Him and their stars

Chapter 883 This Saiyan Is Still Handy

Chapter 883 This Saiyan Is Still Handy
The big guys on the Scarlet Throne naturally watched everything.These battle-hardened elite sailors have indeed watched the battle scenes of top psychic bosses through various videos a long time ago, but what happened today is still constantly challenging their three views and common sense .

Fortunately, because of Yi Na's previous sentence "Don't kneel", they finally didn't have weak knees this time.

First Mate Kong pressed his temple, trying hard to search his meager mystical knowledge: "...This, Master Lan and Duke Sadulan should have dragged the enemy to another subspace, right? I heard that when the top experts are dueling, in order not to accidentally hurt us mortals, they will always find another quiet place."

Ina nodded and remained silent.She has already opened up her perception ability to the extreme.As a "hunting star", this aspect is her strength.

But maybe it was because of the distance, or maybe it was because the boss used some sophisticated means, no matter how she observed, she found nothing.

"There is no way, we can only wait at this time." The general comforted: "When we started, the master told us, don't covet the mighty power that we can't understand!"

Mo Xie added: "But don't let your mind be wiped out by Wei Li."

The general said: "That's right, Master learned from Grand Master, and he never speaks to the full, so you can understand it however you want."

Mo Xie said: "However, looking at the current situation, Grand Master and his old enemy should not be able to tell the winner in a short time. We are really just waiting here? Do you want to lead the team to land and go to the gang of little masters?" uncle."

Although hesitation flashed across Yi Na's face, she still said in a firm tone: "The captain gave us the order to stand by here before we set off. He must have his own arrangements! You can also see the combat effectiveness of those robots just now." When we arrive, we are not sure if there are also on board, if we really shorten the distance, can our stormtroopers be opponents?"

Not to mention stormtroopers, maybe we can't even fight in person wearing a coat of arms machine.thought the two sisters.

Yi Na pondered: "We are useless, but our cannons are. Right? Vice-captain?"

...Uh, at this moment you finally remember that I am the first mate?Lieutenant Colonel Kong Qingyu was a little sad.However, compared to the Astral Knights of the Empire and the executive officers of the Alliance Administration, the psykers on the earth side are already very polite, so of course it is difficult to say anything.

Immediately, the old seaman raised his head and said in a deep voice: "We are standing by here, waiting for the captain's next order."

At this moment, in the illusion of virtual reality inside the ancient ship, Yu Lian flew back upside down with his burning half body, and then hit the ground with a snap.He still felt that this game was so fucking real. His internal organs were obviously burnt to the point where he lost his intuition, but the moment his body hit the ground, he felt the impact of being overturned from bones to muscles. , The boiling blood even seemed to have a tendency to flow backwards, causing the heart and lungs to have an obvious sudden stop.

He rolled his eyes and showed a dead face, the burning pain in his body almost triggered the mental warning mechanism to shatter himself on the spot.

However, as an experienced old ranger, the experience of taking a bath in a petri dish in his previous life has also been double-digit, and his tolerance for pain is still above the level, and he quickly regained his sanity before his mental breakdown return.

He felt the misplaced information of the world's illusion and reality, used them to reshape the body and armor, and then a carp stood up again.

"My hero Yulian is back!" he said loudly.

"Your hero Yulian's level of abnormality has once again refreshed the boundaries of my understanding of carbon-based creatures." Xiao Hui said in admiration: "Since just now, you have been blasted to death like this twelve times. There is only a thin line away from mental breakdown. Don’t blame me for not reminding you, in this virtual reality world, once you have a mental breakdown, there is a real possibility of becoming brain dead.”

"I know! But did you find that every time I renew myself, my mental power grows stronger again? Even the star ring is also expanding, and now it is almost expanding to the edge of the sixth ring. This is so frightening! Saiyans are still easy to use! You said that this kind of virtual reality illusion is for elementary training for enlightened teenagers? So it turns out that enlightened children are all shaking M?"

"When it is really used for children, there must be a lot of restrictions." Although Xiaohui doesn't know what a Saiyan is, he still found a blind spot in Yu Lian's words: "My creators once said A sense of the boundary between life and death is a smooth path to practice, which is why the strongest psykers are all out there. However, a guy like you who is jumping around on the edge of life and death is indeed a bit crazy Creativity."

