who is the partner of justice just from the appearance.

Duke Sadulan looked at the other party up and down, but smiled instead of anger: "It's no fun to kill a group of buzzing mosquitoes no matter how many they kill. In comparison, if a giant dragon comes, it's easy!"

"Of course the old man is too." Lan Jiufeng said: "It's just that, even with the help of the old man, my brother's law of heaven and earth can only last for another six or seven minutes. And this place is in the void of the universe, and in the end it is the robot." home ground."

"Indeed, you and I are mortals after all." He laughed.

"So, brother, quickly take out the thing that my brother and I have prepared." Lan Jiufeng laughed.

Duke Sadran was slightly taken aback, and then he said in relief: "You guy, you have already sensed it!"

"Ahahaha, I don't have that kind of supernatural powers, but I know your style well. How could you come to this remote new continent if you don't have a trace of cards? Predators? What kind of power can they have? Even if they turn this new continent upside down, It's just a trivial matter, right?" Lan Jiufeng laughed.

"For you, why not?"

"I know that you must have a way to lock my position. I also know that you will definitely follow. Let me guess, if you can find the opportunity, you will definitely want to use it to destroy this ancient puppet and the old man Are you in there?"

The Duke of Sadulan answered inappropriately and asked: "You are right about one thing, Brother Lan, I am over-thinking and cherish my wings. I am not a warrior who regards death as home and fights to the death! Otherwise, the astrolabe I naturally unlocked back then would not be The throne. However, you and I are the opposite. Ha ha ha ha ha quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack we are destined to be mortal enemies even if there is no homeland force field."

"Brother Sa is still persistent after all. Who said that Shura must be a warrior? The old man feels that he has become more and more peaceful in the past ten years. Because of his extraordinary way, he thinks that his heart is destined. Spirits can play tricks on you!"

"I would like to be taught. Hahahaha! You are a thousand-year-old tortoise. I never thought that I would be reminded by you at this time." Duke Sadulan laughed loudly: "However, Brother Lan, as stubborn as me You stupid idiot who has lived to this age in such a muddle all his life. Don't mention anything, but he always has a little self-knowledge. I know that even now, if I place an order with you, the chance of winning is less than [-]% .”

"Thirty percent is already pretty good, at least you still have a chance to win. Last time you didn't even last a meal." Lan Zhenren laughed.

"Indeed, if my brother hadn't been in a hurry to get away, how could I have kept my good head today. However, today is different. Isn't that silver giant the best opportunity bestowed by the spirit of the universe?" the Duke said. He smiled and said, "I'm still not your opponent fighting alone, but I'm also a warrior who survived the killing field of hundreds of millions of corpses. What I like is melee!"

As he spoke, the torso of his upper body naturally swelled up like a ball.

Lan Jiufeng seemed to have understood something, his face sank, he stretched out his hand to pinch a sword formula, but after thinking about it, he let go, and stood on the spot, spreading his hands and sighing: "If you don't see yourself, you will understand; if you are not self-righteous, you will show "If you don't beat yourself up, you will be meritorious; if you are not proud of yourself, you will grow up. Brother Sa, you also suffered from being uneducated!"

However, the Duke of Sudulan has not heard of all this.The silver giant on the opposite side has already flied towards him, and there are thousands of light arrows flying over with its huge body.It seems that every luminous arrow contains the power to penetrate the golden god incarnated by the Duke.However, the colossus that swelled into a spherical shape stretched out its hand and patted its chubby belly, and it opened there, as if forming a bloody mouth.Within the mouth, there seems to be a vortex that can swallow the universe.

The vortex sprayed out from the big mouth, enveloping the silver giant and the light arrows around him, and then disappeared in an instant.

Also disappeared, but there were two giants of light and Lan Jiufeng who was still stepping on the flying sword.

As a result, the entire galaxy, which had been in chaos just now, became "peaceful" inexplicably.Only the silver ancient ship and the warships of the two countries were left, staring at each other tens of thousands of kilometers away.

(End of this chapter)

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