Him and their stars

Chapter 884 Enjoy

Chapter 884 Enjoy
These unlucky ones should be dead.Earl Black Moon commented old-fashionedly.Now this group of knights is really bad!It is far from the batch that came out of the battlefield half a century ago.At least, their predecessors would never make a judgment after one or two rounds of confrontation when encountering an enemy target they had never seen before.

Although those bionics should have been shaved once, their strength is still higher than these young knights wearing heraldic machines.

Facts have indeed proved Earl Black Moon's judgment that the gap in strength cannot be overcome by ordinary tactics.

Then I saw one of the bionics staring at the dense barrage of blaster guns and took a step forward, stretched out his hand, and even met the knight's light spear with his bare hands.The red annihilation light blade, which could destroy the armor of the fortress, sank directly into the palm of the bionic man, and the heat was directly cooled, as if it was an interface directly leading to another dimension.

Because he was wearing a coat of arms, he couldn't see the knight's expression clearly, but judging from his sudden froze movement, it was indeed a great shock.However, at this moment, even a distraction of half a second is fatal.

However, he saw that the bionic man had merged his other hand into an extremely sharp steel cone. He poked forward like a snake's mouth, and pierced directly through the soft armor at the neck gap of the heraldic machine.The soft armor here is made of an alchemical substance fused with elastic composite materials and zero elements. It is extremely flexible and hard. In a sense, it can support a few times even if it is directly hit by a light spear, but now But it was easily torn apart.

The body wrapped under the armor immediately collapsed on the ground and stopped moving.Probably because of the wrapping of the mecha, I couldn't even see the twitching movements.

At the same moment, the roaring drill lance also pierced the transparent energy shield, and suddenly there was only lightning, thunder, and sparks flying around.The armor holding the lance kept shaking, as if it had been electrocuted.

However, anyone with a discerning eye could see that since the knight's lance couldn't penetrate the enemy's defense, his fate was also decided.

A bionic man raised his arm and turned it into a cannon muzzle, blasting a series of dense energy beams at the knight's face until the latter's head was blown off.

Just a face-to-face meeting, two dead people have already been born.

The young knights who witnessed this scene suddenly felt their scalps go numb.These elite children who were born in the empire's famous martial arts family already had the consciousness of killing blood on the battlefield when they set foot on the battlefield, but they really never imagined that these comrades in the Knights, who should be able to ride thousands of horses, would actually be here. Can't hold out even a single blow in front of the enemy.

However, they are professionally trained top fighters after all, no matter how shocked or frightened they are, they must not lose their minds.In other words, even if he was so frightened that he lost his ability to think, his body should have reacted instinctively.As a result, the two knights, who lost half of the team members, came to a sudden brake, and directly switched the taxiing function of the mecha to reverse mode, trying to reunite with the comrades behind.

But at this time, the bionics also brandished the sharp blades condensed from their limbs and launched a counter charge.They are like hunting beasts at this time, once they feel the target's timidity, they will behave more ferociously.

What's even more frightening is that the speed of their charge is far higher than that of the heraldic machines that are retreating by the reaction force of the propellers. The sharp blades in their hands are swung like long whips, tearing towards the knight's throat.At this time, they had no room to dodge or block, and the comrades behind them had absolutely no way to rescue themselves.

But at this critical moment, the bionic people's figures could not help but freeze, and they froze in the air, and even the sharp blade formed on their wrists froze halfway.

Their bodies seemed to be pulled into an independent space where time was completely frozen, and they could no longer move.

The frightened knights scrambled and retreated into the crowd, and only then regained a little sense of security. After a closer look, they suddenly discovered that the shadows of the leaping bionic people on the ground had been nailed to the ground by two nails. A steel needle.

Shadow Binding?No, how could Shadow Binding achieve this level?
Yeager Soback stared at the steel needle slightly startled.After all, he is already the closed disciple of the Duke of Sadulan, and he has received more than a month of intensive training, which of course also includes the force-feeding of mystic knowledge.Up to now, his understanding of various spiritual skills is far above the average line of ordinary star knights.