Speaking of this, she laughed again: "You guy was still telling me that the world has stagnated, and you must make the world move again. Is this your method? Turn yourself into a lunatic ?”

"Hmph, the reformers of the past and present, before they succeed, who is not a lunatic?" Yu Lian said proudly: "And you have to admit that my tactic of jumping left and right at the boundary between life and death is actually very successful. The battle lasted only ten minutes , I am afraid that the training obtained can be as good as other psychic users for more than ten years."

"It's not ten minutes, but ten seconds." Xiao Hui said.

"Oh? Are the spirit and the body different? Well, since it's a real game, this is also the basic setting." Yu Lian nodded and said, "But in this way, wouldn't each user be able to play more games?" Dozens of times the lifespan?"

Xiao Hui suddenly showed eyes like looking at a monkey, and Yu Lian hurriedly said: "Oh, yes, since they can be used for children to go to school, it means that for enlightened people, lifespan, or time is not such a precious resource. .”

Only then did Xiao Hui withdraw her contemptuous gaze, Ruzi nodded adorably.

In any case, just from the theory of results, Yu Lian's "jump left and right at the boundary of life and death" was indeed very successful.Although he almost died more than a dozen times, he did succeed in tempering his spirit to the limit.

Now, he already has the qualification to break through the sixth ring.

On the other hand, the AI-incarnate lord of the Void Realm was crawling on the spot, and the ferocious demon leader was still releasing indescribable roars and coercion.

In this field of virtual illusion opened by the ship control AI, the behemoth incarnated by AI is actually invincible.In just ten minutes, it has suffered six anti-matter torpedoes, five neutron bombs, four electromagnetic armor-piercing shells, and three light spear guns. Law.

Every attack did deal a heavy blow to the monster, but it just swayed its broken body and immediately recovered.The blood recovery speed is even faster than Yu Lian's "the one".

However, both Yu Lian and Xiao Hui can feel its confusion.

It was in the space it opened, but it was still unable to deal with two intruders, and even the "quantum information" of a "lower creature" could not be destroyed.

This kind of expansion has indeed exceeded the cognition of the shipboard AI.

It really began to hesitate, stopped attacking, and began to observe on the spot.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xiao Hui increased the frequency of intrusions, and Yu Lian also took this opportunity to catch his breath.

Although his more than a dozen serious injuries before occurred in the environment, the mental pain does exist. Even if it is cured, it will indeed accumulate into mental fatigue. If he can find a chance to rest, of course he will not will miss.

Xiao Hui said: "Its data has become disordered, which has already affected the defense mechanism of the main body. If you can turn this hesitation into confusion and then into fear, it will be perfect."

Yu Lian was slightly taken aback: "Isn't that going to fill it up with life characteristics?"

"Then it will be easier for flaws to appear!" Xiaohui glanced at Yu Lian: "I will teach you a trick, Yu Lian. The most vulnerable time for a data life like my sister is the moment when it is born with the germ of life. .”

Yu Lian was slightly taken aback, he felt that he seemed to have learned some very important information, but it was difficult to fully understand it for a while.

However, if you can't think about things that are not clear for the time being, you can keep them and think about them slowly.

He asked again: "So, how many more times will you go to send it?"

"...I actually want to say that there should be a smarter way. But you obviously don't want to?" Xiaohui pressed her temples in a very humane way, and her helpless expression really resembled a mother Seeing my own bear child rolling out of the mud puddle and laughing at himself.

"I really can't think of a smarter way now. And, just to let you know, not only do I have to fill in the sixth ring, but two star positions are also flashing! This is to unlock a new ability, right? In the enlightened person's The new abilities realized in the fantasy world, just thinking about it makes people look forward to it.”

Xiao Hui sighed again: "Then go and deliver it." She waved her hand, and another instrument with three antennas pointing forward appeared on the ground: "I have a hundred percent more control authority over this ship." 4.257, this thing can also simulate it for you. I remember hearing you said that this thing has already appeared in your laboratory."

