Him and their stars

Chapter 889 The person of strong luck who does not depend on fate

Chapter 889 The person of strong luck who does not depend on fate
Seeing that the other party was looking at her without saying a word, Miss Serlu added: "The Earl of Black Moon probably wants you to chase after him. Is this a friendly signal? We can't miss it."

This, but why can't we miss
"There is only one enemy left, and we should be able to deal with it. Compared to this, the secret of this ancient ship is much more important. Of course, it is also much more complicated, so you can only deal with it."

That's why I'm not going to let you deal with it!Is it okay for me to handle it?Brother, I am best at dealing with bosses with residual blood. This is a fine tradition that has been handed down since the God of War Festival.

"In this battle, we and the people on Earth are considered partners. Since we have all contributed, the treasure of this ancient ship cannot be monopolized by the people on Earth anyway. Your Excellency the Duke is not here. You are our leader now. You need to negotiate with the Earl of Black Moon... and, oh, the person whose name cannot be mentioned. The officer thinks that he is probably also on the boat!"

At this point, Miss Marquis's voice trembled.She has never met "the person whose name cannot be mentioned", but as a young member of the knight order, she will naturally be influenced by the words of her predecessors, so she naturally lives in the shadow of that person.

"In short, in short, you are that person's old enemy and friend, right? Here, we can only rely on you to negotiate with him."

So, why would I be that guy's friend?
"The evil star who can't even mention his name is vicious and cunning, but after careful analysis of his behavior, in fact, he should be a reasonable person, right? At least he is not a lunatic who acts illogically. And that Black Moon The Earl, just like the legends, is indeed a heroic hero! A person who can be appreciated by His Majesty the Emperor should indeed have such a demeanor." Miss Sellu seemed to want to increase her persuasive power, and tried her best He nodded, clenched his fists and said:
"...The heavy burden can only be borne by you. Don't worry! I will definitely take down the enemy here! Although our ability is limited, we will definitely create bargaining chips for you as much as possible!"

So it's all said, you are a young lady of the Marquis family, and you are also a doctor, why are you always so excited?I think, whether it's negotiations or wars, everything needs to be considered in the long run.

Speaking of which, Mr. Cheap is still filming outside.Why don't you wait until the end there before inviting him to come home to call the shots?

Yes, his old man is the Marshal of the Empire, the Duke, and the Minister of the Privy Council. This kind of "joint archaeology" between the two countries is a diplomatic act. As long as he comes forward in person, it is not considered arrogance!

However, before he could say anything, Miss Sellu had already raised her crystal warhammer and yelled, and threw it at the bionic man in the distance.It seems that the warhammer made of glass is filled with a strange green light. At first glance, it seems to be a dirty bomb emitting bad radiation.

Immediately afterwards, the dirty bomb slammed into the golden energy shield that the bionic man had unfurled. In an instant, dark green and bright gold intertwined into one piece, colorful but weird, and it felt more like the radiation of a dirty bomb reacted.

And the body of the giant bionic man also seemed to have been hit by a small nuclear bomb. Various fluid metals on his body kept falling to the ground like dripping wax, and his huge body seemed to be a bit bent.

With only the strength of Miss Sellu, who is no more than the second ring, naturally she can't blast such a powerful attack, and she naturally relies on her family's treasured treasure war hammer.

In short, following her action, the surrounding knights also fought in unison, their blood boiled, roared wantonly, and rushed over with all kinds of knives, guns, swords, halberds, axes, and forks, and immediately submerged the last enemy. In the trend of steel armor.As a result, the figures of both sides could no longer be seen clearly.

Of course, the eldest lady’s voice was vaguely heard in the crowd: “Sir! Go quickly! We will use our lives to give you a chance! Go quickly! Don’t let Your Excellency the Duke and our sacrifices be in vain! Eric, you Follow up!"

... So, Miss, is this really too hot-blooded?Sobaek was terrified. He shivered just now, and three knights had already retreated to his side, with a look of "we are willing to follow you until death".

However, at this time, it is really not easy to hesitate any longer.Sobak pondered for half a minute, and then made a stylish "follow me" gesture to his comrades, and took the lead in running towards the direction where Earl Black Moon disappeared.

Of course, for the sake of prudence, the emblem machine naturally uses a very standard cruising speed.In other words, Colonel Sobaek has never used a forward gear other than standard cruise since he drove the emblem machine.