Colonel Sobaek still has no confidence in his strength and courage, but he still has some confidence in his ability to solve the problem. He thinks that he should be considered a half-expert in occult theory, but now he doesn't even understand the principles of the other party's techniques. can not tell.

Sure enough, I still can't become a master in the extraordinary field!Colonel Sobaek had complicated emotions, but he still gave Earl Black Moon a grateful look.

However, their savior shouted loudly: "Don't think that you can win quickly with the advantage of firepower and numbers! The Guardian and the Throne move forward, and deploy the wide-area activation shield! Keep the fire suppressing! Try to isolate the enemy and find a way to destroy them. Array! Don't think that you are fighting some clumsy mechanical puppets, just treat it as fighting your knight commanders!"

Yeager Soback hardly hesitated: "Do as this man says!"

"Sir, he, he is the Earl of the Black Moon!" the daughter of Marquis Sellu Seretin couldn't help but said.

"That's right, the genuine Earl of the Empire is qualified to give orders." Sobaek said.

Can it still count?The eldest lady was dumbfounded, and imagining carefully, she found that from the legal point of view, this is really a genuine sword-wielding earl of the empire. After all, he has a registration list and family emblem in the heraldry, and has a legal annuity account.Regardless of whether all this comes from His Majesty's capriciousness, legal principles are legal principles.

The eldest lady was slightly startled, then seemed to understand something, and said in awe: "So that's it! We are not cooperating with the empire's most wanted criminals, but carrying out the orders of the empire's earl. In this way, even if the prime minister's office and If the Royal Council wants to raise questions, there is always a reason to say so."

Actually, that's not exactly what I meant. It's just that I'm not good at superhuman cultivation, and I don't even have the slightest bit of experience in commanding supernatural battles. A big man like Earl Black Moon who has been famous for a long time should be a little bit better than me.

Sobaek could only bite the bullet and said in a blunt tone: "After taking care of these ancient puppets, let's talk about other things."

"Understood! Our glorious star knights should distinguish between grievances and grievances!" Miss Marquis Qianjin lightly tapped her hand on her chest, and said earnestly: "Don't worry, the report on this operation will be handed over to the next official to write. Never miss a single detail. Even if the prime minister's mansion and the elders of the parliament come to criticize you, everyone here is your witness!"

...can't you just skip some details?

Sobaek was about to say this, but the bionics who were impaled by the steel nails on the opposite side had already spread out the barrels formed by their arms and started shelling.

The barrage blasted by the bionics was much faster than the fire support platform of the empire, but the knights who were waiting in battle had already activated their active shields.The spiritual shields summoned by these "guardian" star ring knights can automatically intercept and track all malicious attacks.As a result, dozens of energy shields glowing with white light danced in the air, flickering and leaping continuously, forming an airtight protective wall.

The energy entanglement formed a dazzling halo, but covered the shadow of the bionic man on the ground, so the steel nails inserted into the ground naturally lost the ability to confine the entity.

The bionics who regained their ability to move smashed the steel needles on the ground, and rushed towards their side again.

Sobaek was dumbfounded.It was difficult for him to judge whether these ancient puppets were doing it on purpose or on purpose. If it was the former, it could only show that their combat wisdom had already surpassed most young knights.

Is this even a robot?
Fortunately, although he had a short period of disability, the young lady of Marquis Seretine's family was much calmer.I saw this talented student who graduated from the San Sullo Medical University, the psionic nanny lady of the "pure" star ring, walked to the first row with a brisk walk, and raised a warhammer that seemed to be made of transparent crystal high.

The crystal warhammer exuded a vibrant green light, covering all the knights in the front row in a halo of active cells.

Immediately afterwards, the eldest lady shouted: "For the empire! Fight to the death and never retreat!"