"Yes, preliminary weapons tests have been carried out, but they are still not stable. However, it will be a matter of time for mass production and installation." Yu Lian looked at the instrument like a large TV antenna with gratified eyes, and thought Inevitably there was a burst of heat.

You must know that in another timeline, it will take another fifteen years for this weapon called "arc cannon" to be officially equipped on the alliance's new Titans.

Yu Lian stretched out his hands to lift up the instrument, which was only as big as a car, and jumped up, ready to perform another double-piercing arc palm technique that soared into the sky.

Xiao Hui could only look at the carbon-based monkey's back, chuckled, and continued to focus on the invasion.Of course, the AI ​​on board the ship had obvious flaws, and Xiao Hui immediately released a lot of pressure, and even allocated a lot of attention and computing power to pay attention to the other places inside and outside the ship.

"Oh, there are also flaws in the authority of these bionics, let me think about it first..."

As a result, on the third-floor cabin, which is also a kilometer away from the central control room (straight-line distance), the bionics who were charging towards the barrage of the imperial knights stopped one after another, and even rolled over after a tactic. Then they once again drew out the offensive and defensive array they had used before.

At this moment, Earl Black Moon sensitively noticed that the luster on the appearance of these bionics seemed to have dimmed a bit.

"Weakened? Was she the one who made the move? From the looks of it, things went well there."

Although Earl Black Moon thought it was going well, the imperial knights present absolutely did not dare to make such a judgment.They just saw that the ground where these bionics were on suddenly had a cold light, covering them like a translucent tortoise shell, blocking the shock waves and high temperatures of all missile explosions within a three-meter square outside.

The bionic man at the forefront of the formation even transformed his hands into the shape of the muzzle of a cannon again, firing two more energy cannons.

One of the war platforms was hit by an energy beam, and the reaction shield on its body just lit up its protective film, and was torn to pieces on the spot, and was immediately pierced.

The android fired two more energy cannons, but this time it missed the target and was stopped by an astral knight who lit up his atomic light spear.

The energy blade of the atomic light spear uses a material annihilation force field, but it also has the effect of blocking and neutralizing energy attacks.

But even so, he was still trembling by the interference force field formed during the energy neutralization, and even staggered obviously, but he was finally supported by his comrades before falling down.

"It's amazing!" His comrade-in-arms gritted his teeth.

Earl Black Moon thought that this was considered polite.When those bionics bombarded me just now, it was a barrage of bullets at every turn, but now they have changed from a Gatling to a single-shot rifle, which is indeed cut quite hard.

The astral knight who blocked the energy cannon felt the texture of the light spear in his hand, looked at the bionic man, then at Earl Black Moon, and snorted coldly: "It's really powerful! But my spear can resist Your attack! Facing common people's weapons such as missiles, you actually retreated with shields in embarrassment, which shows that your defense power is limited! Although they are ancient dolls, they can win!"

Said it was cut.

Earl Black Moon wasn't sure for a while whether he should remind him or not, but the knight uttered a roar with a spiritual effect on the spot, giving himself and his surrounding comrades a layer of gorgeous warrior buff, and then suddenly He turned on the charge propeller of the emblem machine, held the light spear, and covered it with colorless light energy, and rushed forward without hesitation.

There are three knights who started at the same time as him.One of the three men kept shooting with a blaster, the other two carried a shield axe, and the other carried a drill-type lance that could be used to mine asteroids.

The knight holding the lance pulled the mechanical wrench on the weapon, and the drill-shaped warhead soon made a breathtaking roar, and even blazing flames rose from the swirling air around the gun body.Although the knight carrying the shield and ax looked like a mt, every step he took on the ground was full of aura, and soon he and the other three companions were illuminated with brilliance.

The four-person knight group quickly formed an orderly combat group capable of both offense and defense, and passed by the Earl of the Black Moon—anyway, this passage is indeed really spacious, enough to accommodate four steel giants to launch a charge No need to worry about traffic accidents at all.

Obviously, these knights have fully studied someone's "four elephant tactics".There is one thing to say, the empire is really good.They are not shy about acknowledging the strength of the enemy, nor are they shy about learning from the enemy.

But the opponent in front of them remained motionless in a funny posture, as if they had been frightened by the charge of the knights.

(End of this chapter)

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