In all fairness, the forward speed is actually not low, and the speed is [-] to [-] kilometers per hour, but the target they want to track is already out of sight.

"If this continues, he will be thrown off by the Earl of the Black Moon." Knight A, who was referred to as Eric for short, said.

"Sir, you don't need to slow down for us, we will definitely follow!" Knight B, whose name is not important, said.

The knight C, whose name is still unimportant, said emotionally: "I will be the first to clear the way for you."

Whether Miss Marquis's daughter is really hot-blooded is indeed a question worth discussing, but after all, the Knights of the Star Realm has less than [-] members, and there are still quite a few pure-blooded idiots. These three should be this type.So Sobaek finally relaxed a little bit.

Then, the four knights who formed a temporary team maintained a standard combat charge formation, and headed towards the end of the passage at the fastest speed.

Sobaek felt that the legendary Uncle Heiyue could disappear under the noses of tens of thousands of imperial guards, secret police, and even His Majesty the Emperor.As long as he wanted, he could completely throw himself away without leaving a trace.

However, whenever Sobaek crossed a fork, he could feel a faint trace of spirituality.

Ordinary people can't feel it, even most psykers will ignore this breath, it's like leaving this "exploration" footprint for themselves.

You don't want to lure me to that corner to kill me, do you?This idea indeed flashed through Sobaek's mind, but he rejected it immediately.

The majestic Earl of Black Moon, if he really wanted to kill himself, he could have done it long ago, and it didn't even take much effort to kill all the knights on board.Just paddling the water during the melee just now will do.

At least in this ancient ruins, Earl Black Moon has no malice towards himself.

Moreover, since the earthlings became independent, Earl Black Moon has indeed not launched any terrorist activities against the empire, and he has not even appeared in the empire itself. It has been almost fifty years since he withdrew from the arena.

After so many years, all the grievances and grievances between his old man and the empire should be blown away with the wind, right?

Then, he must have something to ask for...

Talk if you want.As long as we can talk about it, maybe I can have some unexpected gains.

Well, the logic is smooth.Sobaek's mood suddenly brightened, and the previous fear disappeared immediately.

In a sense, there is nothing wrong with what Miss Cellu said. Although Yeager Soback is not confident in his ability to fight, he still has some experience in his ability to negotiate.Didn't you get along well with a group of "rebels" during the God of War Festival?
In the next ten minutes, the knights did not encounter any battles, and they descended from the uppermost level of the ship to the middle level without any danger along the way.

Sobaek estimated that the appearance of this "ancient relic" looks like a hemisphere, and the internal facilities should be arranged in a ring structure.If I and my friends landed in the direction of 12 o'clock, it should be between 4 o'clock and 5 o'clock now.

After all, he is already the "navigator" of the third ring, and he still has the ability to distinguish space, so he won't lose his position and get lost.

Is this the treasure of the Enlightened One?Discuss how to share with us?Well, indeed, if the people on Earth do not want to tear themselves apart with the Empire, they must do so.

Thinking of this, Sobaek's heart was filled with the lofty brilliance of patriotism.

However, when it comes to sharing accounts, it shouldn't be the Earl of Black Moon...

As soon as Sobaek had this thought, he heard Cavalier C, whose name was unimportant as a striker, yelled: "There is a situation!"

Everyone quickly stopped and looked towards the end of the spacious passage.Immediately afterwards, the sound of electromagnetic tremors, the roar of explosions, and the sound of mechanical friction poured into their sensors in the overwhelming flash package.Accompanied by the chaotic noise, something flew out from the explosion flashing on the opposite side, and smashed in front of the knights.

Sobaek took a closer look, but it was one of the ancient robots that caused his friends to fight hard just now.However, that thing has already lost its spiritual brilliance, and it is no different from a corrupt dry stone.

Immediately afterwards, a figure wearing a spiritual mech emerged from the explosion.He was wearing the same crimson coat of arms as his own, but it was sprayed with a nondescript blue and white paint, and a gaudy sticker was pasted on the hollowed-out knight logo relief on the original shoulder armor. It seems a lot dirtier.

However, no matter how rustic the guy was, when he rushed out of the flames stepping on a large pile of mechanical corpses, all he had left was bloody evil spirit.

What's more, on the other party's atomic light spear, there is still a golden color dancing like the morning sun.