She strengthened all the knights, so she prepared to let everyone send them off together.Of course, the young knights present didn't think there was anything wrong since the eldest lady herself acted as if she was going to give it off.

Earl Black Moon nodded inwardly again calmly, but shook his head again.She felt that this lady knight who was born in a famous family was smarter than the two who died just now, at least she was very proficient in the "pure" technique, and she also understood that she must cooperate with her comrades and must not lose her position.It's a pity that he still lacks a little combat experience, and still adopts the orthodox style of play.

If the fight continues like this, these knights should be able to last longer, but in the end there will be no way.

If it was him, he must have fought and retreated and suppressed with fire all the way.Taking a closer look, these twenty or so star knights only brought a total of three fire support robots, and they didn't carry any large or lethal weapons, so they didn't keep up with the trend.

However, although these young people from the empire didn't look very smart, Hei Yue felt that after so many years of being in the world, he still shouldn't be able to let a group of rookies die here so easily.

I hope that other aspects can be over soon, and I clasped ten more butterfly badges in my hand, so that my figure can be hidden in the shadow intertwined with human body.

Colonel Sobaek watched the scene dumbfounded.He had been paying attention to Earl Black Moon's actions just now, but he didn't see clearly how the other party disappeared from his sight.

However, before he could say anything, the four ancient bionics rushed to the shields set up by the knights, and a full-scale battle between the two began.

The wind formed by the collision and entanglement of psychic energy caused a roar in Sobaek's headset.Even though he was wearing a solid and heavy heraldic armor, he still felt that his skin and even his muscles were aching from the strong wind.

"It is impossible for me to adapt to this kind of scene in my life, and it is absolutely impossible for me to enjoy this kind of scene like my teacher. After all, what kind of pervert is it to enjoy this kind of scene!
At the same moment, in a closed space very close to the ancient ship in terms of classical physics concepts, the huge silver humanoid monster stepped on the void where the camera and the camera could not be seen, looking at the surrounding starry sky, it seemed a little at a loss, Watching the void shrouded in gray mist vigilantly.

And Duke Sadran's laughter resounded through the sun, moon and stars in this space.Although the laughter still seemed like a duck quacking triumphantly, no matter the sound, as long as it was strong enough to form an air tremor, and could be heard from any corner of the world, it was already imbued with divinity.

Now, this duck-like laughter is indeed like an oracle from the gods in the universe of their own creation.

"Hahaha quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack!

There was a moment of silence in the space, and then, Lan Jiufeng's voice sounded slowly: "In the world of mortals, the Galactic Empire is the master. It is already very difficult to stand out, but brother Sa Do you still hope that one day you can stand shoulder to shoulder with the gods?"

"Ahahahaha quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quacks, human dreams have no ultimate..."

And as the Duke laughed, the silver giant seemed to have discovered something, and quickly turned its body to look up, but before it could react, it saw countless stars shining in the gray space The halo turned into a sharp blade of light, continuously piercing into the silver giant's body.

However, these blades of light, which looked like the energy main guns of the main battleship, seemed to be pierced into a cloud of mercury with a sword, and sank into it, but did not cause any damage.On the contrary, these light energies continued to condense in the giant's body, slowly forming an increasingly bright light cluster.

The silver giant raised its face, and the cross-shaped lines were entangled by the energy accumulated in the body, making it shine brightly.After a while, strong light gushed out from behind the silver giant's face, and soon became a hundred meters wide, endless length of light, blasting into the gloomy gray mist.

The gray fog shattered immediately, from a misty world where only mottled light spots could be seen, to a vast universe where the sun, moon and stars hang.It was as if the light band just now had directly dispelled the chaos.

The silver giant made a wonderful contention sound, which was never heard by the civilized races of this generation. It was like a depressing ground cry, and it was like the howling of a strong wind.

 In the past two days, my health has not been very good. The upper respiratory tract has turned to the lower respiratory tract, and my mind is dizzy.so let's do it
(End of this chapter)

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