Every member of the Knights who can go to the battlefield has received professional training, which of course also includes the identification of important hostile targets.Of course they all knew that this golden atomic light spear was a treasure that His Majesty the Emperor personally forged when he was young, and now it has been bestowed on the newly promoted God's Chosen Champion, that is, the evil star who can't even mention his name.

Therefore, the three knights ABC almost let out an exclamation that was close to a scream, but after all, they were professionally trained fighters, so they finally held back the moment they made the sound, and quickly put on a stance.

Looking at their appearance, they are much more nervous than when they first met Earl Black Moon and the bionic man.

Sobaek almost turned his head and left, but before he could take a step, he was stopped by the other party: "Aha, this is really a world where we don't meet each other! This is not my confidant who is both an enemy and a friend. The only recognized old enemy, one of the most important comrades-in-arms during the God of War Festival, my dear friend, brother Yeager Soback?"

"Why do I get more and more prefixes every time? There can't be so many people standing here!" Sobaek couldn't help but shouted.

Even the evil star who can't even mention his name dares to confront him face to face!As expected of the Four Heavenly Kings!Knight ABC immediately looked at Sobaek with admiration, feeling a sense of security spontaneously.

In fact, Yu Lian was really surprised.In the previous ten minutes, in order to test his new extraordinary ability, he was obsessed with charging and could not extricate himself.

This is an ability called "Phantom Track", which can be regarded as an upgraded version of "Spiritual Step" and "Force Field Blink".However, once this technique is activated, the body is indeed walking in the subspace gap between nothingness and reality while moving and jumping.

In this way, there is naturally the effect of shrinking the ground to an inch, and of course the effect of automatically avoiding most attacks.But the most important thing is that the body flickers at high speed in the subspace and the real world, naturally forming an astonishingly powerful impact force field.

In short, this "Phantom Trajectory" is not so much a stealth and dodge skill, but rather a charge skill that can be used by a single rider.Coupled with the cooperation of "ether body" and "ether breath", the body's adaptability to the subspace is far beyond the comparison of others, and the duration is naturally longer.

Thinking about it carefully, Countess Giafell, Brunhilt's chief best friend and chief thug in her previous life, should be good at this trick. She suddenly started to accelerate and skimmed a distance of a thousand meters.When he charged obviously, his body had already turned into a phantom that was inferior to a sword and a gun, but wherever he went, he was invincible without a blade of grass growing.

The nickname "Scarlet Comet" is also derived from this.

To put it bluntly, why can't you hit someone, and someone just passed by and rubbed you but was a critical attack, where can there be any reason for this?

Earl Black Moon will do the same trick.When he launched it, he didn't have the arrogance of the countess when he was in his prime, but it was more agile and mysterious.

In other words, this move can be used not only as a charging technique, but also as a stealth technique, and even as an escape technique.Yu Lian felt that this was really suitable for him, and this was the true meaning of the bucket number.

Moreover, according to what Earl Black Moon said in his previous life, the so-called "Phantom Trajectory" was not obtained until the later stage of the Sixth Ring.

And I haven't reached the sixth ring yet... Doesn't this mean that my achievements in this life may challenge the side of truth?

This thought just paused in Yu Lian's mind.Let's discuss the so-called side of truth, which is mysterious and mysterious, after the Ninth Ring.Now, as a qualified transcendent, the star ring in the soul flickered with new stars, and after acquiring new techniques, the first thing to do was to try them out.Only in this way can new techniques be turned into their own abilities as soon as possible.

So, Yu Lian charged all the way on the "illusion track" all the way, and really experienced the feeling of thousands of troops avoiding white robes.However, when he rushed to the destination, it was not a boss who appeared in front of him, but a group of "miscellaneous soldiers" from the knight order.

Well, the star knights are the wild monsters that I almost vomited in my previous life. Besides, there are no special marks on the heraldic machines of these people, so they are just "miscellaneous soldiers"?
However, one of the knights held a large rail rifle for mechs in his hand, and an alchemy gun that Yu Lian was quite familiar with was pinned to the armor rack around his waist, which was covered with C-shaped equipment.

Isn't this the "good friend of the people of the earth", his old enemy Yeager Soback himself?If he hadn't recognized the other party, Yu Lian might have picked up these guys as well.Anyway, now that the moon is dark and the wind is high, there is no one around, and no one will find out if they are slaughtered.

However, with this guy's strength, he can get here with just a few people.It has to be said that once some people get lucky, they simply do not depend on the time and fate line!
(End of this chapter)

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